18,747 research outputs found

    Development of computerize value stream system

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    Value stream mapping (VSM) was initially developed to use of the suite of tools to help researcher or practitioner to identify waste in individual value streams and find an appropriate method to its removal. The process itself is simple and straightforward is used to identify waste using lean manufacturing technique, determined causes of the waste through the value stream mapping method and to propose solution to improve workplace environment. In this project is made an attempt to computerize the process though the application of VSM. Computerize value stream system is basically a method which is an internet networking system combining traditional concept of value stream mapping method to be used at manufacturing company to reduce wastes. This paper summarizes the way to develop an internet, online and network based of an efficient computerize value stream system to improve operation value of the manufacturing company. This paper reviews the design of package that will replace the manual method of doing VSM. This package will be applied in a real shop floor environment

    Perancangan Value Stream Mapping Proses Produksi Mainan Kayu pada CV. Mk

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    CV. MK merupakan salah satu industri kecil menengah (IKM) yang memproduksi mainan kayu. Seperti pada industri kecil menengah lainnya, CV. MK ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan yang optimal dengan meningkatkan efisiensi dan fokus untuk minimalisasi pemborosan yang terjadi pada keseluruhan proses produksi. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan dalam mengeliminasi waste adalah pendekatan Lean Manufacturing dan salah satu tools-nya yaitu value stream mapping. Pada penelitian ini, penulis melakukan pengambilan data setiap stasiun kerja yang ada pada proses produksi mainan kayu. Melalui data tersebut, penulis dapat mengidentifikasi Current State Map yang menunjukkan keadaan atau kondisi aktual yang terjadi pada lantai produksi mainan kayu. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis jumlah waktu value added dan non value added dalam produksi mainan kayu. Besar value added adalah 564 detik, non value added sebesar 95.45 detik, dan total waktu produksi sebesar 659.45 detik. Berdasarkan data waktu siklus yang sudah ada dapat diketahui bahwa total waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat satu unit mainan kayu adalah 564 detik. Available Time pada Perusahaan ini untuk melakukan produksi adalah sebanyak 21600 detik

    Value stream mapping for software development process

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    Therblig-embedded value stream mapping method for lean energy machining

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    To improve energy efficiency, extensive studies have focused on the cutting parameters optimization in the machining process. Actually, non-cutting activities (NCA) occur frequently during machining and this is a promising way to save energy through optimizing NCA without changing the cutting parameters. However, it is difficult for the existing methods to accurately determine and reduce the energy wastes (EW) in NCA. To fill this gap, a novel Therblig-embedded Value Stream Mapping (TVSM) method is proposed to improve the energy transparency and clearly show and reduce the EW in NCA. The Future-State-Map (FSM) of TVSM can be built by minimizing non-cutting activities and Therbligs. By implementing the FSM, time and energy efficiencies can be improved without decreasing the machining quality, which is consistent with the goal of lean energy machining. The method is validated by a machining case study, the results show that the total energy is reduced by 7.65%, and the time efficiency of the value-added activities is improved by 8.12% , and the energy efficiency of value-added activities and Therbligs are raised by 4.95% and 1.58%, respectively. This approach can be applied to reduce the EW of NCA, to support designers to design high energy efficiency machining processes during process planning

    Quality Value Stream Mapping

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    Value Stream Mapping and Simulation Modelling for Healthcare Transactional Process Improvement

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    Lean management philosophy was originated in Japan from the Toyota production system. The main idea is to determine and eliminate waste. The concept of end-to-end value allows organizations to achieve competitive advantage through best quality product and services through minimum operational cost. These days there is more to be achieved by applying lean to services and transactional processes floors. Lean facilitators are facing challenges when trying to transform an organization to be a lean enterprise because it is possible in production systems, but that is not easier in the services and transactional sectors, which means there are challenges that should be considered. Some of the challenges for the service sector are; complex and mixed value streams, information and people are processed instead of parts and human interaction is a major part of the service sector

    Sustainability-oriented application of value stream mapping: a review and classification

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    Notwithstanding the research on refining lean tools for the sake of sustainable development is slowly progressing, sustainability-oriented application of value stream mapping has received undivided attention from practitioners and researchers. Going through the literature highlights that there is a lack of research in integrating and systematizing the available knowledge on this lean tool, which is regarded as a visual process-based method to make sustainable progress over the time-based and green concepts of wastes to also assess and improve the societal sustainability performance of organizations. Hence, this paper has been aimed at presenting the findings of a systematic literature review on value stream mapping from the triple bottom line point of view. It classifies and codes the main studies in the context as well as provides a research agenda with nine recommendations that may advance this under-studied field. To narrow the gap in the current literature, this article also proposes a sustainability indicator set that would considerably contribute to guiding and strengthening the state-of-the-art research on successful implementation of the application. Besides, the findings indicate that more investigations are needed on employing survey and conceptual methodologies, applying comparative and cross-industry perspectives, developing sustainability indicator sets particularly societal metrics, and considering the stakeholders' benefits from adopting sustainability-oriented value stream mapping. The research on the convergence of this sustainability-oriented application and new paradigms such as IR 4.0 and/or Circular Economy should be also strengthened

    Analyzing the Value Stream Mapping to Achieve Lean Manufacturing via Line Balancing

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    Value stream mapping (VSM) visually depicts the flow of materials and information as a product passes through the manufacturing process; this information enables companies to meet customer demand by getting these materials and information for improvement at the right place and at the right time. This paper reviews the existing literature on VSM, describes the concepts and techniques of line balancing, and demonstrates through empirical study how the concepts and techniques of line balancing can help optimize VSM implementation to enhance business performance

    Commodities and Transactions Exempt From Consumption Taxes

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    Value stream mapping is a tool that is frequently used by many different companies. It is a great tool used to achieve the work that follows the theories of lean production. The tool is used, however, only frequent on the factory floor and the method is also designed based on this type of use. An interest of applying the method on administrative parts of the company has occurred lately. Administrative parts of the company refers to the part that does all the planning such as purchasing, receiving orders, customer contact, contact with factory floor and other work that is made around the actual manufacturing. But the knowledge about applying value stream mapping on the planning part of the company is lacking because the method is relatively new. In this work, a comparison is made between the introduction of value stream analysis on production and planning. This has been done through a case study at ABB Robotics. On this case study a value stream analysis has been made on the planning part of ABB Robotics and the part of the factory floor manufacturing the control cabinets of the robots. The purpose of the performance was to create an understanding of the similarities and differences that exist in the application of value stream analysis on production and planning. The case study has been made based on the current literature available on the subject. The literature has then been reviewed critically, based on the differences and similarities shown by the performed case study. Based on an analysis of the results from the case study, several conclusions were drawn and reflected over taking into account the existing literature. Conclusions drawn from the study, questions the existing literature's critical attitude to the method. Critical review is important at this situation because it is a new method and much proof, that it is properly functioning, does not yet exist. The study mentions that value stream analysis of planning is not always relevant. The interest of the method depends on the type of business and its customers' needs. For a company where the lead time of the planning part of the company is not of great importance to the customer’s value stream mapping is not interesting to apply. The application of value stream analysis is much more complex and time-consuming according to the study and therefore it is not always worthwhile to use the method.VĂ€rdeflödesanalys Ă€r ett verktyg som anvĂ€nds i stor utstrĂ€ckning i dagslĂ€get. Det Ă€r ett bra verktyg som anvĂ€nds för att uppnĂ„ arbete som följer teorier kring lean produktion. Verktyget anvĂ€nds dĂ€remot endast frekvent pĂ„ producerande delar av en organisation och metoden Ă€r ocksĂ„ framtagen begrundat pĂ„ den typen av anvĂ€ndning. PĂ„ senare tid har ett intresse skapats för att applicera metoden Ă€ven pĂ„ administrativa delar av ett företag. Med administrativ del av företaget menas sjĂ€lva planerande delen av företaget som stĂ„r för rĂ„varuhemtagning, ordermottagning, kundkontakt, kontakt med produktion och andra steg som görs kring sjĂ€lva fabriksgolvet. AlltsĂ„ det arbete som sker pĂ„ företagets kontor. Eftersom att metoden att applicera vĂ€rdeflödesanalys pĂ„ planeringen Ă€r relativt ny Ă€r ocksĂ„ kunskaperna kring omrĂ„det bristande. I detta arbete görs en jĂ€mförelse mellan att införa vĂ€rdeflödesanalys pĂ„ produktionen respektive planeringen. Det har gjorts genom en fallstudie pĂ„ ABB Robotics. Under fallstudien har en vĂ€rdeflödesanalys utförts pĂ„ produktionen av styrskĂ„p till robotar samt kontoret pĂ„ ABB Robotics. Syftet med utförandet har varit att skapa en förstĂ„else för de skillnader som finns vid appliceringen av vĂ€rdeflödesanalys pĂ„ produktion och planering. Fallstudien har utförts med hjĂ€lp av den litteratur som finns kring Ă€mnet idag. DĂ€refter har litteraturen granskats kritiskt utifrĂ„n de skillnader som visades genom den utförda fallstudien. UtifrĂ„n analys av fallstudiens resultat har flera slutsatser dragits och reflekterats över med hĂ€nsyn tagen till befintlig litteratur. Slutsatser som dragits utifrĂ„n det ifrĂ„gasĂ€tter den befintliga litteraturens kritiska förhĂ„llning till metoden. Kritisk granskning av metoden Ă€r viktig eftersom att den Ă€r ny och bevis pĂ„ att den Ă€r vĂ€l fungerande Ă€nnu inte existerar i stor utstrĂ€ckning. Studien nĂ€mner att införandet av vĂ€rdeflödesanalys pĂ„ planering inte alltid Ă€r relevant. Intresset för metoden beror pĂ„ typ av företag och hur dess kunders behov ser ut. För ett företag dĂ€r ledtiden pĂ„ planeringen inte har nĂ„gon större betydelse för kunden Ă€r vĂ€rdeflödesanalys heller inte intressant att applicera. Appliceringen av vĂ€rdeflödesanalys Ă€r mycket mer komplex och tidskrĂ€vande enligt studien och dĂ€rför Ă€r det ocksĂ„ inte alltid lönt att anvĂ€nda metoden
