1,550 research outputs found

    Wabi-Sabi Mathematics

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    Mathematics and aesthetics have a long history in common. In this relation however, the aesthetic dimension of mathematics largely refers to concepts such as purity, absoluteness, symmetry, and so on. In stark contrast to such a nexus of ideas, the Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi values imperfections, temporality, incompleteness, earthly crudeness, and even contradiction. In this paper, I discuss the possibilities of “wabi-sabi mathematics” by showing (1) how wabi-sabi mathematics is conceivable; (2) how wabi-sabi mathematics is observable; and (3) why we should bother about wabi-sabi mathematic

    Wabi-Sabi as a Way of Life in the Japanese Employment System: Multilateral Connections, Relativity, and Duality

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    Wabi-sabi is a Japanese concept traditionally described as a type of beauty that conveys the philosophical values of imperfection, incompleteness, and impermanence. Going beyond the traditional interpretation of the concept, this chapter attempts to discover wabi-sabi as a way of life in Japanese corporate settings. This chapter first revisits the concept of wabi-sabi and the system of lifetime employment, positioning them as intrinsically linked systems. To contextualize employment practice, it examines the tool of a job description and the system of job rotation as attributes of employment practice. The findings reveal the existence of wabi-sabi as a way of life in corporate settings, demonstrate the relative nature of the wabi-sabi values, and show the duality of positive and negative attributes. The grounded findings exhibit the shared features with the traditional interpretation of wabi-sabi based on the same philosophical values. The shared features suggest that the concept of wabi-sabi can be used for relevant research beyond the fine arts

    The Wabi Sabi Way: Antidote for a Dualistic Culture?

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    This paper presents a discussion of the Japanese philosophical, aesthetic attitude known as Wabi Sabi. Tracing the history of Wabi Sabi from ancient times to the modern day this paper examines the tea ceremony in Japan, the production of handmade pottery, and the Zen way of artistic creation. Intermixed I offer a view of my artistic development and personal evolution of consciousness as I have come to understand them through the lens of Wabi Sabi

    Transitory nature

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    This thesis is the written component of the art exhibit Transitory Nature, which took place from March 19, 2016 at the Gallery in the Round in the Unitarian Church, and from March 20, 2016 at the Gallery 181 in the College of Design at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. In my artwork it explores the Japanese aesthetic wabi-sabi in relation to the profundity of spirit found in the prairie landscape. The artwork uses encaustic painting in combination with cyanotype, mixed media, textile, and nonfiction video essay, to address the philosophy of wabi-sabi and the transitory nature of birth, growth, and decay. This text documents my intention in creating the artwork. It also documents the physical methods of creating the artwork and the conceptual development. A history of wabi-sabi and Dr. Ada Hayden\u27s work on prairie preservation will place the artwork and explain its relevance in relation to the wabi-sabi philosophy of artistic creation. A thumbnail documentation of the artwork exhibited follows. The artwork in this exhibition is a documentation of my art philosophy relating to wabi-sabi and the prairie landscape in relation to transience


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    Nilai Estetika Pada Shodou Khususnya Pada Gaya Sousho Berkaitan Dengan Teori Wabi-Sabi Dan Teori Zen

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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa bagaimanakah nilai-nilai estetika yang terdapat dalam shodou khususnya pada gaya sousho berdasarkan teori estetika wabi-sabi dan teori estetika Zen. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif analitis, yaitu melalui studi kepustakaan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data-data yang relevan terhadap penelitian dan kemudian dianalisa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam shodou terkandung nilai-nilai estetika wabi-sabi dan nilai-nilai estetika Zen. Nilai estetika wabi-sabi ditunjukkan melalui ciri-ciri kesederhanaan, asimetris, dan ketidaksempurnaan. Sedangkan nilai estetika Zen ditunjukkan melalui ketenangan, konsentrasi, dan kedisiplinan

    Konsep Keindahan Wabi Sabi Dalam Puisi Karya Nakahara Chuuya

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    Penelitian ini akan menganalisis dua buah puisi karya Nakahara Chuuya yang berjudul  kita no umi, dan tsukiyou no hamabe. Konsep keindahan dakan dianalisis dengan menggunakan konsep Wabi Sabi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan studi pustaka  Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ketiga puisi karya Nakahara Chuuya memiliki enam ciri konsep keindahan Wabi Sabi yaitu Kanashiku, Shitsui, Sabu, samu, sabishiki (futanoshiki)), IrosokukÅ« no sekai), Mazushiku, dan Mazushisa wo yutaka to nashi

    Filosofi Wabi-Sabi pada Chasitsu Tai-An Kuil Myokian (Analisis Semiotika John Fiske)

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Filosofi Wabi-Sabi pada Chashitsu Tai-an Kuil Myokian (Analisis Semiotika John Fiske)”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan makna wabi-sabi yang terkandung pada ruang minum teh Tai-an di Kuil Myokian, Prefektur Kyoto, Jepang. Data yang digunakan berupa video dari program televisi produksi stasiun televisi NHK berdurasi lima menit berjudul Hyouge Mono: Meihin Meiseki episode 7 yang membahas ruang teh Tai-an. Program tersebut menampilkan tiga bagian dari ruang teh yaitu nijiriguchi, chashitsu dan tokonoma. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori semiotika televisi John Fiske yang terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu tahap realitas, tahap representasi dan tahap ideologi untuk menemukan kode-kode yang terlihat pada ketiga bagian tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis tahap realitas dan representasi menghasilkan tahap ideologi berupa filosofi wabi-sabi yang diwakilkan oleh estetika zen Shinichi Hisamatsu. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di dalam ruang teh Tai-an terdapat beberapa karakteristik zen yaitu kanso, datsuzoku, fukinsei dan yūgen. Karakteristik tersebut mewakilkan kesederhanan, pasrah, rendah hati dan ketenangan dalam wabi-sabi

    Wabi-Sabi, a arte da imperfeição: estética japonesa e alteridade cultural

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    Investiga-se o ideal estético japonês wabi-sabi, aqui entendido como potente contraponto crítico à cultura de aceleração das sociedades capitalistas contemporâneas. No século XV, o wabi-sabi introduziu nas artes japonesas os sentidos de imperfeição, impermanência, incompletude e simplicidade derivados do zen budismo. Diante das constantes demandas de perfeição, produtividade e aceleração da atualidade, defendemos uma aproximação cuidadosa de alteridades culturais que nos pode ser especialmente reveladoras. Propomo-nos a cartografar aspectos do wabi-sabi de modo a contribuir para o fornecimento de ferramentas teórico-conceituais profícuas para as pesquisas e práticas artísticas que pretendam explorar o trânsito cultural oriente-ocidente. Assim, aproximamos estética, singula­ridades culturais e ética em um estudo introdutório que visa oxigenar e enriquecer a atividade de pesquisa no campo das artes

    Wabi-sabi e cultivo de si no processo de criação da coleção de design de moda Comunidade Yuba

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    This article aims to discuss the presence of traditional Japanese wabi-sabi aesthetic in the Yuba Community collection, by the Japanese-Brazilian fashion designer Fernanda Yamamoto. The experience with this agricultural community formed by Japanese-Brazilians, located in the city of Mirandópolis, São Paulo, supported by the tripod "cultivate the land, love the arts and pray" and refers to the processes of creation and production of the pieces of the parade and the photos which encompass the core of the presentation of this work. The wabi-sabi aesthetic relates to the beauty that erupts from simplicity and the course of time, variables that are identified in the processes of the work in question.Este artículo aborda la presencia de la estética tradicional japonesa wabi-sabi en la colección Comunidade Yuba, de la diseñadora de moda japonés-brasileña Fernanda Yamamoto. La experiencia con esta comunidad agrícola formada por japoneses-brasileños, ubicada en la ciudad de Mirandópolis, en el interior de São Paulo, apoyada en el trípode "cultivar la tierra, amar las artes y rezar" y referenciar los procesos de creación y producción de las piezas del desfile y las fotos que presentan la obra. La estética wabi-sabi está relacionada con la belleza que surge de la sencillez y el paso del tiempo, variables que se identifican en los procesos de trabajo en cuestión.Este artigo aborda a presença da estética tradicional japonesa wabi-sabi na coleção Comunidade Yuba, da designer de moda nipo-brasileira Fernanda Yamamoto. A experiência junto a esta comunidade agrícola formada por nipo-brasileiros, localizada na cidade de Mirandópolis, interior paulista, sustentada pelo tripé “cultivar a terra, amar as artes e orar” e referencia os processos de criação e produção das peças do desfile e das fotos que apresentam o trabalho. A estética wabi-sabi relaciona-se com a beleza que eclode da simplicidade e do decorrer do tempo, variáveis que são identificadas nos processos do trabalho em questão