247 research outputs found

    Design of an UAV swarm

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    This master thesis tries to give an overview on the general aspects involved in the design of an UAV swarm. UAV swarms are continuoulsy gaining popularity amongst researchers and UAV manufacturers, since they allow greater success rates in task accomplishing with reduced times. Appart from this, multiple UAVs cooperating between them opens a new field of missions that can only be carried in this way. All the topics explained within this master thesis will explain all the agents involved in the design of an UAV swarm, from the communication protocols between them, navigation and trajectory analysis and task allocation

    Spatial coverage without computation

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    We study the problem of controlling a swarm of anonymous, mobile robots to cooperatively cover an unknown two-dimensional space. The novelty of our proposed solution is that it is applicable to extremely simple robots that lack run-time computation or storage. The solution requires only a single bit of information per robot—whether or not another robot is present in its line of sight. Computer simulations show that our deterministic controller, which was obtained through off-line optimization, achieves around 71–76% coverage in a test scenario with no robot redundancy, which corresponds to a 26–39% reduction of the area that is not covered, when compared to an optimized random walk. A moderately lower level of performance was observed in 20 experimental trials with 25 physical e-puck robots. Moreover, we demonstrate that the same controller can be used in environments of different dimensions and even to navigate a maze. The controller provides a baseline against which one can quantify the performance improvements that more advanced and expensive techniques may offer. Moreover, due to its simplicity, it could potentially be implemented on swarms of sub-millimeter-sized robots. This would pave the way for new applications in micro-medicine

    Space-Time Continuous Models of Swarm Robotic Systems: Supporting Global-to-Local Programming

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    A generic model in as far as possible mathematical closed-form was developed that predicts the behavior of large self-organizing robot groups (robot swarms) based on their control algorithm. In addition, an extensive subsumption of the relatively young and distinctive interdisciplinary research field of swarm robotics is emphasized. The connection to many related fields is highlighted and the concepts and methods borrowed from these fields are described shortly

    An Approach Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Inspection of Spacecraft Hulls by a Swarm of Miniaturized Robots

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    The remoteness and hazards that are inherent to the operating environments of space infrastructures promote their need for automated robotic inspection. In particular, micrometeoroid and orbital debris impact and structural fatigue are common sources of damage to spacecraft hulls. Vibration sensing has been used to detect structural damage in spacecraft hulls as well as in structural health monitoring practices in industry by deploying static sensors. In this paper, we propose using a swarm of miniaturized vibration-sensing mobile robots realizing a network of mobile sensors. We present a distributed inspection algorithm based on the bio-inspired particle swarm optimization and evolutionary algorithm niching techniques to deliver the task of enumeration and localization of an a priori unknown number of vibration sources on a simplified 2.5D spacecraft surface. Our algorithm is deployed on a swarm of simulated cm-scale wheeled robots. These are guided in their inspection task by sensing vibrations arising from failure points on the surface which are detected by on-board accelerometers. We study three performance metrics: (1) proximity of the localized sources to the ground truth locations, (2) time to localize each source, and (3) time to finish the inspection task given a 75% inspection coverage threshold. We find that our swarm is able to successfully localize the present so

    The computational complexity of controller-environment co-design using library selection for distributed construction

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    Creating specified structures through the coordinated efforts of teams of simple autonomous robots is a significant problem in distributed robotics. All previous ef- fort, both empirical and theoretical, has focused on the problems of designing either controllers or environments which, in tandem with given environments or controllers, built the specified structures. In this paper, we give the results of the first computa- tional and parameterized complexity analyses of the controller-environment co-design problem in the simple case where teams of finite-state robots are designed by select- ing controllers from a given library. We show that this problem cannot be solved efficiently in general or under a number of restrictions, and give the first restrictions under which this problem is efficiently solvable. We also consider two elaborations on this problem. First, we analyze the controller- environment co-design problem under a new architecture in which robots have a transient memory. Second, we give the first definitions of and derive computational complexity results for stigmergy-related parameters for the controller-environment co-design problem

    Multi-Robot Learning with Bat Algorithm With Mutation (Bam)

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    The mobile robotics is an active area of research. Several methods are under study to increase and optimize the working capabilities of multi robotic systems. These multi robotic systems or robot swarms have vast applications in industry as a human assistant to carry goods and can-do variety of jobs. Multiple techniques like swarm optimization, cuckoo algorithm and other such algorithms are under study for multi robotic systems. In this research, a biological bat inspired algorithm is implemented to achieve the target. BAT algorithm is implemented to achieve the target. BAT algorithm uses echolocation technique like bats to generate bat population and random data is generated, the robot then traverses and the distance is calculated which is compared to the distance from the obstacle. The loop continues and robot keeps moving. For more than one robot, robots have statistic as well as dynamic obstacles. So, the traversal speed and efficiency of bad algorithm reduces slightly

    Evolution of Control Programs for a Swarm of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are rapidly becoming a critical military asset. In the future, advances in miniaturization are going to drive the development of insect size UAVs. New approaches to controlling these swarms are required. The goal of this research is to develop a controller to direct a swarm of UAVs in accomplishing a given mission. While previous efforts have largely been limited to a two-dimensional model, a three-dimensional model has been developed for this project. Models of UAV capabilities including sensors, actuators and communications are presented. Genetic programming uses the principles of Darwinian evolution to generate computer programs to solve problems. A genetic programming approach is used to evolve control programs for UAV swarms. Evolved controllers are compared with a hand-crafted solution using quantitative and qualitative methods. Visualization and statistical methods are used to analyze solutions. Results indicate that genetic programming is capable of producing effective solutions to multi-objective control problems

    Synthesis and Analysis of Minimalist Control Strategies for Swarm Robotic Systems

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    The field of swarm robotics studies bio-inspired cooperative control strategies for large groups of relatively simple robots. The robots are limited in their individual capabilities, however, by inducing cooperation amongst them, the limitations can be overcome. Local sensing and interactions within the robotic swarm promote scalable, robust, and flexible behaviours. This thesis focuses on synthesising and analysing minimalist control strategies for swarm robotic systems. Using a computation-free swarming framework, multiple decentralised control strategies are synthesised and analysed. The control strategies enable the robots—equipped with only discrete-valued sensors—to reactively respond to their environment. We present the simplest control solutions to date to four multi-agent problems: finding consensus, gathering on a grid, shepherding, and spatial coverage. The control solutions—obtained by employing an offline evolutionary robotics approach—are tested, either in computer simulation or by physical experiment. They are shown to be—up to a certain extent—scalable, robust against sensor noise, and flexible to the changes in their environment. The investigated gathering problem is proven to be unsolvable using the deterministic framework. The extended framework, using stochastic reactive controllers, is applied to obtain provably correct solutions. Using no run-time memory and only limited sensing make it possible to realise implementations that are arguably free of arithmetic computation. Due to the low computational demands, the control solutions may enable or inspire novel applications, for example, in nanomedicine

    Algorithmic Robot Design: Label Maps, Procrustean Graphs, and the Boundary of Non-Destructiveness

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    This dissertation is focused on the problem of algorithmic robot design. The process of designing a robot or a team of robots that can reliably accomplish a task in an environment requires several key elements. How the problem is formulated can play a big role in the design process. The ability of the model to correctly reflect the environment, the events, and different pieces of the problem is crucial. Another key element is the ability of the model to show the relationship between different designs of a single system. These two elements can enable design algorithms to navigate through the space of all possible designs, and find a set of solutions. In this dissertation, we introduce procrustean graphs, a model for encoding the robot-environment interactions. We also provide a model for navigating through the space of all possible designs, called label maps. Using these models, we focus on answering the following questions: What degradations to the set of sensors or actuators of a robotic system can be tolerated? How different degradations affect the cost of doing a given task? What sets of resources — that is, sensors and actuators — are minimal for accomplishing a specific given job? And how to find such a set? To this end, our general approach is to sample, using a variety of sampling methods, over the space of all maps for a given problem, and use different techniques for answering these questions. We use decision tree classifiers to determine the crucial sensors and actuators required for a robotic system to accomplish its job. We present an algorithm based on space bisection to find the boundary between the feasible and infeasible subspaces of possible designs. We present an algorithm to measure the cost of doing a given task, and another algorithm to find the relationship between different degradation of a robotic system and the cost of doing the task. In all these solutions, we use a variety of techniques to scale up each approach to enable it to solve real world problems. Our experiments show the efficiency of the presented approach
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