1,147 research outputs found

    Selected Topics in Bayesian Image/Video Processing

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    In this dissertation, three problems in image deblurring, inpainting and virtual content insertion are solved in a Bayesian framework.;Camera shake, motion or defocus during exposure leads to image blur. Single image deblurring has achieved remarkable results by solving a MAP problem, but there is no perfect solution due to inaccurate image prior and estimator. In the first part, a new non-blind deconvolution algorithm is proposed. The image prior is represented by a Gaussian Scale Mixture(GSM) model, which is estimated from non-blurry images as training data. Our experimental results on a total twelve natural images have shown that more details are restored than previous deblurring algorithms.;In augmented reality, it is a challenging problem to insert virtual content in video streams by blending it with spatial and temporal information. A generic virtual content insertion (VCI) system is introduced in the second part. To the best of my knowledge, it is the first successful system to insert content on the building facades from street view video streams. Without knowing camera positions, the geometry model of a building facade is established by using a detection and tracking combined strategy. Moreover, motion stabilization, dynamic registration and color harmonization contribute to the excellent augmented performance in this automatic VCI system.;Coding efficiency is an important objective in video coding. In recent years, video coding standards have been developing by adding new tools. However, it costs numerous modifications in the complex coding systems. Therefore, it is desirable to consider alternative standard-compliant approaches without modifying the codec structures. In the third part, an exemplar-based data pruning video compression scheme for intra frame is introduced. Data pruning is used as a pre-processing tool to remove part of video data before they are encoded. At the decoder, missing data is reconstructed by a sparse linear combination of similar patches. The novelty is to create a patch library to exploit similarity of patches. The scheme achieves an average 4% bit rate reduction on some high definition videos

    Graphics Insertions into Real Video for Market Research

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    Expanding the magic circle in pervasive casual play

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em InformáticaIn this document we present proposals for merging the fictional game world with the real world taking into account the profile of casual players. To merge games with reality we resorted to the creation of games that explore di-verse real world elements. We focused on sound, video, physiological data, ac-celerometer data, weather and location. We made the choice for these real world elements because data, about those elements, can be acquired making use of functionality already available, or foreseen in the near future, in devices like computers or mobile phones, thus fitting the profile of casual players who are usually not willing to invest in expensive or specialized hardware just for the sake of playing a game. By resorting to real world elements, the screen is no longer the only focus of the player’s attention because reality also influences the outcome of the game. Here, we describe how the insertion of real world elements affected the role of the screen as the primary focus of the player’s attention. Games happen inside a magic circle that spatially and temporally delimits the game from the ordinary world. J. Huizinga, the inventor of the magic circle concept, also leaves implicit a social demarcation, separating who is playing the game from who is not playing the game [1]. In this document, we show how the insertion of real world elements blurred the spatial, temporal and social limits, in our games. Through this fusion with the ordinary world, the fictional game world integrates with reality, instead of being isolated from it. We also present an analysis about integration with the real world and context data in casual en-tertainment.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - grant SFRH/BD/61085/200

    The Information of Things: A Study on the Potential of Journalism with 5G Technology

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    This research conducted at the University of Barcelona explores the intersection of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), mobile 5G, and the Internet of Things (IoT) within journalistic frameworks, aiming to uncover the evolving dynamics in newsrooms influenced by these advancements. By employing methodologies such as bibliographic research for a theoretical exploration of IoT, AI, 5G, and participant observation with the Research Group on Information, Communication, and Culture, the study aims to offer a qualitative insight into the integration of these technologies in journalism. The study focuses on how AI-driven algorithms, 5G connectivity, and IoT devices are collectively transforming journalistic content creation and dissemination, offering new opportunities for enhanced efficiency and creativity while also introducing challenges in real-time data handling, analysis, and distribution. The expected results include a deeper understanding of the impact and potential of these technologies in journalism, emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability, and ethical practices to uphold journalistic integrity and promote informed public discourse amidst these technological advancements


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    The intersection of philosophies of space and technology is a fecund area of inquiry that has received surprisingly little attention in the philosophical literature. While the major accounts of space and place have not considered complexities introduced by recent technological developments, scholarship on the human-technology relationship has virtually ignored the spatial dimensions of this interaction. Place and Digital Space takes a step in addressing this gap in literature by offering an original, phenomenological account of place and using this framework to analyze digitally mediated spaces. I argue that places are continually evolving, internally heterogenous, and spatially distinct meaningful wholes with indeterminate boundaries. The emergence and ongoing reconstitution of places require repeated bodily engagements, which occur in the context of other places, in relation to the engagements of others, and against the background of social practices and cultural norms. I then show how spaces mediated by digital technologies, particularly augmented reality (AR), are fundamentally different from ordinary places. The increasing use of AR, I argue, poses an unprecedented challenge to the way we interpret, engage with, and have collective experiences of everyday places. Finally, I identify ethical questions raised by the interpretation of spaces by artificial intelligence, by the unauthorized augmentation of places, and by the possibility of a few companies with big data dominating the virtual modifications of public places

    The George-Anne

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    Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy

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    The metaverse has the potential to extend the physical world using augmented and virtual reality technologies allowing users to seamlessly interact within real and simulated environments using avatars and holograms. Virtual environments and immersive games (such as, Second Life, Fortnite, Roblox and VRChat) have been described as antecedents of the metaverse and offer some insight to the potential socio-economic impact of a fully functional persistent cross platform metaverse. Separating the hype and “meta…” rebranding from current reality is difficult, as “big tech” paints a picture of the transformative nature of the metaverse and how it will positively impact people in their work, leisure, and social interaction. The potential impact on the way we conduct business, interact with brands and others, and develop shared experiences is likely to be transformational as the distinct lines between physical and digital are likely to be somewhat blurred from current perceptions. However, although the technology and infrastructure does not yet exist to allow the development of new immersive virtual worlds at scale - one that our avatars could transcend across platforms, researchers are increasingly examining the transformative impact of the metaverse. Impacted sectors include marketing, education, healthcare as well as societal effects relating to social interaction factors from widespread adoption, and issues relating to trust, privacy, bias, disinformation, application of law as well as psychological aspects linked to addiction and impact on vulnerable people. This study examines these topics in detail by combining the informed narrative and multi-perspective approach from experts with varied disciplinary backgrounds on many aspects of the metaverse and its transformational impact. The paper concludes by proposing a future research agenda that is valuable for researchers, professionals and policy makers alike

    Space Systems: Emerging Technologies and Operations

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    SPACE SYSTEMS: EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND OPERATIONS is our seventh textbook in a series covering the world of UASs / CUAS/ UUVs. Other textbooks in our series are Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD); Disruptive Technologies with applications in Airline, Marine, Defense Industries; Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land; Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations; Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 2nd edition; and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Cyber Domain Protecting USA\u27s Advanced Air Assets, 1st edition. Our previous six titles have received considerable global recognition in the field. (Nichols & Carter, 2022) (Nichols et al., 2021) (Nichols R. K. et al., 2020) (Nichols R. et al., 2020) (Nichols R. et al., 2019) (Nichols R. K., 2018) Our seventh title takes on a new purview of Space. Let\u27s think of Space as divided into four regions. These are Planets, solar systems, the great dark void (which fall into the purview of astronomers and astrophysics), and the Dreamer Region. The earth, from a measurement standpoint, is the baseline of Space. It is the purview of geographers, engineers, scientists, politicians, and romantics. Flying high above the earth are Satellites. Military and commercial organizations govern their purview. The lowest altitude at which air resistance is low enough to permit a single complete, unpowered orbit is approximately 80 miles (125 km) above the earth\u27s surface. Normal Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite launches range between 99 miles (160 km) to 155 miles (250 km). Satellites in higher orbits experience less drag and can remain in Space longer in service. Geosynchronous orbit is around 22,000 miles (35,000 km). However, orbits can be even higher. UASs (Drones) have a maximum altitude of about 33,000 ft (10 km) because rotating rotors become physically limiting. (Nichols R. et al., 2019) Recreational drones fly at or below 400 ft in controlled airspace (Class B, C, D, E) and are permitted with prior authorization by using a LAANC or DroneZone. Recreational drones are permitted to fly at or below 400 ft in Class G (uncontrolled) airspace. (FAA, 2022) However, between 400 ft and 33,000 ft is in the purview of DREAMERS. In the DREAMERS region, Space has its most interesting technological emergence. We see emerging technologies and operations that may have profound effects on humanity. This is the mission our book addresses. We look at the Dreamer Region from three perspectives:1) a Military view where intelligence, jamming, spoofing, advanced materials, and hypersonics are in play; 2) the Operational Dreamer Region; whichincludes Space-based platform vulnerabilities, trash, disaster recovery management, A.I., manufacturing, and extended reality; and 3) the Humanitarian Use of Space technologies; which includes precision agriculture wildlife tracking, fire risk zone identification, and improving the global food supply and cattle management. Here’s our book’s breakdown: SECTION 1 C4ISR and Emerging Space Technologies. C4ISR stands for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance. Four chapters address the military: Current State of Space Operations; Satellite Killers and Hypersonic Drones; Space Electronic Warfare, Jamming, Spoofing, and ECD; and the challenges of Manufacturing in Space. SECTION 2: Space Challenges and Operations covers in five chapters a wide purview of challenges that result from operations in Space, such as Exploration of Key Infrastructure Vulnerabilities from Space-Based Platforms; Trash Collection and Tracking in Space; Leveraging Space for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management; Bio-threats to Agriculture and Solutions From Space; and rounding out the lineup is a chapter on Modelling, Simulation, and Extended Reality. SECTION 3: Humanitarian Use of Space Technologies is our DREAMERS section. It introduces effective use of Drones and Precision Agriculture; and Civilian Use of Space for Environmental, Wildlife Tracking, and Fire Risk Zone Identification. SECTION 3 is our Hope for Humanity and Positive Global Change. Just think if the technologies we discuss, when put into responsible hands, could increase food production by 1-2%. How many more millions of families could have food on their tables? State-of-the-Art research by a team of fifteen SMEs is incorporated into our book. We trust you will enjoy reading it as much as we have in its writing. There is hope for the future.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Youtube: Theater for Gen Z’s Hyperreality

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    This project analyzes how Generation Z and their penchant for authenticity has transformed the entertainment industry to create new economies and systems which reward only simulations of everyday life. Youtube, Gen Z’s preferred social media site, has been home to many of today’s untraditional and self-made celebrity figures. Because the video platform is a host for primarily amateur creators who upload personal found footage, the unposed and candid nature of content on the site caters to Gen Z. And so in their distrust for corporate media, homemade DIY aesthetics have mistakenly been confused with authenticity. This essay will focus on two young and highly accomplished Youtube vloggers, David Dobrik and Jake Paul, and how they use the mundane, everyday world as the base material for their performed spectacle. As the Youtuber Dan Olson has suggested, their vlogs have created what many have called a “hyperreality.” A hyperreality can be understood as an augmented and ideal version of one’s self and life. It is achieved through a carefully calculated performance despite its primary goal of persuading viewers to believe otherwise. And although the performance straddles the boundary between the authentic and the artificial, it has become the archetypal model for success in the new, burgeoning influencer economy. And so in such pursuit of the authentic, we have only created a system that rewards those who simulate it

    The Importance on Self-Expression Through Clothing and Fashion: A view on Digital Identity and Digital Fashion

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    As a vast theme with a variety of studies in different scientific areas, like philosophy and sociology, Identity poses as a multi-disciplinary subject (Kawamura, 2005). This way, this investigation had in consideration both these fields of study, connecting them. It began by analysing the role that Fashion portraits in Identity and at what point do they influence each other, as well as the importance of self-expression through clothing. The investigation’s focus was the development and impact that the globalization phenomena and the digital era have, how they influence and mould users and their perception, and what potential Fashion has in constructing a personal Identity, in envoirnments such as Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse. Moreover, Digital Fashion is also introduced as to understand this relationship between Fashion and the virtual world and what it might bring into the universe of Identity, and more specifically Digital Identity. This research used types of method designs to pursue its goals. A qualitative method, the literature review, where studies and author’s work were revised, to explore the themes and form hypothesis, and a quantitative one, a public survey where those hypotheses were determined either true or untrue. The conclusions show that technology is at its peak with increasing usage and engagement, and although there isn’t clear information to deduct Digital Fashion will become a major success within the Fashion industry, it is possible that it could mean a lot to freedom of wear.Sendo um vasto tema com uma larga variedade em diferentes áreas de estudo, como a filosofia e sociologia, a Identidade apresenta-se como um tema multidisciplinar (Kawamura, 2005). Desta forma, esta investigação teve em consideração ambos estes campos de estudo, conectando-os. Começando por analisar o papel que a Moda tem na Identidade e até que ponto se influenciam mutuamente, bem como qual a importância da auto-expressão através do vestuário. O foco desta investigação foi o desenvolvimento e impacto que o fenómeno da globalização e a era digital têm, como influenciam e moldam os seus utilizadores e a sua perceção, e o potencial que a Moda pode vir a ter na construção de uma Identidade pessoal, em espaços como Mundos Virtuais e o Metaverso. Assim, a Moda Digital é também introduzida de forma a perceber esta relação entre Moda e o mundo virtual e o que poderá vir a trazer ao universo da Identidade, mais especificamente à Identidade digital. Este estudo utilizou duas formas distintas de design de método para atingir os seus objetivos. Um método qualitativo, a revisão de literatura, onde estudos e autores são revisados, de modo a explorar temas e formar hipóteses, e mais tarde um método quantitativo, um questionário público onde essas hipóteses serão determinadas verdadeiras ou falsas. As conclusões mostram que a tecnologia está no seu pico com utilização e engagement a crescer, e embora não tenha havido informação necessária para deduzir que a Moda Digital poderá ter um papel maior na indústria da Moda no futuro, é possível que possa significar mais liberdade de vestir
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