116 research outputs found

    Classification of edge-critical underlying absolute planar cliques for signed graphs

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    International audienceA simple signed graph (G,Σ) is a simple graph G having two different types of edges, positive edges and negative edges, where Σ denotes the set of negative edges of G. A closed walk of a signed graph is positive (resp., negative) if it has even (resp., odd) number of negative edges, taking repeated edges into account. A homomorphism (resp., colored homomorphism) of a simple signed graph to another simple signed graph is a vertex-mapping that preserves adjacencies and signs of closed walks (resp., signs of edges). A simple signed graph (G,Σ) is a signed absolute clique (resp., (0,2)-absolute clique) if any homomorphism (resp., colored homomorphism) of it is an injective function, in which case G is called an underlying signed absolute clique (resp., underlying (0,2)-absolute clique). Moreover, G is edge-critical if G - e is not an underlying signed absolute clique (resp., underlying (0,2)-absolute clique) for any edge e of G. In this article, we characterize all edge-critical outerplanar underlying (0,2)-absolute cliquesand all edge-critical planar underlying signed absolute cliques. We also discuss the motivations and implications of obtaining these exhaustive lists

    Hopf algebras and Markov chains: Two examples and a theory

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    The operation of squaring (coproduct followed by product) in a combinatorial Hopf algebra is shown to induce a Markov chain in natural bases. Chains constructed in this way include widely studied methods of card shuffling, a natural "rock-breaking" process, and Markov chains on simplicial complexes. Many of these chains can be explictly diagonalized using the primitive elements of the algebra and the combinatorics of the free Lie algebra. For card shuffling, this gives an explicit description of the eigenvectors. For rock-breaking, an explicit description of the quasi-stationary distribution and sharp rates to absorption follow.Comment: 51 pages, 17 figures. (Typographical errors corrected. Further fixes will only appear on the version on Amy Pang's website, the arXiv version will not be updated.

    Markov convexity and nonembeddability of the Heisenberg group

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    We compute the Markov convexity invariant of the continuous infinite dimensional Heisenberg group H\mathbb{H}_\infty to show that it is Markov 4-convex and cannot be Markov pp-convex for any p<4p < 4. As Markov convexity is a biLipschitz invariant and Hilbert space is Markov 2-convex, this gives a different proof of the classical theorem of Pansu and Semmes that the Heisenberg group does not admit a biLipschitz embedding into any Euclidean space. The Markov convexity lower bound will follow from exhibiting an explicit embedding of Laakso graphs GnG_n into H\mathbb{H}_\infty that has distortion at most Cn1/4lognC n^{1/4} \sqrt{\log n}. We use this to show that if XX is a Markov pp-convex metric space, then balls of the discrete Heisenberg group H(Z)\mathbb{H}(\mathbb{Z}) of radius nn embed into XX with distortion at least some constant multiple of (logn)1p14loglogn.\frac{(\log n)^{\frac{1}{p}-\frac{1}{4}}}{\sqrt{\log \log n}}. Finally, we show that Markov 4-convexity does not give the optimal distortion for embeddings of binary trees BmB_m into H\mathbb{H}_\infty by showing that the distortion is on the order of logm\sqrt{\log m}.Comment: version to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourie

    EUROCOMB 21 Book of extended abstracts

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    Homomorphisms of (j,k)-mixed graphs

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    A mixed graph is a simple graph in which a subset of the edges have been assigned directions to form arcs. For non-negative integers j and k, a (j,k)−mixed graph is a mixed graph with j types of arcs and k types of edges. The collection of (j,k)−mixed graphs contains simple graphs ((0,1)−mixed graphs), oriented graphs ((1,0)−mixed graphs) and k−edge- coloured graphs ((0,k)−mixed graphs).A homomorphism is a vertex mapping from one (j,k)−mixed graph to another in which edge type is preserved, and arc type and direction are preserved. The (j,k)−chromatic number of a (j,k)−mixed graph is the least m such that an m−colouring exists. When (j,k)=(0,1), we see that these definitions are consistent with the usual definitions of graph homomorphism and graph colouring.In this thesis we study the (j,k)−chromatic number and related parameters for different families of graphs, focussing particularly on the (1,0)−chromatic number, more commonly called the oriented chromatic number, and the (0,k)−chromatic number.In addition to considering vertex colourings, we also consider incidence colourings of both graphs and digraphs. Using systems of distinct representatives, we provide a new characterisation of the incidence chromatic number. We define the oriented incidence chromatic number and find, by way of digraph homomorphism, a connection between the oriented incidence chromatic number and the chromatic number of the underlying graph. This connection motivates our study of the oriented incidence chromatic number of symmetric complete digraphs.Un graphe mixte est un graphe simple tel que un sous-ensemble des arêtes a une orientation. Pour entiers non négatifs j et k, un graphe mixte-(j,k) est un graphe mixte avec j types des arcs and k types des arêtes. La famille de graphes mixte-(j,k) contient graphes simple, (graphes mixte−(0,1)), graphes orienté (graphes mixte−(1,0)) and graphe coloré arête −k (graphes mixte−(0,k)).Un homomorphisme est un application sommet entre graphes mixte−(j,k) que tel les types des arêtes sont conservés et les types des arcs et leurs directions sont conservés. Le nombre chromatique−(j,k) d’un graphe mixte−(j,k) est le moins entier m tel qu’il existe un homomorphisme à une cible avec m sommets. Quand on observe le cas de (j,k) = (0,1), on peut déterminer ces définitions correspondent à les définitions usuel pour les graphes.Dans ce mémoire on etude le nombre chromatique−(j,k) et des paramètres similaires pour diverses familles des graphes. Aussi on etude les coloration incidence pour graphes and digraphs. On utilise systèmes de représentants distincts et donne une nouvelle caractérisation du nombre chromatique incidence. On define le nombre chromatique incidence orienté et trouves un connexion entre le nombre chromatique incidence orienté et le nombre chromatic du graphe sous-jacent