2,686 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationElasticity is a design paradigm in which circuits can tolerate arbitrary latency/delay variations in their computation units as well as communication channels. Creating elastic (both synchronous and asynchronous) designs from clocked designs has potential benefits of increased modularity and robustness to variations. Several transformations have been suggested in the literature and each of these require a handshake control network (examples include synchronous elasticization and desynchronization). Elastic control network area and power overheads may become prohibitive. This dissertation investigates different optimization avenues to reduce these overheads without sacrificing the control network performance. First, an algorithm and a tool, CNG, is introduced that generates a control network with minimal total number of join and fork control steering units. Synchronous Elastic FLow (SELF) is a handshake protocol used over synchronous elastic designs. Comparing to its standard eager implementation (that uses eager forks - EForks), lazy SELF can consume less power and area. However, it typically suff ers from combinational cycles and can have inferior performance in some systems. Hence, lazy SELF has been rarely studied in the literature. This work formally and exhaustively investigates the specifi cations, diff erent implementations, and verifi cation of the lazy SELF protocol. Furthermore, several new and existing lazy designs are mapped to hybrid eager/lazy imple-mentations that retain the performance advantage of the eager design but have power and area advantages of lazy implementations, and are combinational-cycle free. This work also introduces a novel ultra simple fork (USFork) design. The USFork has two advantages over lazy forks: it is composed of simpler logic (just wires) and does not form combinational cycles. The conditions under which an EFork can be replaced by a USFork without any performance loss are formally derived. The last optimization avenue discussed in this dissertation is Elastic Bu er Controller (EBC) merging. In a typical synchronous elastic control network, some EBCs may activate their corresponding latches at similar schedules. This work provides a framework for fi nding and merging such controllers in any control network; including open networks (i.e., when the environment abstract is not available or required to be flexible) as well as networks incorporating variable latency units. Replacing EForks with USForks under some equivalence conditions as well as EBC merging have been fully automated in a tool, HGEN. The impact of this work will help achieve elasticity at a reduced cost. It will broaden the class of circuits that can be elasticized with acceptable overhead (circuits that designers would otherwise nd it too expensive to elasticize). In a MiniMIPS processor case study, comparing to a basic control network implementation, the optimization techniques of this dissertation accumulatively achieve reductions in the control network area, dynamic, and leakage power of 73.2%, 68.6%, and 69.1%, respectively

    Functional Big-step Semantics

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    When doing an interactive proof about a piece of software, it is important that the underlying programming language’s semantics does not make the proof unnecessarily difficult or unwieldy. Both smallstep and big-step semantics are commonly used, and the latter is typically given by an inductively defined relation. In this paper, we consider an alternative: using a recursive function akin to an interpreter for the language. The advantages include a better induction theorem, less duplication, accessibility to ordinary functional programmers, and the ease of doing symbolic simulation in proofs via rewriting. We believe that this style of semantics is well suited for compiler verification, including proofs of divergence preservation. We do not claim the invention of this style of semantics: our contribution here is to clarify its value, and to explain how it supports several language features that might appear to require a relational or small-step approach. We illustrate the technique on a simple imperative language with C-like for-loops and a break statement, and compare it to a variety of other approaches. We also provide ML and lambda-calculus based examples to illustrate its generality

    Development of a Multi-agent Collision Resolution System at the Supply of Spare Parts and Components to the Production Equipment of Industrial Enterprises

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    The approach to the creation of computer facilities for the automation of the technical maintenance of production equipment (TMPE) at industrial enterprises (IE) is outlined. Meaningful and formal statement of the problem of forming solutions for identifying and eliminating collisions that arise when delivering spare parts and components for TMPE are presented. The method of formation of coordinating decisions on maintenance with spare parts and accessories for carrying out TMPE at IE is described. The organization of intellectual support of formation of coordinating decisions by recognition of potential collision in the TMPE process is offered. This procedure involves checking the real existence of the collision and issuing a coordinating decision. In this case, the decision is formed in the event of a disagreement between the need for spare parts and components for the TMPE maintenance, with their availability in the PP warehouse. The ways of software implementation of this method in the environment of multi-agent system are considered. In particular, the description of the multi-agent system developed during the prototype research is given. The prototype is implemented using CORBA technology, in accordance with DSTU ISO/ EC 2382-15:2005. The calculation of the efficiency of the application of the developed computer tools in production is shown. To assess the quality of the system, a sliding control method based on leave-on-out cross-validation (LOOCV) is applied

    Stability Verification of Self-Timed Control Systems using Model-Checking

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    Probabilistic Model-Based Safety Analysis

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    Model-based safety analysis approaches aim at finding critical failure combinations by analysis of models of the whole system (i.e. software, hardware, failure modes and environment). The advantage of these methods compared to traditional approaches is that the analysis of the whole system gives more precise results. Only few model-based approaches have been applied to answer quantitative questions in safety analysis, often limited to analysis of specific failure propagation models, limited types of failure modes or without system dynamics and behavior, as direct quantitative analysis is uses large amounts of computing resources. New achievements in the domain of (probabilistic) model-checking now allow for overcoming this problem. This paper shows how functional models based on synchronous parallel semantics, which can be used for system design, implementation and qualitative safety analysis, can be directly re-used for (model-based) quantitative safety analysis. Accurate modeling of different types of probabilistic failure occurrence is shown as well as accurate interpretation of the results of the analysis. This allows for reliable and expressive assessment of the safety of a system in early design stages

    Optimising Simulation Data Structures for the Xeon Phi

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    In this paper, we propose a lock-free architecture to accelerate logic gate circuit simulation using SIMD multi-core machines. We evaluate its performance on different test circuits simulated on the Intel Xeon Phi and 2 other machines. Comparisons are presented of this software/hardware combination with reported performances of GPU and other multi-core simulation platforms. Comparisons are also given between the lock free architecture and a leading commercial simulator running on the same Intel hardware

    Characterization of asynchronous templates for integration into clocked CAD flows

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    Journal ArticleAsynchronous circuit design can result in substantial benefits of reduced power, improved performance, and high modularity. However, asynchronous design styles are largely incompatible with clocked CAD, which has prevented wide-scale adoption. The key incompatibility is timing. Thus most commercial work relies on custom CAD or untimed delay-insensitive design methodologies. This paper proposes a new methodology, based on formal verification and relative timing, to create and prove correct necessary constraints to support asynchronous design with traditional clocked CAD. These constraints support timing driven synthesis, place and route, and behavior and timing validation of fully asynchronous designs using traditional clocked CAD flows. This flow is demonstrated through a simple example pipeline in IBM's 65nm process showing the ability to retarget the design for improved power and performance
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