34 research outputs found

    Interactive Out-of-core Visualization of Very Large Landscapes on Commodity Graphics Platforms

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    We recently introduced an efficient technique for out-of-core rendering and management of large textured landscapes. The technique, called Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes (BDAM), is based on a paired tree structure: a tiled quadtree for texture data and a pair of bintrees of small triangular patches for the geometry. These small patches are TINs that are constructed and optimized off-line with high quality simplification and tristripping algorithms. Hierarchical view frustum culling and view-dependendent texture/geometry refinement is performed at each frame with a stateless traversal algorithm that renders a continuous adaptive terrain surface by assembling out of core data. Thanks to the batched CPU/GPU communication model, the proposed technique is not processor intensive and fully harnesses the power of current graphics hardware. This paper summarizes the method and discusses the results obtained in a virtual flythrough over a textured digital landscape derived from aerial imaging.21-2

    Supercomputing visualization made simple

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. [39]-[40]).In this thesis, we propose a solution for remote visualization for supercomputers. Our solution consists of two tools that help users visualize data from high performance computers. The first one takes advantage of the Web and AJAX technology [25], is simple, light weight and does not require any pre-installation which can be a perfect tool for demonstration supercomputing data. The second tool, a 3D Viewer on MATLAB Star-P [8], is to utilize more resources in the user's workstation to achieve better quality visualization and more flexibility in data navigation and analysis. Both solutions strive to create a simple and user-friendly framework that supports researchers' goals to create, analyze, test and debug numerical algorithms in supercomputing world.by Huy Nguyen.S.M

    2Fly with RPi - Evaluating Suitability of the Raspberry Pi3 B Single Board Computer for Experimental Glass Cockpit Embedded Applications

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    Computer based cockpits typically interact with the pilot through glass covered displays, and are called glass cockpits. Glass cockpits came first to military aircraft and then to commercial aircraft. Most recently, they have become available for general aviation aircraft. However, price remains a significant barrier for low cost aircraft. At the same time, the price of computers suitable for embedded applications has dropped precipitously. The Raspberry Pi 3B is an example of just such a computer, and can be purchased for 35to35 to 40. This paper seeks to evaluate the suitability of this single board computer for use in an experimental glass cockpit solution. The required functionality of such a solution is detailed – both in term of functionality and in terms of internal workings. The Raspberry Pi 3B computer is then evaluated for potential suitability to drive such a solution. This evaluation is based on mathematical analysis and on the experiences of the world’s hacking community – which has embraced the Raspberry Pi with open arms. Finally, the paper discuses programming techniques and software that the author has evaluated for creating such an experimental glass cockpit. It is the author’s hope that this solution can be implemented in the near future, and that 2Fly with RPi becomes a fully functional open source experimental aircraft situational awareness aid

    2Fly with RPi - Evaluating the Raspberry Pi for Glass Cockpit Applications

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    Evaluating the capabilities of Raspberry Pi computers to be used in embedded glass cockpit applications for experimental aircraft. This includes details of what is required for these applications as well as how well the Raspberry Pi 3B can perform in this role

    An algorithm for information processing in implementation of landscape data dynamic loading

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    PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH WORLD CONGRESS "AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY" “Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies” September 23-25, 2014The use of Continious Level of Detail (CLoD) approach for visualization of flight over the huge landscape is considered. Foe the tasks of visualization of aircraft flight, it is necessary to provide acceptable performance at high speed of movement. In order to achieve this goal, the algorithm of phased processing of chunks of the landscape is offered

    Remallado de terrenos multirresolución

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    Se propone una nueva metodología para la visualización multirresolución de topografía terrestre definida por varios modelos topográficos reales colindantes. La estrategia refina progresivamente al modelo subdividiéndolo en triángulos rectángulos construyendo una jerarquía binaria generada por el refinamiento progresivo del modelo, según un indicador de error que combina ub icación del observador, curvatura local de la zona y del campo de alturas y tamaño deseable en los triángulos. La triangulación aplica procesos de refinamiento y agrupación de triángulos, agregando o sacando detalle a la representación. Además, se aplican ideas desarrolladas anteriormente a modelos digitales de elevación reales.This paper proposes a new methodology for the multiresolution visualization of earth’s topography defined by many adjacent real topographical models. The strategy refines progressively the model subdividing it into rectangular triangles, building a binary hierarchy generated by the progressive refining of the model, using the error indicator. It combines the observer location, the local curvature of the zone and the height fields and the triangle size put before. The triangulation applies refining and triangle grouping processes, adding or deleting detail to the representation. We also apply previously developed ideas to real elevation digital models.V Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes Y VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Remallado de terrenos multirresolución

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    This paper proposes a new methodology for the multiresolution visualization of earth’s topography defined by many adjacent real topographical models. The strategy refines progressively the model subdividing it into rectangular triangles, building a binary hierarchy generated by the progressive refining of the model, using the error indicator. It combines the observer location, the local curvature of the zone and the height fields and the triangle size put before. The triangulation applies refining and triangle grouping processes, adding or deleting detail to the representation.\nWe also apply previously developed ideas to real elevation digital models.Se propone una nueva metodología para la visualización multirresolución de topografía terrestre definida por varios modelos topográficos reales colindantes. La estrategia refina progresivamente al modelo subdividiéndolo en triángulos rectángulos construyendo una jerarquía binaria generada por el refinamiento progresivo del modelo, según un indicador de error que combina ub icación del observador, curvatura local de la zona y del campo de alturas y tamaño deseable en los triángulos. La triangulación aplica procesos de refinamiento y agrupación de triángulos, agregando o sacando detalle a la representación. Además, se aplican ideas desarrolladas anteriormente a modelos digitales de elevación reales.V Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes Y Visualizació

    ViSUS: Visualization Streams for Ultimate Scalability

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