944 research outputs found

    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

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    computer software maintenance; computer software selection and evaluation; formal logic; formal methods; formal specification; programming languages; semantics; software engineering; specifications; verificatio

    Domain-Specialized Cache Management for Graph Analytics

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    Graph analytics power a range of applications in areas as diverse as finance, networking and business logistics. A common property of graphs used in the domain of graph analytics is a power-law distribution of vertex connectivity, wherein a small number of vertices are responsible for a high fraction of all connections in the graph. These richly-connected, hot, vertices inherently exhibit high reuse. However, this work finds that state-of-the-art hardware cache management schemes struggle in capitalizing on their reuse due to highly irregular access patterns of graph analytics. In response, we propose GRASP, domain-specialized cache management at the last-level cache for graph analytics. GRASP augments existing cache policies to maximize reuse of hot vertices by protecting them against cache thrashing, while maintaining sufficient flexibility to capture the reuse of other vertices as needed. GRASP keeps hardware cost negligible by leveraging lightweight software support to pinpoint hot vertices, thus eliding the need for storage-intensive prediction mechanisms employed by state-of-the-art cache management schemes. On a set of diverse graph-analytic applications with large high-skew graph datasets, GRASP outperforms prior domain-agnostic schemes on all datapoints, yielding an average speed-up of 4.2% (max 9.4%) over the best-performing prior scheme. GRASP remains robust on low-/no-skew datasets, whereas prior schemes consistently cause a slowdown.Comment: No content changes from the previous versio

    Cross-language program analysis for dynamic web applications

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    Web applications have become one of the most important and prevalent types of software. In modern web applications, the display of any web page is usually an interplay of multiple languages and involves code execution at different locations (the server side, the database side, and the client side). These characteristics make it hard to write and maintain web applications. Much of the existing research and tool support often deals with one single language and therefore is still limited in addressing those challenges. To fill in this gap, this dissertation is aimed at developing an infrastructure for cross-language program analysis for dynamic web applications to support creating reliable and robust web applications with higher quality and lower costs. To reach that goal, we have developed the following research components. First, to understand the client-side code that is embedded in the server-side code, we develop an output-oriented symbolic execution engine that approximates all possible outputs of a server-side program. Second, we use variability-aware parsing, a technique recently developed for parsing conditional code in software product lines, to parse those outputs into a compact tree representation (called VarDOM) that represents all possible DOM variants of a web application. Third, we leverage the VarDOM to extract semantic information from the server-side code. Specifically, we develop novel concepts, techniques, and tools (1) to build call graphs for embedded client code in different languages, (2) to compute cross-language program slices, and (3) to compute a novel test coverage criterion called output coverage that aids testers in creating effective test suites for detecting output-related bugs. The results have been demonstrated in a wide range of applications for web programs such as IDE services, fault localization, bug detection, and testing

    Presence Condition Reasoning with Feature Model Interfaces: Master’s Thesis

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    Family-based static analysis techniques allow to efficiently analyze the exponential variant space of a software product line (SPL). Rather than analyzing each variant completely on its own, a family-based analysis processes information shared among multiple variants only once. The analysis delegates parts of the exponential complexity to reasoning about boolean presence conditions, which control the inclusion or exclusion of code fragments in a particular variant. The feature model of the SPL, which determines the set of valid variants, must be included in the reasoning process to obtain correct results. However, typically not all parts of a feature model arerelevant for a particular condition. In this work, we propose a method to accelerate presence condition reasoning by decreasing the size of the model used for reasoning. In particular, we use the concept of feature model interfaces to decompose a feature diagram according to its hierarchical structure, and obtain an abstraction that can be selectively refined on the fly for a given condition. We formalize our approach in terms of propositional feature diagram semantics and prove its correctness. In our evaluation, we demonstrate that our approach accelerates reasoning by up to 24 percent

    Dagstuhl News January - December 2005

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    "Dagstuhl News" is a publication edited especially for the members of the Foundation "Informatikzentrum Schloss Dagstuhl" to thank them for their support. The News give a summary of the scientific work being done in Dagstuhl. Each Dagstuhl Seminar is presented by a small abstract describing the contents and scientific highlights of the seminar as well as the perspectives or challenges of the research topic

    A Closer Look at Lightweight Graph Reordering

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    Graph analytics power a range of applications in areas as diverse as finance, networking and business logistics. A common property of graphs used in the domain of graph analytics is a power-law distribution of vertex connectivity, wherein a small number of vertices are responsible for a high fraction of all connections in the graph. These richly-connected (hot) vertices inherently exhibit high reuse. However, their sparse distribution in memory leads to a severe underutilization of on-chip cache capacity. Prior works have proposed lightweight skew-aware vertex reordering that places hot vertices adjacent to each other in memory, reducing the cache footprint of hot vertices. However, in doing so, they may inadvertently destroy the inherent community structure within the graph, which may negate the performance gains achieved from the reduced footprint of hot vertices. In this work, we study existing reordering techniques and demonstrate the inherent tension between reducing the cache footprint of hot vertices and preserving original graph structure. We quantify the potential performance loss due to disruption in graph structure for different graph datasets. We further show that reordering techniques that employ fine-grain reordering significantly increase misses in the higher level caches, even when they reduce misses in the last-level cache. To overcome the limitations of existing reordering techniques, we propose Degree-Based Grouping (DBG), a novel lightweight reordering technique that employs a coarse-grain reordering to largely preserve graph structure while reducing the cache footprint of hot vertices. Our evaluation on 40 combinations of various graph applications and datasets shows that, compared to a baseline with no reordering, DBG yields an average application speed-up of 16.8% vs 11.6% for the best-performing existing lightweight technique.Comment: Fixed ill-formatted page 6 from the earlier version. No content change

    The HdpH DSLs for scalable reliable computation

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    The statelessness of functional computations facilitates both parallelism and fault recovery. Faults and non-uniform communication topologies are key challenges for emergent large scale parallel architectures. We report on HdpH and HdpH-RS, a pair of Haskell DSLs designed to address these challenges for irregular task-parallel computations on large distributed-memory architectures. Both DSLs share an API combining explicit task placement with sophisticated work stealing. HdpH focuses on scalability by making placement and stealing topology aware whereas HdpH-RS delivers reliability by means of fault tolerant work stealing. We present operational semantics for both DSLs and investigate conditions for semantic equivalence of HdpH and HdpH-RS programs, that is, conditions under which topology awareness can be transparently traded for fault tolerance. We detail how the DSL implementations realise topology awareness and fault tolerance. We report an initial evaluation of scalability and fault tolerance on a 256-core cluster and on up to 32K cores of an HPC platform

    Towards Language-Oriented Modeling

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    In this habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR), I review a decade of research work in the fields of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Software Language Engineering (SLE). I propose contributions to support a language-oriented modeling, with the particular focus on enabling early validation & verification (V&V) of software-intensive systems. I first present foundational concepts and engineering facilities which help to capture the core domain knowledge into the various heterogeneous concerns of DSMLs (aka. metamodeling in the small), with a particular focus on executable DSMLs to automate the development of dynamic V&V tools. Then, I propose structural and behavioral DSML interfaces, and associated composition operators to reuse and integrate multiple DSMLs (aka. metamodeling in the large).In these research activities I explore various breakthroughs in terms of modularity and reusability of DSMLs. I also propose an original approach which bridges the gap between the concurrency theory and the algorithm theory, to integrate a formal concurrency model into the execution semantics of DSMLs. All the contributions have been implemented in software platforms — the language workbench Melange and the GEMOC studio – and experienced in real-world case studies to assess their validity. In this context, I also founded the GEMOC initiative, an attempt to federate the community on the grand challenge of the globalization of modeling languages

    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2020, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2020, and was held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020. The 23 full papers, 1 tool paper and 6 testing competition papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 81 submissions. The papers cover topics such as requirements engineering, software architectures, specification, software quality, validation, verification of functional and non-functional properties, model-driven development and model transformation, software processes, security and software evolution

    Property Satisfiability Analysis for Product Lines of Modelling Languages

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    © 2022 IEEE.  Personal use of this material is permitted.  Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Software engineering uses models throughout most phases of the development process. Models are defined using modelling languages. To make these languages applicable to a wider set of scenarios and customizable to specific needs, researchers have proposed using product lines to specify modelling language variants. However, there is currently a lack of efficient techniques for ensuring correctness with respect to properties of the models accepted by a set of language variants. This may prevent detecting problematic combinations of language variants that produce undesired effects at the model level. To attack this problem, we first present a classification of instantiability properties for language product lines. Then, we propose a novel approach to lifting the satisfiability checking of model properties of individual language variants, to the product line level. Finally, we report on an implementation of our proposal in the Merlin tool, and demonstrate the efficiency gains of our lifted analysis method compared to an enumerative analysis of each individual language variantThis work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (RTI2018-095255-B-I00), the R&D programme of Madrid (P2018/TCS-4314), and by NSERC. We thank the anonymous referees for their useful comment
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