35 research outputs found

    A Comparative Performance of Discrete Wavelet Transform Implementations Using Multiplierless

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    Using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) in high-speed signal-processing applications imposes a high degree of care to hardware resource availability, latency, and power consumption. In this chapter, the design aspects and performance of multiplierless DWT is analyzed. We presented the two key multiplierless approaches, namely the distributed arithmetic algorithm (DAA) and the residue number system (RNS). We aim to estimate the performance requirements and hardware resources for each approach, allowing for the selection of proper algorithm and implementation of multi-level DAA- and RNS-based DWT. The design has been implemented and synthesized in Xilinx Virtex 6 ML605, taking advantage of Virtex 6’s embedded block RAMs (BRAMs)

    Digital Filters

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    The new technology advances provide that a great number of system signals can be easily measured with a low cost. The main problem is that usually only a fraction of the signal is useful for different purposes, for example maintenance, DVD-recorders, computers, electric/electronic circuits, econometric, optimization, etc. Digital filters are the most versatile, practical and effective methods for extracting the information necessary from the signal. They can be dynamic, so they can be automatically or manually adjusted to the external and internal conditions. Presented in this book are the most advanced digital filters including different case studies and the most relevant literature

    Techniques for Efficient Implementation of FIR and Particle Filtering

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    Quantized ID-CNN for a Low-power PDM-to-PCM Conversion in TinyML KWS Applications

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    This paper proposes a novel low-power HW accelerator for audio PDM-to-PCM conversion based on artificial neural network. The system processes samples from a digital MEMS microphone and converts them in PCM format by using a 1-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN). The model has been quantized to reduce the computational complexity while preserving its Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and the HW accelerator has been designed to minimize the physical resources. The SNR achieved is 41.56 dB while the prototyping of the design on a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA shows a dynamic power consumption of 1 mW and a utilization of 606 LUTs and 410 FFs. These results enable the proposed system to be the first step of a tiny low-power end-to-end neural network-based Keyword Spotting (KWS) system

    Project and development of hardware accelerators for fast computing in multimedia processing

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    2017 - 2018The main aim of the present research work is to project and develop very large scale electronic integrated circuits, with particular attention to the ones devoted to image processing applications and the related topics. In particular, the candidate has mainly investigated four topics, detailed in the following. First, the candidate has developed a novel multiplier circuit capable of obtaining floating point (FP32) results, given as inputs an integer value from a fixed integer range and a set of fixed point (FI) values. The result has been accomplished exploiting a series of theorems and results on a number theory problem, known as Bachet’s problem, which allows the development of a new Distributed Arithmetic (DA) based on 3’s partitions. This kind of application results very fit for filtering applications working on an integer fixed input range, such in image processing applications, in which the pixels are coded on 8 bits per channel. In fact, in these applications the main problem is related to the high area and power consumption due to the presence of many Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) units, also compromising real-time requirements due to the complexity of FP32 operations. For these reasons, FI implementations are usually preferred, at the cost of lower accuracies. The results for the single multiplier and for a filter of dimensions 3x3 show respectively delay of 2.456 ns and 4.7 ns on FPGA platform and 2.18 ns and 4.426 ns on 90nm std_cell TSMC 90 nm implementation. Comparisons with state-of-the-art FP32 multipliers show a speed increase of up to 94.7% and an area reduction of 69.3% on FPGA platform. ... [edited by Author]XXXI cicl

    Implementation of a real time Hough transform using FPGA technology

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    This thesis is concerned with the modelling, design and implementation of efficient architectures for performing the Hough Transform (HT) on mega-pixel resolution real-time images using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. Although the HT has been around for many years and a number of algorithms have been developed it still remains a significant bottleneck in many image processing applications. Even though, the basic idea of the HT is to locate curves in an image that can be parameterized: e.g. straight lines, polynomials or circles, in a suitable parameter space, the research presented in this thesis will focus only on location of straight lines on binary images. The HT algorithm uses an accumulator array (accumulator bins) to detect the existence of a straight line on an image. As the image needs to be binarized, a novel generic synchronization circuit for windowing operations was designed to perform edge detection. An edge detection method of special interest, the canny method, is used and the design and implementation of it in hardware is achieved in this thesis. As each image pixel can be implemented independently, parallel processing can be performed. However, the main disadvantage of the HT is the large storage and computational requirements. This thesis presents new and state-of-the-art hardware implementations for the minimization of the computational cost, using the Hybrid-Logarithmic Number System (Hybrid-LNS) for calculating the HT for fixed bit-width architectures. It is shown that using the Hybrid-LNS the computational cost is minimized, while the precision of the HT algorithm is maintained. Advances in FPGA technology now make it possible to implement functions as the HT in reconfigurable fabrics. Methods for storing large arrays on FPGA’s are presented, where data from a 1024 x 1024 pixel camera at a rate of up to 25 frames per second are processed

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Circuit paradigm in the 21

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    Systolic Array Implementations With Reduced Compute Time.

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    The goal of the research is the establishment of a formal methodology to develop computational structures more suitable for the changing nature of real-time signal processing and control applications. A major effort is devoted to the following question: Given a systolic array designed to execute a particular algorithm, what other algorithms can be executed on the same array? One approach for answering this question is based on a general model of array operations using graph-theoretic techniques. As a result, a systematic procedure is introduced that models array operations as a function of the compute cycle. As a consequence of the analysis, the dissertation develops the concept of fast algorithm realizations. This concept characterizes specific realizations that can be evaluated in a reduced number of cycles. It restricts the operations to remain in the same class but with reduced execution time. The concept takes advantage of the data dependencies of the algorithm at hand. This feature allows the modification of existing structures by reordering the input data. Applications of the principle allows optimum time band and triangular matrix product on arrays designed for dense matrices. A second approach for analyzing the families of algorithms implementable in an array, is based on the concept of array time constrained operation. The principle uses the number of compute cycle as an additional degree of freedom to expand the class of transformations generated by a single array. A mathematical approach, based on concepts from multilinear algebra, is introduced to model the recursive transformations implemented in linear arrays at each compute cycle. The proposed representation is general enough to encompass a large class of signal processing and control applications. A complete analytical model of the linear maps implementable by the array at each compute cycle is developed. The proposed methodology results in arrays that are more adaptable to the changing nature of operations. Lessons learned from analyzing existing arrays are used to design smart arrays for special algorithm realizations. Applications of the methodology include the design of flexible time structures and the ability to decompose a full size array into subarrays implementing smaller size problems