16 research outputs found

    Modelling the human body for ergonomic CAD

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    A recently completed Brite-Euram (European Community) research project was concerned with life-cycle aspects of car seating with Loughborough University being responsible for driver comfort assessment. This was achieved by road and laboratory trials, with the results to be incorporated within the SAMMIE computer-aided ergonomic design system. Driver comfort is in part determined by seat pressure distributions which lead to deformation of the human flesh and the seat and result in uncertainty in the position of important design locations such as the driver's eyepoint. Accommodation of these effects requires a realistic representation of the human body using surface rather than solid representations. Hence a shadow scanning technique was used to capture human body shape which was processed into the DUCT surface modelling system and via IGES files into SAMMIE. Finite element techniques were then used to predict deformations at the seat/driver interface. Having established an anthropometrically correct representation of body shape, current research is aimed at improving the kinematic and analytic capabilities of the human model by introducing a multi-segment spine that can respond to external and internal loadings. This spine model is intended for use in the evaluation of human working postures (such as car driving) where, although the loadings might be viewed as well within human capabilities, previous studies have· shown that back pain or damage might result. The model described is based on an arch representation rather than the pin-jointed rigid link systems which are perhaps more usual, but which have been shown to be deficient in several respects

    Ergonomic Models of Anthropometry, Human Biomechanics and Operator-Equipment Interfaces

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    The Committee on Human Factors was established in October 1980 by the Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education of the National Research Council. The committee is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the National Science Foundation. The workshop discussed the following: anthropometric models; biomechanical models; human-machine interface models; and research recommendations. A 17-page bibliography is included

    A human-oriented design process for collaborative robotics

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    The potential of collaborative robotics often does not materialize in an efficient design of the human-robot collaboration. Technology-oriented approaches are no longer enough in the Industry 4.0 era. This work proposes a set of methods to support manufacturing engineers in the human-oriented design process of integrated production systems to obtain satisfactory performance in the mass customization paradigm, without impacting the safety and health of workers. It founds the design criteria definition on five main pillars (safety, ergonomics, effectiveness, flexibility, and costs), favors the consideration of different design alternatives, and leads their selection. The dynamic impact of the design choices on the various elements of the system prevails over the static design constraints. The method has been experimented in collaboration with the major kitchen manufacturer in Italy, which introduced a collaborative robotics cell in the drawers' assembly line. It resulted in a more balanced production line (10% more), a verified risk minimization (RULA score reduced from 5 to 3 and OCRA score from 13.30 to 5.70), and a greater allocation of operators to high added value activities

    Digital Twin Production in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation Industry: Organizational Attributes and Strategies

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    Digital twin technology has grown over the years. However, a digital twin cannot be produced effectively without adequate organizational attributes. Inaccurate digital twins cannot be used for the operation and maintenance phase. Thus, an effective digital twin reduces waste resources in the operation and maintenance phase. The primary objective of this study is to identify the attributes to produce a digital twin in their building projects. In achieving the objective, interview data with 20 industry professionals involved with the digital twin was collected and analyzed. With the readiness assessment tool developed, relevant strategies can be implemented to correspond to the tool and allow for an improved future state in managing the construction industry. A total of three main categories and six subcategories were identified. The study findings can be used to develop organizational attributes and strategies required to produce a digital twin

    Digital twin production in the architecture, engineering, construction and operation industry: Organizational attributes and strategies

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    Digital twin technology has grown over the years. However, a digital twin cannot be produced effectively without adequate organizational attributes. Inaccurate digital twins cannot be used for the operation and maintenance phase. Thus, an effective digital twin reduces waste resources in the operation and maintenance phase. The primary objective of this study is to identify the attributes to produce a digital twin in their building projects. In achieving the objective, interview data with 20 industry professionals involved with the digital twin was collected and analyzed. With the readiness assessment tool developed, relevant strategies can be implemented to correspond to the tool and allow for an improved future state in managing the construction industry. A total of three main categories and six subcategories were identified. The study findings can be used to develop organizational attributes and strategies required to produce a digital twin

    Advancement in robot programming with specific reference to graphical methods

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    This research study is concerned with the derivation of advanced robot programming methods. The methods include the use of proprietary simulation modelling and design software tools for the off-line programming of industrial robots. The study has involved the generation of integration software to facilitate the co-operative operation of these software tools. The three major researcli'themes7of "ease of usage", calibration and the integration of product design data have been followed to advance robot programming. The "ease of usage" is concerned with enhancements in the man-machine interface for robo t simulation systems in terms of computer assisted solid modelling and computer assisted task generation. Robot simulation models represent an idealised situation, and any off-line robot programs generated from'them may contain'discrepancies which could seriously effect thq programs' performance; Calibration techniques have therefore been investigated as 'a method of overcoming discrepancies between the simulation model and the real world. At the present time, most computer aided design systems operate as isolated islands of computer technology, whereas their product databases should be used to support decision making processes and ultimately facilitate the generation of machine programs. Thus the integration of product design data has been studied as an important step towards truly computer integrated manufacturing. The functionality of the three areas of study have been generalised and form the basis for recommended enhancements to future robot programming systems

    Aplicación del método Check List OCRA para disminuir riesgos ergonómicos en un puesto de trabajo en empresa manufacturera, Callao, 2021

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    La investigación denominada “Aplicación del método Check List OCRA para disminuir riesgos ergonómicos en un puesto de trabajo en la empresa manufacturera, Callao 2021”, con el objetivo, como la aplicación del método Check list Ocra disminuye el riesgo ergonómico expuesto en la zona de trabajo causando una disminución de lesiones en las actividades de la empresa. La metodología fue de tipo aplicada, de nivel explicativo, enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño Pre- experimental y Post experimental. La población fue los registros de problemas ergonómicos en el puesto del área de línea de ensamble en la manufacturera del Callao y la muestra. Se empleo la observación directa y los instrumentos fueron las fichas y reportes de registro de lesiones. Los instrumentos para la investigación se validaron mediante el juicio de expertos y los datos se procesaron mediante el SPSS. Se permitió probar la hipótesis general y las hipótesis específicas propuestas respecto a la aplicación del método Check list OCRA, reduce los riegos laborales en 20%, también los índices de lesión y horas perdidas. Las lesiones reducido en 70% y las horas perdidas en un 70.5 % causadas por lesiones por accidentes

    Experience unbound: The effects of coworking on workplace design practice

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    This thesis uses the typology of coworking and the values associated with it as a lens through which to look at the design of the broader workplace. It examines the ways in which people behave in these new working environments and how these designed spaces are planned, briefed, commissioned and evaluated. The study responds to a continuing gap in the knowledge around the spatial constitution and behaviours of coworking despite a growing interest from corporate organisations. Taking an inter-disciplinary approach that draws on environmental psychology, design practice and the social sciences, the thesis is rooted in both academia and industry, presenting four design studies that map the development and spatial manifestations of coworking and explore user behaviour in space. The thesis explores the values and spatial strategies of coworking through the quantitative analysis of 100 coworking home pages and 73 floor plans, and places coworking in the wider context of historical and current workplace development. Alongside this, it adopts design ethnography techniques to explore user behaviour in space at three different sites: the Impact Hub in Birmingham and Second Home in London - both coworking spaces - and Sony PlayStation in London, a commercial workplace seeking to build a more creative community. Each site uses different strategies for managing change and co-creation, but with the same aims of prioritising user experience and building and supporting collaborative relationships. In the original design study, new user-centred design tools for brief making and evaluation are developed and applied at the Impact Hub and Sony PlayStation. With relatively little academic research into the spaces of coworking, these design studies provide a platform to explore the values, infrastructures and spatial strategies associated with coworking, identify points of departure from established models, and identify whether there are central ideas within coworking that might be applied to the wider workplace. Six original contributions to knowledge are presented: a new definitional model of coworking, quantitative coworking spatial analysis, a design taxonomy of coworking spaces, an adapted framework for considering user experience, a user-centred design toolkit, and recommendations for incorporating aspects of coworking into wider workplace design. The study identifies that the success of a coworking space depends on the experience that they create. This relies on complex and evolving interactions between space, support and service infrastructures, brand identification and community management, and the thesis highlights that simply adopting the spatial strategies or aesthetics of coworking without acknowledging its careful curation of space and relationships is unlikely to produce the desired results. This presents new challenges for the briefing, design and ongoing management of the workplace, which are discussed in the thesis. This PhD concludes with insights into how the essential qualities of coworking might be used to reshape spaces for creative knowledge work alongside a set of practical tools and recommendations that relate to briefing, design and post-occupancy evaluation processes

    Smart workstation of a Cyber Physical production system with digital human awareness

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    La cuarta revolución industrial es una transformación de los modelos de manufactura y servicios mediante la aplicación de tendencias digitales y nuevas tecnologías que permitan la flexibilización de los procesos y la creación de nuevos de mercados en las compañías. Las industrias actuales buscan una satisfacción elevada del cliente y un manejo eficiente de la cadena de abastecimiento que le permita permanecer en el entorno incierto y mercado volátil en el cual se encuentra. Mediante este enfoque nace los Sistemas Ciberfisicos, encargados de la coordinación y manejo de los diferentes componentes, siendo una tecnología habilitadora en el contexto de la transformación digital. Por otra parte, es innegable el aporte del capital humano en los procesos productivos. A pesar de esto, son pocos los avances que se tienen para la integración de los humanos dentro de los sistemas productivos de la cuarta revolución industrial. Mediante la articulación entre los sistemas ciberfisicos y nuevas tecnologías como lo es el Digital Twin, el presente trabajo busca brindar un modelo que tenga en cuenta el comportamiento del humano dentro del sistema sin afectar la eficiencia operativa.The fourth industrial revolution, or also known as the digital revolution, is a transformation of the manufacturing and service models through the application of digital technologies in the economic and societal world. This revolution permits the creation of new markets and the efficiency improvement in industries operations. In fact, industries seek high customer satisfaction and efficient supply chain management to tackle the continuous uncertain and volatile environment market. Cyber Physical Systems, an enabling technology that potentiate the digital revolution, is a system responsible for the coordination and management of virtual and physical components for solving certain global goals. However, including humans in this system represents a challenge in the development of the digital revolution. Certainly, the contribution of human operator in production processes is needed to execute certain industrial processes. Unfortunately, few advances have been made for integrating humans into the productive systems in the fourth industrial revolution. This paper aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the interaction of human in the 4.0 industrial environment for small companies. The project presents a representation of human being in a digital twin model for a Cyber Physical System.Magíster en Ingeniería IndustrialMaestrí