34,523 research outputs found

    A hybrid indoor localization solution using a generic architectural framework for sparse distributed wireless sensor networks

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    Indoor localization and navigation using wireless sensor networks is still a big challenge if expensive sensor nodes are not involved. Previous research has shown that in a sparse distributed sensor network the error distance is way too high. Even room accuracy can not be guaranteed. In this paper, an easy-to-use generic positioning framework is proposed, which allows users to plug in a single or multiple positioning algorithms. We illustrate the usability of the framework by discussing a new hybrid positioning solution. The combination of a weighted (range-based) and proximity (range-free) algorithm is made. Roth solutions separately have an average error distance of 13.5m and 2.5m respectively. The latter result is quite accurate due to the fact that our testbeds are not sparse distributed. Our hybrid algorithm has an average error distance of 2.66m only using a selected set of nodes, simulating a sparse distributed sensor network. All our experiments have been executed in the iMinds testbed: namely at "de Zuiderpoort". These algorithms are also deployed in two real-life environments: "De Vooruit" and "De Vijvers"

    Research on WSN Node Localization Algorithm Based on RSSI Iterative Centroid Estimation

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    For the traditional RSSI-based sensor nodes the positioning accuracy is low and sensitive to noise, which can not be applied to the rapid positioning of large-scale WSN wireless sensor nodes. Based on the traditional localization algorithm, this paper proposes a WSN node localization algorithm based on RSSI iterative centroid estimation. The algorithm determines the convergence condition by the positional relationship between the node to be located and the existing beacon node, and uses the RSSI value instead of the traditional distance centroid estimation. The experiment is carried out in a random node distribution simulation environment of 100 × 100 m. The effects of communication distance variation and beacon node ratio on the algorithm are verified, and the influence of distance calculation error on the algorithm is verified. Because the signal strength difference of the main beacon node is used in the localization algorithm, and the beacon node corresponding to the maximum signal strength value is selected as the main beacon node, the error caused by the conversion of the signal strength value into the distance is successfully suppressed. The influence of obstacle interference on the positioning of the node reduces the positioning error and achieves better positioning accuracy. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better positioning accuracy and robustness to noise, and is suitable for large-scale WSN wireless sensor node location

    Potential Game for Energy-Efficient RSS-based Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Positioning is a key aspect for many applications in wireless sensor networks. In order to design practical positioning algorithms, employment of efficient algorithms that maximize the battery lifetime while achieving a high degree of accuracy is crucial. The number of participating anchor nodes and their transmit power have an important impact on the energy consumption of positoning a node. This paper proposes a game theoretical algorithm to optimize resource usage in obtaining location information in a wireless sensor network. The proposed method provides positioning and tracking of nodes using RSS measurements. We use the Geometric Dilution of Precision as an optimization metric for our algorithm, with the aim of minimizing the number and power of anchor nodes that collaborate in positioning, thus saving energy. The algorithm is shown to be a potential game, therefore convergence is guaranteed. A distributed low complexity solution for the implementation is presented. The game is applied to WSN and results show the trade-off between power saving and positioning error

    Improve the Robustness of Range-Free Localization Methods on Wireless Sensor Networks using Recursive Position Estimation Algorithm

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    The position of a sensor node at wireless sensor networks determines the received data sensing accuracy. By the knowledge of sensor positioning, the location of target sensed can be estimated. Localization techniques used to find out the position of sensor node by considering the distance of this sensor from the vicinity reference nodes.  Centroid Algorithm is a robust, simple and low cost localization technique without dependence on hardware requirement. We propose Recursive Position Estimation Algorithm to obtain the more accurate node positioning on range-free localization technique. The simulation result shows that this algorithm has the ability on increasing position accuracy up to 50%.  The trade off factor shows the smaller the number of reference nodes the higher the computational time required. The new method on the availability on sensor power controlled is proposed to optimize the estimated position

    Error Minimization in Indoor Wireless Sensor Network Localization Using Genetic Technique

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    Using the genetic technique, error minimisation in indoor wireless sensor network localisation improves indoor wireless sensor network localisation during this field research. Sensor localisation-based techniques; several wireless device network applications require awareness of each node's physical location. The discovery of the position complete utilising range measurements also as sensor localisation received signal strength in time of arrival and sensor localisation received signal strength in a time difference of arrival and angle of arrival. WSN in positioning algorithms like the angle of arrival between two neighbour nodes. A wireless sensor network using positioning techniques in the area is assumed as localisation. WSNs always operate in an unattended manner, various situations like dynamic situations in the wireless network. It's impossible to exchange sensor manner after deployment. Therefore, a fundamental objective is to optimise the sensor manner lifetime. There has been much specialising in mobile sensor networks, and we have even seen the event of small-profile sensing devices that are ready to control their movement. Although it's been shown that mobility alleviates several issues regarding sensor network coverage and connectivity, many challenges remain node localisation in wireless device network is extremely important for several applications and received signal strength indicator has the capability of sensing, actuating the environmental data the actual-time and favourable information are often collected using the sensor in WSN systems. WSN is often combined with the internet of things to permit the association and extensive access to sensor data, and genetic techniques search the position of the nodes in WSN using all anchor nodes. A proposed algorithm as a genetic technique supported received signal strength, angle of arrival, receptive wireless device and also localisation wireless network. In the study, this paper problem that accuracy is low and error more, but the proposed algorithm overcomes this problem and minimises the error rate. Finally, the simplest possible location satisfies each factor with a minimal error rate and absolute best solution using GA

    Space-Time Hierarchical-Graph Based Cooperative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    It has been shown that cooperative localization is capable of improving both the positioning accuracy and coverage in scenarios where the global positioning system (GPS) has a poor performance. However, due to its potentially excessive computational complexity, at the time of writing the application of cooperative localization remains limited in practice. In this paper, we address the efficient cooperative positioning problem in wireless sensor networks. A space-time hierarchical-graph based scheme exhibiting fast convergence is proposed for localizing the agent nodes. In contrast to conventional methods, agent nodes are divided into different layers with the aid of the space-time hierarchical-model and their positions are estimated gradually. In particular, an information propagation rule is conceived upon considering the quality of positional information. According to the rule, the information always propagates from the upper layers to a certain lower layer and the message passing process is further optimized at each layer. Hence, the potential error propagation can be mitigated. Additionally, both position estimation and position broadcasting are carried out by the sensor nodes. Furthermore, a sensor activation mechanism is conceived, which is capable of significantly reducing both the energy consumption and the network traffic overhead incurred by the localization process. The analytical and numerical results provided demonstrate the superiority of our space-time hierarchical-graph based cooperative localization scheme over the benchmarking schemes considered.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, accepted to appear on IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Sept. 201

    Distributed Cooperative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks without NLOS Identification

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    In this paper, a 2-stage robust distributed algorithm is proposed for cooperative sensor network localization using time of arrival (TOA) data without identification of non-line of sight (NLOS) links. In the first stage, to overcome the effect of outliers, a convex relaxation of the Huber loss function is applied so that by using iterative optimization techniques, good estimates of the true sensor locations can be obtained. In the second stage, the original (non-relaxed) Huber cost function is further optimized to obtain refined location estimates based on those obtained in the first stage. In both stages, a simple gradient descent technique is used to carry out the optimization. Through simulations and real data analysis, it is shown that the proposed convex relaxation generally achieves a lower root mean squared error (RMSE) compared to other convex relaxation techniques in the literature. Also by doing the second stage, the position estimates are improved and we can achieve an RMSE close to that of the other distributed algorithms which know \textit{a priori} which links are in NLOS.Comment: Accepted in WPNC 201

    Reference Nodes Selection for Anchor-Free Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá návrhem nového bezkotevního lokalizačního algoritmu sloužícího pro výpočet pozice uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích. Provedené studie ukázaly, že dosavadní bezkotevní lokalizační algoritmy, pracující v paralelním režimu, dosahují malých lokalizačních chyb. Jejich nevýhodou ovšem je, že při sestavení množiny referenčních uzlu spotřebovávají daleko větší množství energie než algoritmy pracující v inkrementálním režimu. Paralelní lokalizační algoritmy využívají pro určení pozice referenční uzly nacházející se na protilehlých hranách bezdrátové sítě. Nový lokalizační algoritmus označený jako BRL (Boundary Recognition aided Localization) je založen na myšlence decentralizovaně detekovat uzly ležící na hranici síti a pouze z této množiny vybrat potřebný počet referenčních uzlu. Pomocí navrženého přístupu lze znažně snížit množství energie spotřebované v průběhu procesu výběru referenčních uzlů v senzorovém poli. Dalším přínosem ke snížení energetických nároku a zároveň zachování nízké lokalizační chyby je využití procesu multilaterace se třemi, eventuálně čtyřmi referenčními body. V rámci práce byly provedeny simulace několika dílčích algoritmu a jejich funkčnost byla ověřena experimentálně v reálné senzorové síti. Navržený algoritmus BRL byl porovnán z hlediska lokalizační chyby a počtu zpracovaných paketů s několika známými lokalizačními algoritmy. Výsledky simulací dokázaly, že navržený algoritmus představuje efektivní řešení pro přesnou a zároveň nízkoenergetickou lokalizaci uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích.The doctoral thesis is focused on a design of a novel anchor free localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. As introduction, the incremental and concurrent anchor free localization algorithms are presented and their performance is compared. It was found that contemporary anchor free localization algorithms working in the concurrent manner achieve a low localization error, but dissipate signicant energy reserves. A new Boundary Recognition Aided Localization algorithm presented in this thesis is based on an idea to recognize the nodes placed on the boundary of network and thus reduce the number of transmission realized during the reference nodes selection phase of the algorithm. For the position estimation, the algorithm employs the multilateration technique that work eectively with the low number of the reference nodes. Proposed algorithms are tested through the simulations and validated by the real experiment with the wireless sensor network. The novel Boundary Recognition Aided Localization algorithm is compared with the known algorithms in terms of localization error and the communication cost. The results show that the novel algorithm presents powerful solution for the anchor free localization.

    A survey of localization in wireless sensor network

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    Localization is one of the key techniques in wireless sensor network. The location estimation methods can be classified into target/source localization and node self-localization. In target localization, we mainly introduce the energy-based method. Then we investigate the node self-localization methods. Since the widespread adoption of the wireless sensor network, the localization methods are different in various applications. And there are several challenges in some special scenarios. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these challenges: localization in non-line-of-sight, node selection criteria for localization in energy-constrained network, scheduling the sensor node to optimize the tradeoff between localization performance and energy consumption, cooperative node localization, and localization algorithm in heterogeneous network. Finally, we introduce the evaluation criteria for localization in wireless sensor network