84 research outputs found

    Engineering Top-Down Weight-Balanced Trees

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    Weight-balanced trees are a popular form of self-balancing binary search trees. Their popularity is due to desirable guarantees, for example regarding the required work to balance annotated trees. While usual weight-balanced trees perform their balancing operations in a bottom-up fashion after a modification to the tree is completed, there exists a top-down variant which performs these balancing operations during descend. This variant has so far received only little attention. We provide an in-depth analysis and engineering of these top-down weight-balanced trees, demonstrating their superior performance. We also gaining insights into how the balancing parameters necessary for a weight-balanced tree should be chosen - with the surprising observation that it is often beneficial to choose parameters which are not feasible in the sense of the correctness proofs for the rebalancing algorithm.Comment: Accepted for publication at ALENEX 202

    Zipping Segment Trees

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    Stabbing queries in sets of intervals are usually answered using segment trees. A dynamic variant of segment trees has been presented by van Kreveld and Overmars, which uses red-black trees to do rebalancing operations. This paper presents zipping segment trees - dynamic segment trees based on zip trees, which were recently introduced by Tarjan et al. To facilitate zipping segment trees, we show how to uphold certain segment tree properties during the operations of a zip tree. We present an in-depth experimental evaluation and comparison of dynamic segment trees based on red-black trees, weight-balanced trees and several variants of the novel zipping segment trees. Our results indicate that zipping segment trees perform better than rotation-based alternatives

    New Combinatorial Properties and Algorithms for AVL Trees

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    In this thesis, new properties of AVL trees and a new partitioning of binary search trees named core partitioning scheme are discussed, this scheme is applied to three binary search trees namely AVL trees, weight-balanced trees, and plain binary search trees. We introduce the core partitioning scheme, which maintains a balanced search tree as a dynamic collection of complete balanced binary trees called cores. Using this technique we achieve the same theoretical efficiency of modern cache-oblivious data structures by using classic data structures such as weight-balanced trees or height balanced trees (e.g. AVL trees). We preserve the original topology and algorithms of the given balanced search tree using a simple post-processing with guaranteed performance to completely rebuild the changed cores (possibly all of them) after each update. Using our core partitioning scheme, we simultaneously achieve good memory allocation, space-efficient representation, and cache-obliviousness. We also apply this scheme to arbitrary binary search trees which can be unbalanced and we produce a new data structure, called Cache-Oblivious General Balanced Tree (COG-tree). Using our scheme, searching a key requires O(log_B n) block transfers and O(log n) comparisons in the external-memory and in the cache-oblivious model. These complexities are theoretically efficient. Interestingly, the core partition for weight-balanced trees and COG-tree can be maintained with amortized O(log_B n) block transfers per update, whereas maintaining the core partition for AVL trees requires more than a poly-logarithmic amortized cost. Studying the properties of these trees also lead us to some other new properties of AVL trees and trees with bounded degree, namely, we present and study gaps in AVL trees and we prove Tarjan et al.'s conjecture on the number of rotations in a sequence of deletions and insertions

    Differential Balanced Trees and (0,1) Matrices

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    * The research was supported by INTAS 00-397 and 00-626 Projects.Links and similarities between the combinatorial optimization problems and the hierarchical search algorithms are discussed. One is the combinatorial greedy algorithm of step-by-step construction of the column-constraint (0,1) matrices with the different rows. The second is the base search construction of databases, - the class of the well known weight-balanced binary trees. Noted, that in some approximation each of the above problems might be interpreted in terms of the second problem. The constraints in matrices imply the novel concept of a differential balance in hierarchical trees. The obtained results extend the knowledge for balanced trees and prove that the known greedy algorithm for matrices is applicable in the world of balanced trees providing optimization on trees in layers

    Arbitrary weight changes in dynamic trees

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    We describe an implementation of dynamic weighted trees, called D-trees. Given a set left{ B_{0},...,B_{n}right} of objects and access frequencies q_{0},q_{1},...,q_{n} one wants to store the objects in a binary tree such that average access is nearly optimal and changes of the access frequencies require only small changes of the tree. In D-trees the changes are always limited to the path of search and hence update time is at most proportional to search time

    Scheduling Algorithms for the Smart Grid

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