33 research outputs found

    A sense of physical books in our digital society

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    The Impact of Digitization on Research and Libraries’ Roles

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    Digitization is a broad term used when describing turning written text, visual media, and audio into a format readable by a computer. It can mean anything from creating the original digitally or transferring a non-digital format into a digital one. This makes it a difficult topic because everyone has their own idea of what it means, and most of their definitions fall into the broad one. This paper will focus on written text being digitized in a variety of ways

    Literary Publishing in Nigeria in the Digital Age

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    Digital resources are now an integral aspect of education and literacy, including literary works creation and consumption. How Nigeria will become a significant player in global trends in literary publishing is not obvious, since apathy to reading and the book could discourage forays into the yet exotic digital formats. This paper discusses the role of literature in society, highlights issues in literary publishing in Nigerian, and draws attention to hindrances to literary publishing in Nigeria in the digital age. It proposes that literary forms be preserve features of the Nigerian nation and its heritage, and that the electronic format is available for documenting and distributing traditional and contemporary literacy forms

    E-Books in der Schule: Eine Evaluierung von E-Book-Formaten und E-Book-Readern hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für Schulbücher

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    Das Schulbuch ist als Lehrmittel unserer Zeit kaum mehr wegzudenken, obwohl es noch gar nicht so lange her war, dass man auch ohne auskam. Seit der Jahrtausendwende halten die digitalen Technologien im Sog des World Wide Web immer mehr Einzug im Klassenzimmer und spätestens seit der Einführung des iPads der Firma Apple bzw. des Kindle von Amazon.com nimmt die Diskussion rund um E-Books immer mehr zu. In diesem Beitrag soll versucht werden die derzeitigen Möglichkeiten zu beleuchten und der Frage nach zu gehen, ob aus technischer Sicht Schulbücher als E-Book denkbar sind. Neben der Frage "Was denn ein gutes Schulbuch ist", werden E-Book-Formate und E-Book-Endgeräte dargestellt und anhand von praktischen Tests gezeigt, wo die Grenzen der Technik sind. Es kann zusammengefasst werden, dass es aus Sicht der Autoren völlig klar ist, dass die Digitalisierung von Büchern weiter voranschreitet, aber dass es bis zum Einsatz in der Praxis noch ein großer Schritt ist. (DIPF/Orig.

    Determination of Secondary Students’ Preferences Regarding Design Features Used in Digital Textbooks

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    The aim of this study was to determine secondary school students’ choice of design features for digital textbooks. As a part of the research—which was conducted using a mixed technique—a literature review was carried out to source points to consider in the designing of digital textbooks and experts’ opinions were obtained. Based on the results, an 88-question survey was then developed to elicit the preferences of secondary school students with regard to design features for digital textbooks. Also, in this study, three digital textbooks with different design features—but with the same content—were developed to be used by the students. The students were then informed about digital textbook technology by researchers and the digital textbooks were made available to them. Finally, the survey was administered in four separate sessions, and the results were revealed by analysis of the data collected. The findings showed that students wanted digital books with a front, back and bookplate. They took the view that elements for transitions between pages were necessary along with the table of contents, index, glossary and search tools. Students also expressed a desire for images in digital textbooks, especially three-dimensional lifelike drawings, videos and animations

    Siete retos en edición digital para las fuentes documentales

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    Este artículo examinará los retos principales para la edición digital de fuentes documentales, empezando por los conceptos fluidos de editor/lector y edición/recurso que la era digital ha favorecido, aunque han sido frenados en cierta medida por las realidades institucionales y el recelo de algunos investigadores ante cambios que cuanto menos ponen en debate los modos tradicionales de editar. Estos cambios suponen un arma de doble filo: un cuestionamiento, pero también una oportunidad para crear nuevas formas de editar, que afectan a ideas tan fundamentales como los procesos de revisión por pares, la autoridad del experto-científico y el concepto de la edición académica. Se hará frecuentes referencias frecuente a la red CHARTA, una red que pretende crear un corpus de textos y documentos antiguos de España e Hispanoamérica, para ejemplificar algunos argumentos expresados.This article examines the principle challenges facing those involved in digital edition of documentary sources, starting with fluid concepts of reader/user and edition/resource which the digital era has favoured, and which have to some extent been held back by institutional realities and the resistance of some researchers towards changes which at the very least place a question mark over traditional forms of editing. These changes can be viewed as a challenge, but also as an opportunity to re-think the editorial function, which affects fundamental issues such as the peer-review process, scholarly authority and the concept of scholarly editions. Reference is made throughout to the CHARTA network, a project which aims to create a corpus of ancient texts and documents from Spain and the Spanish-speaking Americas


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    Atlet difabel Indonesia masih belum banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia sendiri karena kelompok difabel masih dianggap sebagai kelompok minoritas yang kurang mendapat perhatian di masyarakat, termasuk dalam bidang olahraga. Padahal, di sisi lain para atlet difabel yang tergabung dalam National Paralympic Committee (NPC) Indonesia, dengan keterbatasannya tetap memilih untuk semangat, berjuang, dan tidak menjadikan keterbatasan itu sebagai alasan untuk menyerah, bahkan putus asa. Esai foto ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran kepada masyarakat Indonesia tentang kehidupan para atlet difabel NPC Indonesia. Dikemas dalam sebuah buku digital, esai foto menampilkan foto dari atlet difabel NPC Indonesia secara nyata dan apa adanya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan studi kasus atlet difabel di bawah naungan NPC Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa foto esai dapat memberikan wawasan tentang semangat para atlet sehingga masyarakat dapat ikut mengenal para atlet difabel melalui buku digital tersebut.Fighting in Disability: Photo Essay of Disabled Athletes at National Paralympic Committee Indonesia. Indonesian disabled athletes are still not well recognisable by Indonesian society, where the disabled group is still considered a minority group that receives less attention in the community, including in sports. On the other hand, disabled athletes who are members of the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) Indonesia, despite their limitations, choose to have spirit, fight, and not make their disabilities an excuse to give up or even despair. This photo essay aims to provide an overview of Indonesian society about the lives of NPC Indonesia's disabled athletes. Packaged in a digital book, it displays photos of NPC Indonesia's disabled athletes naturally and unfiltered. The research method used was qualitative, with a case study of disabled athletes under the auspices of NPC Indonesia. The results showed that the photo essay could provide insight into the spirit of the athletes so that the public can get to know the disabled athletes through the digital book

    Mass digitization of books : effect on libraries

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    U radu se opisuje nekoliko glavnih projekata masovne digitalizacije knjiga i razmatra njihov mogući utjecaj na knjižnice. Za istraživanje su odabrana tri poznata svjetska projekta masovne digitalizacije, Gutenberg, Million Book i Google Book. Navedeni projekti izabrani su zbog njihovoga originalnog pristupa u primjeni suvremene tehnologije i uspostavi novih modela suradnje s knjižnicama. Ciljevi rada jesu: prikazati različite pristupe masovnoj digitalizaciji knjiga, zatim označiti pitanja i prijepore koji su se usporedo pojavili i, konačno, istražiti moguć utjecaj takvih projekata na knjižnice. Odnedavno je sve više projekata digitalizacije knjižnične građe i u Hrvatskoj; preporuka je ovog rada da implikacije ključnih pitanja i problema opisanih u tri velika međunarodna projekta budu sadržane u strukovnim odlukama, pravilima i postupcima, ali i u širim razmatranjima o ulozi knjige, knjižnica i informacija u digitalnom okruženju u Hrvatskoj.The paper describes some major projects of mass digitization of books and addresses their impact on libraries. Three large mass digitization projects were selected for analysis: Gutenberg, Million Book and Google Books. They were selected because of their pioneering applications of contemporary information technologies and innovative partnerships with libraries. The aims of this work are to illustrate different approaches to mass digitization of books, than describe the questions and controversies that have arisen, and finally examine possible effects of these projects in libraries. Lately, digitization projects of library materials have been expanding in Croatia; it is suggested that critical issues and problems encountered in these large international projects have implications for Croatia as well in relation to professional decisions, policies, and practices and even in broader consideration on the role of books, libraries, and information in the evolving digital environment of the country

    Selected aspects of the use of e-books in education in the opinions of future Croatian educators

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    E-books are an important element of culture in the digital age. In Europe, the market interest in this technology is constantly growing, which is a challenge for manufacturers, publishers and booksellers, and in the near future, it may become a challenge also for teachers, pedagogues and parents. The aim of the author’s research was to examine and describe future teachers’ and pedagogues’ opinions about the e-book in an educational context and to evaluate the frequency of using this medium by the respondents. The survey was conducted among students of pedagogy and teacher education from the University of Split. Most of the respondents do not use electronic versions of books for education or hobby purposes or do so very rarely. At the same time, they consider them very useful in the didactic process and would definitely use e-books in their future educational work. According to respondents’ opinions, e-books should be an additional (supporting) element, but they cannot replace traditional books in education