12 research outputs found

    Recognition of objects to grasp and Neuro-Prosthesis control

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    Increasing the robustness of active upper limb prostheses

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    This thesis is based on my work done at the Institute for Neurorehabilitation Systems at the University Medical Center Goettingen. My work has been partially founded by German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) via the Bernstein Focus Neurotechnology (BFNT) Göttingen under grant number 1GQ0810 The local ethics committee approved all studies involving human subjects, and all subjects signed informed consents prior to their participation in the studies. The entire thesis has been originally written by me. Part of the materials used in this thesis have also been published in journals or conferences, where I am the first or corresponding author. All rights for re-use of previously published material were obtained. Reused figures and tables of IEEE publications are marked with © [Year] IEEE. Hereby I declare that I have written this thesis independently and with no other aids and sources than quoted

    Surface Electromyography and Artificial Intelligence for Human Activity Recognition - A Systematic Review on Methods, Emerging Trends Applications, Challenges, and Future Implementation

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its potential to meet the growing needs of various industries. Electromyography (EMG) is essential in various clinical and biological settings. It is a metric that helps doctors diagnose conditions that affect muscle activation patterns and monitor patients’ progress in rehabilitation, disease diagnosis, motion intention recognition, etc. This review summarizes the various research papers based on HAR with EMG. Over recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has catalyzed remarkable advancements in the classification of biomedical signals, with a particular focus on EMG data. Firstly, this review meticulously curates a wide array of research papers that have contributed significantly to the evolution of EMG-based activity recognition. By surveying the existing literature, we provide an insightful overview of the key findings and innovations that have propelled this field forward. It explore the various approaches utilized for preprocessing EMG signals, including noise reduction, baseline correction, filtering, and normalization, ensure that the EMG data is suitably prepared for subsequent analysis. In addition, we unravel the multitude of techniques employed to extract meaningful features from raw EMG data, encompassing both time-domain and frequency-domain features. These techniques are fundamental to achieving a comprehensive characterization of muscle activity patterns. Furthermore, we provide an extensive overview of both Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) classification methods, showcasing their respective strengths, limitations, and real-world applications in recognizing diverse human activities from EMG signals. In examining the hardware infrastructure for HAR with EMG, the synergy between hardware and software is underscored as paramount for enabling real-time monitoring. Finally, we also discovered open issues and future research direction that may point to new lines of inquiry for ongoing research toward EMG-based detection.publishedVersio

    Run-time reconfiguration for efficient tracking of implanted magnets with a myokinetic control interface applied to robotic hands

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2021.Este trabalho introduz a aplicação de soluções de aprendizagem de máquinas visado ao problema do rastreamento de posição do antebraço baseado em sensores magnéticos. Especi ficamente, emprega-se uma estratégia baseada em dados para criar modelos matemáticos que possam traduzir as informações magnéticas medidas em entradas utilizáveis para dispositivos protéticos. Estes modelos são implementados em FPGAs usando operadores customizados de ponto flutuante para otimizar o consumo de hardware e energia, que são importantes em dispositivos embarcados. A arquitetura de hardware é proposta para ser implementada como um sistema com reconfiguração dinâmica parcial, reduzindo potencialmente a utilização de recursos e o consumo de energia da FPGA. A estratégia de dados proposta e sua implemen tação de hardware pode alcançar uma latência na ordem de microssegundos e baixo consumo de energia, o que encoraja mais pesquisas para melhorar os métodos aqui desenvolvidos para outras aplicações.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).This work introduces the application of embedded machine learning solutions for the problem of magnetic sensors-based limb tracking. Namely, we employ a data-driven strat egy to create mathematical models that can translate the magnetic information measured to usable inputs for prosthetic devices. These models are implemented in FPGAs using cus tomized floating-point operations to optimize hardware and energy consumption, which are important in wearable devices. The hardware architecture is proposed to be implemented as a dynamically partial reconfigured system, potentially reducing resource utilization and power consumption of the FPGA. The proposed data-driven strategy and its hardware implementa tion can achieve a latency in the order of microseconds and low energy consumption, which encourages further research on improving the methods herein devised for other application

    Optimizing AI at the Edge: from network topology design to MCU deployment

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    The first topic analyzed in the thesis will be Neural Architecture Search (NAS). I will focus on two different tools that I developed, one to optimize the architecture of Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCNs), a convolutional model for time-series processing that has recently emerged, and one to optimize the data precision of tensors inside CNNs. The first NAS proposed explicitly targets the optimization of the most peculiar architectural parameters of TCNs, namely dilation, receptive field, and the number of features in each layer. Note that this is the first NAS that explicitly targets these networks. The second NAS proposed instead focuses on finding the most efficient data format for a target CNN, with the granularity of the layer filter. Note that applying these two NASes in sequence allows an "application designer" to minimize the structure of the neural network employed, minimizing the number of operations or the memory usage of the network. After that, the second topic described is the optimization of neural network deployment on edge devices. Importantly, exploiting edge platforms' scarce resources is critical for NN efficient execution on MCUs. To do so, I will introduce DORY (Deployment Oriented to memoRY) -- an automatic tool to deploy CNNs on low-cost MCUs. DORY, in different steps, can manage different levels of memory inside the MCU automatically, offload the computation workload (i.e., the different layers of a neural network) to dedicated hardware accelerators, and automatically generates ANSI C code that orchestrates off- and on-chip transfers with the computation phases. On top of this, I will introduce two optimized computation libraries that DORY can exploit to deploy TCNs and Transformers on edge efficiently. I conclude the thesis with two different applications on bio-signal analysis, i.e., heart rate tracking and sEMG-based gesture recognition

    Neuromorphic Engineering Editors' Pick 2021

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    This collection showcases well-received spontaneous articles from the past couple of years, which have been specially handpicked by our Chief Editors, Profs. André van Schaik and Bernabé Linares-Barranco. The work presented here highlights the broad diversity of research performed across the section and aims to put a spotlight on the main areas of interest. All research presented here displays strong advances in theory, experiment, and methodology with applications to compelling problems. This collection aims to further support Frontiers’ strong community by recognizing highly deserving authors

    Neuromorphic Computing Systems for Tactile Sensing Perception

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    Touch sensing plays an important role in humans daily life. Tasks like exploring, grasping and manipulating objects deeply rely on it. As such, Robots and hand prosthesis endowed with the sense of touch can better and more easily manipulate objects, and physically collaborate with other agents. Towards this goal, information about touched objects and surfaces has to be inferred from raw data coming from the sensors. The orientation of edges, which is employed as a pre-processing stage in both artificial vision and touch, is a key indication for object discrimination. Inspired on the encoding of edges in human first-order tactile afferents, we developed a biologically inspired, spiking models architecture that mimics human tactile perception with computational primitives that are implementable on low-power subthreshold neuromorphic hardware. The network architecture uses three layers of Leaky Integrate and Fire neurons to distinguish different edge orientations of a bar pressed on the artificial skin of the iCub robot. We demonstrated that the network architecture can learn the appropriate connectivity through unsupervised spike-based learning, and that the number and spatial distribution of sensitive areas within receptive fields are important in edge orientation discrimination. The unconstrained and random structure of the connectivity among layers can produce unbalanced activity in the output neurons, which are driven by a variable amount of synaptic inputs. We explored two different mechanisms of synaptic normalization (weights normalization and homeostasis), defining how this can be useful during the learning phase and inference phase. The network is successfully able to discriminate between 35 orientations of 36 (0 degree to 180 degree with 5 degree step increments) with homeostasis and weights normalization mechanism. Besides edge orientation discrimination, we modified the network architecture to be able to classify six different touch modalities (e.g. poke, press, grab, squeeze, push, and rolling a wheel). We demonstrated the ability of the network to learn appropriate connectivity patterns for the classification, achieving a total accuracy of 88.3 %. Furthermore, another application scenario on the tactile object shapes recognition has been considered because of its importance in robotic manipulation. We illustrated that the network architecture with 2 layers of spiking neurons was able to discriminate the tactile object shapes with accuracy 100 %, after integrating to it an array of 160 piezoresistive tactile sensors where the object shapes are applied

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

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    Modern robotic technologies have enabled robots to operate in a variety of unstructured and dynamically-changing environments, in addition to traditional structured environments. Robots have, thus, become an important element in our everyday lives. One key approach to develop such intelligent and autonomous robots is to draw inspiration from biological systems. Biological structure, mechanisms, and underlying principles have the potential to provide new ideas to support the improvement of conventional robotic designs and control. Such biological principles usually originate from animal or even plant models, for robots, which can sense, think, walk, swim, crawl, jump or even fly. Thus, it is believed that these bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in the face of complex applications. Bio-inspired robotics is leading to the study of innovative structures and computing with sensory–motor coordination and learning to achieve intelligence, flexibility, stability, and adaptation for emergent robotic applications, such as manipulation, learning, and control. This Special Issue invites original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, and novel applications and business models relevant to the selected topics of ``Bio-Inspired Robotics''. Bio-Inspired Robotics is a broad topic and an ongoing expanding field. This Special Issue collates 30 papers that address some of the important challenges and opportunities in this broad and expanding field