13 research outputs found

    Perancangan Pelatihan Soal-Soal Ujian Nasional Tingkat SD Berbasis Game

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    The use of technology as a learning medium is a new breakthrough that is very effective because in the millennial era like now students tend to prefer playing smartphones and computers rather than reading books and learning, not only that various kinds of games both online games and offline games that develop are also interesting student attention so as to make students more closely with smartphones and computers. Educational games are one of the solutions offered as innovative learning media because they are in accordance with student preferences. The purpose of this study is to design an educational game to produce media in the form of training for UN questions (national exams) which can be accessed via smartphone or computer devices. The benefit of this research is to create media that is in line with the interests of students. The type of research used is research and development with the 4D development model, namely define (analysis of teaching materials, curriculum and users), design (product design), develop (development), and disseminate (trial). This research was conducted at SD Negeri 3 Pabelan, with grade 6 as the subject, through the results of the assessment game training questions on national exams conducted through questionnaire questionnaires filled out by students and experts showed that the training game national exam questions were very feasible to apply in school

    Encouraging Gameful Experience in Digital Game-Based Learning: A Double-Mediation Model of Perceived Instructional Support, Group Engagement, and Flow

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    In the current digitalization era, digital game-based learning (DGBL) is used in education to engage and motivate students. Gameful experience (GE) is a crucial precondition to determine the effectiveness of these games. However, previous research focused solely on the effects of games on inter alia student engagement, and empirical research regarding GE is lacking. This study investigates the factors that encourage students’ GE. Grounded in the theory of experience, a double-mediation model is developed that considers the direct relationship between instructional support and students’ GE and examines how group engagement and flow mediate this relationship. Data from 336 students participating in a team-based business simulation game revealed that group engagement and flow sequentially double-mediated the positive relationship between instruc-tional support and GE. Thus, to encourage students’ GE, educators and education institutions should provide appropriate instructional support that promotes group engagement as well as flow among students

    When a game supports prevocational math education but integrated reflection does not

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    The present study addressed the effectiveness of an educational math game for improving proportional reasoning in prevocational education, and examined the added value of support in the form of reflection. The study compared four conditions: the game with reflection prompts, the game with reflection prompts plus procedural information, the game with procedural information only and the game without additional support. It was found that students' proportional reasoning skill improved after playing the game. The game managed to target prevocational students with low prior knowledge, a group that has the potential to understand proportional reasoning but has not yet encountered the right learning situation to live up to their potential. However, it was also found that students need to be computational fluent to profit from the game. Furthermore, no added value of the support was found. The way the support was structured may have been too demanding for most of the students. The fact that the prevocational students (and specifically those with low prior knowledge) improved by playing the game is noteworthy, because the topic of proportional reasoning is demanding for this group of students who often have lower abilities as well as in some cases a high resistance to learning

    When a game supports prevocational math education but integrated reflection does not

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    The present study addressed the effectiveness of an educational math game for improving proportional reasoning in prevocational education, and examined the added value of support in the form of reflection. The study compared four conditions: the game with reflection prompts, the game with reflection prompts plus procedural information, the game with procedural information only and the game without additional support. It was found that students' proportional reasoning skill improved after playing the game. The game managed to target prevocational students with low prior knowledge, a group that has the potential to understand proportional reasoning but has not yet encountered the right learning situation to live up to their potential. However, it was also found that students need to be computational fluent to profit from the game. Furthermore, no added value of the support was found. The way the support was structured may have been too demanding for most of the students. The fact that the prevocational students (and specifically those with low prior knowledge) improved by playing the game is noteworthy, because the topic of proportional reasoning is demanding for this group of students who often have lower abilities as well as in some cases a high resistance to learning

    When a game supports prevocational math education but integrated reflection does not

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    The present study addressed the effectiveness of an educational math game for improving proportional reasoning in prevocational education, and examined the added value of support in the form of reflection. The study compared four conditions: the game with reflection prompts, the game with reflection prompts plus procedural information, the game with procedural information only and the game without additional support. It was found that students' proportional reasoning skill improved after playing the game. The game managed to target prevocational students with low prior knowledge, a group that has the potential to understand proportional reasoning but has not yet encountered the right learning situation to live up to their potential. However, it was also found that students need to be computational fluent to profit from the game. Furthermore, no added value of the support was found. The way the support was structured may have been too demanding for most of the students. The fact that the prevocational students (and specifically those with low prior knowledge) improved by playing the game is noteworthy, because the topic of proportional reasoning is demanding for this group of students who often have lower abilities as well as in some cases a high resistance to learnin

    Evaluating and Integrating Educational Technology in the Elementary Mathematics Classroom

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    This study used a meta-analysis to analyze several studies examining the impact of technology in the mathematics classroom in order to investigate the functionality of digital tools, and the integration of those digital tools, that most positively impact student achievement and student engagement. Through a keyword search and exclusion criteria, a systematic collection of relevant articles was compiled and analyzed through a two-tier coding scheme. The analysis determined that professional development opportunities need to be provided before, during, and after integration of technology. In addition, educators and students need time prior to the lesson or unit to become familiar with the digital tool and its available functions. Furthermore, educators need to put pedagogy first in order to align strategies with the appropriate digital tools. Finally, digital tools should be introduced in a blended format, with the teacher as a facilitator and the digital activities connected to the curriculum

    Jogos digitais educacionais : um estudo de caso com uma ferramenta de aprendizagem para conteúdo de conversão de bases e aritmética básica de binários

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2016.Há uma preocupação com a evasão e reprovação de alunos nos cursos de computação. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem o objetivo de criar, desenvolver e aplicar um jogo educacional que auxilie na prática e retenção de conhecimento de alunos do primeiro semestre do curso de Ciência da Computação, que cursarem a disciplina com o conteúdo de conversão de bases e aritmética básica de binários. Assim, um jogo foi criado com base no framework Modelo de Design de Jogos Educacionais [30], que consiste na combinação de design de jogos, pedagogia e modelagem do conteúdo educacional, sendo que para esta última foi aplicado o conceito de scaffolding. O conteúdo acadêmico desenvolvido no jogo foi o de representação de dados e aritmética básica de números binários. O jogo foi aplicado somente na turma de experimento, enquanto a turma de controle teve aula normal. Para avaliar a eficácia do jogo no aprendizado, foram feitos 3 testes de conhecimento em cada turma. Os resultados da avaliação mostraram que o jogo promoveu retenção de conhecimento na turma de experimento em comparação com a turma de controle. Porém, registra-se que não se pôde medir o impacto da ferramenta pedagógica implementada, scaffolding, na aprendizagem, pois esta foi pouco usada pelos alunos enquanto jogavam.In the universities computer’s courses there is a concern about the failure and evasion of students. Thus, this work has the main objective to create, develop and apply an educational game that helps students to practice and to retain knowledge of the first semester of the Course of Computer Science and Degree in Computing, who attend the Introduction to Computer Systems discipline. The game was created based on the Educational Games (EG) Design Framework [30] which consists of the combination of game design, pedagogy and educational content modeling, as the scaffolding tool. The academic content developed in the game was data representation and basic arithmetic of binary numbers. The game was only applied in the experiment group, while the control group had a normal class. To evaluate the effectiveness of the game in the learning, three tests were applied in each class of experiment and of control. The results of the evaluation showed that the game promoted retention of knowledge of the experiment class compared to the control group. Regarding such a tool, it was not possible to measure its impact on learning expirience, since scaffolding tool was not intensively used by the students while playing the game

    The medical pause in simulation training

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    The medical pause, stopping current performance for a short time for additional cognitive activities, can potentially advance patient safety and learning in medicine. Yet, to date, we do not have a theoretical understanding of why pausing skills should be taught as a professional skill, nor empirical evidence of how pausing affects performance and learning. To address this gap, this thesis investigates the effects of pausing in medical training theoretically and empirically. For the empirical investigation, a computer-based simulation was used for the task environment, and eye-tracking and log data to assess performance