2,590 research outputs found

    What is Love?

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    What is Love?

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    What Is Love? (Baby Don’t Hurt Me)

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    What is Love? On Love, Lust, and Limerence

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    What is Love? On Love, Lust, and Limerenc

    Digital Approaches to Analyzing and Translating Emotion : What Is Love?

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    This chapter discusses the use of digital tools – in particular, language technology – to study the history of emotions. There are a growing number of annotated text corpora for ancient languages large enough to benefit from computational analysis. This chapter focuses on the cuneiform Akkadian texts available in the Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (Oracc) and applies two language-technological methods, pointwise mutual information (PMI) and the fastText implementation of the continuous skip-gram model, to a dataset of 7,346 texts. To illustrate the potential of these methods, they are used to analyze the semantic domains of the verb rñmu, “to love,” and its derivatives in Akkadian. Because the usage and semantic domains of a word can vary greatly between different genres, the dataset is divided into several genres, and the analysis focuses on royal inscriptions, letters, and literary text genres. The results show that, like the word love in English, rñmu can denote different aspects of affection and love. It refers, for example, to erotic and sexual relationships between people, affection between family members, the king’s love of justice, and the gods’ pleasure with and acceptance of the king who fulfills divine expectations.Peer reviewe

    What is Love? The Sounds of Love from William S. Burroughs

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    William Burroughs, his life and works, have a set beginning and end, but the biological and spiritual connections he draws between language, sound, and the human body appear to have undefined points of origin. Sound has always been. Language has always been. To exist outside of language and sound is to exist outside of time and space and thus outside the body. Burroughs’ theories on language, the word, and their connection to the body are woven through texts filled with structural and narrative convolutions. ­ Nova Trilogy, especially The Ticket that Exploded, as well as the early novel Naked Lunch, establish a biological link between sex and sound, both musical, in instances of consumptive love. However, in the later trilogy, including books such as the Western Lands, love moves away from the body; despite the continued use of music and sound, the concept of love separates and becomes linked to the image of the cat. Th­is shift demonstrates Burroughs’ understanding of society’s control system, as projected through morals, economy, and the notion of individuality, and suggests how the fight to escape these systems shaped Burroughs’ ideas of what love could or might actually be

    What is Love in Nursing Care? A Qualitative Study

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    Abstract What is love in nursing care? A qualitative study Recent failures in care highlighted through documents such as the Frances report have pointed to lack of kindness, respect and dignity in patient care and lack of professionalism. As a consequence, nurse education has come under the microscope, with questions about the potential to teach nurses compassion. The demonstration of these values were once, perhaps, more tangible and overt in nurse training and nursing care. The expression ‘tender loving care’ was used as an expression of nursing intervention, which often gave comfort and confidence to patients and their loved ones. There has been some speculation that as nurse training has become more ‘technical’ and degree-based, the emphasis has moved away from compassion and love in care. The aim of this study is to explore, from the perspective of nurse educators, love in nursing care and to understand how the concept of love in nursing can be integrated into education. The study design had two phases: A meta-synthesis of the literature and review which developed an understanding of love from the viewpoint of writers in theology, culture, history and sociology. How love is expressed in nursing was explored and presented. The relevant university research ethics committee provided ethical approval for the study. Qualitative semi-structured interviews using a judgement sample of volunteer nurse educators was conducted. The research question was unambiguous, ‘What is love in nursing care’? The transcripts of the interviews were analysed using Framework Analysis that is appropriate for health care and policy research. The commentary that these educators chose to use revealed four themes, human values, therapeutic relationships, attitude and context, which make up love in nursing care. The nurse educators in this research gave meaning to human values through their description of the reciprocity experienced in care, the interconnectedness which can occur with the maintenance of professional boundaries and through the unconditional positive regard described as knowing another’s vulnerability and being there for that person

    What is love? : Discourse about emotions in social sciences

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    The study of emotions has been one of the most important areas of research in the Social Sciences. Social Psychology has also contributed to the development of this area. In this article we analyse the contribution of social Psychology to the study of emotion, understood as a social construct, and its strong relationship with language. Specifically, we open a discussion on the basis of the general characteristics of the Social Psychology of emotions and the contributions from different disciplines in this area of research, to give meaning to the relationship they have with the language of emotions. In this regard, we have reviewed basic references for the study of the construction of an emotion, and thematically classified them into three broad categories: 1) Contributions from different backgrounds and perspectives; 2) Construction and de-construction studies of emotion, and 3) Postconstructionist studies of emotion. In the first category, we consider the main contributions from the Social Sciences, which can be summarized in two areas: philosophical-construction of an emotion; mainstream-psychology of emotion. In the second category we have began with the relationship between emotion and language and the social construction of emotion, i.e., its discursive status. We end with postconstructionist theories, i.e., Butler's concept of performance and technoscience. To give more meaning to this line of research, the use of a concrete example of emotion seemed appropriate. Thus, we chose "love

    They Say It\u27s Love

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    Love means many things to many people. Have you ever tried to explain its meaning? We asked several Iowa State students and faculty, What is love? Here are their answers

    Evidence of Love

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    The old car and old books on rack represent the old time, and computer represent now, the character travel through from old time and come to new time to find what is love
