11 research outputs found

    Formally Verified Compositional Algorithms for Factored Transition Systems

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) planning and model checking are two disciplines that found wide practical applications. It is often the case that a problem in those two fields concerns a transition system whose behaviour can be encoded in a digraph that models the system's state space. However, due to the very large size of state spaces of realistic systems, they are compactly represented as propositionally factored transition systems. These representations have the advantage of being exponentially smaller than the state space of the represented system. Many problems in AI~planning and model checking involve questions about state spaces, which correspond to graph theoretic questions on digraphs modelling the state spaces. However, existing techniques to answer those graph theoretic questions effectively require, in the worst case, constructing the digraph that models the state space, by expanding the propositionally factored representation of the syste\ m. This is not practical, if not impossible, in many cases because of the state space size compared to the factored representation. One common approach that is used to avoid constructing the state space is the compositional approach, where only smaller abstractions of the system at hand are processed and the given problem (e.g. reachability) is solved for them. Then, a solution for the problem on the concrete system is derived from the solutions of the problem on the abstract systems. The motivation of this approach is that, in the worst case, one need only construct the state spaces of the abstractions which can be exponentially smaller than the state space of the concrete system. We study the application of the compositional approach to two fundamental problems on transition systems: upper-bounding the topological properties (e.g. the largest distance between any two states, i.e. the diameter) of the state spa\ ce, and computing reachability between states. We provide new compositional algorithms to solve both problems by exploiting different structures of the given system. In addition to the use of an existing abstraction (usually referred to as projection) based on removing state space variables, we develop two new abstractions for use within our compositional algorithms. One of the new abstractions is also based on state variables, while the other is based on assignments to state variables. We theoretically and experimentally show that our new compositional algorithms improve the state-of-the-art in solving both problems, upper-bounding state space topological parameters and reachability. We designed the algorithms as well as formally verified them with the aid of an interactive theorem prover. This is the first application that we are aware of, for such a theorem prover based methodology to the design of new algorithms in either AI~planning or model checking

    A Verified Compositional Algorithm for AI Planning

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    We report on our HOL4 verification of an AI planning algorithm. The algorithm is compositional in the following sense: a planning problem is divided into multiple smaller abstractions, then each of the abstractions is solved, and finally the abstractions\u27 solutions are composed into a solution for the given problem. Formalising the algorithm, which was already quite well understood, revealed nuances in its operation which could lead to computing buggy plans. The formalisation also revealed that the algorithm can be presented more generally, and can be applied to systems with infinite states and actions, instead of only finite ones. Our formalisation extends an earlier model for slightly simpler transition systems, and demonstrates another step towards formal treatments of more and more of the algorithms and reasoning used in AI planning, as well as model checking

    Simple Partial Models for Complex Dynamical Systems.

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    An agent in an unknown environment may wish to learn a model that allows it to make predictions about future events and anticipate the consequences of its actions. Such a model can greatly enhance the agent's ability to make good decisions. However, in environments like the one in which we live, which is stochastic, partially observable, and high dimensional, learning a model is a challenge. One approach when faced with a difficult model learning problem is not to model the entire system. Instead, one might focus on the most important aspects of the environment and give up on modeling complicated, irrelevant phenomena. This intuition can be formalized using partial models, which are models that make only a restricted set of predictions in only a restricted set of circumstances. Because a partial model has limited prediction responsibilities, it may be significantly simpler than a complete model. Partial models have been studied in many contexts, mostly under the Markov assumption, where the agent is assumed to have access to the full state of the world. In this setting, predictions can be learned directly as functions of state and the process of learning a partial model is often as simple as estimating only the desired predictions and omitting the rest from the model. As such, much of the relevant work has focused on the challenging question of which partial models should be learned (rather than how to learn them). In the partially observable case, however, where state is assumed to be hidden from the agent, the basic problem of how to learn a partial model poses significant challenges. The goal of this thesis is to provide general results and methods for learning partial models in partially observable systems. The main challenges posed by partial observability are formalized and learning methods are developed to address these issues. The methods presented are demonstrated empirically to learn partial models in systems that are too complex for standard, complete model learning methods. Finally, many partial models are learned and composed to form complete models that are used for model-based planning in high dimensional arcade game examples.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78893/1/etalviti_1.pd

    Verified over-approximation of the diameter of propositionally factored transition systems

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    To guarantee the completeness of bounded model checking (BMC) we require a completeness threshold. The diameter of the Kripke model of the transition system is a valid completeness threshold for BMC of safety properties. The recurrence diameter gives us an upper bound on the diameter for use in practice. Transition systems are usually described using (propositionally) factored representations. Bounds for such lifted representations are calculated in a compositional way, by first identifying and bounding atomic subsystems, and then composing those results according to subsystem dependencies to arrive at a bound for the concrete system. Compositional approaches are invalid when using the diameter to bound atomic subsystems, and valid when using the recurrence diameter. We provide a novel over approximation of the diameter, called the sublist diameter, that is tighter than the recurrence diameter. We prove that compositional approaches are valid using it to bound atomic subsystems. Those proofs are mechanised in HOL4. We also describe a novel verified compositional bounding technique which provides tighter overall bounds compared to existing bottom-up approaches

    Resolution-based methods for linear temporal reasoning

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    The aim of this thesis is to explore the potential of resolution-based methods for linear temporal reasoning. On the abstract level, this means to develop new algorithms for automated reasoning about properties of systems which evolve in time. More concretely, we will: 1) show how to adapt the superposition framework to proving theorems in propositional Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), 2) use a connection between superposition and the CDCL calculus of modern SAT solvers to come up with an efficient LTL prover, 3) specialize the previous to reachability properties and discover a close connection to Property Directed Reachability (PDR), an algorithm recently developed for model checking of hardware circuits, 4) further improve PDR by providing a new technique for enhancing clause propagation phase of the algorithm, and 5) adapt PDR to automated planning by replacing the SAT solver inside with a planning-specific procedure. We implemented the proposed ideas and provide experimental results which demonstrate their practical potential on representative benchmark sets. Our system LS4 is shown to be the strongest LTL prover currently publicly available. The mentioned enhancement of PDR substantially improves the performance of our implementation of the algorithm for hardware model checking in the multi-property setting. It is expected that other implementations would benefit from it in an analogous way. Finally, our planner PDRplan has been compared with the state-of-the-art planners on the benchmarks from the International Planning Competition with very promising results.Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, das Potential resolutionsbasierter Methoden zur linearer, temporaler Beweisführung zu untersuchen. Von einem abstrakten Gesichtspunkt aus gesehen bedeutet dies, neue Algorithmen über die Eigenschaften von sich zeitlich entwicklenden Systemen im Bereich des automatischen Theorembeweisens zu entwickeln. Konkreter gesagt werden wir 1) aufzeigen, wie sich das Rahmenprogramm der Superposition so anpassen lässt, damit es Theoreme in propositionaler Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) beweist, 2) eine Verbindung zwischen der Superposition und dem CDCL-Kalkül moderner SAT-Solver nutzen, um mit einem effizienten LTL-Prover aufzuwarten, 3) das Vorangegangene auf Erreichbarkeitseigenschaften spezialisieren, und eine starke Verbindung zu der Property Directed Reachability (PDR), einem jüngst eintwickeltem Model-Checking-Algorithmus für Hardware-Schaltkreise, aufzudecken, 4) PDR durch die Einführung neuer Technik verbessern, die die Clause-Propagation-Phase des Algorithmus beschleunigt, und 5) PDR für das automatisierte Planen anpassen, indem wir den inneren SAT-Solver durch eine planungsspezifische Prozedur ersetzen. Wir haben die vorgeschlagenen Ideen implementiert, und es werden experimentelle Ergebnisse angegeben, die das praktische Potential dieser Ideen auf repräsentativen Benchmarks aufzeigt. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass unser System LS4 der staerkste öffentlich zugängliche LTL-Prover ist. Die erwähnte Erweiterung von PDR verbessern die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Implementierung des Hardware-Model-Checking-Algorithmus substantiell im Bereich der Multi-Property-Einstellungen. Wir erwarten, dass andere Implementierungen in ähnlicher Weise profitieren würden. Schließlich haben wir viel versprechende Ergebnisse durch den Vergleich unser Planer PDRplan mit anderen state-of-the-art Planer auf den Benchmarks der International Planning Competition erzielt

    Investigating the Causes of War and the Conditions of Peace: Measuring Military Power and Testing Structural Realism in the South China Sea

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    This dissertation investigates if nations are generally driven towards war or peace; how countries’ individual predispositions towards violence can be identified; and when conflict is likeliest to occur, based on balances of power. These questions are addressed through a mixed qualitative- quantitative test of Defensive Realism, Offensive Realism, and Balance of Power and Power Transition Theory. The outcomes show States generally favour peace; assessing nations’ strategies reveals their predispositions; and that power imbalances enable conflict

    Efficient local search for Pseudo Boolean Optimization

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Using Active Learning to Teach Critical and Contextual Studies: One Teaching Plan, Two Experiments, Three Videos.

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    Since the 1970s, art and design education at UK universities has existedas a divided practice; on the one hand applying active learning in thestudio and on the other hand enforcing passive learning in the lecturetheatre. As a result, art and design students are in their vast majorityreluctant about modules that may require them to think, read and writecritically during their academic studies. This article describes, evaluatesand analyses two individual active learning experiments designed todetermine if it is possible to teach CCS modules in a manner thatencourages student participation. The results reveal that opting foractive learning methods improved academic achievement, encouragedcooperation, and enforced an inclusive classroom. Furthermore, andcontrary to wider perception, the article demonstrates that activelearning methods can be equally beneficial for small-size as well aslarge-size groups