3,476 research outputs found

    Verbal Component of Advertisement and the Problem of its Perception

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    The article touches upon the problem of impact the proper use of the language of advertising can have on people. Since today, advertisement has a significant impact on consumer choice of a customer. In the first part of this article we analyze such theoretical issues as stylistics of advertising text, its phonetic, syntactic and lexical aspects, means of language manipulation and readability index. Comparative analysis of linguistic peculiarities of the advertisement on the example of advertising texts of famous sport brands is shown in the second part. The main conclusion is that in spite of the fact that readability index of the text can be rather high, the level of its attractiveness to the public also depends on other factors that include non-verbal component of the message, personal characteristics of addressee, etc. The main idea of this article can be valuable for the world of psycholinguistics, lexicology and modern communication because it describes all the important linguistic peculiarities that can be used in the modern language of advertising

    Verbal Component of Advertisement and the Problem of its Perception

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    The article touches upon the problem of impact the proper use of the language of advertising can have on people. Since today, advertisement has a significant impact on consumer choice of a customer. In the first part of this article we analyze such theoretical issues as stylistics of advertising text, its phonetic, syntactic and lexical aspects, means of language manipulation and readability index. Comparative analysis of linguistic peculiarities of the advertisement on the example of advertising texts of famous sport brands is shown in the second part. The main conclusion is that in spite of the fact that readability index of the text can be rather high, the level of its attractiveness to the public also depends on other factors that include non-verbal component of the message, personal characteristics of addressee, etc. The main idea of this article can be valuable for the world of psycholinguistics, lexicology and modern communication because it describes all the important linguistic peculiarities that can be used in the modern language of advertising

    Взаємодія засобів контамінованої лексичної когезії в тексті англійських мультимодальних літературних казок Філіпа Арда (Interaction of modes of contaminated lexical cohesion in the text of English multimodal literary fairy tales written by Philip Ardagh)

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    В означеній статті проаналізовано переплетення вербальних та невербальних засобів контамінованої лексичної когезії в тексті англійської мультимодальної літературної казки Філіпа Арда. Інтеракцію між вербальною та невербальною складовими розглянуто за ознакою наявності іконічних та параграфемних/графічних вкраплень у вербальну складову: мікро-, мезо-, макровкраплень у межах синтаксичної одиниці, надфразної єдності та фрагмента тексту казки. (Combination and convergence of atypical components in modern fictional text cause formation of contaminated cohesion in English multimodal literary fairy tale. Contaminated cohesion identifies relation between different semiotic modes of verbal component and nonverbal component, i.e. interpretation of verbal components depends on nonverbal components in multimodal fictional text, and vice versa. The article reviews interweaving of verbal components and nonverbal components of contaminated lexical cohesion in the text of English multimodal literary fairy tales written by Philip Ardagh. The verbal component of contaminated lexical cohesion consists of reiteration, synonyms, antonyms, parallel constructions / chiastic structure, literary and colloquial words, onomatopoeia. Interaction between verbal component and nonverbal component is considered according to the iconic, paragraphemic/graphic inclusions in the verbal component, i.e. availability of the micro-, meso- and macro inclusions in a sentence, a microtext and a fragment of English multimodal literary fairy tale. Semiotic and narrative interpretation of the text of English multimodal literary fairy tale written by Philip Ardagh is based on GeM (genre and multimodality) model used for structual and semiotic ranging of modes of contaminated cohesion. This model provides data on different genres using combinations of text, layout, graphics, pictures and diagrams. In this model, the text of English multimodal literary fairy tale is analyzed on five levels of structure including content structure, rhetorical structure, layout structure, navigation structure, linguistic structure.

    Poder e valores da linguagem verbal na publicidade

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    A publicidade sabe que tem de procurar as estratégias mais diretas e mais eficientes na construção das suas mensagens. A ser assim, pode parecer que o imediatismo das imagens ligado às facilidades tecnológicas tenderá a secundarizar o poder da componente verbal na elaboração dos anúncios. O presente texto procura mostrar como a componente verbal é uma dimensão imprescindível da linguagem publicitária, utilizando estratégias diversificadas que podem ir da ausência (quase) absoluta de palavras até a usos em que é a própria mensagem verbal o principal elemento estruturador do anúncio.It is well known that advertising has to seek the most direct and effective strategies in order to build its messages. If so, it may seem that the immediate power of images linked to current technological gadgets tends to overshadow the power of verbal component in ads. This paper aims to show why the verbal component is an essential dimension of advertising language by using diverse strategies that can range from (almost) total lack of words to the uses where it is the very verbal message the main structural element of the ad

    Publicity Text is in a Religious Sphere

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    Статтю присвячено опису релігійного (культового) рекламного тексту. Виокремлено та описано загальні характеристики вербального компонента цього виду соціальної реклами, визначено особливості його структури та змісту, вербальні засоби передачі аксіологічних характеристик об’єкта пропозиції. The article is devoted description of religious (cult) publicity text. Selected and described general descriptions of verbal component of this type of the social advertising, the features of his structure and maintenance, verbal facilities of transmission of axiological descriptions of object of suggestion, are certain

    Training Programme Impact in Improving the Working Memory of Students with Learning Disabilities in Reading Arabic

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    The study aimed to investigate the effect of a training program on improving working memory for students with learning difficulties in reading Arabic. The study sample consisted of (10) students with learning disabilities from Basic Education students from the fifth and sixth grades, and those between the ages (10-11) years as a pilot group and (10) students from the same stage and of the same age as a control group. The researcher used a working memory battery, Raven Test, and a training program he prepared to achieve the study goal. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences in the fields of working memory scale between the members of the experimental and control groups in the dimensional measurement, and in favor of the experimental group to which the training program was applied, by applying the measure of working memory in its three fields. The results also showed that there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the areas of the working memory scale in favor of the post application, and for the benefit of the experimental group,This confirms the effectiveness of the training program used. Some recommendations were suggested

    Light Verb Constructions as Means of Expressing Semelfactive/Multiplicative Meanings in J.K. Rowling’s Discourse (on the basis of novels ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ and ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’)

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    The article discusses the problem of light verb constructions in contemporary English on the basis of novels ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ and ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’ by J.K. Rowling. We (the authors) state that most of light verb constructions denote either semelfactive or multiplicative meanings within the framework of Smith’s (1997) theory of aspect in which five situation types, namely states, activities, achievements, accomplishments, and semelfactives are distinguished. The aspectual meaning of a light verb construction is concentrated in its nominal component which can be proved by the existence of for, with-phrases like for a better look, where the verbal component is omitted. The singular of the deverbal noun indicates a semelfactive meaning, whereas the plural form expresses a multiplicative one. The verbal component in such constructions may be represented by ‘light’ verbs such as take, have, make, do, give or ‘heavy’ verbs like cast, draw, shoot etc. The qualitative characteristics of light verb constructions can be intensified by prepositive and postpositive modifiers such as quick, short, sharp etc. On the basis of novels ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ and ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’ by J.K. Rowling 97 and 115 light verb constructions have been singled out and analyzed respectively. The results of the research contribute to the study of verbal plurality in English

    Study on non-verbal communication knowledge among doctors of non-clinical and para clinical departments of Government Vellore medical college hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Background: Many Studies and Research Articles in our medical field focuses on Verbal Communication component. The Non-Verbal Component has been neglected in many circumstances. But Medical science endorses that Non-Verbal component plays a major role in the communication process in all set ups whether it is in the classrooms, Examination Hall, Outpatient Room or Wards or Intensive Care Units. The objective of this study is to access the knowledge and Awareness of NVC Component among Doctors of Non-Clinical and Para Clinical Departments of GVMCH - Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.Methods: This Cross-Sectional Study was conducted among 45 Doctors across 7 Departments of Government Medical College Vellore. Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation were used for quantitative Data and Pearson Chi Square Test and Logistic regression was used for qualitative Data using Trial Version of SPSS 22.Results: The mean Score was 7.2±2.8 with Mean scoring percentile of 28.8 ±11.5. There was Pearson’s Chi Square significance for Variables like External Resources related to NVC, Books related to NVC, UG and PG pursued at, Exposure to Workshops or CME s related to NVC, and age Group 35 years.Conclusions: Variables like External resources, UG studied at same state, Age Group >35 years Showed Statistical significance in knowledge on Non-Verbal communication in this Study set up

    Book Notice: Taylor, Paul - Text-to-Speech Synthesis

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    published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    Bodily Non-verbal Interaction with Virtual Characters

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    Alongside spoken communication human conversation has a non-verbal component that conveys complex and subtle emotional and interpersonal information. This information is conveyed largely bodily with postures, gestures and facial expression. In order to capture the Kansei aspects of human interaction within a virtual environment, it is therefore vital to model this bodily interaction. This type of interaction is largely subconscious and therefore difficult to model explicitly. We therefore propose a data-driven learning approach to creating characters capable of non-verbal bodily interaction with humans