91 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This paper discusses different UIs design approaches. We describe how to design user interfaces, based on a MDD approach, by applying the XIS language. XIS is a coherent UML profile focused on model interactive systems. XIS integrates best practices and principles of the MDA/MDD paradigm to improve the UI design, such as separation of concerns, model-to-model and model-to-code transformations. In that way, we discuss some issues regarding the transformation processes, from XIS-based models into software systems artifacts

    Automatic generation of user interfaces from rigorous domain and use case models

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Development of CMS-based Web-Applications Using a Model-Driven Approach

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    Abstract-The emerging Model-Driven Engineering paradigm advocates the use of models as first-class citizens in the software development process, while artifacts such as documentation and source-code can be quickly produced from those models by using automated transformations. One of the many types of deployment platforms that can potentially benefit from such model-driven approaches are Content Management Systems, as these approaches can significantly accelerate the development of new web-applications and features, as well as simplify their maintenance. This work proposes the creation of a model-driven approach for the development of web-applications based on Content Management Systems. This approach is based on the creation of two modeling languages (which are situated at different levels of abstraction, and are used to both quickly model a web-application and provide a common ground for the creation of additional languages), and a mechanism for the processing of models specified using those languages. The current results of this work so far are the development of a Content Management System that effectively supports web-applications of medium complexity, and the creation of a reference case study that will be used to validate this work

    Using a Dynamic Domain-Specific Modeling Language for the Model-Driven Development of Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

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    There has been a gradual but steady convergence of dynamic programming languages with modeling languages. One area that can benefit from this convergence is modeldriven development (MDD) especially in the domain of mobile application development. By using a dynamic language to construct a domain-specific modeling language (DSML), it is possible to create models that are executable, exhibit flexible type checking, and provide a smaller cognitive gap between business users, modelers and developers than more traditional model-driven approaches. Dynamic languages have found strong adoption by practitioners of Agile development processes. These processes often rely on developers to rapidly produce working code that meets business needs and to do so in an iterative and incremental way. Such methodologies tend to eschew “throwaway” artifacts and models as being wasteful except as a communication vehicle to produce executable code. These approaches are not readily supported with traditional heavyweight approaches to model-driven development such as the Object Management Group’s Model-Driven Architecture approach. This research asks whether it is possible for a domain-specific modeling language written in a dynamic programming language to define a cross-platform model that can produce native code and do so in a way that developer productivity and code quality are at least as effective as hand-written code produced using native tools. Using a prototype modeling tool, AXIOM (Agile eXecutable and Incremental Objectoriented Modeling), we examine this question through small- and mid-scale experiments and find that the AXIOM approach improved developer productivity by almost 400%, albeit only after some up-front investment. We also find that the generated code can be of equal if not better quality than the equivalent hand-written code. Finally, we find that there are significant challenges in the synthesis of a DSML that can be used to model applications across platforms as diverse as today’s mobile operating systems, which point to intriguing avenues of subsequent research

    Improving the Specification of Business Application Requirements Based on Executable Models

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    Istraživanje predstavljeno u okviru ove disertacije imalo je za cilj unapređenje procesa specifikacije korisničkih zahteva poslovnih aplikacija na bazi detaljnih, izvršivih prototipova koji se mogu kreirati uz minimalan utrošak vremena i energije. Radi postizanja ovog cilja je implementiran alat otvorenog koda pod nazivom Kroki (fr. croquis – skica) čija je arhitektura projektovana tako da obezbedi: (1) kolaborativni razvoj specifikacije poslovne aplikacije sa korisnicima koji nemaju znanje projektovanja i programiranja softverskih sistema, (2) efikasno pokretanje prototipa direktno iz sopstvenog razvojnog okruženja, dajući mogućnost korisniku da isproba prototip tokom modelovanja kad god poželi, (3) ponovno korišćenje informacija dobijenih prilikom razvoja prototipova u kasnijim fazama razvoja, kako bi se smanjilo nepotrebno trošenje resursa. Eksperiment za proveru da li razvijeni alat zadovoljava postavljene ciljeve je dizajniran kao serija od deset eksplorativnih studija slučaja čiji je cilj specifikacija poslovnih aplikacija sa učesnicima koji dolaze iz različitih poslovnih domena koji nisu poznati projektantima. Pojedinačne studije su obavljene sa po jednim učesnikom u okviru dvočasovnih projektantskih sesija, gde su ulogu projektanata imali autor ove disertacije i njegov mentor. Kvalitativni i kvantitativni podaci prikupljeni tokom sesija i posle njih, putem upitnika, su iskorišćeni za izvođenje pozitivnih zaključaka o efikasnosti predloženog pristupa i alata. Dizajn istraživanja je baziran na konceptima MEM-a (Method Evaluation Model) koji definiše kriterijum za uspeh određene metodologije u praksi. Upitnici koji evaluiraju jezik za modelovanje i Kroki alat su formulisani tako da odgovaraju izabranim konceptima FQUAD (Framework for qualitative assessment of domain-specific languages) okvira za evaluaciju jezika specifičnih za domen.The research presented in this dissertation aimed to improve the process of specification of user requirements of business applications based on detailed, executable prototypes that can be created with minimal expenditure of time and energy. To achieve this goal, an open-source tool called Kroki (fr. croquis - sketch) was implemented, the architecture of which is designed to provide: (1) Collaborative development of business application specifications with users who do not have knowledge of designing and programming software systems, (2) Efficient prototyping directly from Kroki’s development environment, enabling the user to try out the prototype during modeling whenever they want, and (3) Reuse of information obtained during the development of prototypes in later stages of development, to reduce unnecessary consumption of time and energy. The experiment to validate whether the developed Kroki tool meets the set goals was designed as a series of ten exploratory case studies to specify business applications with participants from different business domains unknown to the designers. Individual studies were carried out within two-hour design sessions, where the author of this dissertation and his mentor played the designer role, with a single participant in the user role in each session. Qualitative and quantitative data collected during and after the sessions, through questionnaires, were used to draw positive conclusions about the effectiveness of the proposed approach and tools. The research design is based on the concepts of MEM (Method Evaluation Model), which defines the criteria for the success of a certain methodology in practice. Questionnaires that evaluate the modeling language and the Kroki tool are formulated to correspond to the selected concepts of the FQUAD (Framework for qualitative assessment of domain-specific languages) for evaluating DSLs

    Towards semantics-driven modelling and simulation of context-aware manufacturing systems

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    Systems modelling and simulation are two important facets for thoroughly and effectively analysing manufacturing processes. The ever-growing complexity of the latter, the increasing amount of knowledge, and the use of Semantic Web techniques adhering meaning to data have led researchers to explore and combine together methodologies by exploiting their best features with the purpose of supporting manufacturing system's modelling and simulation applications. In the past two decades, the use of ontologies has proven to be highly effective for context modelling and knowledge management. Nevertheless, they are not meant for any kind of model simulations. The latter, instead, can be achieved by using a well-known workflow-oriented mathematical modelling language such as Petri Net (PN), which brings in modelling and analytical features suitable for creating a digital copy of an industrial system (also known as "digital twin"). The theoretical framework presented in this dissertation aims to exploit W3C standards, such as Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) and Web Ontology Language (OWL), to transform each piece of knowledge regarding a manufacturing system into Petri Net modelling primitives. In so doing, it supports the semantics-driven instantiation, analysis and simulation of what we call semantically-enriched PN-based manufacturing system digital twins. The approach proposed by this exploratory research is therefore based on the exploitation of the best features introduced by state-of-the-art developments in W3C standards for Linked Data, such as OWL and SWRL, together with a multipurpose graphical and mathematical modelling tool known as Petri Net. The former is used for gathering, classifying and properly storing industrial data and therefore enhances our PN-based digital copy of an industrial system with advanced reasoning features. This makes both the system modelling and analysis phases more effective and, above all, paves the way towards a completely new field, where semantically-enriched PN-based manufacturing system digital twins represent one of the drivers of the digital transformation already in place in all companies facing the industrial revolution. As a result, it has been possible to outline a list of indications that will help future efforts in the application of complex digital twin support oriented solutions, which in turn is based on semantically-enriched manufacturing information systems. Through the application cases, five key topics have been tackled, namely: (i) semantic enrichment of industrial data using the most recent ontological models in order to enhance its value and enable new uses; (ii) context-awareness, or context-adaptiveness, aiming to enable the system to capture and use information about the context of operations; (iii) reusability, which is a core concept through which we want to emphasize the importance of reusing existing assets in some form within the industrial modelling process, such as industrial process knowledge, process data, system modelling primitives, and the like; (iv) the ultimate goal of semantic Interoperability, which can be accomplished by adding data about the metadata, linking each data element to a controlled, shared vocabulary; finally, (v) the impact on modelling and simulation applications, which shows how we could automate the translation process of industrial knowledge into a digital manufacturing system and empower it with quantitative and qualitative analytical technics

    Path planning for first responders in the presence of moving obstacles

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    Navigation services have gained much importance for all kinds of human activities ranging from tourist navigation to support of rescue teams in disaster management. However, despite the considerable amount of route guidance research that has been performed, many issues that are related to navigation for first responders still need to be addressed. During disasters, emergencies can result in different types of moving obstacles (e.g., fires, plumes, floods), which make some parts of the road network temporarily unavailable. After such incidents occur, responders have to go to different destinations to perform their tasks in the environment affected by the disaster. Therefore they need a path planner that is capable of dealing with such moving obstacles, as well as generating and coordinating their routes quickly and efficiently. During the past decades, more and more hazard simulations, which can modify the models with incorporation of dynamic data from the field, have been developed. These hazard simulations use methods such as data assimilation, stochastic estimation, and adaptive measurement techniques, and are able to generate more reliable results of hazards. This would allow the hazard simulation models to provide valuable information regarding the state of road networks affected by hazards, which supports path planning for first responders among the moving obstacles. The objective of this research is to develop an integrated navigation system for first responders in the presence of moving obstacles. Such system should be able to navigate one or more responders to one or multiple destinations avoiding the moving obstacles, using the predicted information of the moving obstacles generated from by hazard simulations. In this dissertation, the objective we have is expressed as the following research question: How do we safely and efficiently navigate one or more first responders to one or more destinations avoiding moving obstacles? To address the above research questions, this research has been conducted using the following outline: 1). literature review; 2). conceptual design and analysis; 3). implementation of the prototype; and 4). assessment of the prototype and adaption. We investigated previous research related to navigation in disasters, and designed an integrated navigation system architecture, assisting responders in spatial data storage, processing and analysis.Within this architecture, we employ hazard models to provide the predicted information about the obstacles, and select a geo-database to store the data needed for emergency navigation. Throughout the development of the prototype navigation system, we have proposed: a taxonomy of navigation among obstacles, which categorizes navigation cases on basis of type and multiplicity of first responders, destinations, and obstacles; a multi-agent system, which supports information collection from hazard simulations, spatio-temporal data processing and analysis, connection with a geo-database, and route generation in dynamic environments affected by disasters; data models, which structure the information required for finding paths among moving obstacles, capturing both static information, such as the type of the response team, the topology of the road network, and dynamic information, such as changing availabilities of roads during disasters, the uncertainty of the moving obstacles generated from hazard simulations, and the position of the vehicle; path planning algorithms, which generate routes for one or more responders in the presence of moving obstacles. Using the speed of vehicles, departure time, and the predicted information about the state of the road network, etc., three versions (I, II, and III) of Moving Obstacle Avoiding A* (MOAAStar) algorithms are developed: 1). MOAAstar– I/Non-waiting, which supports path planning in the case of forest fires; 2). MOAAstar–II/Waiting, which introduces waiting options to avoid moving obstacles like plumes; 3). MOAAstar–III/Uncertainty, which can handle the uncertainty in predictions of moving obstacles and incorporate the profile of responders into the routing. We have applied the developed prototype navigation system to different navigation cases with moving obstacles. The main conclusions drawn from our applications are summarized as follows: In the proposed taxonomy, we have identified 16 navigation cases that could occur in disaster response and need to be investigated. In addressing these navigation problems, it would be quite useful to employ computer simulations and models, which can make reliable predicted information about responders, the targets, and obstacles, in finding safe routes for the responders. The approach we provide is general and not limited to the cases of plumes and fires. In our data model, the data about the movement of hazards is represented as moving polygons. This allows the data model to be easily adjusted to merge and organize information from models of different types of disasters. For example, the areas that are affected by floods can also be represented as moving polygons. To facilitate the route calculation, not only the data of obstacles but also the information about the state of road networks affected by obstacles need to be structured and stored in the database. In planning routes for responders, the routing algorithms should incorporate the dynamic data of obstacles to be able to avoid the hazards. Besides, other factors, such as the operation time of tasks, the required arrival time, and departure time, also need to be considered to achieve the objectives in a rescue process, e.g., to minimize the delays caused by the moving obstacles. The profile of responders is quite important for generation of feasible routes for a specific disaster situation. The responders may have different protective equipment that allows them to pass through different types of moving obstacles, and thus can have different classification of risk levels to define the state of the road network. By taking into account the profile of the responders, the navigation system can propose customized and safe routes to them, which would facilitate their disaster response processes. On the basis of our findings, we suggest the following topics for future work: As presented Wang and Zlatanova (2013c), there are still a couple of navigation cases that need to be addressed, especially the ones that involve dynamic destinations. More algorithms would be needed to solve these navigation problems. Besides, some extreme cases (e.g., the obstacle covers the target point during the course of an incident) also need to be investigated. Using standard Web services, an Android navigation application, which can provide navigation services in the environment affected by hazards, needs to be developed and tested in both the daily practice and real disasters. In this application, a user interface with various styling options should also be designed for different situations, e.g., waiting and moving, day and night, and urgent and non-urgent. Because the communication infrastructure may not be available or work properly during a disaster response, a decentralized method is needed to allow different users to negotiate with each other and to make local agreements on the distribution of tasks in case there is no support from the central planning system. Another type of multi-agent system would be needed to handle this situation. Introduce variable traveling speed into the re-routing process. The vehicle speed plays an important role in generation of routes avoiding moving obstacle, and can be influenced by many factors, such as the obstacles, the type of vehicles, traffic conditions, and the type of roads. Therefore, it would be needed to investigate how to derive the current and future speed from trajectories of vehicles. Apply the system to aid navigation in various types of natural disasters, using different hazard simulation models (e.g., flood model). More types of agents would be needed and integrated into the system to handle heterogeneous data from these models. Extensions of the data model are also required to meet a wider range of informational needs when multiple disasters occur simultaneously

    Efficient Decision Support Systems

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    This series is directed to diverse managerial professionals who are leading the transformation of individual domains by using expert information and domain knowledge to drive decision support systems (DSSs). The series offers a broad range of subjects addressed in specific areas such as health care, business management, banking, agriculture, environmental improvement, natural resource and spatial management, aviation administration, and hybrid applications of information technology aimed to interdisciplinary issues. This book series is composed of three volumes: Volume 1 consists of general concepts and methodology of DSSs; Volume 2 consists of applications of DSSs in the biomedical domain; Volume 3 consists of hybrid applications of DSSs in multidisciplinary domains. The book is shaped upon decision support strategies in the new infrastructure that assists the readers in full use of the creative technology to manipulate input data and to transform information into useful decisions for decision makers