156 research outputs found

    Hermann Hesse as Ambivalent Modernist

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    This dissertation asserts that the Hermann Hesse approaches the themes and techniques of literary Modernism with ambivalence. The first chapter outlines the role of philosophical and literary walking in Hesse\u27s work in general as well as how these depictions differ from those produced by his predecessors. The second chapter takes Hesse\u27s reinterpretation of Nietzsche and Rousseau and applies it to three of Hesse\u27s early novels, Unterm Rad, Peter Camenzind, and Knulp. The third chapter examines Der Steppenwolf as an ambivalently Modernist autobiography, using Eugene Stelzig\u27s notion of Seelenbiographie. The last chapter examines Hesse\u27s two final novels, Die Morgenlandfahrt and Das Glasperlenspie as exemplars of Hesse\u27s ambivalence towards modernist literary techniques overall

    The management of fire complexity at the edge of criticality

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    A la coberta consta: "Boosting eco-innovation for emergency, management, organizations". Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 30/6/2022Fire regimes are changing under the influence of global change. On the European continent, landscape memory in the 21st century is dominated by an accumulation of forest fuel and irrupted by a progressive climatic forcing that generates a latitudinal and altitudinal escalation of wildfire generations. Catalonia, and especially the mountain areas, is located within these pyro-climatic niches where the gradients of productivity-aridity are in a situation of remarkable vulnerability. Fires in these impact areas are expected to play an ecological role of renewal with no precedents in recent history, at the expense of a high socio-ecological severity in the short-medium term, though. In the first block, the thesis analyses the probability distributions of burned areas at different space-time scales in order to better understand the statistical nature of fires in Catalonia in recent history. In line with other existing publications, the analysis demonstrates the positive impact of the fire prevention and extinction system, with a significant reduction of the potential of large fires since the beginning of the 21st century. At the same time, the analysis also shows an arched back effect in the middle range of the probability distributions, as well as a more sustained correlation in the lower range of fires, since there is a better field data collection. The analysis focuses on different space-time aggregates in Catalonia, paying special attention to the Pyrenees region. In the second block, the research effort focuses on the synthesis of a case study. Knowledge of basic research is used, previously available tools for modelling the dynamics of the landscape are adapted, and new parameters are proposed such as the ecological fire flow. Although the case study responds to a demand from the government of Aran to promote a program of prescribed burns, it is above all an explicit proposal of the Catalan Fire and Rescue Services to prototype fire management in the Pyrenees including the lessons of the community of experts as well as the concerns of public and private managers in a context of global change. The synthesis consists in integrating tactical expertise and scientific knowledge to provide a technically viable alternative (project design and project management) which in turn offers an Aran-sized modelling tool capable of integrating succession dynamics, fire regime, climatic scenarios and different alternatives of response / management, as well as of quantifying the impacts on key environmental vectors such as habitat diversity and effects on protective forests, among others. The thesis demonstrates the potential benefit of positive fire selection from the statistical analysis of the historical fire regime (the hammer effect) and the virtual experimentation (MEDFIRE Aran). On this basis, it proposes a framework of action (the pyro-sustainability) specifically adapted to the size of Aran territory which allows to deploy strategies for both the extinction and reduction of the high severity, and the use prescribed in formed burns and fire management in pre-agreed and pre-planned spaces. The general aim here is to break with the paradox of extinction and to align the resilience of the landscape with the changing climatic conditions in the medium-long term. Many scientific contributions conclude the need to change from the era of extinction to the era of regime management. The thesis precisely provides an effective methodology for sustainable coexistence with fire, applicable to the Pyrenees and other mountain massifs, which would prevent these large biodiversity pools from being left to the chance of extreme weather.Els règims de foc estant canviant sota la influència del canvi global. En el continent europeu, la memòria de paisatge en ple segle XXI està dominada per una acumulació del combustible forestal, i irrompuda per un forçament climàtic progressiu que genera un escalada latitudinal i altitudinal de les generacions d’incendi. Catalunya, i especialment les zones de muntanya, està dins d’aquests nínxols piro-climàtics on els gradients de productivitat-aridesa estan en una situació notablement vulnerable. Els incendis en aquestes zones d’impacte es preveu juguin un paper ecològic de renovació sense precedents en la història recent, a costa però d’una alta severitat socioecològica a curt-mig termini. En un primer bloc, la tesi analitza les distribucions de probabilitat d’àrees cremades a diferents escales espai-temps per tal de conèixer millor la naturalesa estadística dels incendis de Catalunya en la història recent. En la línia d’altres publicacions ja existents, l’anàlisi demostra la incidència positiva del sistema de prevenció i extinció d’incendis, havent reduït significativament el potencial dels grans incendis des de l’inici del segle XXI. Alhora, demostra també com es produeix un arqueig en les distribucions de probabilitat en la franja mitja, així com també una correlació més sostinguda en la franja baixa d’incendis. L’anàlisi es centra en diferents agregats espai-temps de Catalunya, i posa una atenció especial als Pirineus per ser la zona on es preveu una alteració major dels nínxols piro-climàtics i d’escalada de generacions d’incendi. En un segon bloc, l’esforç de recerca se centra en la síntesi d’un cas d’estudi. S’aprofiten coneixements de la recerca bàsica, s’adapten eines ja disponibles de modelització de la dinàmica del paisatge, i es proposen nous paràmetres com el cabal ecològic de foc. El cas d’estudi respon a una demanda del govern de l’Aran per impulsar un programa de cremes prescrites però sobretot, és una proposta explícita del Cos de Bombers de la Generalitat per prototipar la gestió d’incendis en massissos de muntanya incloent els aprenentatges de la comunitat d’experts, així com les inquietuds dels gestors públics i privats en un context de canvi global. La síntesi consisteix en integrar expertesa tàctica i coneixement científic per proveir una alternativa tècnicament viable, oferint també una eina de modelització a mida de l’Aran capaç d’integrar dinàmiques de successió, règim d’incendis, escenaris climàtics i diferents alternatives de resposta/gestió així com capaç de quantificar impactes sobre vectors ambientals clau com la diversitat d’hàbitats, l’afectació de boscos protectors, entre altres. La tesi demostra el benefici potencial de la selecció positiva del foc a partir de l’anàlisi estadístic del règim d’incendis històric (the hammer effect) i de l’experimentació virtual (MEDFIRE Aran). A partir d’això proposa un marc d’acció (la piro-sostenibilitat) dissenyat a mida de l’Aran, capaç de desplegar estratègies tant per l’extinció i reducció de l’alta severitat, com també per a l’ús prescrit en format cremes i de gestió d’incendis en espais pre-consensuats i pre-planificats, tot plegat amb l’objectiu de trencar amb la paradoxa de l’extinció i alinear a mig-llarg termini la resiliència del paisatge davant les condicions climàtiques canviants. Són nombroses les aportacions científiques que conclouen la necessitat de canviar de l’era de l’extinció a l’era de la gestió del règim, i en aquest sentit la tesi proporciona precisament una metodologia efectiva per la coexistència sostenible amb el foc, fent-la adaptable a escala Pirineus i en altres massissos de muntanya, i evitant d’aquesta manera deixar aquests grans espais de biodiversitat abocats a l’atzar de la meteorologia extrema.Postprint (published version

    Theological Nuance in the Synoptic Nature Miracles

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    In a previous work we have questioned such conclusions and argued instead that it is between superstition and skepticism where one meets the world view of most in the first century and further that reported miracle phenomena were hardly common when consideration is limited to first-century material. With this study, we complement our previous work by positing that miracles are essential to the Gospel. A definition of miracles would be unnecessary were it not for their essential Gospel traditions (oral and written narratives) and to the Gospel itself (δ ́uναμις γ ̀αρ θεοῦ ’εστιν ε’ις σωτηρ́iαν--Rom.1:16). Miracles are not peripheral

    Illinois Classical Studies v.19 1994: Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich (vol. 2)

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    A critical study of Hudibrastic satire in America, 1708-1806 /

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    Currencies and Prices in 3rd and 4th Century Palestine and Their Implications for Roman Economic History.

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    The following study is an attempt to throw further light on Roman economic history of the III and IV cents. by drawing upon the Palestinian source-material of the period. Clearly, it is no more than a beginning in this direction, and makes no claims to being exhaustive either in the collection of material or in the analysis thereof. In the first section lists of Palestinian prices of different commodities are set out in chronological order, and compared with their Egyptian parallels. Babylonian material (analysed in Appendix C) is likewise presented. There follows a discussion of the monetary terminology of the period, and there certain semantic changes are noted and inferences of economic significance drawn. With the clarification of these terms, some observations are made on the patterns of III cent. monetary developments, and the nature of its price-levels. A series of legal texts are next analysed and it is shown that they reflect the change from a silver to a gold standard, via a transitionary period of economic instability and confusion. Thereafter follows an analysis of IV cent. Palestinian price-levels, and these are compared with the Egyptian evidence. It is suggested that internal discrepancies and apparent differences are to be explained on terminological grounds. In the final section, certain questions are raised concerning the chronological pattern of the III cent. economic developments, and some painters to the answers hazarded. To end, a very brief and concentrated description of the social conditions of the times (viewed Partially As implications of the economic development) is given, primarily to indicate the possible range of the sources, their ability to illumine dark periods, and the embryonic-ness of these studies

    The Nuremberg Trials: International Criminal Law Since 1945

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    60 years after the trials of the main German war criminals, the articles in this book attempt to assess the Nuremberg Trials from a historical and legal point of view, and to illustrate connections, contradictions and consequences. In view of constantly reoccurring reports of mass crimes from all over the world, we have only reached the halfway point in the quest for an effective system of international criminal justice. With the legacy of Nuremberg in mind, this volume is a contribution to the search for answers to questions of how the law can be applied effectively and those committing crimes against humanity be brought to justice for their actions

    Places of power and memory in Mesoamerica‘s past and present: how sites, toponymus and landscapes shape history and remembrance

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    This book provides a fresh look at the principles of power and the memory of places in Mesoamerica. Toponyms, boundaries and landscapes play an important role in shaping local politics and peoples life’s throughout past and present. Beyond structural and conceptual similarities in calendar, rituals and religion, Mesoamerica shares a devote preference for places, sites or urban centers as distinguishable feature for collectiveness, constantly reshaped and transformed according to the historical circumstances either political, economical or religious. Thus, more than a coincidence, the importance of places over recognizable or by natives documented cultural regions in Mesoamerica seems to be a cultural pattern with deep roots lasting until today

    Consensus or Conflict?

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    This open access book brings together leading international scholars and policy-makers to explore the challenges and dilemmas of globalization and governance in an era increasingly defined by economic crises, widespread populism, retreating internationalism, and a looming cold war between the United States and China. It provides the diversity of views on those widely concerned topics such as global governance, climate change, global health, migration, S&T revolution, financial market, and sustainable development. It is a truly unique book. Never before has such an authoritative group of essayists come together to develop deep new thinking about global governance that is relevant to current shared global challenges. They express deep concerns about the historically unprecedented upheavals in the world. They describe the unparalleled turbulence that mankind is facing in the form of multiple crises, any one of which has the potential to bring civilization to its knees. The most obvious of these is the threat posed by climate change. They spell out why these perils pose a stark choice for the human race. They stress how any path that leads to conflict increases the risk of catastrophe. In this context, the common thread is that a consensus must be reached about the future of our world. They have put forward many ideas and potential new policies, reflecting their vision of what this consensus should be and how it is the only way forward for the human race