53 research outputs found

    Detection of JavaScript Injection Eavesdropping on WebRTC communications

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    WebRTC is a Google-developed project that allows users to communicate directly. It is an open-source tool supported by all major browsers. Since it does not require additional installation steps and provides ultra-low latency streaming, smart city and social network applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Snapchat use it as the underlying technology on the client-side both on desktop browsers and mobile apps. While the open-source tool is deemed to be secure and despite years of research and security testing, there are still vulnerabilities in the real-time communication application programming interface (API). We show in this paper how eavesdropping can be enabled by exploiting weaknesses and loopholes found in official WebRTC specifications. We demonstrate through real-world implementation how an eavesdropper can intercept WebRTC video calls by installing a malicious code onto the WebRTC webserver. Furthermore, we identify and discuss several, easy to perform, ways to detect wiretapping. Our evaluation shows that several indicators within webrtc-internals API traces can be used to detect anomalous activities, without the need for network monitoring tools

    Mobile Augmented Reality: User Interfaces, Frameworks, and Intelligence

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    Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) integrates computer-generated virtual objects with physical environments for mobile devices. MAR systems enable users to interact with MAR devices, such as smartphones and head-worn wearables, and perform seamless transitions from the physical world to a mixed world with digital entities. These MAR systems support user experiences using MAR devices to provide universal access to digital content. Over the past 20 years, several MAR systems have been developed, however, the studies and design of MAR frameworks have not yet been systematically reviewed from the perspective of user-centric design. This article presents the first effort of surveying existing MAR frameworks (count: 37) and further discuss the latest studies on MAR through a top-down approach: (1) MAR applications; (2) MAR visualisation techniques adaptive to user mobility and contexts; (3) systematic evaluation of MAR frameworks, including supported platforms and corresponding features such as tracking, feature extraction, and sensing capabilities; and (4) underlying machine learning approaches supporting intelligent operations within MAR systems. Finally, we summarise the development of emerging research fields and the current state-of-the-art, and discuss the important open challenges and possible theoretical and technical directions. This survey aims to benefit both researchers and MAR system developers alike.Peer reviewe

    The Challenge of Digital Transition in Engineering. A Solution Made from a European Collaborative Network of Remote Laboratories Based on Renewable Energies Technology

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    Society currently faces two crucial challenges: digital transition and energy transition. Educative innovation plays a key role in this challenging scenario, particularly engineering careers, where laboratory practices are as important as theoretical classes. This paper presents a standardized training platform supported by five European universities which include a remote laboratory experience. Each university is responsible for developing a training module under the guidance provided by the responsible entity (University of Huelva, Spain). For this purpose, the University of Huelva has implemented a remote laboratory based on a supercapacitor power bank. The rest of the universities have selected any other renewable source and have replicated the information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure. The result is a European network materialized on a homogenized platform where teachers and students can find all the teaching materials (theory and practice) to train and to be trained in renewable energy matters in the new digital era.This research was funded by Erasmus+ Programme, grant number Ref. 2020-1-IT02-KA226-HE-095424 RE-OPEN project; ERASMUS+ Programme 2020-KA2; and the APC was funded by Ref. 2020-1-IT02-KA226-HE-095424 RE-OPEN project, founded by ERASMUS+ Programme 2020-KA2

    Design and Development of the Hybrid Workspace Service

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    Цель магистерской диссертации: на основе исследования потребностей участников общего рабочего процесса спроектировать и реализовать решение для организации деловых встреч в гибридном формате, объединяющем реальное офисное пространство и виртуальную переговорную комнату.The purpose of the master's thesis is to design and to develop a solution for organizing business meetings in a hybrid format that combines real office space and a virtual meeting room based on a study of the needs of participants in the common workflow

    A Review of the Teaching and Learning on Power Electronics Course

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    —In this review, we describe various kinds of problem and solution related teaching and learning on power electronics course all around the world. The method was used the study of literature on journal articles and proceedings published by reputable international organizations. Thirtynine papers were obtained using Boolean operators, according to the specified criteria. The results of the problems generally established that student learning motivation was low, teaching approaches that are still teacher-centered, the scope of the curriculum extends, and the physical limitations of laboratory equipment. The solutions offered are very diverse ranging from models, strategies, methods and learning techniques supported by information and communication technology

    The Seamless Peer and Cloud Evolution Framework

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    Evolutionary algorithms are increasingly being applied to problems that are too computationally expensive to run on a single personal computer due to costly fitness function evaluations and/or large numbers of fitness evaluations. Here, we introduce the Seamless Peer And Cloud Evolution (SPACE) framework, which leverages bleeding edge web technologies to allow the computational resources necessary for running large scale evolutionary experiments to be made available to amateur and professional researchers alike, in a scalable and cost-effective manner, directly from their web browsers. The SPACE framework accomplishes this by distributing fitness evaluations across a heterogeneous pool of cloud compute nodes and peer computers. As a proof of concept, this framework has been attached to the RoboGen open-source platform for the co-evolution of robot bodies and brains, but importantly the framework has been built in a modular fashion such that it can be easily coupled with other evolutionary computation systems

    View recommendation for multi-camera demonstration-based training

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    While humans can effortlessly pick a view from multiple streams, automatically choosing the best view is a challenge. Choosing the best view from multi-camera streams poses a problem regarding which objective metrics should be considered. Existing works on view selection lack consensus about which metrics should be considered to select the best view. The literature on view selection describes diverse possible metrics. And strategies such as information-theoretic, instructional design, or aesthetics-motivated fail to incorporate all approaches. In this work, we postulate a strategy incorporating information-theoretic and instructional design-based objective metrics to select the best view from a set of views. Traditionally, information-theoretic measures have been used to find the goodness of a view, such as in 3D rendering. We adapted a similar measure known as the viewpoint entropy for real-world 2D images. Additionally, we incorporated similarity penalization to get a more accurate measure of the entropy of a view, which is one of the metrics for the best view selection. Since the choice of the best view is domain-dependent, we chose demonstration-based training scenarios as our use case. The limitation of our chosen scenarios is that they do not include collaborative training and solely feature a single trainer. To incorporate instructional design considerations, we included the trainer’s body pose, face, face when instructing, and hands visibility as metrics. To incorporate domain knowledge we included predetermined regions’ visibility as another metric. All of those metrics are taken into account to produce a parameterized view recommendation approach for demonstration-based training. An online study using recorded multi-camera video streams from a simulation environment was used to validate those metrics. Furthermore, the responses from the online study were used to optimize the view recommendation performance with a normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG) value of 0.912, which shows good performance with respect to matching user choices

    Transforming Engineering Education

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    Microcredentials to support PBL

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