16 research outputs found

    Wiki-based rapid prototyping for teaching-material design in e-Learning grids

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    [[abstract]]Grid computing environments with abundant resources can support innovative e-Learning applications, and are promising platforms for e-Learning. To support individualized and adaptive learning, teachers are encouraged to develop various teaching materials according to different requirements. However, traditional methodologies for designing teaching materials are time-consuming. To speed up the development process of teaching materials, our idea is to use a rapid prototyping approach which is based on automatic draft generation and Wiki-based revision. This paper presents the approach named WARP (Wiki-based Authoring by Rapid Prototyping), which is composed of five phases: (1) requirement verification, (2) query expansion, (3) teaching-material retrieval, (4) draft generation and (5) Wiki-based revision. A prototype system was implemented in grid environments. The evaluation was conducted using a two-group t-test design. Experimental results indicate that teaching materials can be rapidly generated with the proposed approach. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis E-Learning Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstrak: Teknologi dalam bidang Pendidikan telah berkembang pesat, salah satunya adalah munculnya E-learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar tematik pendamping guru berbasis E-learning. Pengembangan bahan ajar menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall terdiri atas 10 langkah. Data dikumpulkan melihat kelayakan produk E-learning. Data angket dari ahli isi/materi, ahli media, ahli desain, teman sejawat dan 24 siswa. Teknik analisis data bersifat diskriptif. Hasil reviu kelayakan produk pengembangan:1) review ahli isi/materi  97%,2) reviu ahli media 83%, 3) reviu ahli desain 88%, 4) uji coba perorangan 90%, 4) uji coba kelompok 93%, 5) uji coba produk terhadap siswa presentase 83%. Nilai rata-rata keseluruhan uji kelayakan adalah 89%. Dengan kriteria kelayakan sangat baik.Abstract: Technology in education, one of which is e-learning, requires the appropriate teaching materials in the implementation of thematic. By using the descriptive qualitative method, the results showed as follows: 1) content expert review is 97%. 2) media expert review is 83%, 3) design expert review 88%, 4) individual product trial is 90%, 5) product group trial is 93%, 6) product trials on students and student responses through questionnaires is 83%. The average score of the overall feasibility test is 89%. With the ‘very good’ feasibility criteria, the product developed is appropriate to be used as supplementary teaching materials in thematic learning

    A co-writing development approach to wikis: Pedagogical issues and implications

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    Published version of a paper from the journal: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Also available from the publisher: http://www.waset.org/journals/waset/v77/v77-107.pdfWikis are promoted as collaborative writing tools that allow students to transform a text into a collective document by information sharing and group reflection. However, despite the promising collaborative capabilities of wikis, their pedagogical value regarding collaborative writing is still questionable. Wiki alone cannot make collaborative writing happen, and students do not automatically become more active, participate, and collaborate with others when they use wikis. To foster collaborative writing and active involvement in wiki development there is a need for a systematic approach to wikis. The main goal of this paper is to propose and evaluate a co-writing approach to the development of wikis, along with the study of three wiki applications to report on pedagogical implications of collaborative writing in higher education

    Implementation of "wiki" philosophy to the update of teaching material in the area of pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology

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    La Directiva 2005/36/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, relativa al reconocimiento de cualificaciones profesionales, en su artículo 44, referente a la formación del farmacéutico, y la Orden CIN/2137/2008, por la que se establecen los requisitos para la verificación de los títulos universitarios oficiales que habiliten para el ejercicio de esta profesión, recogen conocimientos y competencias que deben contemplarse en su formación académica. Muchos de ellos están directamente relacionados con los fármacos y con los medicamentos y, por tanto, estrechamente vinculados con el Área de Conocimiento de “Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica”. Como profesores de esta Área desde hace muchos años, hemos apreciado la dificultad existente en la preparación del material docente. Este hecho es debido a diversas razones. Entre ellas destacan: a) limitación de las fuentes documentales existentes sobre las propiedades físico-químicas y biofarmacéuticas de muchos principios activos; b) escasez de textos concernientes a la fabricación concreta de medicamentos; c) irrupción continua en el mercado de nuevos medicamentos, que implica que muchos textos se queden desfasados; d) dispersión de los contenidos. Para intentar soslayar esta problemática, se han venido realizando diversas actividades docentes. Una de ellas, objeto de la presente comunicación, fue implantada en el curso 2009-10, para los alumnos de 5º curso y se seguirá incluyendo en la programación docente para el próximo 2010-11. Está basada en el concepto “wiki”. Consiste en la elaboración, por parte de alumnos y profesores, de un espacio común, convenientemente organizado, donde todos aportan información para elaborar una gran enciclopedia virtual sobre el medicamento.Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and Council on the recognition of professional qualifications, section 44, concerning the formation of pharmacists, and the Order CIN/2137/2008, laying down the requirements for verification of official university degrees that prepare students to work in this profession, gather knowledge and skills to be covered in their education. Many of them are directly related to drugs and medicines and, therefore, closely linked to the Knowledge Area "Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology”. As teachers of this area for many years, we have appreciated the difficulty in preparing the teaching material. This is due to various reasons. These include: a) limitation of existing documentary sources on the physico-chemical and biopharmaceutical characteristics of many active ingredients. b) a shortage of texts concerning the specific manufacture of medicaments. c) continuous irruption in the market for new drugs and dosage forms, which means that many texts become outdated. d) information dispersion. To circumvent this problem, various educational activities have being conducted. One of this, object of the present communication, was introduced in 2009-10 for students in the 5th grade and still be included in the course program for the next 2010-11. It is based on the concept of "wiki". It consists of establishing, by students and teachers, a common area, conveniently organized in which all provide information to develop a virtual encyclopedia of medicaments

    Implementation of "wiki" philosophy to the update of teaching material in the area of pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology

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    La Directiva 2005/36/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, relativa al reconocimiento decualificaciones profesionales, en su artículo 44, referente a la formación del farmacéutico, y la OrdenCIN/2137/2008, por la que se establecen los requisitos para la verificación de los títulos universitariosoficiales que habiliten para el ejercicio de esta profesión, recogen conocimientos y competencias quedeben contemplarse en su formación académica. Muchos de ellos están directamente relacionadoscon los fármacos y con los medicamentos y, por tanto, estrechamente vinculados con el Área deConocimiento de “Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica”.Como profesores de esta Área desde hace muchos años, hemos apreciado la dificultad existente en lapreparación del material docente. Este hecho es debido a diversas razones. Entre ellas destacan: a)limitación de las fuentes documentales existentes sobre las propiedades físico-químicas ybiofarmacéuticas de muchos principios activos; b) escasez de textos concernientes a la fabricaciónconcreta de medicamentos; c) irrupción continua en el mercado de nuevos medicamentos, que implicaque muchos textos se queden desfasados; d) dispersión de los contenidos.Para intentar soslayar esta problemática, se han venido realizando diversas actividades docentes. Unade ellas, objeto de la presente comunicación, fue implantada en el curso 2009-10, para los alumnos de5º curso y se seguirá incluyendo en la programación docente para el próximo 2010-11. Está basada enel concepto “wiki”. Consiste en la elaboración, por parte de alumnos y profesores, de un espaciocomún, convenientemente organizado, donde todos aportan información para elaborar una granenciclopedia virtual sobre el medicamento.Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and Council on the recognition of professionalqualifications, section 44, concerning the formation of pharmacists, and the Order CIN/2137/2008,laying down the requirements for verification of official university degrees that prepare students towork in this profession, gather knowledge and skills to be covered in their education. Many of themare directly related to drugs and medicines and, therefore, closely linked to the Knowledge Area"Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology”.As teachers of this area for many years, we have appreciated the difficulty in preparing the teachingmaterial. This is due to various reasons. These include: a) limitation of existing documentary sourceson the physico-chemical and biopharmaceutical characteristics of many active ingredients. b) ashortage of texts concerning the specific manufacture of medicaments. c) continuous irruption in themarket for new drugs and dosage forms, which means that many texts become outdated. d)information dispersion.To circumvent this problem, various educational activities have being conducted. One of this, objectof the present communication, was introduced in 2009-10 for students in the 5th grade and still be included in the course program for the next 2010-11. It is based on the concept of "wiki". It consistsof establishing, by students and teachers, a common area, conveniently organized in which all provideinformation to develop a virtual encyclopedia of medicaments


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    Prior research on how to facilitate individuals’ participation in wiki knowledge contribution generally pays little attention to the differentiation of knowledge contributions and the embeddedness of individual team members in team context. This paper examines how an individual’s epistemic motivation and team task reflexivity interact to jointly influence adding, deleting and revising behaviors in distinct ways. Empirical data of 166 university students in 51 teams support our hypotheses. Individuals’ adding, deleting and revising behaviors on wikis are influenced differently by the interactive effect of individual epistemic motivation and team task reflexivity. First, the positive relationship between epistemic motivation and adding behaviors is stronger when the team’s task reflexivity is high. Second, the epistemic motivation stimulates deleting behaviors only when team task reflexivity is high. Third, epistemic motivation is significantly associated with more revising behaviors no matter the level of task reflexivity is high or low

    Pengembangan Awal Bahan Ajar IPA Di Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this study is to develop teaching materials (IPA) thematic-based Integrated grade IV Primary School This research uses research and development methods that recommend the development model of Dick and Carey in developing learning products. From preliminary study through observation, interview and field questionnaire indicated that integrated science learning that took place at SDN Kelapa Dua 06 Pagi, still minimal teaching materials used and teaching materials that have not improved the condition of student inquiry, it is necessary to develop teaching materials (learning ) Integrated Science with integrated thematic based for fourth grade students of elementary school. Validation of teaching materials (learning) is carried out by learning design experts, learning media experts and learning material experts. After the revision was then piloted through a one-to-one test, the results showed that thematic Integrated Science materials based on the 2013 curriculum were in either category. Respondents who participated in this research were fourth grade students of SDN Kelapa Dua 06 Pagi in West Jakarta. The results of the experiments show that the developed materials still need material reduction and specific revisions to produce teaching materials that are in accordance with the needs of the fourth grade students.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar (IPA) terintegrasi kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Terpadu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang merekomendasikan model pengembangan Dick dan Carey dalam mengembangkan produk pembelajaran. Dari studi pendahuluan melalui observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner lapangan menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran sains terintegrasi yang berlangsung di SDN Kelapa Dua 06 Pagi, masih minimnya bahan ajar yang digunakan dan bahan ajar yang belum meningkatkan kondisi inkuiri siswa, maka perlu dikembangkan bahan ajar. (belajar) Sains Terpadu dengan tematik terintegrasi berbasis untuk siswa kelas empat sekolah dasar. Validasi bahan ajar dilakukan oleh pakar desain pembelajaran, pakar media pembelajaran dan pakar materi pembelajaran. Setelah revisi kemudian diujicobakan melalui tes satu-ke-satu, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar IPA tematik integratif  berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 berada dalam kategori baik. Responden yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas empat SDN Kelapa Dua 06 Pagi di Jakarta Barat. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa bahan yang dikembangkan masih membutuhkan reduksi materi dan revisi khusus untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa kelas empa

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Dasar Tata Rias Wajah untuk Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Vokasional Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PVKK) Tata Rias

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    Abstrak: Kualitas pembelajaran yang baik, salah satunya di dukung oleh literatur yang baik pula. Dengan adanya bahan ajar yang telah divalidasi oleh ahli maka pembelajaran akan menjadi lebih baik. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4D. Hasil yang didapat dari validasi desain menyatakan kelayakan bahan ajar tata rias di Prodi PVKK rata-rata validasi ahli 88% (kategori sangat baik/layak). Hasil validasi untuk ahli desain rata-rata 83% (kategori baik/layak), Sedangkan untuk hasil penilaian dari dosen pengajar Prodi PVKK dinilai 98% yakni diartikan dalam kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan uji dalam kelompok kecil sebesar 84,1% yang artinya baik (layak), dan uji kelompok besar yakni 86,15% yang artinya sangat baik (layak). Dengan demikian bahan ajar dasar tata rias dapat mendukung pembelajaran tata rias berjalan baik dan lancar. Abstract: The quality of good learning is supported by good literature. By this teaching material that have been validated by the experts, the learning process will be better. The research method is a development model of 4D. The results obtained from SME (Cosmetology Experts) stated that the feasibility of the teaching materials in the PVKK Study Program, the average is 88% (very good/proper category). Validation results for design experts an average of 83% (good/decent category), while for the results of the assessment of the lecturer of the PVPK Study Program rated 98%, which is interpreted in the excellent category. While the test in small groups is 84.1%, which means good (feasible), and the large group test is 86.15%, which means very good (feasible). Thus the basic teaching materials for cosmetology can support cosmetology learning to run well and smoothly


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    This article presents the results of developing Indonesian culture-based teaching materials. This research refers to the development design that was developed by Dick and Carry (2009): define, design, develop and dessimenate. Teaching material developed has been tested for its validity, effectiveness, and practicality. The results showed the implementation of learning that is, instructional materials compiled and developed feasible to use because it is in the range of values 3.0 <M <4.0 .. Aspects of teaching materials towards the achievement of objectives implemented with a mean value of 3.20. The aspect of applying Indonesian culture-based teaching materials was carried out with an average value of 3.05. The context of learning the relevance of Indonesian culture is carried out with a mean value of 3.25. The test result data shows the average value of the acquisition of 82.31 of the 14 students tested. The highest value was 86.20 and the lowest was 73.60. Of the 14 learners who worked on the learning worksheets, 10 people (71.42%) were in the very high category and 4 people (28.58%) were in the high category. So, it was stated that Indonesian language-based learning material was appropriate to be applied to Indonesian language learning for speakers foreign