5,665 research outputs found

    A Time-driven Data Placement Strategy for a Scientific Workflow Combining Edge Computing and Cloud Computing

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    Compared to traditional distributed computing environments such as grids, cloud computing provides a more cost-effective way to deploy scientific workflows. Each task of a scientific workflow requires several large datasets that are located in different datacenters from the cloud computing environment, resulting in serious data transmission delays. Edge computing reduces the data transmission delays and supports the fixed storing manner for scientific workflow private datasets, but there is a bottleneck in its storage capacity. It is a challenge to combine the advantages of both edge computing and cloud computing to rationalize the data placement of scientific workflow, and optimize the data transmission time across different datacenters. Traditional data placement strategies maintain load balancing with a given number of datacenters, which results in a large data transmission time. In this study, a self-adaptive discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm with genetic algorithm operators (GA-DPSO) was proposed to optimize the data transmission time when placing data for a scientific workflow. This approach considered the characteristics of data placement combining edge computing and cloud computing. In addition, it considered the impact factors impacting transmission delay, such as the band-width between datacenters, the number of edge datacenters, and the storage capacity of edge datacenters. The crossover operator and mutation operator of the genetic algorithm were adopted to avoid the premature convergence of the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm, which enhanced the diversity of population evolution and effectively reduced the data transmission time. The experimental results show that the data placement strategy based on GA-DPSO can effectively reduce the data transmission time during workflow execution combining edge computing and cloud computing

    An Adaptive Mediation Framework for Workflow Management in the Internet of Things

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    Tärkavad värkvõrksüsteemid koosnevad arvukast hulgast heterogeensetest füüsilistest seadmetest, mis ühenduvad Internetiga. Need seadmed suudavad pidevalt ümbritseva keskkonnaga suhelda ja osana lõppkasutaja rakendusestest edendada valdkondi nagu tark kodu, e-tervis, logistika jne. Selleks, et integreerida füüsilisi seadmeid värkvõrgu haldussüssteemidega, on töövoo haldussüsteemid kerkinud esile sobiva lahendusena. Ent töövoo haldussüsteemide rakendamine värkvõrku toob kaasa reaalajas teenuste komponeerimise väljakutseid nagu pidev teenusavastus ja -käivitus. Lisaks kerkib küsimus, kuidas piiratud resurssidega värkvõrgu seadmeid töövoo haldussüsteemidega integreerida ning kuidas töövooge värkvõrgu seadmetel käivitada. Tööülesanded (nagu pidev seadmeavastus) võivad värkvõrgus osalevatele piiratud arvutusjõudluse ja akukestvusega seadmetele nagu nutitelefonid koormavaks osutuda. Siinkohal on võimalikuks lahenduseks töö delegeerimine pilve. Käesolev magistritöö esitleb kontekstipõhist raamistikku tööülesannete vahendamiseks värkvõrgurakendustes. Antud raamistikus modelleeritakse ning käitatakse tööülesandeid kasutades töövoogusid. Raamistiku prototüübiga läbi viidud uurimus näitas, et raamistik on võimeline tuvastama, millal seadme avastusülesannete pilve delegeerimine on kuluefektiivsem. Vahel aga pole töövoo käitamistarkvara paigaldamine värkvõrgu seadmetele soovitav, arvestades energiasäästlikkust ning käituskiirust. Käesolev töö võrdles kaht tüüpi töövookäitust: a) töövoo mudeli käitamine käitusmootoriga ning b) töövoo mudelist tõlgitud programmikoodi käitamine. Lähtudes katsetest päris seadmetega, võrreldi nimetatud kahte meetodit silmas pidades süsteemiressursside- ning energiakasutust.Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) systems consist of great numbers of heterogeneous physical entities that are interconnected via the Internet. These devices can continuously interact with the surrounding environment and be used for user applications that benefit human life in domains such as assisted living, e-health, transportation etc. In order to integrate the frontend physical things with IoT management systems, Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) have gained attention as a viable option. However, applying WfMS in IoT faces real-time service composition challenges such as continuous service discovery and invocation. Another question is how to integrate resource-contained IoT devices with the WfMS and execute workflows on the IoT devices. Tasks such as continuous device discovery can be taxing for IoT-involved devices with limited processing power and battery life such as smartphones. In order to overcome this, some tasks can be delegated to a utility Cloud instance. This thesis proposes a context-based framework for task mediation in Internet of Things applications. In the framework, tasks are modelled and executed as workflows. A case study carried out with a prototype of the framework showed that the proposed framework is able to decide when it is more cost-efficient to delegate discovery tasks to the cloud. However, sometimes embedding a workflow engine in an IoT device is not beneficial considering agility and energy conservation. This thesis compared two types of workflow execution: a) execution of workflow models using an embedded workflow engine and b) execution of program code translations based on the workflow models. Based on experiments with real devices, the two methods were compared in terms of system resource and energy usage

    Achieving Coordination Through Dynamic Construction of Open Workflows ** PLEASE SEE WUCSE-2009-14 **

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    Workflows, widely used on the Internet today, typically consist of a graph-like structure that defines the orchestration rules for executing a set of tasks, each of which is matched at run-rime to a corresponding service. The graph is static, specialized directories enable the discovery of services, and the wired infrastructure supports routing of results among tasks. In this paper we introduce a radically new paradigm for workflow construction and execution called open workflow. It is motivated by the growing reliance on wireless ad hoc networks in settings such as emergency response, field hospitals, and military operations. Open workflows facilitate goal-directed coordination among physically mobile agents (people and host devices) that form a transient community over an ad hoc wireless network. The quintessential feature of the open workflow paradigm is the ability to construct a custom context-specific workflow specification on the fly in response to unpredictable and evolving circumstances by exploiting the knowhow and services available within a given spatiotemporal context. This paper introduces the open workflow approach and explores the technical challenges (algorithms and architecture) associated with its first practical realization

    Adaptive Process Distribution at the Edge of IoT using the Integration of BPMS and Containerization

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    Täna levivad pilvepõhised värkvõrgu (asjade interneti) süsteemid tuginevad protsesside halduseks kaugel asuvatel andmekeskustel, mis toob endaga kaasa latentsusprobleeme. Vastusena sellele probleemile on varem välja pakutud servaarvutuse lähenemine, kus arvutused viiakse läbi asjade interneti süsteemi võrgule füüsiliselt lähemal. Mitmete servaarvutuse metoodikate seas on uduarvutus lähenemine, kus rõhk on arvutuste liigutamisel värkvõrgu seadmetele endile. Ehkki uduarvutusel põhinev arhitektuur on paljutõotav, tõstatab see küsimuse – kuidas värkvõrgu protsessihaldussüsteemid (BPMS4IoT-süsteemid) äriprotsesse heterogeensetele värkvõrgu seadmetele jaotama peaksid? Levinud on lähenemine, kus protsesside töövooülesannete käituseks tuginetakse ühisele platvormile. Näiteks, kui haldusserver defineerib teatud töövoo ülesandena Pythoni skripti ja määrab selle seadmele, siis peab seadme töövookäitusmootor toetama vastavat mehhanismi skriptide jooksutamiseks. Selline nõue ei ole paindlik, arvestades värkvõrgu seadmete heterogeensust. Käesolevas magistritöös pakub autor välja raamistiku, mis eraldab töövoo ülesannete käitusmeetodi käitusmootorist kasutades selleks konteinertehnoloogiat. Töö käigus arendati välja raamistiku prototüüp ning viidi läbi katseid mikroarvutitel põhinevail seadmetel. Lisaks võrreldi väljapakutud uduarvutuse raamistiku jõudlust pilvearvutusel põhineva süsteemiga.Emerging cloud-centric Internet of Things (IoT) system relies on distant data centers to manage the entire processes, which raises the issue of latency. To address the issue, researchers have introduced the Edge computing methodologies that carry out computation closer to the edge network of IoT system. Among the numerous Edge computing approaches, Mist computing paradigm emphasises the mechanism that moves the computation further to the front-end IoT devices. Although the architecture of Mist computing is promising, it raises a new challenge in how the Business Process Management System for IoT (BPMS4IoT) distributes the business process workflow to the heterogeneous IoT devices? In general, executing business process workflows relies on the common platform for executing customized tasks. For example, if the management server defines a Python script task in a workflow, which has been allocated to an IoT device, the workflow engine of the IoT device must have the compatible execution method. Such a requirement is less flexible when one considers the heterogeneity of the IoT devices. Therefore, in this thesis, the author proposes a framework to decouple the workflow task execution method from the workflow engines using the containerization technology. A proof-of-concept prototype has been developed and has been tested on several single-board computers-based IoT devices. Further, a case study has been performed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed framework comparing to the cloud-centric system

    Management and Service-aware Networking Architectures (MANA) for Future Internet Position Paper: System Functions, Capabilities and Requirements

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    Future Internet (FI) research and development threads have recently been gaining momentum all over the world and as such the international race to create a new generation Internet is in full swing: GENI, Asia Future Internet, Future Internet Forum Korea, European Union Future Internet Assembly (FIA). This is a position paper identifying the research orientation with a time horizon of 10 years, together with the key challenges for the capabilities in the Management and Service-aware Networking Architectures (MANA) part of the Future Internet (FI) allowing for parallel and federated Internet(s)

    Flexible workflows to support transactional service composition in mobile environments

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    Service oriented computing provides suitable means to technically support distributed collaboration of heterogeneous devices, for example those present in mobile environments. E.g., many applications are built on composite Web- Services. However, when executing these applications in dynamic environments, failures of participating entities have to be optimistically coped with, in order to avoid inconsistent system states and thereby provide suitable correctness guarantees. Transactional coordination for services so far lacks the possibility to adapt failure handling to the current execution context, e.g. dynamically bound services at runtime. In this paper, we employ transactional service properties to ensure reliable, i.e., correct execution of workflows by still respecting the autonomy of participants. We propose algorithms to verifiy and alter the structure of the composition at runtime, thus adapting the control flow to the current execution context to ensure correct execution

    Achieving Coordination Through Dynamic Construction of Open Workflows

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    Workflow middleware executes tasks orchestrated by rules defined in a carefully handcrafted static graph. Workflow management systems have proved effective for service-oriented business automation in stable, wired infrastructures. We introduce a radically new paradigm for workflow construction and execution called open workflow to support goal-directed coordination among physically mobile people and devices that form a transient community over an ad hoc wireless network. The quintessential feature of the open workflow paradigm is dynamic construction of custom, context-specific workflows in response to unpredictable and evolving circumstances by exploiting the knowledge and services available within a given spatiotemporal context. This paper introduces the open workflow approach, surveys open research challenges in this promising new field, and presents algorithmic, architectural, and evaluation results for the first practical realization of an open workflow management system