21 research outputs found

    Event Stream Processing with Multiple Threads

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    Current runtime verification tools seldom make use of multi-threading to speed up the evaluation of a property on a large event trace. In this paper, we present an extension to the BeepBeep 3 event stream engine that allows the use of multiple threads during the evaluation of a query. Various parallelization strategies are presented and described on simple examples. The implementation of these strategies is then evaluated empirically on a sample of problems. Compared to the previous, single-threaded version of the BeepBeep engine, the allocation of just a few threads to specific portions of a query provides dramatic improvement in terms of running time

    Monitoring of security properties using BeepBeep

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    Runtime enforcement is an effective method to ensure the compliance of program with user-defined security policies. In this paper we show how the stream event processor tool BeepBeep can be used to monitor the security properties of Java programs. The proposed approach relies on AspectJ to generate a trace capturing the program’s runtime behavior. This trace is then processed by BeepBeep, a complex event processing tool that allows complex data-driven policies to be stated and verified with ease. Depending on the result returned by BeepBeep, AspectJ can then be used to halt the execution or take other corrective action. The proposed method offers multiple advantages, notable flexibility in devising and stating expressive user-defined security policies

    Model Checking of Stream Processing Pipelines

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    Event stream processing (ESP) is the application of a computation to a set of input sequences of arbitrary data objects, called "events", in order to produce other sequences of data objects. In recent years, a large number of ESP systems have been developed; however, none of them is easily amenable to a formal verification of properties on their execution. In this paper, we show how stream processing pipelines built with an existing ESP library called BeepBeep 3 can be exported as a Kripke structure for the NuXmv model checker. This makes it possible to formally verify properties on these pipelines, and opens the way to the use of such pipelines directly within a model checker as an extension of its specification language

    From LTL to rLTL monitoring

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    Runtime monitoring is commonly used to detect the violation of desired properties in safety critical systems by observing run prefixes of the system. Bauer et al. introduced an influential framework for monitoring Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) properties, which is based on a three-valued semantics: the formula is already satisfied by the given prefix, it is already violated, or it is still undetermined, i.e., it can be satisfied and violated. However, a wide range of formulas are not monitorable under this approach, meaning that every prefix is undetermined. In particular, Bauer et al. report that 44% of the formulas they consider in their experiments fall into this category. Recently, robust semantics for LTL were introduced to capture degrees of violation of universal properties. Here, we define robust semantics for run prefixes and show its potential in monitoring: every formula considered by Bauer et al. is monitorable under our approach. Furthermore, we show that properties expressed with the robust semantics can be monitored by deterministic automata

    A Taxonomy for Classifying Runtime Verification Tools

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    International audienceOver the last 15 years Runtime Verification (RV) has grown into a diverse and active field, which has stimulated the development of numerous theoretical frameworks and tools. Many of the tools are at first sight very different and challenging to compare. Yet, there are similarities. In this work, we classify RV tools within a high-level taxonomy of concepts. We first present this taxonomy and discuss the different dimensions. Then, we survey RV tools and classify them according to the taxonomy. This paper constitutes a snapshot of the current state of the art and enables a comparison of existing tools

    A Model-driven Approach to Trace Checking of Temporal Properties with Aggregations

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    The verification of complex software systems often requires to check quantitative properties that rely on aggregation operators (e.g., the average response time of a service). One way to ease the specification of these properties is to use property specification patterns, such as the ones for “service provisioning”, previously proposed in the literature. In this paper we focus on the problem of performing offline trace checking of temporal properties containing aggregation operators. We first present TemPsy-AG, an extension of TemPsy—an existing pattern-based language for the specification of temporal properties—to support service provisioning patterns that use aggregation operators. We then extend an existing model-driven procedure for trace checking, to verify properties expressed in TemPsy-AG. The trace checking procedure relies on the efficient mapping of temporal properties written in TemPsy-AG into OCL constraints on a meta-model of execution traces. We have implemented this procedure in the TemPsy-Check-AG tool and evaluated its performance: our approach scales linearly with respect to the length of the input trace and can deal with much larger traces than a state-of-the-art tool

    Model-Driven Trace Diagnostics for Pattern-based Temporal Specifications

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    Offline trace checking tools check whether a specification holds on a log of events recorded at run time; they yield a verification verdict (typically a boolean value) when the checking process ends. When the verdict is false, a software engineer needs to diagnose the property violations found in the trace in order to understand their cause and, if needed, decide for corrective actions to be performed on the system. However, a boolean verdict may not be informative enough to perform trace diagnostics, since it does not provide any useful information about the cause of the violation and because a property can be violated for multiple reasons. The goal of this paper is to provide a practical and scalable so- lution to solve the trace diagnostics problem, in the settings of model-driven trace checking of temporal properties expressed in TemPsy, a pattern-based specification language. The main contributions of the paper are: a model-driven approach for trace diagnostics of pattern-based temporal properties expressed in TemPsy, which relies on the evaluation of OCL queries on an instance of a trace meta-model; the implementation of this trace diagnostics procedure in the TemPsy-Report tool; the evaluation of the scalability of TemPsy-Report, when used for the diagnostics of violations of real properties derived from a case study of our industrial partner. The results show that TemPsy-Report is able to collect diagnostic information from large traces (with one million events) in less than ten seconds; TemPsy-Report scales linearly with respect to the length of the trace and keeps approximately constant performance as the number of violations increases