31 research outputs found


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    Credit Scoring merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menilai kelayakan dan memprediksi lebih awal adanya potensi kredit macet dari calon nasabah kredit. Dalam analisis kasifikasi Credit Scoring dapat menggunakan Weighted Probabilistic Neural Network (WPNN). Neural Network (NN) dikembangkan sebagai model matematika dengan prinsip kerja yang menyerupai pola pikir atau jaringan syaraf pada mahluk hidup. WPNN merupakan pengembangan daripada metode PNN dengan menambahkan faktor pembobot antara pattern layer dan summation layer. Metode ini memiliki kelebihan dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang terdapat pada Back-Propagation (BP) yaitu dapat mengatasi waktu pelatihan (training) yang lama, terjebak pada global minimum, serta sulitnya perancangan arsitektur jaringan. Pemilihan Klasifikasi dilakukan dengan melihat nilai Apparent Error Rate (APER) yang terkecil, yang dibagi kedalam nilai APER untuk Training dan Testing. Nilai APER training sebesar 0.0003 dan testing sebesar 0.0395 yang merupakan nilai APER terkecil, maka bobot yang terpilih dengan nilai bobot atau spread sebesar 0.8

    Klasifikasi Data Berat Bayi Lahir Menggunakan Weighted Probabilistic Neural Network (WPNN) (Studi Kasus di Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang)

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    Low Birthweight (LBW) is one of the causes of infant mortality. Birthweight is the weight of babies who weighed within one hour after birth. Low birthweight has been defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as weight at birth of less than 2,500 grams (5.5 pounds). There are several factors that influence the BWI such as maternal age, length of gestation, body weight, height, blood pressure, hemoglobin and parity. This study uses a Weighted Probabilistic Neural Network (WPNN) to classify the birthweight in RSI Sultan Agung Semarang based on these factors. The results showed that the birthweight classification using WPNN models have a very high accuracy. This is shown by the model accuracy of 98.75% using the training data and 94.44% using the testing data


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    Texture classification is basically the problem of classifying pixels in an image according to their textural cues. This is different from conventional image segmentation as the texture is characterized using both the gray value for a given pixel and gray-level pattern in the neighborhood surrounding the pixel. In this project, the novel temporal updating approach is developed for weighted probabilistic neural network (WPNN) classifiers that can be used to classify the textures. This is done by utilizing the temporal contextual information and adjusting the WPNN to adapt to such changes. Whenever a new set of images arrives, an initial classification is first performed using the WPNN updated to the last frame while at the same time, a prediction using PNN is also based on the classification results of previous frame. The result of both the PNN and WPNN are then compared. Compared to the PNN, WPNN includes weighting factors between pattern layers and summation layer of the PNN. Performance of this approach is compared with model based and feature based methods in terms of signal to noise ratio and classification rate

    ZincBindPredict - prediction of zinc binding sites in proteins

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    Background: Zinc binding proteins make up a significant proportion of the proteomes of most organisms and, within those proteins, zinc performs rôles in catalysis and structure stabilisation. Identifying the ability to bind zinc in a novel protein can offer insights into its functions and the mechanism by which it carries out those functions. Computational means of doing so are faster than spectroscopic means, allowing for searching at much greater speeds and scales, and thereby guiding complimentary experimental approaches. Typically, computational models of zinc binding predict zinc binding for individual residues rather than as a single binding site, and typically do not distinguish between different classes of binding site—missing crucial properties indicative of zinc binding. Methods: Previously, we created ZincBindDB, a continuously updated database of known zinc binding sites, categorised by family (the set of liganding residues). Here, we use this dataset to create ZincBindPredict, a set of machine learning methods to predict the most common zinc binding site families for both structure and sequence. Results: The models all achieve an MCC ≥ 0.88, recall ≥ 0.93 and precision ≥ 0.91 for the structural models (mean MCC = 0.97), while the sequence models have MCC ≥ 0.64, recall ≥ 0.80 and precision ≥ 0.83 (mean MCC = 0.87), with the models for binding sites containing four liganding residues performing much better than this. Conclusions: The predictors outperform competing zinc binding site predictors and are available online via a web interface and a GraphQL API

    Multi-learner based recursive supervised training

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    In this paper, we propose the Multi-Learner Based Recursive Supervised Training (MLRT) algorithm which uses the existing framework of recursive task decomposition, by training the entire dataset, picking out the best learnt patterns, and then repeating the process with the remaining patterns. Instead of having a single learner to classify all datasets during each recursion, an appropriate learner is chosen from a set of three learners, based on the subset of data being trained, thereby avoiding the time overhead associated with the genetic algorithm learner utilized in previous approaches. In this way MLRT seeks to identify the inherent characteristics of the dataset, and utilize it to train the data accurately and efficiently. We observed that empirically, MLRT performs considerably well as compared to RPHP and other systems on benchmark data with 11% improvement in accuracy on the SPAM dataset and comparable performances on the VOWEL and the TWO-SPIRAL problems. In addition, for most datasets, the time taken by MLRT is considerably lower than the other systems with comparable accuracy. Two heuristic versions, MLRT-2 and MLRT-3 are also introduced to improve the efficiency in the system, and to make it more scalable for future updates. The performance in these versions is similar to the original MLRT system

    Neuroimaging Feature Extraction using a Neural Network Classifier for Imaging Genetics

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    A major issue in the association of genes to neuroimaging phenotypes is the high dimension of both genetic data and neuroimaging data. In this article, we tackle the latter problem with an eye toward developing solutions that are relevant for disease prediction. Supported by a vast literature on the predictive power of neural networks, our proposed solution uses neural networks to extract from neuroimaging data features that are relevant for predicting Alzheimer's Disease (AD) for subsequent relation to genetics. Our neuroimaging-genetic pipeline is comprised of image processing, neuroimaging feature extraction and genetic association steps. We propose a neural network classifier for extracting neuroimaging features that are related with disease and a multivariate Bayesian group sparse regression model for genetic association. We compare the predictive power of these features to expert selected features and take a closer look at the SNPs identified with the new neuroimaging features.Comment: Under revie

    Dynamic Image for 3D MRI Image Alzheimer's Disease Classification

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    We propose to apply a 2D CNN architecture to 3D MRI image Alzheimer's disease classification. Training a 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) is time-consuming and computationally expensive. We make use of approximate rank pooling to transform the 3D MRI image volume into a 2D image to use as input to a 2D CNN. We show our proposed CNN model achieves 9.5%9.5\% better Alzheimer's disease classification accuracy than the baseline 3D models. We also show that our method allows for efficient training, requiring only 20% of the training time compared to 3D CNN models. The code is available online: https://github.com/UkyVision/alzheimer-project.Comment: Accepted to ECCV2020 Workshop on BioImage Computin

    Neurocomputing fundamental climate analysis

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    Rainfall is a natural phenomenon that needs to be studied more deeply and interesting to be analyzed. It involves numbers of human activities such as aviation, agriculture, fisheries, and also disaster risk reduction. Moreover, the characteristics of rainfall data follows seasonality, fluctuation, not normally distributed and it makes traditional time series challenging to use. Therefore, neurocomputing model can be used as an alternative to extraction information from rainfall data and give high performance also accuracy. In this paper, we give short preview about SST Anomalies in Manado, Northern Sulawesi and at the same time comparing the performance of rainfall forecasting by using three types of neurocomputing methods such as Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN), Feed forward Neural Network (FFNN), and Localized Multi Kernel Support Vector Regression (LMKSVR). In a nutshell, all of neurocomputing methods give highly accurate forecasting as well as reach low MAPE FFNN 1.65%, GRNN 2.65% and LMKSVR 0.28%, respectively