9 research outputs found

    Predicting the temporal activity patterns of new venues

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    Estimating revenue and business demand of a newly opened venue is paramount as these early stages often involve critical decisions such as first rounds of staffing and resource allocation. Traditionally, this estimation has been performed through coarse-grained measures such as observing numbers in local venues or venues at similar places (e.g., coffee shops around another station in the same city). The advent of crowdsourced data from devices and services carried by individuals on a daily basis has opened up the possibility of performing better predictions of temporal visitation patterns for locations and venues. In this paper, using mobility data from Foursquare, a location-centric platform, we treat venue categories as proxies for urban activities and analyze how they become popular over time. The main contribution of this work is a prediction framework able to use characteristic temporal signatures of places together with k-nearest neighbor metrics capturing similarities among urban regions, to forecast weekly popularity dynamics of a new venue establishment in a city neighborhood. We further show how we are able to forecast the popularity of the new venue after one month following its opening by using locality and temporal similarity as features. For the evaluation of our approach we focus on London. We show that temporally similar areas of the city can be successfully used as inputs of predictions of the visit patterns of new venues, with an improvement of 41% compared to a random selection of wards as a training set for the prediction task. We apply these concepts of temporally similar areas and locality to the real-time predictions related to new venues and show that these features can effectively be used to predict the future trends of a venue. Our findings have the potential to impact the design of location-based technologies and decisions made by new business owners

    Adapting the Standard SIR Disease Model in Order to Track and Predict the Spreading of the EBOLA Virus Using Twitter Data

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    A method has been developed to track infectious diseases by using data mining of active Twitter accounts and its efficacy was demonstrated during the West African Ebola outbreak of 2014. Using a meme based n-gram semantic usage model to search the Twitter database for indications of illness, flight and death from the spread of Ebola in Africa, principally from Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Memes of interest relate disease to location and severity and are coupled to the density of Tweets and re-Tweets. The meme spreads through the community of social users in a fashion similar to nonlinear wave propagation- like a shock wave, visualized as a spike in Tweet activity. The spreading was modeled as a system isomorphic to a modified SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Removed disease model) system of three coupled nonlinear differential equations using Twitter variables. The nonlinear terms in this model lead to feedback mechanisms that result in unusual behavior that does not always reduce the spread of the disease. The resulting geographic Tweet densities are coupled to geographic maps of the region. These maps have specific threat levels that are ported to a mobile application (app) and can be used by travelers to assess the relative safety of the region they will be in

    A statistical approach for studying urban human dynamics

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsThis doctoral dissertation proposed several statistical approaches to analyse urban dynamics with aiming to provide tools for decision making processes and urban studies. It assumed that human activity and human mobility compose urban dynamics. Initially, it studied geolocated social media data and considered them as a proxy for where and when people carry out what it is defined as the human activity. It employed techniques associated with generalised linear models, functional data analysis, hierarchical clustering, and epidemic data, to explain the spatio-temporal distribution of the places where people interact with their social networks. Afterwards, to understand the mobility in urban environments, data coming from an underground railway system were used. The information was considered repeated daily measurements to capture the regularity of human behaviour. By implementing methods from functional principal components data analysis and hierarchical clustering, it was possible to describe the system and identify human mobility patterns

    Place and city: merging our affective and social spatial dimension in the (smart) platial city

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsWe are living in (smart) cities that hold social-oriented promises but currently, most of these cities disregard the humans. Although some alternatives are appearing such as smart citizen-centric approaches, there is a lack of how promoting truly appealing perspectives toward a common good or better social synergies. Thereby, smart cities, with their associated Information and Communication Technology tools, are offering new possibilities, but, unfortunately, citizens are not fully exploiting the opportunities to empower themselves because, among other reasons, they are not aware of their common spatialities. Currently, we are not able to operationalize the spatial humanurban interactions regarding citizens’ cognitions, feelings and behaviors towards city places (i.e., sense of place) and meaningful geographic human relationships (i.e., social capital). Both concepts are significant as resources for an alternative landscape based on human perception and organization of social interactions fostered through the geographic place(s). In this research, we highlight the need to understand and operationalize social concepts spatial dimension for a better understanding of a smart citizen-centric approach which is mainly dependent on our capability to understand platial urban dynamics. We conceptualized a (spatial) conceptual framework for sense of place and social capital at the individual level to study their spatial relationship in the urban context. We developed a web map-based survey based on the literature to spatialize, characterize and measure sense of place, social capital and civic engagement. Using the spatial data collected, we validated our framework and demonstrated the importance to encompass the spatial dimension of social concepts (i.e., sense of place and social capital) as pivotal aspect (1) to understand the platial urban dynamics; (2) to provide useful social-spatial data to city processes (e.g. civic engagement); and (3) to reveal the potential to include them in social theory and structural equation models. Furthermore, we highlighted the crucial role of Geographic Information Science (GISc) techniques to gather the spatial dimension of those social concepts. Although in this research we focus on the spatial relationship between sense of place and social capital on civic engagement, the possibilities to relate our framework and methodology to other city based-notions can bring to light new platial urban dynamics. This research wants to open up the agenda for further research into exploratory place-based geography studies and, simultaneously, sets up a common social ground to build other socially-oriented conceptualizations or applications on top of it