107 research outputs found

    Weighted Automata on Infinite Words in the Context of Attacker-Defender Games

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    The paper is devoted to several infinite-state Attacker–Defender games with reachability objectives. We prove the undecidability of checking for the existence of a winning strategy in several low-dimensional mathematical games including vector reachability games, word games and braid games. To prove these results, we consider a model of weighted automata operating on infinite words and prove that the universality problem is undecidable for this new class of weighted automata. We show that the universality problem is undecidable by using a non-standard encoding of the infinite Post correspondence problem

    Reachability games and related matrix and word problems

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    In this thesis, we study different two-player zero-sum games, where one player, called Eve, has a reachability objective (i.e., aims to reach a particular configuration) and the other, called Adam, has a safety objective (i.e., aims to avoid the configuration). We study a general class of games, called Attacker-Defender games, where the computational environment can vary from as simple as the integer line to n-dimensional topological braids. Similarly, the moves themselves can be simple vector addition or linear transformations defined by matrices. The main computational problem is to decide whether Eve has a winning strategy to reach the target configuration from the initial configuration, or whether the dual holds, that is, whether Adam can ensure that the target is never reached. The notion of a winning strategy is widely used in game semantics and its existence means that the player can ensure that his or her winning conditions are met, regardless of the actions of the opponent. It general, games provide a powerful framework to model and analyse interactive processes with uncontrollable adversaries. We formulated several Attacker-Defender games played on different mathematical domains with different transformations (moves), and identified classes of games, where the checking for existence of a winning strategy is undecidable. In other classes, where the problem is decidable, we established their computational complexity. In the thesis, we investigate four classes of games where determining the winner is undecidable: word games, where the players' moves are words over a group alphabet together with integer weights or where the moves are pairs of words over group alphabets; matrix games on vectors, where players transform a three-dimensional vector by linear transformations defined by 3Ă—3 integer matrices; braid games, where players braid and unbraid a given braid; and last, but not least, games played on two-dimensional Z-VAS, closing the gap between decidable and undecidable cases and answering an existing open problem of the field. We also identified decidable fragments, such as word games, where the moves are over a single group alphabet, games on one-dimensional Z-VASS. For word games, we provide an upper-bound of EXPTIME , while for games on Z-VASS, tight bounds of EXPTIME-complete or EXPSPACE-complete, depending on the state structure. We also investigate single-player systems such as polynomial iteration and identity problem in matrix semigroups. We show that the reachability problem for polynomial iteration is PSPACE-complete while the identity problem for the Heisenberg group is in PTIME for dimension three and in EXPTIME for higher dimensions

    Strategies for MDP Bisimilarity Equivalence and Inequivalence

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    A labelled Markov decision process (MDP) is a labelled Markov chain with nondeterminism; i.e., together with a strategy a labelled MDP induces a labelled Markov chain. Motivated by applications to the verification of probabilistic noninterference in security, we study problems whether there exist strategies such that the labelled MDPs become bisimilarity equivalent/inequivalent. We show that the equivalence problem is decidable; in fact, it is EXPTIME-complete and becomes NP-complete if one of the MDPs is a Markov chain. Concerning the inequivalence problem, we show that (1) it is decidable in polynomial time; (2) if there are strategies for inequivalence then there are memoryless strategies for inequivalence; (3) such memoryless strategies can be computed in polynomial time

    Composition problems for braids: Membership, Identity and Freeness

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    In this paper we investigate the decidability and complexity of problems related to braid composition. While all known problems for a class of braids with three strands, B3B_3, have polynomial time solutions we prove that a very natural question for braid composition, the membership problem, is NP-complete for braids with only three strands. The membership problem is decidable in NP for B3B_3, but it becomes harder for a class of braids with more strands. In particular we show that fundamental problems about braid compositions are undecidable for braids with at least five strands, but decidability of these problems for B4B_4 remains open. Finally we show that the freeness problem for semigroups of braids from B3B_3 is also decidable in NP. The paper introduces a few challenging algorithmic problems about topological braids opening new connections between braid groups, combinatorics on words, complexity theory and provides solutions for some of these problems by application of several techniques from automata theory, matrix semigroups and algorithms

    Simulation product fidelity: a qualitative & quantitative system engineering approach

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    La modélisation informatique et la simulation sont des activités de plus en plus répandues lors de la conception de systèmes complexes et critiques tels que ceux embarqués dans les avions. Une proposition pour la conception et réalisation d'abstractions compatibles avec les objectifs de simulation est présentée basés sur la théorie de l'informatique, le contrôle et le système des concepts d'ingénierie. Il adresse deux problèmes fondamentaux de fidélité dans la simulation, c'est-à-dire, pour une spécification du système et quelques propriétés d'intérêt, comment extraire des abstractions pour définir une architecture de produit de simulation et jusqu'où quel point le comportement du modèle de simulation représente la spécification du système. Une notion générale de cette fidélité de la simulation, tant architecturale et comportementale, est expliquée dans les notions du cadre expérimental et discuté dans le contexte des abstractions de modélisation et des relations d'inclusion. Une approche semi-formelle basée sur l'ontologie pour construire et définir l'architecture de produit de simulation est proposée et démontrée sur une étude d'échelle industrielle. Une approche formelle basée sur le jeu théorique et méthode formelle est proposée pour différentes classes de modèles des systèmes et des simulations avec un développement d'outils de prototype et cas des études. Les problèmes dans la recherche et implémentation de ce cadre de fidélité sont discutées particulièrement dans un contexte industriel.In using Modeling and Simulation for the system Verification & Validation activities, often the difficulty is finding and implementing consistent abstractions to model the system being simulated with respect to the simulation requirements. A proposition for the unified design and implementation of modeling abstractions consistent with the simulation objectives based on the computer science, control and system engineering concepts is presented. It addresses two fundamental problems of fidelity in simulation, namely, for a given system specification and some properties of interest, how to extract modeling abstractions to define a simulation product architecture and how far does the behaviour of the simulation model represents the system specification. A general notion of this simulation fidelity, both architectural and behavioural, in system verification and validation is explained in the established notions of the experimental frame and discussed in the context of modeling abstractions and inclusion relations. A semi-formal ontology based domain model approach to build and define the simulation product architecture is proposed with a real industrial scale study. A formal approach based on game theoretic quantitative system refinement notions is proposed for different class of system and simulation models with a prototype tool development and case studies. Challenges in research and implementation of this formal and semi-formal fidelity framework especially in an industrial context are discussed

    Abstract Dependency Graphs for Model Verification

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    Principles of Security and Trust: 7th International Conference, POST 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedings

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    authentication; computer science; computer software selection and evaluation; cryptography; data privacy; formal logic; formal methods; formal specification; internet; privacy; program compilers; programming languages; security analysis; security systems; semantics; separation logic; software engineering; specifications; verification; world wide we

    Formal Analysis of Graphical Security Models

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    Integer Weighted Automata on Infinite Words

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