34,917 research outputs found

    Mechanism, reactivity, and selectivity of nickel-catalyzed [4 + 4 + 2] cycloadditions of dienes and alkynes.

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    Density functional theory (DFT) calculations with B3LYP and M06 functionals elucidated the reactivities of alkynes and Z/E selectivity of cyclodecatriene products in the Ni-catalyzed [4 + 4 + 2] cycloadditions of dienes and alkynes. The Ni-mediated oxidative cyclization of butadienes determines the Z/E selectivity. Only the oxidative cyclization of one s-cis to one s-trans butadiene is facile and exergonic, leading to the observed 1Z,4Z,8E-cyclodecatriene product. The same step with two s-cis or s-trans butadienes is either kinetically or thermodynamically unfavorable, and the 1Z,4E,8E- and 1Z,4Z,8Z-cyclodecatriene isomers are not observed in experiments. In addition, the competition between the desired cooligomerization and [2 + 2 + 2] cycloadditions of alkynes depends on the coordination of alkynes. With either electron-deficient alkynes or alkynes with free hydroxyl groups, the coordination of alkynes is stronger than that of dienes, and alkyne trimerization prevails. With alkyl-substituted alkynes, the generation of alkyne-coordinated nickel complex is much less favorable, and the [4 + 4 + 2] cycloaddition occurs

    Highly selective electrochemical hydrogenation of alkynes: Rapid construction of mechanochromic materials

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    Electrochemical hydrogenation has emerged as an environmentally benign and operationally simple alternative to traditional catalytic reduction of organic compounds. Here, we have disclosed for the first time the electrochemical hydrogenation of alkynes to a library of synthetically important Z-alkenes under mild conditions with great selectivity and efficiency. The deuterium and control experiments of electrochemical hydrogenation suggest that the hydrogen source comes from the solvent, supporting electrolyte, and base. The scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction experiments demonstrate that palladium nanoparticles generated in the electrochemical reaction act as a chemisorbed hydrogen carrier. Moreover, complete reduction of alkynes to saturated alkanes can be achieved through slightly modified conditions. Furthermore, a series of novel mechanofluorochromic materials have been efficiently constructed with this protocol that showed blue-shifted mechanochromism. This discovery represents the first example of cis-olefins-based organic mechanochromic materials

    A frustrated-Lewis-pair approach to catalytic reduction of alkynes to cis-alkenes

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    Frustrated Lewis pairs are compounds containing both Lewis acidic and Lewis basic moieties, where the formation of an adduct is prevented by steric hindrance. They are therefore highly reactive, and have been shown to be capable of heterolysis of molecular hydrogen, a property that has led to their use in hydrogenation reactions of polarized multiple bonds. Here, we describe a general approach to the hydrogenation of alkynes to cis-alkenes under mild conditions using the unique ansa-aminohydroborane as a catalyst. Our approach combines several reactions as the elementary steps of the catalytic cycle: hydroboration (substrate binding), heterolytic hydrogen splitting (typical frustrated-Lewis-pair reactivity) and facile intramolecular protodeborylation (product release). The mechanism is verified by experimental and computational studies

    A Platinum molecular complex immobilised on the surface of graphene as active catalyst in alkyne hydrosilylation

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    Abstract A platinum complex bearing a N‐heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand functionalised with a pyrene‐tag is immobilised onto the surface of reduced graphene oxide (rGO). The hybrid material composed of an organometallic complex and a graphene derivative is ready available in a single‐step process under mild reaction conditions. This methodology preserves the inherent properties of the active catalytic centre and the support. The platinum hybrid material is an efficient catalyst in hydrosilylation of alkynes and can be recycled and reused for ten runs without significant loss of activity due to its high stability. Interestingly, the catalytic properties of the platinum complex are enhanced after immobilisation onto graphene. The influence of graphene in hydrosilylation of alkynes is discussed

    Copper-catalyzed dehydrogenative borylation of terminal alkynes with pinacolborane.

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    LCuOTf complexes [L = cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbenes (CAACs) or N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs)] selectively promote the dehydrogenative borylation of C(sp)-H bonds at room temperature. It is shown that σ,π-bis(copper) acetylide and copper hydride complexes are the key catalytic species

    Platinum nanoparticles stabilized by N-heterocyclic thiones. Synthesis and catalytic activity in mono- and di-hydroboration of alkynes

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    N-Heterocyclic Thiones (NHT) proved to be efficient ligands for the stabilization of small platinum nanoparticles (1.3-1.7 nm), synthesized by decomposition of [Pt(dba)2], under a H2 atmosphere, in the presence of variable sub-stoichiometric amounts of the NHT. Full characterization by means of TEM, HR-TEM, NMR, ICP, TGA and XPS have been carried out, providing information about the nature of the metal nanoparticles and the interaction of the NHT ligands to the metal surface. Importantly, DFT calculations indicate that some NHT ligands interact with the metal through the C[double bond, length as m-dash]C double bond of the imidazole fragment in addition to the sulfur atom, thus providing additional stabilization to the nanoparticles. According to XPS, TGA and ICP techniques, the surface coverage by the ligand increases by decreasing the size of the substituents on the nitrogen atom. The platinum nanoparticles have been used as catalyst in the hydroboration of alkynes. The most active system is that with a less covered surface area lacking an interaction of the ligand by means of the C[double bond, length as m-dash]C double bond. This catalyst hydroborates alkynes with excellent selectivities towards the monoborylated anti-Markovnikov product (vinyl-boronate) when one equiv. of borane is used. Very interestingly, aliphatic alkynes undergo a second hydroborylation process leading to the corresponding 1,1- and 1,2-diboroylated species with good selectivities towards the former.España MINECO (Projects CTQ2016-76267-P, CTQ2016-80814-R and CTQ2016- 81797-REDC)España Junta de Andalucía Project FQM-212

    Scope and Mechanistic Study of the Ruthenium-Catalyzed \u3cem\u3eortho\u3c/em\u3e-C−H Bond Activation and Cyclization Reactions of Arylamines with Terminal Alkynes

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    The cationic ruthenium hydride complex [(PCy3)2(CO)(CH3CN)2RuH]+BF4- was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the C−H bond activation reaction of arylamines and terminal alkynes. The regioselective catalytic synthesis of substituted quinoline and quinoxaline derivatives was achieved from the ortho-C−H bond activation reaction of arylamines and terminal alkynes by using the catalyst Ru3(CO)12/HBF4·OEt2. The normal isotope effect (kCH/kCD = 2.5) was observed for the reaction of C6H5NH2 and C6D5NH2 with propyne. A highly negative Hammett value (ρ = −4.4) was obtained from the correlation of the relative rates from a series of meta-substituted anilines, m-XC6H4NH2, with σp in the presence of Ru3(CO)12/HBF4·OEt2 (3 mol % Ru, 1:3 molar ratio). The deuterium labeling studies from the reactions of both indoline and acyclic arylamines with DC⋼CPh showed that the alkyne C−H bond activation step is reversible. The crossover experiment from the reaction of 1-(2-amino-1-phenyl)pyrrole with DC⋼CPh and HC⋼CC6H4-p-OMe led to preferential deuterium incorporation to the phenyl-substituted quinoline product. A mechanism involving rate-determining ortho-C−H bond activation and intramolecular C−N bond formation steps via an unsaturated cationic ruthenium acetylide complex has been proposed

    Recent Advances in the Synthetic and Mechanistic Aspects of the Ruthenium-catalyzed Carbon-heteroatom Bond Forming Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes

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    The group’s recent advances in catalytic carbon-to-heteroatom bond forming reactions of alkenes and alkynes are described. For the C–O bond formation reaction, a well-defined bifunctional ruthenium-amido catalyst has been successfully employed for the conjugate addition of alcohols to acrylic compounds. The ruthenium-hydride complex (PCy3)2(CO)RuHCl was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the regioselective alkyne-to-carboxylic acid coupling reaction in yielding synthetically useful enol ester products. Cationic ruthenium-hydride catalyst generated in-situ from (PCy3)2(CO)RuHCl/HBF4·OEt2 was successfully utilized for both the hydroamination and related C–N bond forming reactions of alkenes. For the C–Si bond formation reaction, regio- and stereoselective dehydrosilylation of alkenes and hydrosilylation of alkynes have been developed by using a well-defined ruthenium-hydride catalyst. Scope and mechanistic aspects of these carbon-to-heteroatom bond forming reactions are discussed
