61,273 research outputs found

    Alien nation: contemporary art and black Britain

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    About the book: This fascinating text introduces readers to postcolonial theory using the context of British media culture in ethnic minority communities to explain key ideas and debates. Each chapter considers a specific media output and uses a wealth of examples to offer an absorbing insight into postcolonial media for all students of cultural and media studies

    Human interaction in the Swedish biogas sector

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of human interaction in defining, shaping, and continuously re-shaping interpretations towards the biogas phenomenon in Sweden. This investigation was conducted via two forms of inquiry. First, a theoretical inquiry was conducted which was grounded in the principles of symbolic interactionism. The purpose of this inquiry was to create a theoretical framework that can be applied to better understand the phenomenon of human interaction. Second, an empirical inquiry was conducted based on participatory research that involved direct interaction with actors working within the Swedish biogas context. The empirical inquiry provided the opportunity to present concrete, tangible results regarding the role of human interaction in the biogas sector, and was based on my own direct participation in the Swedish biogas-context. This theoretical-empirical framework (created through the two forms of inquiry) was established through a somewhat interdependent process; that is, the underlying theoretical framework was used as a reference point from which to conduct the empirical inquiry, while the theory itself was derived with empirical results and observations in mind. As such, each form of inquiry served to support and complement the other. A main component of both inquiries was to investigate the role symbols play during interaction. Key symbols that were observed during biogas-related interaction were outlined and discussed. A discussion was also provided regarding the role these symbols played in facilitating shared meaning and cooperation amongst the actors, as well as their role in learning, perspective change and knowledge creation. To complement these empirical observations, a personal account of how direct interaction in the Swedish biogas sector has shifted my own perspective towards the biogas phenomenon was also provided

    What is the ‘Television’ of the European Journal of Cultural Studies? Reflections on 20 years of the study of television in the journal

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    Over 20 years, the European Journal of Cultural Studies has been an important resource for those writing and thinking about television, and this article reflects on the rich material contained in the long run of issues published since 1998. As part of ‘On the Move’, the Special Issue to mark the 20th anniversary of the journal, it also introduces the special online dossier of articles on television. It offers an impressionistic reflection on the author’s experiences of engaging with work on television as it has appeared in this journal. In homage to Raymond Williams, that great writer about television (and much else), this article focuses on three key words which seem crucial to this enterprise – journal, television and European

    Dystopian Realities : Investigating the Perception of and Interaction with Surveillance Practices

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    This article seeks to sketch out how the field of surveillance studies has conceptualized surveillance practices, and how cultural and technological shifts have prompted scholars to re-imagine these theoretical frameworks. The article investigates the interplay of (dystopian) popular cultural representations of surveillance cultures and the perception of and attitude towards contemporary surveillance practices, as well as how individuals react to and interact with them. The article also outlines a study regarding the aforementioned issues that was conducted among a sample of 150 university students, which focused especially on each participant’s subjective ability to distinguish between fictional scenarios and real-life surveillance practices

    The existence of Roma in youth justice discourses

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    Critical scholars have repeatedly emphasised the importance of how various categories become constructed. This paper discusses the ‘existence’ of ‘the other’ in youth justice discourses. Drawing on qualitative analysis of police, prosecution, youth court and social services discourses, this paper discusses the positioning of migrant youths, referred to youth court on suspicion of having committed an offence. The talk particularly focuses on Czech and Slovak Roma in two legal departments in Belgium. I discuss in what types of cases and discourses the case of Roma (i.e. references to ethnicity and popular images of the ‘Roma culture’) exists and in what instances it seizes to exist. Particular attention is directed to the constitutions, circularity and contexts of ethnicising discourses throughout youth justice trajectories, as well as their performative nature

    Metadiscourse analysis of digital interpersonal interactions in academic settings in Turkey

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    Rapid technological advances, efficiency and easy access have firmly established emailing as a vital medium of communication in the last decades. Nowadays, all around the world, particularly in educational settings, the medium is one of the most widely used modes of interaction between students and university lecturers. Despite their important role in academic life, very little is known about the metadiscursive characteristics of these e-messages and as far as the author is aware there is no study that has examined metadiscourse in request emails in Turkish. This study aims to contribute to filling in this gap by focusing on the following two research questions: (i) How many and what type of interpersonal metadiscourse markers are used in request emails sent by students to their lecturers? (ii) Where are they placed and how are they combined with other elements in the text? In order to answer these questions a corpus of unsolicited request e-mails in Turkish was compiled. The data collection started in January 2010 and continued until March 2018. A total of 353 request emails sent from university students to their lecturers were collected. The data were first transcribed in CLAN CHILDES format and analysed using the interpersonal model. The metadiscourse categories that aimed to involve readers in the email were identified and classified. Next, their places in the text were determined and described in detail. Findings of the study show that request emails include a wide array of multifunctional interpersonal metadiscourse markers which are intricately combined and employed by the writers to reach their aims. The results also showed that there is a close relation between the “weight of the request” and number of the interpersonal metadiscourse markers in request mails
