11 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the Search Strategy to Update Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering

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    Context: Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) have been adopted within Software Engineering (SE) for more than a decade to provide meaningful summaries of evidence on several topics. Many of these SLRs are now potentially not fully up-to-date, and there are no standard proposals on how to update SLRs in SE. Objective: The objective of this paper is to propose guidelines on how to best search for evidence when updating SLRs in SE, and to evaluate these guidelines using an SLR that was not employed during the formulation of the guidelines. Method: To propose our guidelines, we compare and discuss outcomes from applying different search strategies to identify primary studies in a published SLR, an SLR update, and two replications in the area of effort estimation. These guidelines are then evaluated using an SLR in the area of software ecosystems, its update and a replication. Results: The use of a single iteration forward snowballing with Google Scholar, and employing as a seed set the original SLR and its primary studies is the most cost-effective way to search for new evidence when updating SLRs. Furthermore, the importance of having more than one researcher involved in the selection of papers when applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria is highlighted through the results. Conclusions: Our proposed guidelines formulated based upon an effort estimation SLR, its update and two replications, were supported when using an SLR in the area of software ecosystems, its update and a replication. Therefore, we put forward that our guidelines ought to be adopted for updating SLRs in SE.Comment: Author version of manuscript accepted for publication at the Information and Software Technology Journa

    A Principled Methodology: A Dozen Principles of Software Effort Estimation

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    Software effort estimation (SEE) is the activity of estimating the total effort required to complete a software project. Correctly estimating the effort required for a software project is of vital importance for the competitiveness of the organizations. Both under- and over-estimation leads to undesirable consequences for the organizations. Under-estimation may result in overruns in budget and schedule, which in return may cause the cancellation of projects; thereby, wasting the entire effort spent until that point. Over-estimation may cause promising projects not to be funded; hence, harming the organizational competitiveness.;Due to the significant role of SEE for software organizations, there is a considerable research effort invested in SEE. Thanks to the accumulation of decades of prior research, today we are able to identify the core issues and search for the right principles to tackle pressing questions. For example, regardless of decades of work, we still lack concrete answers to important questions such as: What is the best SEE method? The introduced estimation methods make use of local data, however not all the companies have their own data, so: How can we handle the lack of local data? Common SEE methods take size attributes for granted, yet size attributes are costly and the practitioners place very little trust in them. Hence, we ask: How can we avoid the use of size attributes? Collection of data, particularly dependent variable information (i.e. effort values) is costly: How can find an essential subset of the SEE data sets? Finally, studies make use of sampling methods to justify a new method\u27s performance on SEE data sets. Yet, trade-off among different variants is ignored: How should we choose sampling methods for SEE experiments? ;This thesis is a rigorous investigation towards identification and tackling of the pressing issues in SEE. Our findings rely on extensive experimentation performed with a large corpus of estimation techniques on a large set of public and proprietary data sets. We summarize our findings and industrial experience in the form of 12 principles: 1) Know your domain 2) Let the Experts Talk 3) Suspect your data 4) Data Collection is Cyclic 5) Use a Ranking Stability Indicator 6) Assemble Superior Methods 7) Weighting Analogies is Over-elaboration 8) Use Easy-path Design 9) Use Relevancy Filtering 10) Use Outlier Pruning 11) Combine Outlier and Synonym Pruning 12) Be Aware of Sampling Method Trade-off

    LACE: Supporting Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Transfer Defect Learning

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    Cross Project Defect Prediction (CPDP) is a field of study where an organization lacking enough local data can use data from other organizations or projects for building defect predictors. Research in CPDP has shown challenges in using ``other\u27\u27 data, therefore transfer defect learning has emerged to improve on the quality of CPDP results. With this new found success in CPDP, it is now increasingly important to focus on the privacy concerns of data owners.;To support CPDP, data must be shared. There are many privacy threats that inhibit data sharing. We focus on sensitive attribute disclosure threats or attacks, where an attacker seeks to associate a record(s) in a data set to its sensitive information. Solutions to this sharing problem comes from the field of Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) which has emerged as a means to confuse the efforts of sensitive attribute disclosure attacks and therefore reduce privacy concerns. PPDP covers methods and tools used to disguise raw data for publishing. However, prior work warned that increasing data privacy decreases the efficacy of data mining on privatized data.;The goal of this research is to help encourage organizations and individuals to share their data publicly and/or with each other for research purposes and/or improving the quality of their software product through defect prediction. The contributions of this work allow three benefits for data owners willing to share privatized data: 1) that they are fully aware of the sensitive attribute disclosure risks involved so they can make an informed decision about what to share, 2) they are provided with the ability to privatize their data and have it remain useful, and 3) the ability to work with others to share their data based on what they learn from each others data. We call this private multiparty data sharing.;To achieve these benefits, this dissertation presents LACE (Large-scale Assurance of Confidentiality Environment). LACE incorporates a privacy metric called IPR (Increased Privacy Ratio) which calculates the risk of sensitive attribute disclosure of data through comparing results of queries (attacks) on the original data and a privatized version of that data. LACE also includes a privacy algorithm which uses intelligent instance selection to prune the data to as low as 10% of the original data (thus offering complete privacy to the other 90%). It then mutates the remaining data making it possible that over 70% of sensitive attribute disclosure attacks are unsuccessful. Finally, LACE can facilitate private multiparty data sharing via a unique leader-follower algorithm (developed for this dissertation). The algorithm allows data owners to serially build a privatized data set, by allowing them to only contribute data that are not already in the private cache. In this scenario, each data owner shares even less of their data, some as low as 2%.;The experiments of this thesis, lead to the following conclusion: at least for the defect data studied here, data can be minimized, privatized and shared without a significant degradation in utility. Specifically, in comparative studies with standard privacy models (k-anonymity and data swapping), applied to 10 open-source data sets and 3 proprietary data sets, LACE produces privatized data sets that are significantly smaller than the original data (as low as 2%). As a result LACE offers better protection against sensitive attribute disclosure attacks than other methods

    Search-based approaches for software development effort estimation

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    2011 - 2012Effort estimation is a critical activity for planning and monitoring software project development and for delivering the product on time and within budget. Significant over or under-estimates expose a software project to several risks. As a matter of fact under-estimates could lead to addition of manpower to a late software project, making the project later (Brooks’s Law), or to the cancellation of activities, such as documentation and testing, negatively impacting on software quality and maintainability. Thus, the competitiveness of a software company heavily depends on the ability of its project managers to accurately predict in advance the effort required to develop software system. However, several challenges exists in making accurate estimates, e.g., the estimation is needed early in the software lifecycle, when few information about the project are available, or several factors can impact on project effort and these factor are usually specific for different production contexts. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature to support project manager in estimating software project development effort. In the last years the use of Search-Based (SB) approaches has been suggested to be employed as an effort estimation technique. These approaches include a variety of meta-heuristics, such as local search techniques (e.g., Hill Climbing, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing) or Evolutionary Algorithms (e.g., Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming). The idea underlying the use of such techniques is based on the reformulation of software engineering problems as search or optimization problems whose goal is to find the most appropriate solutions which conform to some adequacy criteria (i.e., problem goals). In particular, the use of SB approaches in the context of effort estimation is twofold: they can be exploited to build effort estimation models or to enhance the use of existing effort estimation techniques. The usage reported in the literature of SB approaches for effort estimation have provided promising results that encourage further investigations. However, they can be considered preliminary studies. As a matter of fact, the capabilities of these approaches were not fully exploited, either the employed empirical analyses did not consider the more recent recommendations on how to carry out this kind of empirical assessment in the effort estimation and in the SBSE contexts. The main aim of the PhD dissertation is to provide an insight on the use of SB techniques for the effort estimation trying to highlight strengths and weaknesses of these approaches for both the uses above mentioned. [edited by Author]XI n.s

    when to use data from other projects for effort estimation

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    SIGSOFT; SIGART; IEEE CSCollecting the data required for quality prediction within a development team is time-consuming and expensive. An alternative to make predictions using data that crosses from other projects or even other companies. We show that with/without relevancy filtering, imported data performs the same/worse (respectively) than using local data. Therefore,we recommend the use of relevancy filtering whenever generating estimates using data from another project. © 2010 ACM