388 research outputs found

    State of the Art and Trends Review of Smart Metering in Electricity Grids

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    Climate change, awareness of energy efficiency, new trends in electricity markets, the obsolescence of the actual electricity model, and the gradual conversion of consumers to prosumer profiles are the main agents of progressive change in electricity systems towards the Smart Grid paradigm. The introduction of multiple distributed generation and storage resources, with a strong involvement of renewable energies, exposes the necessity of advanced metering or Smart Metering systems, able to manage and control those distributed resources. Due to the heterogeneity of the Smart Metering systems and the specific features of each grid, it is easy to find in the related literature a wide range of solutions with different features. This work describes the key elements in a Smart Metering system and compiles the most employed technologies and standards as well as their main features. Since Smart Metering systems can perform jointly with other activities, these growing initiatives are also addressed. Finally, a revision of the main trends in Smart Metering uses and deployments worldwide is included.his work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project TEC2015-67868-C3-1-R), the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) within the program for the specialization of the postdoctoral researcher staff, and Microgrids with Renewable Distributed Generation (MIGEDIR) (project 713RT0468), funded by the Science and Technology for Development Iberoamerican Program (CYTED)

    TechNews digests: Jan - Nov 2009

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    TechNews is a technology, news and analysis service aimed at anyone in the education sector keen to stay informed about technology developments, trends and issues. TechNews focuses on emerging technologies and other technology news. TechNews service : digests september 2004 till May 2010 Analysis pieces and News combined publish every 2 to 3 month

    Cross-layer energy efficiency of plc systems for smart grid applications

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    Though opinions are still divided over the specific choices of technology for smart grid, there is a consensus that heterogeneous communications network is most appropriate. Power line communication (PLC) is promising because it is readily available and it aligns with the natural topology of power distribution network. One of the emerging realities is that the communication system enabling smart grid must be energy-efficient. This thesis employs a cross-layer approach to address energy efficiency of PLC networks in different smart grid scenarios. At network layer, this work exploits the topology of a PLC-enabled advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to improve the probability of successful packet delivery across the network. The technique, termed AMI clustering, leverages the traditional structure of the low voltage (LV) network by organising the smart meters into clusters and locally aggregating their readings. Improvement in packet delivery inherently reduces energy wastage. Next, the adaptation layer exploits the low data rate transmission techniques to reduce the energy requirements of PLC nodes. To achieve that, this work developed a network model in NS-3 (an open-source network simulator) that considers PLC transceivers as resource-constrained devices and interconnects them to emulate home energy management system (HEMS). The model was validated with experimental results which showed that in the home area network (HAN), low-rate applications such as energy management can be supported over low-power PLC networks. Furthermore, at physical layer, this thesis proposes a more energy-efficient multi-carrier modulation scheme than the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) used in most of the current PLC systems. OFDM is widely known for its high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR) which degrades energy efficiency of the systems. This thesis found that by employing vector- OFDM (V-OFDM), power requirements of PLC transmitter can be reduced. The results also showed the energy efficiency can be further improved by using a dynamic noise cancellation technique such as dynamic peak-based threshold estimation (DPTE) at the receiver. By applying the proposed methods, packet delivery can be improved by 3% at network layer (which conserves energy) and reduced data rate can save about 2.6014 dB in transmit power. Finally, at physical layer, V-OFDM and DPTE can respectively provide 5.8 dB and 2.1 dB reduction in power requirements of the PLC transceivers. These signify that if V-OFDM is combined with DPTE, future PLC modems could benefit from energy-efficient power amplifiers at reduced cost

    Classification and modeling of power line noise using machine learning techniques

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    A thesis submitted in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment June 2017The realization of robust, reliable and e cient data transmission have been the theme of recent research, most importantly in real channel such as the noisy, fading prone power line communication (PLC) channel. The focus is to exploit old techniques or create new techniques capable of improving the transmission reliability and also increasing the transmission capacity of the real communication channels. Multi-carrier modulation scheme such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) utilizing conventional single-carrier modulation is developed to facilitate a robust data transmission, increasing transmission capacity (e cient bandwidth usage) and further reducing design complexity in PLC systems. On the contrary, the reliability of data transmission is subjected to several inhibiting factors as a result of the varying nature of the PLC channel. These inhibiting factors include noise, perturbation and disturbances. Contrary to the Additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN) model often assumed in several communication systems, this noise model fails to capture the attributes of noise encountered on the PLC channel. This is because periodic noise or random noise pulses injected by power electronic appliances on the network is a deviation from the AWGN. The nature of the noise is categorized as non-white non-Gaussian and unstable due to its impulsive attributes, thus, it is labeled as Non-additive White Gaussian Noise (NAWGN). These noise and disturbances results into long burst errors that corrupts signals being transmitted, thus, the PLC is labeled as a horrible or burst error channel. The e cient and optimal performance of a conventional linear receiver in the white Gaussian noise environment can therefore be made to drastically degrade in this NAWGN environment. Therefore, transmission reliability in such environment can be greatly enhanced if we know and exploit the knowledge of the channel's statistical attributes, thus, the need for developing statistical channel model based on empirical data. In this thesis, attention is focused on developing a recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multicarrier PLC transceiver as a tool for realizing an optimized channel model for the narrowband PLC (NB-PLC) channel. First, a novel recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC transceiver is developed for real-time NB-PLC transmission. The transceivers can be adapted to implement di erent waveforms for several real-time scenarios and performance evaluation. Due to the varying noise parameters obtained from country to country as a result of the dependence of noise impairment on mains voltages, topology of power line, place and time, the developed transceivers is capable of facilitating constant measurement campaigns to capture these varying noise parameters before statistical and mathematically inclined channel models are derived. Furthermore, the single-carrier (Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Di erential BPSK (DBPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First-Order semi-hidden Fritchman Markov modeling (SHFMM) of the NB-PLC channel utilizing the e cient iterative Baum- Welch algorithm (BWA) for parameter estimation. The performance of each modulation scheme is evaluated in a mildly and heavily disturbed scenarios for both residential and laboratory site considered. The First-Order estimated error statistics of the realized First- Order SHFMM have been analytically validated in terms of performance metrics such as: log-likelihood ratio (LLR), error-free run distribution (EFRD), error probabilities, mean square error (MSE) and Chi-square ( 2) test. The reliability of the model results is also con rmed by an excellent match between the empirically obtained error sequence and the SHFMM regenerated error sequence as shown by the error-free run distribution plot. This thesis also reports a novel development of a low cost, low complexity Frequency-shift keying (FSK) - On-o keying (OOK) in-house hybrid PLC and VLC system. The functionality of this hybrid PLC-VLC transceiver system was ascertained at both residential and laboratory site at three di erent times of the day: morning, afternoon and evening. A First and Second-Order SHFMM of the hybrid system is realized. The error statistics of the realized First and Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2). The Second-Order SHFMMs have also been analytically validated to be superior to the First-Order SHFMMs although at the expense of added computational complexity. The reliability of both First and Second-Order SHFMM results is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical error sequences and SHFMM re-generated error sequences as shown by the EFRD plot. In addition, the multi-carrier (QPSK-OFDM, Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)-OFDM) and Di erential 8-PSK (D8PSK)-OFDM) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First and Second-Order modeling of the NB-PLC system using the SHFMM and BWA for parameter estimation. The performance of each OFDM modulation scheme in evaluated and compared taking into consideration the mildly and heavily disturbed noise scenarios for the two measurement sites considered. The estimated error statistics of the realized SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2) test. The estimated Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated to be outperform the First-Order SHFMMs although with added computational complexity. The reliability of the models is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical data and SHFMM generated data as shown by the EFRD plot. The statistical models obtained using Baum-Welch to adjust the parameters of the adopted SHFMM are often locally maximized. To solve this problem, a novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a Bayesian inference approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is developed to optimize the parameters of the adopted SHFMM. The algorithm is used to optimize the model results obtained from the single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC systems as well as that of the hybrid PLC-VLC system. Consequently, as deduced from the results, the models obtained utilizing the novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are more precise, near optimal model with parameter sets that are closer to the global maxima. Generally, the model results obtained in this thesis are relevant in enhancing transmission reliability on the PLC channel through the use of the models to improve the adopted modulation schemes, create adaptive modulation techniques, develop and evaluate forward error correction (FEC) codes such as a concatenation of Reed-Solomon and Permutation codes and other robust codes suitable for exploiting and mitigating noise impairments encountered on the low voltage NB-PLC channel. Furthermore, the recon gurable software de ned NB-PLC transceiver test-bed developed can be utilized for future measurement campaign as well as adapted for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) PLC applications.MT201

    Classification and modeling of power line noise using machine learning techniques

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    A thesis submitted in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment June 2017The realization of robust, reliable and e cient data transmission have been the theme of recent research, most importantly in real channel such as the noisy, fading prone power line communication (PLC) channel. The focus is to exploit old techniques or create new techniques capable of improving the transmission reliability and also increasing the transmission capacity of the real communication channels. Multi-carrier modulation scheme such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) utilizing conventional single-carrier modulation is developed to facilitate a robust data transmission, increasing transmission capacity (e cient bandwidth usage) and further reducing design complexity in PLC systems. On the contrary, the reliability of data transmission is subjected to several inhibiting factors as a result of the varying nature of the PLC channel. These inhibiting factors include noise, perturbation and disturbances. Contrary to the Additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN) model often assumed in several communication systems, this noise model fails to capture the attributes of noise encountered on the PLC channel. This is because periodic noise or random noise pulses injected by power electronic appliances on the network is a deviation from the AWGN. The nature of the noise is categorized as non-white non-Gaussian and unstable due to its impulsive attributes, thus, it is labeled as Non-additive White Gaussian Noise (NAWGN). These noise and disturbances results into long burst errors that corrupts signals being transmitted, thus, the PLC is labeled as a horrible or burst error channel. The e cient and optimal performance of a conventional linear receiver in the white Gaussian noise environment can therefore be made to drastically degrade in this NAWGN environment. Therefore, transmission reliability in such environment can be greatly enhanced if we know and exploit the knowledge of the channel's statistical attributes, thus, the need for developing statistical channel model based on empirical data. In this thesis, attention is focused on developing a recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multicarrier PLC transceiver as a tool for realizing an optimized channel model for the narrowband PLC (NB-PLC) channel. First, a novel recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC transceiver is developed for real-time NB-PLC transmission. The transceivers can be adapted to implement di erent waveforms for several real-time scenarios and performance evaluation. Due to the varying noise parameters obtained from country to country as a result of the dependence of noise impairment on mains voltages, topology of power line, place and time, the developed transceivers is capable of facilitating constant measurement campaigns to capture these varying noise parameters before statistical and mathematically inclined channel models are derived. Furthermore, the single-carrier (Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Di erential BPSK (DBPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First-Order semi-hidden Fritchman Markov modeling (SHFMM) of the NB-PLC channel utilizing the e cient iterative Baum- Welch algorithm (BWA) for parameter estimation. The performance of each modulation scheme is evaluated in a mildly and heavily disturbed scenarios for both residential and laboratory site considered. The First-Order estimated error statistics of the realized First- Order SHFMM have been analytically validated in terms of performance metrics such as: log-likelihood ratio (LLR), error-free run distribution (EFRD), error probabilities, mean square error (MSE) and Chi-square ( 2) test. The reliability of the model results is also con rmed by an excellent match between the empirically obtained error sequence and the SHFMM regenerated error sequence as shown by the error-free run distribution plot. This thesis also reports a novel development of a low cost, low complexity Frequency-shift keying (FSK) - On-o keying (OOK) in-house hybrid PLC and VLC system. The functionality of this hybrid PLC-VLC transceiver system was ascertained at both residential and laboratory site at three di erent times of the day: morning, afternoon and evening. A First and Second-Order SHFMM of the hybrid system is realized. The error statistics of the realized First and Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2). The Second-Order SHFMMs have also been analytically validated to be superior to the First-Order SHFMMs although at the expense of added computational complexity. The reliability of both First and Second-Order SHFMM results is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical error sequences and SHFMM re-generated error sequences as shown by the EFRD plot. In addition, the multi-carrier (QPSK-OFDM, Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)-OFDM) and Di erential 8-PSK (D8PSK)-OFDM) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First and Second-Order modeling of the NB-PLC system using the SHFMM and BWA for parameter estimation. The performance of each OFDM modulation scheme in evaluated and compared taking into consideration the mildly and heavily disturbed noise scenarios for the two measurement sites considered. The estimated error statistics of the realized SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2) test. The estimated Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated to be outperform the First-Order SHFMMs although with added computational complexity. The reliability of the models is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical data and SHFMM generated data as shown by the EFRD plot. The statistical models obtained using Baum-Welch to adjust the parameters of the adopted SHFMM are often locally maximized. To solve this problem, a novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a Bayesian inference approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is developed to optimize the parameters of the adopted SHFMM. The algorithm is used to optimize the model results obtained from the single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC systems as well as that of the hybrid PLC-VLC system. Consequently, as deduced from the results, the models obtained utilizing the novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are more precise, near optimal model with parameter sets that are closer to the global maxima. Generally, the model results obtained in this thesis are relevant in enhancing transmission reliability on the PLC channel through the use of the models to improve the adopted modulation schemes, create adaptive modulation techniques, develop and evaluate forward error correction (FEC) codes such as a concatenation of Reed-Solomon and Permutation codes and other robust codes suitable for exploiting and mitigating noise impairments encountered on the low voltage NB-PLC channel. Furthermore, the recon gurable software de ned NB-PLC transceiver test-bed developed can be utilized for future measurement campaign as well as adapted for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) PLC applications.MT201

    Machine Learning Tips and Tricks for Power Line Communications

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    4openopenTonello A.M.; Letizia N.A.; Righini D.; Marcuzzi F.Tonello, A. M.; Letizia, N. A.; Righini, D.; Marcuzzi, F

    Smart metering infrastructure for distribution network operation

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    With the increasing demand for energy throughout the world and the associated environmental problems, the development of a highly efficient and environmentally friendly Smart Grid has become an important objective worldwide. In Great Britain, the Smart Grid has been primarily focused on the distribution networks and smart metering is widely considered as a critical step towards the Smart Grid future. Conventionally, the communications infrastructure at the distribution level is very limited in terms of functionality and availability. There was very limited work to evaluate the impact of the communications performance of smart metering infrastructure on distribution network operation. This research investigated the impact of smart metering applications on communications requirements and the impact of the communications performance of smart metering infrastructure on distribution network operation. A smart metering communications infrastructure was modelled and simulated using OPNET. The impact of smart metering applications on smart metering communications requirements has been investigated. It is shown that individual communications requirements for smart meters are not particularly communications intensive and that infrequent large transactions posed the most significant challenges on the communications infrastructure. As the link speed decreased, large time delays were observed which have direct impact on the functions related to distribution network operations. An evaluation method was then developed to quantify the impact of smart metering communications infrastructure on distribution network operation. The main characteristics of the smart metering communications infrastructure were modelled. The characteristics of load variation were analysed and used to quantify the relationship between the time delay and the measurement error of the power system. The measured data from smart meters was refined to be used by the distribution network operational functions using state estimation and the impact was quantified using optimal power flow. Results show that fast data access is necessary for smart meter data to be used by the voltage control and the power control functions of a distribution network. The potential of using smart metering for outage management was investigated. A topology analysis method was developed which maps the physical plant model of a distribution network to a simplified analytical model. An outage area identification algorithm was developed which uses the information from smart meters and is based on the simplified network model. The outage area identification can act as one of the main functions of an outage management system providing possible outage extent information. The impact of smart meter communications on the outage area identification algorithm was investigated based on the OPNET communications model. Test results showed that smart metering has a potential to support outage management of a power distribution network. Test results showed that the arrival criterion and the smart metering communications infrastructure have a large impact on the performance of the outage area identification

    Performance Analysis of Train Communication Systems

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    Trains are considered as a highly efficient transport mode which generate significant challenges in terms of their communication systems. For improved safety, to cope with the expected rapid increase in traffic, and to meet customer demands, an enhanced and reliable communication system is required for high-speed trains (HSRs). Mobile phone and laptop users would like to make use of the non-negligible time that they spend commuting but current HSR communication systems have a foreseeable end to their lifetime and a reliable, efficient, and fast communication replacement system has become essential. Encouraged by the use of existing power line networks for communication purposes, this research investigates the possibility of developing a train communication system based on the use of overhead line equipment (OLE). The ABCD transfer line model is developed to represent the transfer function of the OLE channel and is evaluated using computer simulations. The simulations of the OLE system used are based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing as the chosen modulation scheme. Within the train, for the provision of broadband services, developing a reliable communication system which is a combination of power line communication and optical wireless communication services using visible light communication (VLC) is considered. Mathematical methods were developed for these networks to assess the overall capacities and outage probabilities of the hybrid systems. Derivation of such analytical expressions offered opportunities to investigate the impact of several system parameters on the performance of the system. To assess the possibility of improving the performance of the proposed integrated systems, their performance in the presence of different relaying protocols has been comprehensively analyzed in terms of capacity and outage probability. This thesis studied the outage probability and energy per bit consumption performance of different relaying protocols over the VLC channel. Accurate analytical expressions for the overall outage probability and energyper-bit consumption of the proposed system configurations, including the single-hop and multi-hop approaches were derived. It was found that the transfer function of the OLE channel can be represented by the two-port network model. It was also revealed that transmission over OLE is negatively affected by the speed of the train, frequency, and length of the OLE link. In train, relay-based communication systems can provide reliable connectivity to the end-user. However, choosing an optimal system configuration can enhance system performance. It was also shown that increasing relay numbers on the network contributes to the total power consumption of the system

    Power line communication (PLC) channel measurements and characterization.

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    M. Sc. Eng. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.The potential of the power line to transport both power and communication signals simultaneously has been realized and practiced for over a century, dating back to the 1900’s. Since the key aspect of power line communications being its expansivity, its implementations were largely as a retrofit technology. This motivation of power line communication is typical for low-, medium-, and high voltage distribution networks. Beyond the “last mile” part, there’s an uprising appeal for intra-building networks currently targeted for home automation (smart homes/buildings) and in-building networking. The optimum use of the existing power line channels has been a focus area for researchers and designers, with the inherent channel hostility proving a serious drawback for high speed data communications. The low-voltage electrical network has unpredictable noise sources, moreover it has two other main disadvantages as a communication channel. The first short coming has to do with the unknown characteristics of the power cable and topology of the network, the second arises from the time-dependent fluctuation of the impedance level of the power line as the loads are switched into and out of the power line network in an unpredictable manner. These factors determine the behaviour of the power line channel when a high frequency signal is impressed on it. This study has shown that the behaviour of indoor power line channels can be captured using a multipath based model even with limited qualitative and/or quantitative knowledge of the network topology. This model is suitable for typical indoor power line channels where knowledge of the topology is near impossible. Some of the feed parameters are obtained through measurements. With sufficient adjustment of control parameters, this model was successfully validated using sample measured channels from the numerous measurements. Through noise measurements, this study has established that impulsive noise is the rifest in the frequency band of interest. The impulsive energy rises well above background noise, which translates to possible data “black outs”. The statistics of the components of this noise are presented. A model of sufficient simplicity is used to facilitate the qualitative description of the background noise through its power spectral density. Two descriptions are provided in terms of the worst and best case scenarios of the background noise occurrences. The model has a good macroscopic capture of the noise power spectral density, with narrow-band interference visible for the worst case noise. Due to the multipath nature of the power line channel, this study also presents the dispersive characteristics of the power line as a communication channel. The power delay profile is used to determine parameters such as first arrival delay, mean excess delay, root mean square delay spread and maximum delay spread. The statistics of these parameters are presented. Also, the coherence bandwidth of power line channels is studied and its relationship with the rms delay spread is developed. It is in view of this work that further research in power line communication and related topics shall be inspired
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