64 research outputs found

    A curvature-adapted anisotropic surface remeshing method

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    We present a new method for remeshing surfaces that respect the intrinsic anisotropy of the surfaces. In particular, we use the normal informations of the surfaces, and embed the surfaces into a higher dimensional space (here we use 6d). This allow us to form an isotropic mesh optimization problem in this embedded space. Starting from an initial mesh of a surface, we optimize the mesh by improving the mesh quality measured in the embedded space. The mesh is optimized by combining common local modifications operations, i.e., edge flip, edge contraction, vertex smoothing, and vertex insertion. All operations are applied directly on the 3d surface mesh. This method results a curvature-adapted mesh of the surface. This method can be easily adapted to mesh multi-patches surfaces, i.e., containing corner singularities and sharp features. We present examples of remeshed surfaces from implicit functions and CAD models

    Curvature-adapted Remeshing of CAD Surfaces

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    A common representation of surfaces with complicated topology and geometry is through composite parametric surfaces as is the case for most CAD modelers. A challenging problem is how to generate a mesh of such a surface that well approximates the geometry of the surface, preserves its topology and important geometric features, and contains nicely shaped elements. In this work, we present an optimization-based surface remeshing method that is able to satisfy many of these requirements simultaneously. This method is inspired by the recent work of Levy \ub4 and Bonneel (Proc. 21th International Meshing Roundtable, October 2012), which embeds a smooth surface into a high-dimensional space and remesh it uniformly in that embedding space. Our method works directly in the 3d spaces and uses an embedding space in R6 to evaluate mesh size and mesh quality. It generates a curvatureadapted anisotropic surface mesh that well represents the geometry of the surface with a low number of elements. We illustrate our approach through various examples

    Anisotropic geometry-conforming d-simplicial meshing via isometric embeddings

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    We develop a dimension-independent, Delaunay-based anisotropic mesh generation algorithm suitable for integration with adaptive numerical solvers. As such, the mesh produced by our algorithm conforms to an anisotropic metric prescribed by the solver as well as the domain geometry, given as a piecewise smooth complex. Motivated by the work of LĂ©vy and Dassi [10-12,20], we use a discrete manifold embedding algorithm to transform the anisotropic problem to a uniform one. This work differs from previous approaches in several ways. First, the embedding algorithm is driven by a Riemannian metric field instead of the Gauss map, lending itself to general anisotropic mesh generation problems. Second we describe our method for computing restricted Voronoi diagrams in a dimension-independent manner which is used to compute constrained centroidal Voronoi tessellations. In particular, we compute restricted Voronoi simplices using exact arithmetic and use data structures based on convex polytope theory. Finally, since adaptive solvers require geometry-conforming meshes, we offer a Steiner vertex insertion algorithm for ensuring the extracted dual Delaunay triangulation is homeomorphic to the input geometries. The two major contributions of this paper are: a method for isometrically embedding arbitrary mesh-metric pairs in higher dimensional Euclidean spaces and a dimension-independent vertex insertion algorithm for producing geometry-conforming Delaunay meshes. The former is demonstrated on a two-dimensional anisotropic problem whereas the latter is demonstrated on both 3d and 4d problems. Keywords: Anisotropic mesh generation; metric; Nash embedding theorem; isometric; geometry-conforming; restricted Voronoi diagram; constrained centroidal Voronoi tessellation; Steiner vertices; dimension-independen

    Optimal Voronoi Tessellations with Hessian-based Anisotropy

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    International audienceThis paper presents a variational method to generate cell complexes with local anisotropy conforming to the Hessian of any given convex function and for any given local mesh density. Our formulation builds upon approximation theory to offer an anisotropic extension of Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations which can be seen as a dual form of Optimal Delaunay Triangulation. We thus refer to the resulting anisotropic polytopal meshes as Optimal Voronoi Tessel-lations. Our approach sharply contrasts with previous anisotropic versions of Voronoi diagrams as it employs first-type Bregman diagrams , a generalization of power diagrams where sites are augmented with not only a scalar-valued weight but also a vector-valued shift. As such, our OVT meshes contain only convex cells with straight edges, and admit an embedded dual triangulation that is combinatorially-regular. We show the effectiveness of our technique using off-the-shelf computational geometry libraries

    Dynamic Mesh Optimization for Free Surfaces in Fluid Simulation

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    International audienceWe propose a new free surface fluid front tracking algorithm. Based on Centroidal Voronoi Diagram optimizations, our method creates a serie of either isotropic or anisotropic meshes that confroms with an evolving surface

    A novel surface remeshing scheme via higher dimensional embedding and radial basis functions

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    Many applications heavily rely on piecewise triangular meshes to describe complex surface geometries. High-quality meshes significantly improve numerical simulations. In practice, however, one often has to deal with several challenges. Some regions in the initial mesh may be overrefined, others too coarse. Additionally, the triangles may be too thin or not properly oriented. We present a novel mesh adaptation procedure which greatly improves the problematic input mesh and overcomes all of these drawbacks. By coupling surface reconstruction via radial basis functions with the higher dimensional embedding surface remeshing technique, we can automatically generate anisotropic meshes. Moreover, we are not only able to fill or coarsen certain mesh regions but also align the triangles according to the curvature of the reconstructed surface. This yields an acceptable trade-off between computational complexity and accuracy

    Anisotropic Surface Remeshing without Obtuse Angles

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    We present a novel anisotropic surface remeshing method that can efficiently eliminate obtuse angles. Unlike previous work that can only suppress obtuse angles with expensive resampling and Lloyd-type iterations, our method relies on a simple yet efficient connectivity and geometry refinement, which can not only remove all the obtuse angles, but also preserves the original mesh connectivity as much as possible. Our method can be directly used as a post-processing step for anisotropic meshes generated from existing algorithms to improve mesh quality. We evaluate our method by testing on a variety of meshes with different geometry and topology, and comparing with representative prior work. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach

    an anisoptropic surface remeshing strategy combining higher dimensional embedding with radial basis functions

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    Abstract Many applications heavily rely on piecewise triangular meshes to describe complex surface geometries. High-quality meshes significantly improve numerical simulations. In practice, however, one often has to deal with several challenges. Some regions in the initial mesh may be overrefined, others too coarse. Additionally, the triangles may be too thin or not properly oriented. We present a novel mesh adaptation procedure which greatly improves the problematic input mesh and overcomes all of these drawbacks. By coupling surface reconstruction via radial basis functions with the higher dimensional embedding surface remeshing technique, we can automatically generate anisotropic meshes. Moreover, we are not only able to fill or coarsen certain mesh regions but also align the triangles according to the curvature of the reconstructed surface. This yields an acceptable trade-off between computational complexity and accuracy
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