151 research outputs found

    An Integrated Environment for Efficient Formal Design and Verification

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    The general goal of this project was to improve the practicality of formal methods by combining techniques from model checking and theorem proving. At the time the project was proposed, the model checking and theorem proving communities were applying different tools to similar problems, but there was not much cross-fertilization. This project involved a group from SRI that had substantial experience in the development and application of theorem-proving technology, and a group at Stanford that specialized in model checking techniques. Now, over five years after the proposal was submitted, there are many research groups working on combining theorem-proving and model checking techniques, and much more communication between the model checking and theorem proving research communities. This project contributed significantly to this research trend. The research work under this project covered a variety of topics: new theory and algorithms; prototype tools; verification methodology; and applications to problems in particular domains

    SRT Division Algorithms As Dynamical Systems

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    Sweeney--Robertson--Tocher (SRT) division, as it was discovered in the late 1950s, represented an important improvement in the speed of division algorithms for computers at the time. A variant of SRT division is still commonly implemented in computers today. Although some bounds on the performance of the original SRT division method were obtained, a great many questions remained unanswered. In this paper, the original version of SRT division is described as a dynamical system. This enables us to bring modern dynamical systems theory, a relatively new development in mathematics, to bear on an older problem. In doing so, we are able to show that SRT division is ergodic, and is even Bernoulli, for all real divisors and dividends. With the Bernoulli property, we are able to use entropy to prove that the natural extensions of SRT division are isomorphic by way of the Kolmogorov--Ornstein theorem. We demonstrate how our methods and results can be applied to a much larger class of division algorithms

    The formal verification of a pipelined double-precision IEEE floating-point multiplier

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    Floating-point circuits are notoriously difficult to design and verify. For verification, simulation barely offers adequate coverage, conventional model-checking techniques are infeasible, and theorem-proving based verification is not sufficiently mature. In this paper we present the formal verification of a radix-eight, pipelined, IEEE double-precision floating-point multiplier. The verification was carried out using a mixture of model-checking and theorem-proving techniques in the Voss hardware verification system. By combining model-checking and theorem-proving we were able to build on the strengths of both areas and achieve significant results with a reasonable amount of effort.

    Bit-Level Analysis of an SRT Divider Circuit.

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    Formal verification of a fully IEEE compliant floating point unit

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    In this thesis we describe the formal verification of a fully IEEE compliant floating point unit (FPU). The hardware is verified on the gate-level against a formalization of the IEEE standard. The verification is performed using the theorem proving system PVS. The FPU supports both single and double precision floating point numbers, normal and denormal numbers, all four IEEE rounding modes, and exceptions as required by the standard. Beside the verification of the combinatorial correctness of the FPUs we pipeline the FPUs to allow the integration into an out-of-order processor. We formally define the correctness criterion the pipelines must obey in order to work properly within the processor. We then describe a new methodology based on combining model checking and theorem proving for the verification of the pipelines.Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die formale Verifikation einer vollständig IEEE konformen Floating Point Unit (FPU). Die Hardware wird auf Gatter-Ebene gegen eine Formalisierung des IEEE Standards verifiziert. Zur Verifikation wird das Beweis-System PVS benutzt. Die FPU unterstützt Fließkommazahlen mit einfacher und doppelter Genauigkeit, normale und denormale Zahlen, alle vier Rundungsmodi und alle Exception-Signale. Neben der Verifikation der kombinatorischen Schaltkreise werden die FPUs gepipelined, um sie in einen Out-of-order Prozessor zu integrieren. Die Korrektheits- Kriterien, die die gepipelineten FPUs befolgen müssen, um im Prozessor korrekt zu arbeiten, werden formal definiert. Es wird eine neue Methode zur Verifikation solcher Pipelines beschrieben. Die Methode beruht auf der Kombination von Model-Checking und Theorem-Proving

    Formal verification of a fully IEEE compliant floating point unit

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    In this thesis we describe the formal verification of a fully IEEE compliant floating point unit (FPU). The hardware is verified on the gate-level against a formalization of the IEEE standard. The verification is performed using the theorem proving system PVS. The FPU supports both single and double precision floating point numbers, normal and denormal numbers, all four IEEE rounding modes, and exceptions as required by the standard. Beside the verification of the combinatorial correctness of the FPUs we pipeline the FPUs to allow the integration into an out-of-order processor. We formally define the correctness criterion the pipelines must obey in order to work properly within the processor. We then describe a new methodology based on combining model checking and theorem proving for the verification of the pipelines.Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die formale Verifikation einer vollständig IEEE konformen Floating Point Unit (FPU). Die Hardware wird auf Gatter-Ebene gegen eine Formalisierung des IEEE Standards verifiziert. Zur Verifikation wird das Beweis-System PVS benutzt. Die FPU unterstützt Fließkommazahlen mit einfacher und doppelter Genauigkeit, normale und denormale Zahlen, alle vier Rundungsmodi und alle Exception-Signale. Neben der Verifikation der kombinatorischen Schaltkreise werden die FPUs gepipelined, um sie in einen Out-of-order Prozessor zu integrieren. Die Korrektheits- Kriterien, die die gepipelineten FPUs befolgen müssen, um im Prozessor korrekt zu arbeiten, werden formal definiert. Es wird eine neue Methode zur Verifikation solcher Pipelines beschrieben. Die Methode beruht auf der Kombination von Model-Checking und Theorem-Proving

    Real-time distributed concurrency control algorithms with mixed time constraints

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    Compositional Analysis Techniques For Multiprocessor Soft Real-Time Scheduling

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    The design of systems in which timing constraints must be met (real-time systems) is being affected by three trends in hardware and software development. First, in the past few years, multiprocessor and multicore platforms have become standard in desktop and server systems and continue to expand in the domain of embedded systems. Second, real-time concepts are being applied in the design of general-purpose operating systems (like Linux) and attempts are being made to tailor these systems to support tasks with timing constraints. Third, in many embedded systems, it is now more economical to use a single multiprocessor instead of several uniprocessor elements; this motivates the need to share the increasing processing capacity of multiprocessor platforms among several applications supplied by different vendors and each having different timing constraints in a manner that ensures that these constraints were met. These trends suggest the need for mechanisms that enable real-time tasks to be bundled into multiple components and integrated in larger settings. There is a substantial body of prior work on the multiprocessor schedulability analysis of real-time systems modeled as periodic and sporadic task systems. Unfortunately, these standard task models can be pessimistic if long chains of dependent tasks are being analyzed. In work that introduces less pessimistic and more sophisticated workload models, only partitioned scheduling is assumed so that each task is statically assigned to some processor. This results in pessimism in the amount of needed processing resources. In this dissertation, we extend prior work on multiprocessor soft real-time scheduling and construct new analysis tools that can be used to design component-based soft real-time systems. These tools allow multiprocessor real-time systems to be designed and analyzed for which standard workload and platform models are inapplicable and for which state-of-the-art uniprocessor and multiprocessor analysis techniques give results that are too pessimistic

    Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2022

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    The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing