848 research outputs found

    Real-Time Face Feature Reshaping Without Cosmetic Surgery

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    In the contemporary world today computer vision applica- tions make use of 4G technology and high-definition HD video calling on mobile phones People frequently utilize 4G video calling to commu- nicate with friends and family The technology is capable of projecting minute elements from the real world such as background facial features and behavior among other things We developed a video processing sys- tem that lets users alter the shape and look of facial features such as the brows eyes nose lip jaw and chi

    Towards multiple 3D bone surface identification and reconstruction using few 2D X-ray images for intraoperative applications

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    This article discusses a possible method to use a small number, e.g. 5, of conventional 2D X-ray images to reconstruct multiple 3D bone surfaces intraoperatively. Each bone’s edge contours in X-ray images are automatically identified. Sparse 3D landmark points of each bone are automatically reconstructed by pairing the 2D X-ray images. The reconstructed landmark point distribution on a surface is approximately optimal covering main characteristics of the surface. A statistical shape model, dense point distribution model (DPDM), is then used to fit the reconstructed optimal landmarks vertices to reconstruct a full surface of each bone separately. The reconstructed surfaces can then be visualised and manipulated by surgeons or used by surgical robotic systems

    An Image Morphing Technique Based on Optimal Mass Preserving Mapping

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.896637Image morphing, or image interpolation in the time domain, deals with the metamorphosis of one image into another. In this paper, a new class of image morphing algorithms is proposed based on the theory of optimal mass transport. The 2 mass moving energy functional is modified by adding an intensity penalizing term, in order to reduce the undesired double exposure effect. It is an intensity-based approach and, thus, is parameter free. The optimal warping function is computed using an iterative gradient descent approach. This proposed morphing method is also extended to doubly connected domains using a harmonic parameterization technique, along with finite-element methods

    Structural Surface Mapping for Shape Analysis

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    Natural surfaces are usually associated with feature graphs, such as the cortical surface with anatomical atlas structure. Such a feature graph subdivides the whole surface into meaningful sub-regions. Existing brain mapping and registration methods did not integrate anatomical atlas structures. As a result, with existing brain mappings, it is difficult to visualize and compare the atlas structures. And also existing brain registration methods can not guarantee the best possible alignment of the cortical regions which can help computing more accurate shape similarity metrics for neurodegenerative disease analysis, e.g., Alzheimer’s disease (AD) classification. Also, not much attention has been paid to tackle surface parameterization and registration with graph constraints in a rigorous way which have many applications in graphics, e.g., surface and image morphing. This dissertation explores structural mappings for shape analysis of surfaces using the feature graphs as constraints. (1) First, we propose structural brain mapping which maps the brain cortical surface onto a planar convex domain using Tutte embedding of a novel atlas graph and harmonic map with atlas graph constraints to facilitate visualization and comparison between the atlas structures. (2) Next, we propose a novel brain registration technique based on an intrinsic atlas-constrained harmonic map which provides the best possible alignment of the cortical regions. (3) After that, the proposed brain registration technique has been applied to compute shape similarity metrics for AD classification. (4) Finally, we propose techniques to compute intrinsic graph-constrained parameterization and registration for general genus-0 surfaces which have been used in surface and image morphing applications

    Biomechanical Morphing for Personalized Fitting of Scoliotic Torso Skeleton Models

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    The use of patient-specific biomechanical models offers many opportunities in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, such as the design of personalized braces. The first step in the development of these patient-specific models is to fit the geometry of the torso skeleton to the patient’s anatomy. However, existing methods rely on high-quality imaging data. The exposure to radiation of these methods limits their applicability for regular monitoring of patients. We present a method to fit personalized models of the torso skeleton that takes as input biplanar low-dose radiographs. The method morphs a template to fit annotated points on visible portions of the spine, and it relies on a default biomechanical model of the torso for regularization and robust fitting of hardly visible parts of the torso skeleton, such as the rib cage. The proposed method provides an accurate and robust solution to obtain personalized models of the torso skeleton, which can be adopted as part of regular management of scoliosis patients. We have evaluated the method on ten young patients who participated in our study. We have analyzed and compared clinical metrics on the spine and the full torso skeleton, and we have found that the accuracy of the method is at least comparable to other methods that require more demanding imaging methods, while it offers superior robustness to artifacts such as interpenetration of ribs. Normal-dose X-rays were available for one of the patients, and for the other nine we acquired low-dose X-rays, allowing us to validate that the accuracy of the method persisted under less invasive imaging modalities

    ”Match: 3D shape correspondence for biological image data

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    Modern microscopy technologies allow imaging biological objects in 3D over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, opening the way for a quantitative assessment of morphology. However, establishing a correspondence between objects to be compared, a first necessary step of most shape analysis workflows, remains challenging for soft-tissue objects without striking features allowing them to be landmarked. To address this issue, we introduce the ÎŒMatch 3D shape correspondence pipeline. ÎŒMatch implements a state-of-the-art correspondence algorithm initially developed for computer graphics and packages it in a streamlined pipeline including tools to carry out all steps from input data pre-processing to classical shape analysis routines. Importantly, ÎŒMatch does not require any landmarks on the object surface and establishes correspondence in a fully automated manner. Our open-source method is implemented in Python and can be used to process collections of objects described as triangular meshes. We quantitatively assess the validity of ÎŒMatch relying on a well-known benchmark dataset and further demonstrate its reliability by reproducing published results previously obtained through manual landmarking

    Statistical Modeling of Craniofacial Shape and Texture

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    We present a fully-automatic statistical 3D shape modeling approach and apply it to a large dataset of 3D images, the Headspace dataset, thus generating the first public shape-and-texture 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) of the full human head. Our approach is the first to employ a template that adapts to the dataset subject before dense morphing. This is fully automatic and achieved using 2D facial landmarking, projection to 3D shape, and mesh editing. In dense template morphing, we improve on the well-known Coherent Point Drift algorithm, by incorporating iterative data-sampling and alignment. Our evaluations demonstrate that our method has better performance in correspondence accuracy and modeling ability when compared with other competing algorithms. We propose a texture map refinement scheme to build high quality texture maps and texture model. We present several applications that include the first clinical use of craniofacial 3DMMs in the assessment of different types of surgical intervention applied to a craniosynostosis patient group

    Visualizing shape transformation between chimpanzee and human braincases

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    The quantitative comparison of the form of the braincase is a central issue in paleoanthropology (i.e., the study of human evolution based on fossil evidence). The major difficulty is that there are only few locations defining biological correspondence between individual braincases. In this paper, we use mesh parameterization techniques to tackle this problem. We propose a method to conformally parameterize the genus-0 surface of the braincase on the sphere and to calibrate the parameterization to match biological constraints. The resulting consistent parameterization gives detailed information about shape differences between the braincase of human and chimp. This opens up new perspectives for the quantitative comparison of "featureless” biological structure
