16 research outputs found

    Destination Management Organization (DMO): Paradigma Baru Pengelolaan Pariwisata Daerah Berbasis Teknologi Informasi

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    Now days, e-tourism, a part of the face of the development in tourism sector, begins to turn into newparadigm in management system which strongly needs more interactive information technology (IT). Within thisparadigm, stakeholders of tourism sector in one region usually enhance the e-tourism with providing a solidtourism management through a system called Destination Management Organization (DMO). Based on thiscondition, this paper aims to analyze the framework of this new system which has been adopted in some regionsin Indonesia. Using explorative analysis method, this paper finds that DMO in those regions basically stilldepends on the coordination tourism stakeholders, destination crisis management and destination marketin

    Can we use big data analytics to leverage tourism in rural tourism destinations?

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    Tourism is an increasingly important global economic activity. The proliferation of technology-based mechanisms applied to this activity, has been prompted by a growing number of more demanding consumers, well informed and receptive to new tools to access information and also by the fact that tourism is an information-intensive activity. However, in what concerns peripheral rural tourism destinations, which are to a large extend made up of micro and small enterprises, there is a lack of evidence that the maturity of data that is captured, processed and maintained, by tourism organizations, has a sufficient level of maturity to support the application of Big Data Analytics techniques. This paper, which intends to examine peripheral and mainly rural tourism destinations, analyses the key issues about technology on tourism and proposes a matrix so that we can gauge if the data currently available, and its maturity level, are sufficient to support the use of Big Data Analytics, with all the inherent benefits that rural tourism destinations could arise from its use.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. .info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    strategic analysis of the business ecosystem and value creation in the touristic tile art market

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    This project is composed by a strategic analysis of the business ecosystem and value creation for the implementation of a touristic route. The main purpose was to construct theoretical frameworks for the analysis of the networks and value creation in tile tourism, enabling the analysis of a possible “Rota do Azulejo”. The project states that relations inside the network are crucial and underlines the importance of stakeholders in the creation of value. This thesis constitutes a theoretical and critical analysis of the strategic viability of a touristic route, laying the foundations for the development of further analysis and project

    Rota do azulejo: strategic analysis of the business ecosystem and value creation in the touristic tile art market

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    This project is composed by a strategic analysis of the business ecosystem and value creation for the implementation of a touristic route. The main purpose was to construct theoretical frameworks for the analysis of the networks and value creation in tile tourism, enabling the analysis of a possible “Rota do Azulejo”. The project states that relations inside the network are crucial and underlines the importance of stakeholders in the creation of value. This thesis constitutes a theoretical and critical analysis of the strategic viability of a touristic route, laying the foundations for the development of further analysis and project

    O papel da quarta revolução industrial no turismo acessível: estudo e conceptualização de uma aplicação web

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    The world is experiencing the beginning of the fourth Industrial Revolution, responsible for implementing a new digitalization era. This revolution originated in manufacturing, with industry 4.0 bringing a new reality to organizations. However, the scope of this new technological revolution is vast, and other sectors can benefit from the new digital era. In the Services Industry, tourism is an example of that, as Tourism 4.0 is the result of the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in this sector. Tourism 4.0 is the result of the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in tourism. An interesting challenge that this technological era brings to tourism is the social inclusion of people with disabilities. The accessible tourism market reveals huge potential, but despite this, this market is still largely ignored. Several technologies that promoted the fourth industrial revolution present capabilities to promote accessible tourism by improving tourism’s access conditions to people with disabilities. The present work developed a study in accessible tourism, understanding the main requirements for this market, and conceptualizing a Web application, for promoting accessibility in tourism. This Web application work as a mediator between the principal stakeholders. To gather requirements for the system, a triangulation matrix was elaborated using three methodological approaches: i) Literature Review; ii) website accessibility analysis of hotels located in the central region of Portugal; and iii) content analysis of some concurrent platforms. The requirements triangulation matrix allowed the identification of what requirements are crucial for the system success, which were used to conceptualize the solution with UML notation. This work intends to demonstrate the technological impacts of the fourth industrial revolution on society, especially on the promotion of a more accessible tourismO mundo encontra-se hoje no início da quarta revolução industrial, responsável pela promoção de uma nova era caracterizada pela digitalização. Apesar desta revolução ter surgido no setor industrial, com o conceito de Indústria 4.0, a sua aplicação é muito mais vasta, existindo outros sectores que podem igualmente beneficiar desta nova era tecnológica. O setor dos serviços, nomeadamente o Turismo, é um exemplo disso, e o conceito de Turismo 4.0 é o resultado do impacto da quarta revolução industrial nesse setor. Um desafio interessante que esta nova era tecnológica traz para o turismo é o da inclusão social, promovendo o turismo para todos. De facto, o mercado do turismo acessível, apesar de ter imenso potencial, tem sido relegado no contexto dos negócios. Por outro lado, o potencial tecnológico associado a esta nova revolução industrial sugere uma grande capacidade na promoção do turismo acessível, na medida em que podem facilitar as condições de acesso ao turismo, por parte de pessoas com algum tipo de incapacidade e ou necessidade especial. O presente trabalho visa conduzir um estudo na área do turismo acessível, por forma compreender os principais requisitos deste tipo de mercado e, consequentemente, conceptualizar uma aplicação Web, com o propósito de promover a acessibilidade no turismo, funcionando como um mediador de informação entre os principais stakeholders. Para a obtenção dos requisitos do sistema foi feita: i) uma revisão da literatura; ii) um estudo que avalia a acessibilidade dos websites dos hotéis da zona centro de Portugal, e, ainda iii) um estudo com base em análise de conteúdo de algumas plataformas potencialmente concorrentes. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de uma matriz de triangulação, onde é possível identificar a fonte dos requisitos identificados, sendo posteriormente utilizados para conceptualizar a solução proposta com recurso à notação UML. Pretende-se com este trabalho demonstrar o potencial e o efeito que as tecnologias existentes na era designada por quarta revolução industrial podem ter na sociedade, nomeadamente na promoção de um turismo para todosMestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Paikan markkinointiverkosto ja arvon yhteistuottaminen : Case Pirkanmaan All Bright!

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    Verkostojen merkitys globaalissa maailmassa on kasvanut. Erityisen tärkeä rooli niillä on aluekehittämisen piirissä, jossa tietyn alueen menestyminen on usein riippuvainen paikan toimijoiden yhteistyöstä. On miltei mahdotonta määritellä millainen on toimivan verkoston resepti. Selvää kuitenkin on, että verkoston tulisi tuottaa arvoa kaikille jäsenilleen. Verkoston toiminnan kannalta on myös tärkeää pyrkiä ymmärtämään verkoston rakennetta ja sitä, miksi toimijat haluavat verkostomaiseen toimintaan mukaan. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata ja analysoida Pirkanmaan All Bright -brändiä kehittävää paikan markkinointiverkostoa ja siinä tapahtuvaa arvon yhteistuottamista. Teoreettinen viitekehys rakennettiin hyödyntämällä markkinoinnin, verkostojen, aluetieteen ja matkailun tutkimusperinnettä. Verkostoa tarkasteltiin eri kehittämisheimojen sekä verkostonkutojan käsitteiden avulla. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitettiin myös toimijoiden motiiveihin hakeutua verkoston toimintaan mukaan. Motiivit jaettiin strategisiin, taloudellisiin, oppimis- ja sosiaalisiin motiiveihin. Verkostossa tapahtuvaa arvon yhteistuottamista puolestaan analysoitiin dialogin, pääsyn, riskien arvioinnin ja läpinäkyvyyden osatekijöiden avulla. All Bright -brändin kehittäminen oli osa suurempaa Pirkanmaan vetovoimaisuuden lisääminen -hanketta, jonka avulla haluttiin lisätä alueen vetovoimaisuutta yritysten sijoittumis- ja investointikohteena sekä asumis- ja matkailupaikkana. Brändiä rakennettiin verkostossa, parhaimmillaan yli 50 organisaation voimin. Sen kehittäminen aloitettiin keväällä 2010 ja kesällä 2011 valmis brändi lanseerattiin Tampereen kaupunkiseudun elinkeino- ja kehitysyhtiö Tredean toimesta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin verkostoon osallistuneiden toimijoiden teemahaastatteluilla, joita tehtiin yhteensä 8 kappaletta. Haastattelut ovat pituudeltaan 50–70 minuuttia ja litteroitua tekstiä saatiin yhteensä 150 sivua, 1,5 rivivälillä. Aineistoa analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. All Bright -verkoston verkostonkutojana voidaan pitää Tredeaa, jonka tärkein tehtävä on ollut vuorovaikutuksen lisääminen verkoston sisällä. Lisäksi haastatellut toimijat voitiin jakaa uuden talouden heimoon, yrityspalveluheimoon sekä järjestelmäheimoon kuuluviksi. Heimot suhtautuivat kehittämistoimintaan eri tavoin ja heidän toimintansa verkostossa poikkesi jonkin verran toisistaan. Aineistosta voitiin tunnistaa kaikkia teoreettisen viitekehyksen mukaisia verkostoon hakeutumisen motiiveja. Kuitenkin tärkeimpinä motiiveina voitiin nähdä strategiset sekä sosiaaliset motiivit. Arvon yhteistuottamista verkostossa tapahtui pääosin tiedon jakamisen kautta. Arvon yhteistuottamisen mahdollisti toimijoiden pääsy Tredean resursseihin sekä varsinkin hankkeen alkupuolella onnistuneesti eteenpäin viety dialogi. Asiasanat: verkostot, arvon yhteistuottaminen, aluekehittämine

    Social Media Marketing: En studie av små- og mellomstore reiselivsbedrifters bruk av sosiale medier i markedsføringen

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    Masteroppgave i International business and marketing (MSc

    Performance evaluation framework for destination management organisations: managers' perspectives.

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    This study aims to develop a performance evaluation framework for Destination Management Organisations (DMOs). Although tourism researchers (Ritchie and Crouch 2005; Pike 2005; Bornhorst et al. 2010; Morrison 2013; Pike and Page 2014) acknowledge that the organisational performance of a DMO is a key determinant of destination development and competitiveness, existing studies in this area are scarce. Therefore, the major contribution of this study is towards the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the construct of DMO effectiveness, and ultimately the development of a robust DMO performance evaluation framework (PEF). A stronger focus on evaluation of DMO effectiveness is particularly relevant in light of the recent public sector funding cuts in England that have significantly affected DMOs. The thesis is informed by a critical review of the existing tourism destination development and performance management literature. The discussion focuses on the strategic and operational roles of DMOs as key development agents within the contemporary context of destinations in England. Moreover, the study is informed by relevant performance management theories applied in wider private, public and non-profit organisational contexts. The principles of organisational effectiveness in this study are examined by a synthesis of multiple theoretical lenses: goal theory, stakeholder theory and competing values approach. Particular emphasis is placed on existing theory and practice of evaluating organisational effectiveness in the context of small and medium organisations, as well as development agencies, as they are pertinent to the organisational nature of DMOs. The study’s research design is underpinned by an interpretive social sciences paradigm and employs a qualitative methodology. A total of twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior DMO managers across England. Emphasis is on identifying senior DMO managers’ perspectives on the concept of effectiveness and organisational performance. Furthermore, the interviews focus on exploring the key determinants of DMO performance evaluation. The thematic analysis and critical discussion of DMO managers’ views with the relevant literature has led to relevant conclusions that informed the performance evaluation framework as presented in the final chapter of the thesis. The theoretical contributions of the study include the identification of key performance perspectives that enable the comprehensive evaluation of operational effectiveness and strategic impact of DMOs. The findings of this study suggest that DMO effectiveness is defined by the organisation’s rationale for existence and non-profit strategic impetus, which includes supporting the visitor economy by means of strategic value creation and co-creation, strategic leadership for tourism development, and advancing the collaborative governance structures for tourism development. The study ascertains that several features of the specific destination context determine the complexity of destination development and ultimately the emphasis of DMOs in particular performance evaluation perspectives. Nevertheless, it was found that a holistic approach to DMO performance evaluation requires a focus on two key interrelated perspectives: outward-looking and internal. From an outward-looking perspective, DMO performance evaluation primarily focuses on the achievement of strategic tourism development results that the DMO creates or co-creates with its stakeholders. These strategic results (or value) is underpinned by the DMO’s rationale for existence, and is associated with its supporting and leadership role in four destination development areas: identifying the rationale for intervention; designing action plans for the strategic support of tourism; administering the implementation of destination development activity; and, monitoring the impact of development interventions. Internal performance perspectives focus on internal value creation within a DMO in terms of business planning and organisational capability. The former relates to evaluation of business objectives and functions, as well as structures and processes; while, the latter relates to evaluation of resources, skills and competences. Importantly, the interface between outward-looking and internal perspectives of DMO effectiveness is elusive, as internal and external stakeholders co-create value with various levels of contribution at different stages of the process of development. The study specifies the nature and mechanisms of value creation and co-creation across outward-looking and internal perspectives of DMO performance; therefore, it supports an advanced understanding of the dynamics that determine the elusiveness between DMO and destination success. The study has several practical applications for DMO managers and policy makers. The study can help DMO managers conduct systematic and robust performance evaluations of their organisation by combining both outward-looking and internal perspectives of DMO effectiveness. This can help them identify areas for improvement of economy, efficiency, capacity and effectiveness in achieving strategic and operational results. Ultimately, this can lead to improvements in return on investment for DMOs and their resource providers (e.g. funders). The study can help DMO managers and stakeholders determine each other’s contribution to the value creation and value co-creation in destination development activities. This can assist DMOs evaluate their added value or additionality in destination development initiatives, which in turn can support or clarify the rationale for the DMO’s existence. Moreover, the study supports improvements in destination development initiatives by promoting the need for DMO managers to work in partnership with stakeholders and advance unified theories of change and impact chain models for destination development. This way, DMO managers can improve effectiveness in monitoring and controlling the processes of project and programme implementation. The study also helps DMO managers identify gaps in skills and competences for performance monitoring and evaluation. Demonstrating commitment in developing performance evaluation capability, as well being able to demonstrate return on investment can be valuable for DMOs. It enables them to gain credibility, trust and legitimacy, which can lead to improved capacity to develop successful partnerships with key stakeholders. This is then particularly important in the contemporary context of DMOs in England, where they work as key partners within LEPs. In addition, it is valuable in times of scarce public sector funding as strengthening partnerships with key stakeholders can lead to opportunities for revenue generation. Finally, the study can enable policy makers to evaluate DMO performance and rationalise their existence and their roles in the context of sustainable destination development

    Turismo, parcerias e desenvolvimento local: o caso da Figueira da Foz

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Planeamento em TurismoO turismo desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento económico, social e ambiental de muitos países do Mundo. A importância da atividade turística para o desenvolvimento local é, também, consensualmente reconhecida. A promoção da atividade turística e a sua transformação em alavanca para o desenvolvimento local, requer a criação de parcerias entre a variedade de agentes envolvidos nessa atividade, sendo esta a vertente que a presente dissertação analisa. O estudo incide no município da Figueira da Foz. Para a sua realização foram efetuadas entrevistas com o objetivo de perceber como é que os principais empresários do setor promoviam as parcerias e como estas contribuíam para o desenvolvimento. Numa análise geral percebeu-se que os empresários da Figueira da Foz não estabelecem parcerias entre si e que não estão interessados que isso se realize. Relativamente ao desenvolvimento, a grande maioria coloca como principal obstáculo a Câmara Municipal, dizendo que esta não contribui de forma eficaz para o desenvolvimento do turismo na região.Tourism plays a prominent part in the economic, social and environmental development of most countries in the World. The importance of tourism-related activity is consensually acknowledged also in terms of its role in local development. The promotion of tourism and its leverage effect on local development require the creation of a network of collaborative links among the variety of stakeholders. This is the dimension tackled in this dissertation. The study focuses on the municipality of Figueira da Foz. It was developed with basis on interviews, aiming at knowing more about the way the main entrepreneurs deal with the setting up of partnerships and the effect which these collaborative arrangements could benefit the development trajectories. The results show that the entrepreneurs do not promote partnerships and have little interest in doing so. Moreover, they blame local government