11 research outputs found

    TuLiPA : a syntax-semantics parsing environment for mildly context-sensitive formalisms

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    In this paper we present a parsing architecture that allows processing of different mildly context-sensitive formalisms, in particular Tree-Adjoining Grammar (TAG), Multi-Component Tree-Adjoining Grammar with Tree Tuples (TT-MCTAG) and simple Range Concatenation Grammar (RCG). Furthermore, for tree-based grammars, the parser computes not only syntactic analyses but also the corresponding semantic representations

    Automatically Discovering Hidden Transformation Chaining Constraints

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    Model transformations operate on models conforming to precisely defined metamodels. Consequently, it often seems relatively easy to chain them: the output of a transformation may be given as input to a second one if metamodels match. However, this simple rule has some obvious limitations. For instance, a transformation may only use a subset of a metamodel. Therefore, chaining transformations appropriately requires more information. We present here an approach that automatically discovers more detailed information about actual chaining constraints by statically analyzing transformations. The objective is to provide developers who decide to chain transformations with more data on which to base their choices. This approach has been successfully applied to the case of a library of endogenous transformations. They all have the same source and target metamodel but have some hidden chaining constraints. In such a case, the simple metamodel matching rule given above does not provide any useful information

    XCSP3-core: A Format for Representing Constraint Satisfaction/Optimization Problems

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    In this document, we introduce XCSP3-core, a subset of XCSP3 that allows us to represent constraint satisfaction/optimization problems. The interest of XCSP3-core is multiple: (i) focusing on the most popular frameworks (CSP and COP) and constraints, (ii) facilitating the parsing process by means of dedicated XCSP3-core parsers written in Java and C++ (using callback functions), (iii) and defining a core format for comparisons (competitions) of constraint solvers.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1611.0339

    Generalised arc consistency for the AllDifferent constraint: An empirical survey

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    AbstractThe AllDifferent constraint is a crucial component of any constraint toolkit, language or solver, since it is very widely used in a variety of constraint models. The literature contains many different versions of this constraint, which trade strength of inference against computational cost. In this paper, we focus on the highest strength of inference, enforcing a property known as generalised arc consistency (GAC). This work is an analytical survey of optimizations of the main algorithm for GAC for the AllDifferent constraint. We evaluate empirically a number of key techniques from the literature. We also report important implementation details of those techniques, which have often not been described in published papers. We pay particular attention to improving incrementality by exploiting the strongly-connected components discovered during the standard propagation process, since this has not been detailed before. Our empirical work represents by far the most extensive set of experiments on variants of GAC algorithms for AllDifferent. Overall, the best combination of optimizations gives a mean speedup of 168 times over the same implementation without the optimizations

    Solving hard industrial combinatorial problems with SAT

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    The topic of this thesis is the development of SAT-based techniques and tools for solving industrial combinatorial problems. First, it describes the architecture of state-of-the-art SAT and SMT Solvers based on the classical DPLL procedure. These systems can be used as black boxes for solving combinatorial problems. However, sometimes we can increase their efficiency with slight modifications of the basic algorithm. Therefore, the study and development of techniques for adjusting SAT Solvers to specific combinatorial problems is the first goal of this thesis. Namely, SAT Solvers can only deal with propositional logic. For solving general combinatorial problems, two different approaches are possible: - Reducing the complex constraints into propositional clauses. - Enriching the SAT Solver language. The first approach corresponds to encoding the constraint into SAT. The second one corresponds to using propagators, the basis for SMT Solvers. Regarding the first approach, in this document we improve the encoding of two of the most important combinatorial constraints: cardinality constraints and pseudo-Boolean constraints. After that, we present a new mixed approach, called lazy decomposition, which combines the advantages of encodings and propagators. The other part of the thesis uses these theoretical improvements in industrial combinatorial problems. We give a method for efficiently scheduling some professional sport leagues with SAT. The results are promising and show that a SAT approach is valid for these problems. However, the chaotical behavior of CDCL-based SAT Solvers due to VSIDS heuristics makes it difficult to obtain a similar solution for two similar problems. This may be inconvenient in real-world problems, since a user expects similar solutions when it makes slight modifications to the problem specification. In order to overcome this limitation, we have studied and solved the close solution problem, i.e., the problem of quickly finding a close solution when a similar problem is considered

    Views and iterators for generic constraint implementations

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    Abstract. This paper introduces an architecture for generic constraint implementations based on variable views and range iterators. Views allow, for example, to scale, translate, and negate variables. The paper shows how to make constraint implementations generic and how to reuse a single generic implementation with different views for different constraints. A wide range of applications of views exemplifies their usefulness and their potential for simplifying constraint implementations. We introduce domain operations compatible with views based on range iterators. The paper evaluates the applicability of the approach as well as different implementation techniques for the presented architecture.

    Views and Iterators for Generic Constraint Implementations

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    This paper introduces an architecture for generic constraint implementations based on variable views and range iterators. Views allow, for example, to scale, translate, and negate variables. The paper shows how to make constraint implementations generic and how to reuse a single generic implementation with different views for different constraints. Applications of views exemplify their usefulness and their potential for simplifying constraint implementations. We introduce domain operations compatible with views based on range iterators. The paper evaluates different implementation techniques for the presented architecture