277 research outputs found

    A Privacy-Aware Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks

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    Online social networks based on a single service provider suffer several drawbacks, first of all the privacy issues arising from the delegation of user data to a single entity. Distributed online social networks (DOSN) have been recently proposed as an alternative solution allowing users to keep control of theirprivate data. However, the lack of a centralized entity introduces new problems, like the need of defining proper privacy policies for data access and of guaranteeing the availability of user\u27s data when the user disconnects from the social network. This paper introduces a privacy-aware support for DOSN enabling users to define a set of privacy policies which describe who is entitled to access the data in their social profile. These policies are exploited by the DOSN support to decide the re-allocation of the profile when the user disconnects from the socialnetwork.The proposed approach is validated through a set of simulations performed on real traces logged from Facebook

    A flexible architecture for privacy-aware trust management

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    In service-oriented systems a constellation of services cooperate, sharing potentially sensitive information and responsibilities. Cooperation is only possible if the different participants trust each other. As trust may depend on many different factors, in a flexible framework for Trust Management (TM) trust must be computed by combining different types of information. In this paper we describe the TAS3 TM framework which integrates independent TM systems into a single trust decision point. The TM framework supports intricate combinations whilst still remaining easily extensible. It also provides a unified trust evaluation interface to the (authorization framework of the) services. We demonstrate the flexibility of the approach by integrating three distinct TM paradigms: reputation-based TM, credential-based TM, and Key Performance Indicator TM. Finally, we discuss privacy concerns in TM systems and the directions to be taken for the definition of a privacy-friendly TM architecture.\u

    Access control system for the epidemic marketplace

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013A Epidemic Marketplace (EM) é uma plataforma de integração e partilha de dados epidemiológicos. As questões da privacidade constituem sempre um aspecto muito delicado nos repositórios de plataformas desta natureza, já que envolvem a partilha de dados sensíveis. Os utilizadores requerem que lhes seja assegurado o acesso aos seus dados de acordo com políticas de acesso bem definidas. Para suportar tal requisito, o modelo de controlo de acesso suportado pela EM é baseado em grupos (GBAC). Numa primeira versão da plataforma, os recursos apenas podiam ser partilhados com grupos estáticos, o que limitava a expressividade das especificações. Além disso, a plataforma tinha problemas de desempenho que derivavam de uma implementação inicial, não escalável, do sistema de controlo de acesso. Neste trabalho, apresentam-se as soluções desenvolvidas para aumento da escalabilidade da EM e fornecimento de mecanismos mais expressivos para a partilha de recursos através da especificação de grupos dinâmicos. Dada a popularidade das redes sociais, a utilização dos grupos dinâmicos foi estendida para possibilitar a sua integração com estas redes, permitindo que os utilizadores da EM criem grupos baseados em ligações das redes sociais. A EM foi desenvolvida no âmbito do projecto Europeu Epiwork, que teve como objectivos monitorar surtos epidemiológicos, guardar os dados recolhidos e utilizá-los em modelos matemáticos destinados a simular e a melhor entender a disseminação de doenças.The Epidemic Marketplace (EM) is a platform for integrating and sharing epidemiological data. Privacy issues are always a delicate matter when users intend to store sensitive data in such repositories. The users require assurance that their data access will always be in compliance with defined policies. The access control model of the EM uses Group-Based Access Control (GBAC). However, in an initial version of the platform resources could only be shared with static groups, leading to a lack of expressiveness. In addition, the EM platform had performance limitations that derived from using a nonscalable access control system implementation which could only perform simple access control changes. This work reports how performance issues with the platform have been solved and its scalability improved. In addition, EM users have the possibility of sharing their resources with dynamic groups, which, being rule based, provide more expressive mechanisms to share data. Given the current popularity of Social Networks, dynamic groups have been integrated with Social Networks, enabling EM users to create groups based on Social connections, obtained from Social Networks. Such groups rely on user approval for granting EM access to Social Network data. The EM has been developed in part within the EU-funded Epiwork project, whose main concerns include monitoring epidemiological outbreaks, storing that data and feeding it to mathematical models for simulating and better understanding the dissemination of diseases

    Identity principles in the digital age: a closer view

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    Identity and its management is now an integral part of web-based services and applications. It is also a live political issue that has captured the interest of organisations, businesses and society generally. As identity management systems assume functionally equivalent roles, their significance for privacy cannot be underestimated. The Centre for Democracy and Technology has recently released a draft version of what it regards as key privacy principles for identity management in the digital age. This paper will provide an overview of the key benchmarks identified by the CDT. The focus of this paper is to explore how best the Data Protection legislation can be said to provide a framework which best maintains a proper balance between 'identity' conscious technology and an individual's expectation of privacy to personal and sensitive data. The central argument will be that increased compliance with the key principles is not only appropriate for a distributed privacy environment but will go some way towards creating a space for various stakeholders to reach consensus applicable to existing and new information communication technologies. The conclusion is that securing compliance with the legislation will prove to be the biggest governance challenge. Standard setting and norms will go some way to ease the need for centralised regulatory oversight

    CRiBAC: Community-centric role interaction based access control model

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    As one of the most efficient solutions to complex and large-scale problems, multi-agent cooperation has been in the limelight for the past few decades. Recently, many research projects have focused on context-aware cooperation to dynamically provide complex services. As cooperation in the multi-agent systems (MASs) becomes more common, guaranteeing the security of such cooperation takes on even greater importance. However, existing security models do not reflect the agents' unique features, including cooperation and context-awareness. In this paper, we propose a Community-based Role interaction-based Access Control model (CRiBAC) to allow secure cooperation in MASs. To do this, we refine and extend our preliminary RiBAC model, which was proposed earlier to support secure interactions among agents, by introducing a new concept of interaction permission, and then extend it to CRiBAC to support community-based cooperation among agents. We analyze potential problems related to interaction permissions and propose two approaches to address them. We also propose an administration model to facilitate administration of CRiBAC policies. Finally, we present the implementation of a prototype system based on a sample scenario to assess the proposed work and show its feasibility. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Ontology-based Access Control in Open Scenarios: Applications to Social Networks and the Cloud

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    La integració d'Internet a la societat actual ha fet possible compartir fàcilment grans quantitats d'informació electrònica i recursos informàtics (que inclouen maquinari, serveis informàtics, etc.) en entorns distribuïts oberts. Aquests entorns serveixen de plataforma comuna per a usuaris heterogenis (per exemple, empreses, individus, etc.) on es proporciona allotjament d'aplicacions i sistemes d'usuari personalitzades; i on s'ofereix un accés als recursos compartits des de qualsevol lloc i amb menys esforços administratius. El resultat és un entorn que permet a individus i empreses augmentar significativament la seva productivitat. Com ja s'ha dit, l'intercanvi de recursos en entorns oberts proporciona importants avantatges per als diferents usuaris, però, també augmenta significativament les amenaces a la seva privacitat. Les dades electròniques compartides poden ser explotades per tercers (per exemple, entitats conegudes com "Data Brokers"). Més concretament, aquestes organitzacions poden agregar la informació compartida i inferir certes característiques personals sensibles dels usuaris, la qual cosa pot afectar la seva privacitat. Una manera de del.liar aquest problema consisteix a controlar l'accés dels usuaris als recursos potencialment sensibles. En concret, la gestió de control d'accés regula l'accés als recursos compartits d'acord amb les credencials dels usuaris, el tipus de recurs i les preferències de privacitat dels propietaris dels recursos/dades. La gestió eficient de control d'accés és crucial en entorns grans i dinàmics. D'altra banda, per tal de proposar una solució viable i escalable, cal eliminar la gestió manual de regles i restriccions (en la qual, la majoria de les solucions disponibles depenen), atès que aquesta constitueix una pesada càrrega per a usuaris i administradors . Finalment, la gestió del control d'accés ha de ser intuïtiu per als usuaris finals, que en general no tenen grans coneixements tècnics.La integración de Internet en la sociedad actual ha hecho posible compartir fácilmente grandes cantidades de información electrónica y recursos informáticos (que incluyen hardware, servicios informáticos, etc.) en entornos distribuidos abiertos. Estos entornos sirven de plataforma común para usuarios heterogéneos (por ejemplo, empresas, individuos, etc.) donde se proporciona alojamiento de aplicaciones y sistemas de usuario personalizadas; y donde se ofrece un acceso ubicuo y con menos esfuerzos administrativos a los recursos compartidos. El resultado es un entorno que permite a individuos y empresas aumentar significativamente su productividad. Como ya se ha dicho, el intercambio de recursos en entornos abiertos proporciona importantes ventajas para los distintos usuarios, no obstante, también aumenta significativamente las amenazas a su privacidad. Los datos electrónicos compartidos pueden ser explotados por terceros (por ejemplo, entidades conocidas como “Data Brokers”). Más concretamente, estas organizaciones pueden agregar la información compartida e inferir ciertas características personales sensibles de los usuarios, lo cual puede afectar a su privacidad. Una manera de paliar este problema consiste en controlar el acceso de los usuarios a los recursos potencialmente sensibles. En concreto, la gestión de control de acceso regula el acceso a los recursos compartidos de acuerdo con las credenciales de los usuarios, el tipo de recurso y las preferencias de privacidad de los propietarios de los recursos/datos. La gestión eficiente de control de acceso es crucial en entornos grandes y dinámicos. Por otra parte, con el fin de proponer una solución viable y escalable, es necesario eliminar la gestión manual de reglas y restricciones (en la cual, la mayoría de las soluciones disponibles dependen), dado que ésta constituye una pesada carga para usuarios y administradores. Por último, la gestión del control de acceso debe ser intuitivo para los usuarios finales, que por lo general carecen de grandes conocimientos técnicos.Thanks to the advent of the Internet, it is now possible to easily share vast amounts of electronic information and computer resources (which include hardware, computer services, etc.) in open distributed environments. These environments serve as a common platform for heterogeneous users (e.g., corporate, individuals etc.) by hosting customized user applications and systems, providing ubiquitous access to the shared resources and requiring less administrative efforts; as a result, they enable users and companies to increase their productivity. Unfortunately, sharing of resources in open environments has significantly increased the privacy threats to the users. Indeed, shared electronic data may be exploited by third parties, such as Data Brokers, which may aggregate, infer and redistribute (sensitive) personal features, thus potentially impairing the privacy of the individuals. A way to palliate this problem consists on controlling the access of users over the potentially sensitive resources. Specifically, access control management regulates the access to the shared resources according to the credentials of the users, the type of resource and the privacy preferences of the resource/data owners. The efficient management of access control is crucial in large and dynamic environments such as the ones described above. Moreover, in order to propose a feasible and scalable solution, we need to get rid of manual management of rules/constraints (in which most available solutions rely) that constitutes a serious burden for the users and the administrators. Finally, access control management should be intuitive for the end users, who usually lack technical expertise, and they may find access control mechanism more difficult to understand and rigid to apply due to its complex configuration settings

    Online Social Networks with Message Filtered Policy Administration by Multiparty Access Control

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    Recently we have studied the Multiparty Access management for Online Social Networks Model and Mechanisms. Online social networks have experienced massive growth in recent years and become a de facto portal for millions of Internet users. These OSNs offer fetching means for digital social interactions and information sharing, but also occurs a number of security and privacy issues. While OSNs allow users to limit access to shared data, they at present do not provide any mechanism to enforce privacy concerns over data related with multiple users. To this end, we propose an approach to enable the security of shared data related with multiple users in OSNs. They make an access control model to capture the spirit of multiparty authorization requirements, along with a multiparty policy requirement scheme and a policy application mechanism. In addition, we access control model that we have various tasks on our model to analyze the features of existing logic solvers allows to take advantage of a logical representation exists. We have more comprehensive privacy approach to conflict resolution and analysis services for collaborative management of shared data in OSNs are proposed. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150611

    Greenpass Client Tools for Delegated Authorization in Wireless Networks

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    Dartmouth\u27s Greenpass project seeks to provide strong access control to a wireless network while simultaneously providing flexible guest access; to do so, it augments the Wi-Fi Alliance\u27s existing WPA standard, which offers sufficiently strong user authentication and access control, with authorization based on SPKI certificates. SPKI allows certain local users to delegate network access to guests by issuing certificates that state, in essence, he should get access because I said it\u27s okay. The Greenpass RADIUS server described in Kim\u27s thesis [55] performs an authorization check based on such statements so that guests can obtain network access without requiring a busy network administrator to set up new accounts in a centralized database. To our knowledge, Greenpass is the first working delegation-based solution to Wi-Fi access control. My thesis describes the Greenpass client tools, which allow a guest to introduce himself to a delegator and allow the delegator to issue a new SPKI certificate to the guest. The guest does not need custom client software to introduce himself or to connect to the Wi-Fi network. The guest and delegator communicate using a set of Web applications. The guest obtains a temporary key pair and X.509 certificate if needed, then sends his public key value to a Web server we provide. The delegator looks up her guest\u27s public key and runs a Java applet that lets her verify her guests\u27 identity using visual hashing and issue a new SPKI certificate to him. The guest\u27s new certificate chain is stored as an HTTP cookie to enable him to push it to an authorization server at a later time. I also describe how Greenpass can be extended to control access to a virtual private network (VPN) and suggest several interesting future research and development directions that could build on this work.My thesis describes the Greenpass client tools, which allow a guest to introduce himself to a delegator and allow the delegator to issue a new SPKI certificate to the guest. The guest does not need custom client software to introduce himself or to connect to the Wi-Fi network. The guest and delegator communicate using a set of Web applications. The guest obtains a temporary key pair and X.509 certificate if needed, then sends his public key value to a Web server we provide. The delegator looks up her guest\u27s public key and runs a Java applet that lets her verify her guests\u27 identity using visual hashing and issue a new SPKI certificate to him. The guest\u27s new certificate chain is stored as an HTTP cookie to enable him to push it to an authorization server at a later time. I also describe how Greenpass can be extended to control access to a virtual private network (VPN) and suggest several interesting future research and development directions that could build on this work