163 research outputs found

    Cost-effective HPC clustering for computer vision applications

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    We will present a cost-effective and flexible realization of high performance computing (HPC) clustering and its potential in solving computationally intensive problems in computer vision. The featured software foundation to support the parallel programming is the GNU parallel Knoppix package with message passing interface (MPI) based Octave, Python and C interface capabilities. The implementation is especially of interest in applications where the main objective is to reuse the existing hardware infrastructure and to maintain the overall budget cost. We will present the benchmark results and compare and contrast the performances of Octave and MATLAB

    Optimization of 3-D Wavelet Decomposition on Multiprocessors

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    In this work we discuss various ideas for the optimization of 3-D wavelet/subband decomposition on shared memory MIMD computers. We theoretically evaluate the characteristics of these approaches and verify the results on parallel computers. Experimental results are conducted on a shared memory as well as a virtual shared memory architecture

    Distributed computing methodology for training neural networks in an image-guided diagnostic application

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    Distributed computing is a process through which a set of computers connected by a network is used collectively to solve a single problem. In this paper, we propose a distributed computing methodology for training neural networks for the detection of lesions in colonoscopy. Our approach is based on partitioning the training set across multiple processors using a parallel virtual machine. In this way, interconnected computers of varied architectures can be used for the distributed evaluation of the error function and gradient values, and, thus, training neural networks utilizing various learning methods. The proposed methodology has large granularity and low synchronization, and has been implemented and tested. Our results indicate that the parallel virtual machine implementation of the training algorithms developed leads to considerable speedup, especially when large network architectures and training sets are used

    Spectral Representations of One-Homogeneous Functionals

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    This paper discusses a generalization of spectral representations related to convex one-homogeneous regularization functionals, e.g. total variation or 1\ell^1-norms. Those functionals serve as a substitute for a Hilbert space structure (and the related norm) in classical linear spectral transforms, e.g. Fourier and wavelet analysis. We discuss three meaningful definitions of spectral representations by scale space and variational methods and prove that (nonlinear) eigenfunctions of the regularization functionals are indeed atoms in the spectral representation. Moreover, we verify further useful properties related to orthogonality of the decomposition and the Parseval identity. The spectral transform is motivated by total variation and further developed to higher order variants. Moreover, we show that the approach can recover Fourier analysis as a special case using an appropriate 1\ell^1-type functional and discuss a coupled sparsity example

    Introducing the Filtered Park’s and Filtered Extended Park’s Vector Approach to Detect Broken Rotor Bars in Induction Motors Independently from the Rotor Slots Number

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    [EN] The Park's Vector Approach (PVA), together with its variations, has been one of the most widespread diagnostic methods for electrical machines and drives. Regarding the broken rotor bars fault diagnosis in induction motors, the common practice is to rely on the width increase of the Park's Vector (PV) ring and then apply some more sophisticated signal processing methods. It is shown in this paper that this method can be unreliable and is strongly dependent on the magnetic poles and rotor slot numbers. To overcome this constraint, the novel Filtered Park's/Extended Park's Vector Approach (FPVA/FEPVA) is introduced. The investigation is carried out with FEM simulations and experimental testing. The results prove to satisfyingly coincide, whereas the proposed advanced FPVA method is desirably reliable. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors acknowledge the support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under Project No. SFRH/BSAB/118741/2016, and also the support of the Spanish 'Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad' (MINECO) and FEDER program in the framework of the 'Proyectos I+D del Subprograma de Generacion de Conocimiento, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia' (ref: DPI2014-52842-P).Gyftakis, KN.; Marques Cardoso, AJ.; Antonino-Daviu, J. (2017). Introducing the Filtered Park's and Filtered Extended Park's Vector Approach to Detect Broken Rotor Bars in Induction Motors Independently from the Rotor Slots Number. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 93:30-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2017.01.046S30509

    Fractal Image Compression on MIMD Architectures II: Classification Based Speed-up Methods

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    Since fractal image compression is computationally very expensive, speed-up techniques are required in addition to parallel processing in order to compress large images in reasonable time. In this paper we discuss parallel fractal image compression algorithms suited for MIMD architectures which employ block classification as speed-up method

    Sampling Sparse Signals on the Sphere: Algorithms and Applications

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    We propose a sampling scheme that can perfectly reconstruct a collection of spikes on the sphere from samples of their lowpass-filtered observations. Central to our algorithm is a generalization of the annihilating filter method, a tool widely used in array signal processing and finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) sampling. The proposed algorithm can reconstruct KK spikes from (K+K)2(K+\sqrt{K})^2 spatial samples. This sampling requirement improves over previously known FRI sampling schemes on the sphere by a factor of four for large KK. We showcase the versatility of the proposed algorithm by applying it to three different problems: 1) sampling diffusion processes induced by localized sources on the sphere, 2) shot noise removal, and 3) sound source localization (SSL) by a spherical microphone array. In particular, we show how SSL can be reformulated as a spherical sparse sampling problem.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin


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    International audienceWe employ a Fourier-Galerkin method to solve the 2D incompressible Euler equations, and study several ways to regularize the solution by wavelet filtering at each timestep. Real-valued orthogonal wavelets and complex-valued wavelets are considered, combined with either linear or non-linear filtering. The results are compared with those obtained via classical viscous and hyperviscous regularization methods. Wavelet regularization using complex-valued wavelets performs as well in terms of L2 convergence rate to the reference solution. The compression rate for homogeneous 2D turbulence is around 3 for this method, suggesting that memory and CPU time could be reduced in an adaptive wavelet computation. Our results also suggest L2 convergence to the reference solution without any regularization, in contrast to what is obtained for the 1D Burgers equation