504 research outputs found

    Semiclassical Description of Wavepacket Revival

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    We test the ability of semiclassical theory to describe quantitatively the revival of quantum wavepackets --a long time phenomena-- in the one dimensional quartic oscillator (a Kerr type Hamiltonian). Two semiclassical theories are considered: time-dependent WKB and Van Vleck propagation. We show that both approaches describe with impressive accuracy the autocorrelation function and wavefunction up to times longer than the revival time. Moreover, in the Van Vleck approach, we can show analytically that the range of agreement extends to arbitrary long times.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Semiquantal dynamics of fluctuations: Ostensible quantum chaos

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    The time-dependent variational principle using generalized Gaussian trial functions yields a finite dimensional approximation to the full quantum dynamics and is used in many disciplines. It is shown how these 'semi-quantum' dynamics may be derived via the Ehrenfest theorem and recast as an extended classical gradient system with the fluctuation variables coupled to the average variables. An extended potential is constructed for a one-dimensional system. The semiquantal behavior is shown to be chaotic even though the system has regular classical behavior and the quantum behavior had been assumed regular.Comment: 9 pages, TeX, 2 figures (not attached; hard copies available immediately on request). To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Dirac open quantum system dynamics: formulations and simulations

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    We present an open system interaction formalism for the Dirac equation. Overcoming a complexity bottleneck of alternative formulations, our framework enables efficient numerical simulations (utilizing a typical desktop) of relativistic dynamics within the von Neumann density matrix and Wigner phase space descriptions. Employing these instruments, we gain important insights into the effect of quantum dephasing for relativistic systems in many branches of physics. In particular, the conditions for robustness of Majorana spinors against dephasing are established. Using the Klein paradox and tunneling as examples, we show that quantum dephasing does not suppress negative energy particle generation. Hence, the Klein dynamics is also robust to dephasing

    Photoionization of helium by attosecond pulses: extraction of spectra from correlated wave functions

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    We investigate the photoionization spectrum of helium by attosecond XUV pulses both in the spectral region of doubly excited resonances as well as above the double ionization threshold. In order to probe for convergence, we compare three techniques to extract photoelectron spectra from the wavepacket resulting from the integration of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation in a finite-element discrete variable representation basis. These techniques are: projection on products of hydrogenic bound and continuum states, projection onto multi-channel scattering states computed in a B-spline close-coupling basis, and a technique based on exterior complex scaling (ECS) implemented in the same basis used for the time propagation. These methods allow to monitor the population of continuum states in wavepackets created with ultrashort pulses in different regimes. Applications include photo cross sections and anisotropy parameters in the spectral region of doubly excited resonances, time-resolved photoexcitation of autoionizing resonances in an attosecond pump-probe setting, and the energy and angular distribution of correlated wavepackets for two-photon double ionization.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Light propagation in atomic Mott Insulators

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    We study radiation-matter interaction in a system of ultracold atoms trapped in an optical lattice in a Mott insulator phase. We develop a fully general quantum model, and we perform calculations for a one-dimensional geometry at normal incidence. Both two- and three-level Λ\Lambda atomic configurations are studied. The polariton dispersion and the reflectivity spectra are characterized in the different regimes, for both semi-infinite and finite-size geometries. We apply this model to propose a photon energy lifter experiment: a device which is able to shift the carrier frequency of a slowly travelling wavepacket without affecting the pulse shape nor its coherence

    Self-similar Radiation from Numerical Rosenau-Hyman Compactons

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    The numerical simulation of compactons, solitary waves with compact support, is characterized by the presence of spurious phenomena, as numerically-induced radiation, which is illustrated here using four numerical methods applied to the Rosenau-Hyman K(p,p) equation. Both forward and backward radiations are emitted from the compacton presenting a self-similar shape which has been illustrated graphically by the proper scaling. A grid refinement study shows that the amplitude of the radiations decreases as the grid size does, confirming its numerical origin. The front velocity and the amplitude of both radiations have been studied as a function of both the compacton and the numerical parameters. The amplitude of the radiations decreases exponentially in time, being characterized by a nearly constant scaling exponent. An ansatz for both the backward and forward radiations corresponding to a self-similar function characterized by the scaling exponent is suggested by the present numerical results.Comment: To be published in Journal of Computational Physic

    Suppression of dephasing and decoherence in open quantum systems

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    In this thesis, we discuss the possibilities for suppression of decoherence, the loss of purity in an open quantum system, and the related process of dephasing. In the first chapter, we review the literature on the subject of open system dynamics, decoherence and methods of decoherence suppression. In the second chapter, we focus on the specific case of a rotationally hot diatomic molecule as an example of an open quantum system, where molecular vibrational wavepackets are subject to dephasing due to rovibrational coupling. We report analytical and numerical results addressing whether the dephasing rate can be controlled by adjustment of the initial wavepacket phases. It appears that over long timescales, phase-only control is not possible, but for earlier timescales the possibility of phase-only control of dephasing remains. In addition, we point out that the time-dependence of the dephasing process depends significantly upon the degeneracy of the rotational environment states. In the final chapter, we discuss the same system, but apply a qualitatively different method of dephasing suppression based on the nonlinear resonance effect in a driving field. We extend previous work on the topic (Shapiro et al. [1]) by considering the effect of using a train of laser pulses as the driving field, in place of a two-colour continuous-wave laser field. We demonstrate that the pulse train method can be more effective at suppressing dephasing than the two-colour CW case