2,782 research outputs found

    Public Sound Objects : a shared environment for networked music practice on the Web

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    The Public Sound Objects (PSOs) project consists of the development of a networked musical system, which is an experimental framework to implement and test new concepts for online music communication. The PSOs project approaches the idea of collaborative musical performances over the Internet by aiming to go beyond the concept of using computer networks as a channel to connect performing spaces. This is achieved by exploring the internet’s shared nature in order to provide a public musical space where anonymous users can meet and be found performing in collective sonic art pieces. The system itself is an interface-decoupled musical instrument, in which a remote user interface and a sound processing engine reside with different hosts in an extreme scenario where a user can access the synthesizer from any place in the world using the World Wide Web. Specific software features were implemented in order to reduce the disruptive effects of network latency, such as dynamic adaptation of the musical tempo to communication latency measured in real time and consistent sound panning with the object’s behavior at the graphical user interface

    Feedback Control as a Framework for Understanding Tradeoffs in Biology

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    Control theory arose from a need to control synthetic systems. From regulating steam engines to tuning radios to devices capable of autonomous movement, it provided a formal mathematical basis for understanding the role of feedback in the stability (or change) of dynamical systems. It provides a framework for understanding any system with feedback regulation, including biological ones such as regulatory gene networks, cellular metabolic systems, sensorimotor dynamics of moving animals, and even ecological or evolutionary dynamics of organisms and populations. Here we focus on four case studies of the sensorimotor dynamics of animals, each of which involves the application of principles from control theory to probe stability and feedback in an organism's response to perturbations. We use examples from aquatic (electric fish station keeping and jamming avoidance), terrestrial (cockroach wall following) and aerial environments (flight control in moths) to highlight how one can use control theory to understand how feedback mechanisms interact with the physical dynamics of animals to determine their stability and response to sensory inputs and perturbations. Each case study is cast as a control problem with sensory input, neural processing, and motor dynamics, the output of which feeds back to the sensory inputs. Collectively, the interaction of these systems in a closed loop determines the behavior of the entire system.Comment: Submitted to Integr Comp Bio

    Security through societal resilience: Contemporary challenges in the Anthropocene

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    The concept of societal resilience has rapidly spread throughout the policy world, driven by the desire to use systems theories and process understandings to develop new security approaches for coping, bouncing-back, and adaptive improvement in the face of shocks and disturbances. However, this article argues that under the auspices of the Anthropocene, the assumptions and goals of societal resilience become problematic. This is because external interventions often ignore feedback effects, meaning that attempts to resolve problems through focusing upon enabling and capacity-building can be seen as counterproductive “fire-fighting” rather than tackling causation. Even more "alternative" or "community-based" approaches, relying upon interventions to enable so-called "natural" processes, either through an emphasis on local and traditional knowledge or new monitoring technologies, constitute problems for resilience advocacy: firstly, the problem of unrecognized exploitation; and secondly, the problem of continuing to sacrifice others to maintain unsustainable Western modes of consumption and production

    How Moving Together Binds Us Together: The Social Consequences of Interpersonal Entrainment and Group Processes

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    Interpersonal entrainment has been shown to have a wide variety of social consequences which span far beyond those that could be considered purely pro-social. This work reviews all of the social effects of entrainment and the various explanations for them. The group formation framework emerges as a parsimonious account claiming that as we entrain our sense of self is temporarily diluted as an interdependent identity becomes more salient, thus leading to a range of social and psychological consequences which are pro-group. The sense of belonging arising from moving together is conducive towards pro-social behaviours; yet, it also makes the individual more susceptible to adopting the ideology of the group without critical thinking. We argue that the wide landscape of interpersonal entrainment’s effects reflects its primary effect, de-individuation, and the formation of a common group identity amongst co-actors

    Framework for Electroencephalography-based Evaluation of User Experience

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    Measuring brain activity with electroencephalography (EEG) is mature enough to assess mental states. Combined with existing methods, such tool can be used to strengthen the understanding of user experience. We contribute a set of methods to estimate continuously the user's mental workload, attention and recognition of interaction errors during different interaction tasks. We validate these measures on a controlled virtual environment and show how they can be used to compare different interaction techniques or devices, by comparing here a keyboard and a touch-based interface. Thanks to such a framework, EEG becomes a promising method to improve the overall usability of complex computer systems.Comment: in ACM. CHI '16 - SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, May 2016, San Jose, United State

    Resilience in projects: definition, dimensions, antecedents and consequences

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    Disruptions can cause projects to fail. Within the project management literature, approaches to managing disruptions consist of uncertainty, risk, opportunity, change, and crisis management. These approaches focus on developing strategies to manage perceived threats and also work towards predicting risk, therefore, reducing vulnerability. This vulnerability-reduction only focus is limiting because it takes the focus away from the development of a general capacity for readiness and for responding to uncertain situations. A resiliency approach enables a simultaneous focus on vulnerability reduction, readiness and response and thus ensures recovery. Given the context and discipline specific nature of the resilience concept, and the little or no attention in projects, this thesis conceptualises resilience in projects. This conceptualisation is to enable the identification of factors to consider and indicators to ensure overall project recovery, through the identification of dimensions and antecedents of resilience respectively. The aim of this study therefore, is to develop a framework to conceptualise resilience in projects. To achieve this aim, three case studies, namely; building, civil engineering and engineering construction projects were investigated. Within each case study, the critical incident technique was employed to identify disruptions and their management through direct observations of human activities, narration of critical incidents and review of documents on disruption. Following this, a comparative analysis and synthesis of the case studies was carried out and findings revealed definition, dimensions, antecedents and consequences of resilience in projects. Specifically, resilience in projects is defined as; the capability of a project to respond to, prepare for and reduce the impact of disruption caused by the drifting environment and project complexity. The dimensions of resilience are; proactivity, coping ability, flexibility and persistence. Proactivity can be defined as an anticipatory capability that the project takes to influence their endeavours whilst coping ability can be defined as the capability to manage and deal with stress caused by disruptions within the projects. Furthermore, flexibility can be defined as the capability of a project to manage disruption by allowing change but ultimately making sure that the aim is maintained and persistence is the capability to continue despite difficult situations. Several antecedents of these dimensions of resilience are identified. For proactivity these include contract, training, monitoring, contingency and experience. For coping ability these include the contract, training, contingency and experience. For flexibility these include open-mindedness, planning, continual monitoring and continual identification of ideas and for persistence these include continual monitoring, planning and negotiation. Also, the consequence of resilience in projects is recovery through response, readiness and vulnerability reduction. This conceptualisation of resilience is then synthesised into a validated framework for resilience in projects. Theoretically, this research provides definition, dimensions, antecedents and consequence for resilience in projects and a theoretical starting point for the concept of resilience in projects. The significance of this research to practice is the identification and development of a more holistic perspective of managing disruptions in projects through the identified dimensions, antecedents and consequences. These dimensions, antecedents and consequences provide clarity for the roles of project managers and team members in managing disruptions and thus, expand the eleventh knowledge area; project risk management, of the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). In addition, the dimensions, antecedents and consequences of resilience in projects contribute to the curriculum development in project management and thus, provide factors and indicators that project managers require in managing disruptions

    Bouncing drops over liquid surfaces

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    Sensorimotor Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder: An evaluation of potential mechanisms.

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    This thesis examined the aetiology of sensorimotor impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a neurodevelopmental condition that affects an individual’s socio-behavioural preferences, personal independence, and quality of life. Issues relating to clumsiness and movement coordination are common features of autism that contribute to wide-ranging daily living difficulties. However, these characteristics are relatively understudied and there is an absence of evidence-based practical interventions. To pave the way for new, scientifically-focused programmes, a series of studies investigated the mechanistic underpinnings of sensorimotor differences in autism. Following a targeted review of previous research, study one explored links between autistic-like traits and numerous conceptually-significant movement control functions. Eye-tracking analyses were integrated with force transducers and motion capture technology to examine how participants interacted with uncertain lifting objects. Upon identifying a link between autistic-like traits and context-sensitive predictive action control, study two replicated these procedures with a sample of clinically-diagnosed participants. Results illustrated that autistic people are able to use predictions to guide object interactions, but that uncertainty-related adjustments in sensorimotor integration are atypical. Such findings were advanced within a novel virtual-reality paradigm in study three, which systematically manipulated environmental uncertainty during naturalistic interception actions. Here, data supported proposals that precision weighting functions are aberrant in autistic people, and suggested that these individuals have difficulties with processing volatile sensory information. These difficulties were not alleviated by the experimental provision of explicit contextual cues in study four. Together, these studies implicate the role of implicit neuromodulatory mechanisms that regulate dynamic sensorimotor behaviours. Results support the development of evidence-based programmes that ‘make the world more predictable’ for autistic people, with various theoretical and practical implications presented. Possible applications of these findings are discussed in relation to recent multi-disciplinary research and conceptual advances in the field, which could help improve daily living skills and functional quality of life.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC