38 research outputs found

    Multiservice UAVs for Emergency Tasks in Post-disaster Scenarios

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    UAVs are increasingly being employed to carry out surveillance, parcel delivery, communication-support and other specific tasks. Their equipment and mission plan are carefully selected to minimize the carried load an overall resource consumption. Typically, several single task UAVs are dispatched to perform different missions. In certain cases, (part of) the geographical area of operation may be common to these single task missions (such as those supporting post-disaster recovery) and it may be more efficient to have multiple tasks carried out as part of a single UAV mission using common or even additional specialized equipment. In this paper, we propose and investigate a joint planning of multitask missions leveraging a fleet of UAVs equipped with a standard set of accessories enabling heterogeneous tasks. To this end, an optimization problem is formulated yielding the optimal joint planning and deriving the resulting quality of the delivered tasks. In addition, a heuristic solution is developed for large-scale environments to cope with the increased complexity of the optimization framework. The developed joint planning of multitask missions is applied to a specific post-disaster recovery scenario of a flooding in the San Francisco area. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed solutions and the potential savings in the number of UAVs needed to carry out all the tasks with the required level of quality


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    Disaster management is a strategic issue that has been widely studied as a form of mutual responsibility in reducing victims and losses due to disasters. Today, one of the sources of disaster information is spread on Twitter social media. This research explains the implementation of the C4.5 algorithm to classify and map the disaster information that delivers using social media Twitter from the official BNPB_Indonesia account. The disaster data was retrieved and then processed to display in the geographic information system form. The words combination of disaster events, victims, and disaster locations process is carried out using n-gram by divided into unigram, bigram, and trigram to obtain the vocabulary accordance with the database. The C4.5 algorithm in this research was used to classify the disaster information with several categories. The results shows that the C4.5 algorithm can be used to classified the category of disaster and could identified the disaster informasion such as type of disaster, victims, and locations. The result can provide real time information on the distribution of disaster events and their locations using geographical information system. However, for location such as name of provinces only which has many geo-position possibilities (district or sub-district). The determination of the disaster location could be difficult. In addition, to determine the information obtained from post-disaster conditions such as the number of victims, damage, and losses. The comparison of n-gram with predetermined keywords is still constrained by noise of data

    Planning UAV Activities for Efficient User Coverage in Disaster Areas

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    Climate changes brought about by global warming as well as man-made environmental changes are often the cause of sever natural disasters. ICT, which is itself responsible for global warming due to its high carbon footprint, can play a role in alleviating the consequences of such hazards by providing reliable, resilient means of communication during a disaster crisis. In this paper, we explore the provision of wireless coverage through UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to complement, or replace, the traditional communication infrastructure. The use of UAVs is indeed crucial in emergency scenarios, as they allow for the quick and easy deployment of micro and pico cellular base stations where needed. We characterize the movements of UAVs and define an optimization problem to determine the best UAV coverage that maximizes the user throughput, while maintaining fairness across the different parts of the geographical area that has been affected by the disaster. To evaluate our strategy, we simulate a flooding in San Francisco and the car traffic resulting from people seeking safety on higher ground

    Analytical Report on Metaheuristic and Non-Metaheuristic Algorithms for Clustering in Wireless Networks

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    This analytical report delves into the comprehensive evaluation of both metaheuristic and non-metaheuristic algorithms utilized for clustering in wireless networks. Clustering techniques play a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and performance of wireless networks by organizing nodes into meaningful groups. Metaheuristic algorithms, inspired by natural processes, offer innovative solutions to complex optimization problems, while non-metaheuristic algorithms rely on traditional mathematical principles. This report systematically compares and contrasts the efficacy of various algorithms, considering key metrics such as convergence speed, scalability, robustness, and adaptability to dynamic network conditions. By scrutinizing both categories of algorithms, this report aims to provide a holistic understanding of their respective advantages, limitations, and applicability in wireless network clustering scenarios. The insights derived from this analysis can guide network engineers, researchers, and practitioners in selecting the most suitable algorithms based on specific network requirements, ultimately contributing to the advancement of wireless network clustering techniques

    Fast-paced research: Challenges and Opportunities of UAS for Research

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    Der Einsatz von Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) revolutioniert die Beobachtung umweltrelevanter Faktoren. Sie ermöglichen die Vermessung und Kartierung relativ großer, oft schwierig oder gänzlich unzugänglicher Flächen mit hoher räumlicher Auflösung zu einem selbstbestimmten Zeitpunkt, mit überschaubarem Zeitaufwand im Feld und mit unterschiedlichsten Sensoren. Ihr Einsatz eröffnet außerdem die Möglichkeit weitgehend zerstörungs- und rückwirkungsfreier Aufnahmen im Gelände. Die Forschung ist dabei dem rechtlichen und regulatorischen Rahmen verpflichtet, der das Fliegen im öffentlichen Raum ordnet und reguliert, z. B. hinsichtlich einer Kenntnisnachweispflicht für Pilotinnen und Piloten, Einschränkungen der Flugrouten oder Genehmigungsverfahren. Der Einsatz von UAS bietet aber erheblichen Mehrwert: in den Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften, der Agrarforschung, im Monitoring von Naturrisiken, in der Archäologie, der Zoologie, der Sicherheitsforschung und für viele weitere Anwendungen.Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) currently revolutionize the monitoring, observation, and research opportunities of environmental processes. They provide many positive aspects, such as high spatial and temporal resolution for environmental monitoring and the definition of the observation time. In addition, UAS allow the use of a variety of sensors and instruments and often collect data outside the realm of the optical spectrum – all leading to non-destructive and non-invasive mapping. The utilization of UAS requires a robust legal and regulatory framework that manages the public airspace and ensures that public, commercial, and academic applications are well defined and supported. This includes the requirement of a certificate of knowledge, flight route restrictions due to airspace limitations, and an authorized institution to hand out permits. These legal constraints and regulations are important and provide scientific applications with large potential, for example in the fields of earth and environmental science, agriculture and ecology, the monitoring of natural hazards, archaeology, zoology, and in security research – and many more applications

    Establishing effective communications in disaster affected areas and artificial intelligence based detection using social media platform

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    Floods, earthquakes, storm surges and other natural disasters severely affect the communication infrastructure and thus compromise the effectiveness of communications dependent rescue and warning services. In this paper, a user centric approach is proposed to establish communications in disaster affected and communication outage areas. The proposed scheme forms ad hoc clusters to facilitate emergency communications and connect end-users/ User Equipment (UE) to the core network. A novel cluster formation with single and multi-hop communication framework is proposed. The overall throughput in the formed clusters is maximized using convex optimization. In addition, an intelligent system is designed to label different clusters and their localities into affected and non-affected areas. As a proof of concept, the labeling is achieved on flooding dataset where region specific social media information is used in proposed machine learning techniques to classify the disaster-prone areas as flooded or unflooded. The suitable results of the proposed machine learning schemes suggest its use along with proposed clustering techniques to revive communications in disaster affected areas and to classify the impact of disaster for different locations in disaster-prone areas

    The effective use of technology and digitalization in Disaster Management in Malaysia.

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    The study will review the literature about disaster management in the Scopus database in 10 years from 2009 to 2018. A review will be done systematically to find out the direction of published and highly cited literature in the policymaking and problem solving after and post-natural disaster in Malaysia. After the complete assessment and filtration of the sheet, only 52 studies are left for the further process. irrelevant literature is screen out and relevant research is analyzed for further process. flood management and landslides are widely discussed challenges and problems in Malaysia. But the flood hazard management in Malaysia is developing rapidly, although the country is a new industrial developed country. The growth and development of social pace, fast-growth political and economic changes and that also charging up the pace of physical and environmental changes. Landslides are also growing with the period in Malaysia and some parts of the country are victims near the residential areas during the monsoon period. It's alarming that the residential areas are in the potential risk of landslides and the highways in some parts of the mountain area of the country