4,064 research outputs found

    Pseudo-Cartesian coordinates in a model of Causal Dynamical Triangulations

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    Causal Dynamical Triangulations is a non-perturbative quantum gravity model, defined with a lattice cut-off. The model can be viewed as defined with a proper time but with no reference to any three-dimensional spatial background geometry. It has four phases, depending on the parameters (the coupling constants) of the model. The particularly interesting behavior is observed in the so-called de Sitter phase, where the spatial three-volume distribution as a function of proper time has a semi-classical behavior which can be obtained from an effective mini-superspace action. In the case of the three-sphere spatial topology, it has been difficult to extend the effective semi-classical description in terms of proper time and spatial three-volume to include genuine spatial coordinates, partially because of the background independence inherent in the model. However, if the spatial topology is that of a three-torus, it is possible to define a number of new observables that might serve as spatial coordinates as well as new observables related to the winding numbers of the three-dimensional torus. The present paper outlines how to define the observables, and how they can be used in numerical simulations of the model.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figure

    Expoential bounds on the number of causal triangulations

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    We prove that the number of combinatorially distinct causal 3-dimensional triangulations homeomorphic to the 3-dimensional sphere is bounded by an exponential function of the number of tetrahedra. It is also proven that the number of combinatorially distinct causal 4-dimensional triangulations homeomorphic to the 4-sphere is bounded by an exponential function of the number of 4-simplices provided the number of all combinatorially distinct triangulations of the 3-sphere is bounded by an exponential function of the number of tetrahedra.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut

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    The multiway-cut problem is, given a weighted graph and k >= 2 terminal nodes, to find a minimum-weight set of edges whose removal separates all the terminals. The problem is NP-hard, and even NP-hard to approximate within 1+delta for some small delta > 0. Calinescu, Karloff, and Rabani (1998) gave an algorithm with performance guarantee 3/2-1/k, based on a geometric relaxation of the problem. In this paper, we give improved randomized rounding schemes for their relaxation, yielding a 12/11-approximation algorithm for k=3 and a 1.3438-approximation algorithm in general. Our approach hinges on the observation that the problem of designing a randomized rounding scheme for a geometric relaxation is itself a linear programming problem. The paper explores computational solutions to this problem, and gives a proof that for a general class of geometric relaxations, there are always randomized rounding schemes that match the integrality gap.Comment: Conference version in ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (1999). To appear in Mathematics of Operations Researc

    Strings as perturbations of evolving spin-networks

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    A connection between non-perturbative formulations of quantum gravity and perturbative string theory is exhibited, based on a formulation of the non-perturbative dynamics due to Markopoulou. In this formulation the dynamics of spin network states and their generalizations is described in terms of histories which have discrete analogues of the causal structure and many fingered time of Lorentzian spacetimes. Perturbations of these histories turn out to be described in terms of spin systems defined on 2-dimensional timelike surfaces embedded in the discrete spacetime. When the history has a classical limit which is Minkowski spacetime, the action of the perturbation theory is given to leading order by the spacetime area of the surface, as in bosonic string theory. This map between a non-perturbative formulation of quantum gravity and a 1+1 dimensional theory generalizes to a large class of theories in which the group SU(2) is extended to any quantum group or supergroup. It is argued that a necessary condition for the non-perturbative theory to have a good classical limit is that the resulting 1+1 dimensional theory defines a consistent and stable perturbative string theory.Comment: Latex, 18 pages, no figure

    Higher integrality conditions, volumes and Ehrhart polynomials

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    A polytope is integral if all of its vertices are lattice points. The constant term of the Ehrhart polynomial of an integral polytope is known to be 1. In previous work, we showed that the coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial of a lattice-face polytope are volumes of projections of the polytope. We generalize both results by introducing a notion of kk-integral polytopes, where 0-integral is equivalent to integral. We show that the Ehrhart polynomial of a kk-integral polytope PP has the properties that the coefficients in degrees less than or equal to kk are determined by a projection of PP, and the coefficients in higher degrees are determined by slices of PP. A key step of the proof is that under certain generality conditions, the volume of a polytope is equal to the sum of volumes of slices of the polytope.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Okounkov bodies of finitely generated divisors

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    We show that the Okounkov body of a big divisor with finitely generated section ring is a rational simplex, for an appropriate choice of flag; furthermore, when the ambient variety is a surface, the same holds for every big divisor. Under somewhat more restrictive hypotheses, we also show that the corresponding semigroup is finitely generated.Comment: 9 pages; v2 includes a stronger result in the surface cas

    Discrete Formulation for the dynamics of rods deforming in space

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    We describe the main ingredients needed to create, from the smooth lagrangian density, a variational principle for discrete motions of a discrete rod, with corresponding conserved Noether currents. We describe all geometrical objects in terms of elements on the linear Atiyah bundle, using a reduced forward difference operator. We show how this introduces a discrete lagrangian density that models the discrete dynamics of a discrete rod. The presented tools are general enough to represent a discretization of any variational theory in principal bundles, and its simplicity allows to perform an iterative integration algorithm to compute the discrete rod evolution in time, starting from any predefined configurations of all discrete rod elements at initial times

    Wilson loops in CDT quantum gravity

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    By explicit construction, we show that one can in a simple way introduce and measure gravitational holonomies and Wilson loops in lattice formulations of nonperturbative quantum gravity based on (Causal) Dynamical Triangulations. We use this set-up to investigate a class of Wilson line observables associated with the world line of a point particle coupled to quantum gravity, and deduce from their expectation values that the underlying holonomies cover the group manifold of SO(4) uniforml

    Dynamically Triangulating Lorentzian Quantum Gravity

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    Fruitful ideas on how to quantize gravity are few and far between. In this paper, we give a complete description of a recently introduced non-perturbative gravitational path integral whose continuum limit has already been investigated extensively in d less than 4, with promising results. It is based on a simplicial regularization of Lorentzian space-times and, most importantly, possesses a well-defined, non-perturbative Wick rotation. We present a detailed analysis of the geometric and mathematical properties of the discretized model in d=3,4. This includes a derivation of Lorentzian simplicial manifold constraints, the gravitational actions and their Wick rotation. We define a transfer matrix for the system and show that it leads to a well-defined self-adjoint Hamiltonian. In view of numerical simulations, we also suggest sets of Lorentzian Monte Carlo moves. We demonstrate that certain pathological phases found previously in Euclidean models of dynamical triangulations cannot be realized in the Lorentzian case.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figure