476,375 research outputs found

    Restful Web Service Sistem Presensi Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus Fakultas Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Universitas Semarang)

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    The Student attendance at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication University of Semarang  is data that can support in academic activities. validity and realbility of the attendance data  become obstacles in academic activities. So, Required attendance system that can prevent the occurrence of cheating attendance, facilitate lecturers to recap student attendance and facilitate administrative staff to recap lecturers’s attendance. In this research, student attendance system is made with two platforms, there are web based platform and platform based on android. Restful web service with JSON format is used to build communication between both platforms. In the attendence system android based, QRCode's Reader is used to read student QRCode cards to save attendance data. student dan lecture attendance can be monitored through attendance system web based. The attendance system test is done by testing all of the features and complexity of the algorithm with cyclomatic complexity. The test results show that all features can be used without error and cyclomatic complexity value show that algorithm of the attendance system  is easy to understand, easy to test and easy to maintain


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    Di dalam proses pengembangan perangkat lunak biasanya mengenal dengan istilah user testing atau sistem testing untuk mengetahui apakah produk yang dibangun itu berfungsi dengan baik apa tidak. Akan tetapi, produk yang dapat berfungsi itu belum tentu memilliki daya guna (usability) yang baik atau dapat digunakan (usable). Maka dari itu,evaluasi usability dibutuhkan untuk menilai seberapa baik usability nya dan seberapa usable sebuah produk dapat dipakai setelah produk itu dikembangkan. Untuk menilai baik tidaknya usability sebuah produk, tentunya dibutuhkan parameter- parameter .Dalam jurnal yang berjudul development of a website usability instrument based on ISO 9241-11 menjelaskan parameter –parameter yang dapat dipakai sebagai instrumen evaluasi usability sebuah produk khususnya produk berbasis web. Dalam proses evaluasi usability ini produk dibuat berbasis web agar user secara mandiri atau grup dapat mengakses secar bersamaan. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi terdiri dari 17 butir pertanyaan, dimana dari 17 pertanyaan tersebut terdapat 5 atribut usability yang dihitung berdasarkan kelompok atributnya masing – masing. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis skala likert . Hasil analisis skala likert ini lah yang menjadi nilai akhir evaluasi usability. Implementasi dilakukan dengan menguji aplikasi kontrak kuliah siak.upi.edu hasilnya menunjukkan nilai 82% untuk efektivitas, 71% untuk efisiensi, 69% kepuasan pengguna, 64% toleransi eror dan 74% mudah dipelajari. ; In the process of software development is usually familiar with the term user testing or system testing to determine whether a product is built it is functioning properly or not. However, products that can function it is not always had a good usability or can be used (usable). Therefore, usability evaluation is needed to assess how well its usability and how usable a product can be used after the product was developed. To assess whether or not the usability of a product, of course required parameters. In the journal entitled Development of a website usability instrument based on ISO 9241-11parameter describes the parameters that can be used as an evaluation instrument usability of a product, especially web-based products. In the process of evaluating the usability of this product is made to be a web-based user independently or group can access the same makeover. The instrument used to evaluate consists of 17 grains of the question, which of the 17 questions contained five usability attributes are calculated based group attributes each. The calculation is performed by using a likert scale analysis. The results of the analysis of the Likert scale is the one who becomes the final value of usability evaluation. Implementation is done by testing application study contract siak.upi.edu results show the value of 82% for effectiveness, 71% efficiency, 69% user satisfaction, 64% and 74% error tolerance is easy to learn


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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate mobile guides for use with smartphones. Mobile guides have been successfully used to provide information, personalisation and navigation for the user. The researcher also wanted to ascertain how and in what ways mobile guides can enhance users' experience. This research involved designing and developing web based applications to run on smartphones. Four studies were conducted, two of which involved testing of the particular application. The applications tested were a museum mobile guide application and a university mobile guide mapping application. Initial testing examined the prototype work for the ‘Chronology of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah’ application. The results were used to assess the potential of using similar mobile guides in Brunei Darussalam’s museums. The second study involved testing of the ‘Kent LiveMap’ application for use at the University of Kent. Students at the university tested this mapping application, which uses crowdsourcing of information to provide live data. The results were promising and indicate that users' experience was enhanced when using the application. Overall results from testing and using the two applications that were developed as part of this thesis show that mobile guides have the potential to be implemented in Brunei Darussalam’s museums and on campus at the University of Kent. However, modifications to both applications are required to fulfil their potential and take them beyond the prototype stage in order to be fully functioning and commercially viable

    What is usability in the context of the digital library and how can it be measured?

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    This paper reviews how usability has been defined in the context of the digital library, what methods have been applied and their applicability, and proposes an evaluation model and a suite of instruments for evaluating usability for academic digital libraries. The model examines effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, and learnability. It is found that there exists an interlocking relationship among effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. It also examines how learnability interacts with these three attributes

    Uniform: The Form Validation Language

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    Digital forms are becoming increasingly more prevalent but the ease of creation is not. Web Forms are difficult to produce and validate. This design project seeks to simplify this process. This project is comprised of two parts: a logical programming language (Uniform) and a web application. Uniform is a language that allows its users to define logical relationships between web elements and apply simple rules to individual inputs to both validate the form and manipulate its components depending on user input. Uniform provides an extra layer of abstraction to complex coding. The web app implements Uniform to provide business-level programmers with an interface to build and manage forms. Users will create form templates, manage form instances, and cooperatively complete forms through the web app. Uniform’s development is ongoing, it will receive continued support and is available as open-source. The web application is software owned and maintained by HP Inc. which will be developed further before going to market

    Improving Screencast Accessibility for People with Disabilities: Guidelines and Techniques

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    Screencast video tutorials are increasingly popular in libraries, but may present access problems for people with disabilities unless specific accessibility features are added during screencast creation. This article reviews existing standards for accessible web-based multimedia and gives guidelines on how to create accessible screencasts based on these standards

    Web Service Testing and Usability for Mobile Learning

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    Based on the summary of recent renowned publications, Mobile Learning (ML) has become an emerging technology, as well as a new technique that can enhance the quality of learning. Due to the increasing importance of ML, the investigation of such impacts on the e-Science community is amongst the hot topics, which also relate to part of these research areas: Grid Infrastructure, Wireless Communication, Virtual Research Organization and Semantic Web. The above examples contribute to the demonstrations of how Mobile Learning can be applied into e-Science applications, including usability. However, there are few papers addressing testing and quality engineering issues – the core component for software engineering. Therefore, the major purpose of this paper is to present how Web Service Testing for Mobile Learning can be carried out, in addition to re-investigating the influences of the usability issue with both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Out of many mobile technologies available, the Pocket PC and Tablet PC have been chosen as the equipment; and the OMII Web Service, the 64-bit .NET e-portal and the GPS-PDA are the software tools to be used for Web Service testing

    Current Practices for Product Usability Testing in Web and Mobile Applications

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    Software usability testing is a key methodology that ensures applications are intuitive and easy to use for the target audience. Usability testing has direct benefits for companies as usability improvements often are fundamental to the success of a product. A standard usability test study includes the following five steps: obtain suitable participants, design test scripts, conduct usability sessions, interpret test outcomes, and produce recommendations. Due to the increasing importance for more usable applications, effective techniques to develop usable products, as well as technologies to improve usability testing, have been widely utilized. However, as companies are developing more cross-platform web and mobile apps, traditional single-platform usability testing has shortcomings with respect to ensuring a uniform user experience. In this report, a new strategy is proposed to promote a consistent user experience across all application versions and platforms. This method integrates the testing of different application versions, e.g., the website, mobile app, mobile website. Participants are recruited with a better-defined criterion according to their preferred devices. The usability session is conducted iteratively on several different devices, and the test results of individual application versions are compared on a per-device basis to improve the test outcomes. This strategy is expected to extend on current practices for usability testing by incorporating cross-platform consistency of software versions on most devices

    PowerPlaylist: A Collaborative Web Application That Aims to Give Everyone a Voice

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    PowerPlaylist is a client-server based online collaborative playlist that allows guests of a party to have private access to the hosts playlist. Guests can access the queue of songs, request songs, or up-vote or down-vote songs already requested by other guests. Before PowerPlaylist, there was no musical platform that allowed guests at an event to express his or her opinions on what music should be played without distracting the host or DJ. This web application platform solves that problem while requiring little authentication, and not requiring any software downloads in order to be used. PowerPlaylist aims to give every guest a voice