306 research outputs found

    A critical look at studies applying over-sampling on the TPEHGDB dataset

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    Preterm birth is the leading cause of death among young children and has a large prevalence globally. Machine learning models, based on features extracted from clinical sources such as electronic patient files, yield promising results. In this study, we review similar studies that constructed predictive models based on a publicly available dataset, called the Term-Preterm EHG Database (TPEHGDB), which contains electrohysterogram signals on top of clinical data. These studies often report near-perfect prediction results, by applying over-sampling as a means of data augmentation. We reconstruct these results to show that they can only be achieved when data augmentation is applied on the entire dataset prior to partitioning into training and testing set. This results in (i) samples that are highly correlated to data points from the test set are introduced and added to the training set, and (ii) artificial samples that are highly correlated to points from the training set being added to the test set. Many previously reported results therefore carry little meaning in terms of the actual effectiveness of the model in making predictions on unseen data in a real-world setting. After focusing on the danger of applying over-sampling strategies before data partitioning, we present a realistic baseline for the TPEHGDB dataset and show how the predictive performance and clinical use can be improved by incorporating features from electrohysterogram sensors and by applying over-sampling on the training set

    A Machine Learning System for Automatic Detection of Preterm Activity Using Artificial Neural Networks and Uterine Electromyography Data

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    Preterm births are babies born before 37 weeks of gestation. The premature delivery of babies is a major global health issue with those affected at greater risk of developing short and long-term complications. Therefore, a better understanding of why preterm births occur is needed. Electromyography is used to capture electrical activity in the uterus to help treat and understand the condition, which is time consuming and expensive. This has led to a recent interest in automated detection of the electromyography correlates of preterm activity. This paper explores this idea further using artificial neural networks to classify term and preterm records, using an open dataset containing 300 records of uterine electromyography signals. Our approach shows an improvement on existing studies with 94.56% for sensitivity, 87.83% for specificity, and 94% for the area under the curve with 9% global error when using the multilayer perceptron neural network trained using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm

    Advanced Artificial Neural Network Classification for Detecting Preterm Births Using EHG Records

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    Globally, the rate of preterm births are increasing, thus resulting in significant health, development and economic problems. Current methods for the early detection of such births are inadequate. Nevertheless, there has been some evidence that the analysis of uterine electrical signals, collected from the abdominal surface, could provide an independent and easier way to diagnose true labour and detect when preterm delivery is about to occur. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, in conjunction with Electrohysterography signal processing, numerous studies have focused on detecting true labour several days prior to the event. However, in this paper, the Electrohysterography signals have been used to detect preterm births. This has been achieved using an open dataset, which contains 262 records for women who delivered at term and 38 who delivered prematurely. Several new features from Electromyography studies have been utilized, as well as feature-ranking techniques. Features are ranked to determine their discriminative capabilities in detecting term and preterm records. Seven different artificial neural networks were then used to identify these records. The results illustrate that the Radial Basis Function Neural Network classifier performed the best, with 85% sensitivity, 80% specificity, 90% area under the curve and a 17% mean error rate

    Evaluation of advanced artificial neural network classification and feature extraction techniques for detecting preterm births using ehg records

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    Globally, the rate of preterm births is increasing and this is resulting in significant health, development and economic problems. Current methods for the early detection of such births are inadequate. However, there has been some evidence to suggest that the analysis of uterine electrical signals, collected from the abdominal surface, could provide an independent and easier way to diagnose true labour and detect when preterm delivery is about to occur. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, in conjunction with electrohysterography signal processing, numerous studies have focused on detecting true labour several days prior to the event. In this paper however, the electrohysterography signals have been used to detect preterm births. This has been achieved using an open dataset that contains 262 records for women who delivered at term and 38 who delivered prematurely. Several new features from Electromyography studies have been utilized, as well as feature-ranking techniques to determine their discriminative capabilities in detecting term and preterm records. Seven artificial neural network algorithms are considered with the results showing that the Radial Basis Function Neural Network classifier performs the best, with 85% sensitivity, 80% specificity, 90% area under the curve and a 17% mean error rate. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

    Unsupervised Classification of Uterine Contractions Recorded Using Electrohysterography

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    Pregnancy still poses health risks that are not attended to by current clinical practice motorization procedures. Electrohysterography (EHG) record signals are analyzed in the course of this thesis as a contribution and effort to evaluate their suitability for pregnancy monitoring. The presented work is a contributes with an unsupervised classification solution for uterine contractile segments to FCT’s Uterine Explorer (UEX) project, which explores analysis procedures for EHG records. In a first part, applied processing procedures are presented and a brief exploration of the best practices for these. The procedures include those to elevate the representation of uterine events relevant characteristics, ease further computation requirements, extraction of contractile segments and spectral estimation. More detail is put into the study of which characteristics should be chosen to represent uterine events in the classification process and feature selection methods. To such end, it is presented the application of a principal component analysis (PCA) to three sets: interpolated contractile events, contractions power spectral densities, and to a number of computed features that attempt evidencing time, spectral and non-linear characteristics usually used in EHG related studies. Subsequently, a wrapper model approach is presented as a mean to optimize the feature set through cyclically attempting the removal and re-addition of features based on clustering results. This approach takes advantage of the fact that one class is known beforehand to use its classification accuracy as the criteria that defines whether the modification made to the feature set was ominous. Furthermore, this work also includes the implementation of a visualization tool that allows inspecting the effect of each processing procedure, the uterine events detected by different methods and clusters they were associated to by the final iteration of the wrapper model

    Optimization of Imminent Labor Prediction Systems in Women with Threatened Preterm Labor Based on Electrohysterography

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    [EN] Preterm birth is the leading cause of death in newborns and the survivors are prone to health complications. Threatened preterm labor (TPL) is the most common cause of hospitalization in the second half of pregnancy. The current methods used in clinical practice to diagnose preterm labor, the Bishop score or cervical length, have high negative predictive values but not positive ones. In this work we analyzed the performance of computationally efficient classification algorithms, based on electrohysterographic recordings (EHG), such as random forest (RF), extreme learning machine (ELM) and K-nearest neighbors (KNN) for imminent labor (<7 days) prediction in women with TPL, using the 50th or 10th-90th percentiles of temporal, spectral and nonlinear EHG parameters with and without obstetric data inputs. Two criteria were assessed for the classifier design: F1-score and sensitivity. RFF1_2 and ELMF1_2 provided the highest F1-score values in the validation dataset, (88.17 +/- 8.34% and 90.2 +/- 4.43%) with the 50th percentile of EHG and obstetric inputs. ELMF1_2 outperformed RFF1_2 in sensitivity, being similar to those of ELMSens (sensitivity optimization). The 10th-90th percentiles did not provide a significant improvement over the 50th percentile. KNN performance was highly sensitive to the input dataset, with a high generalization capability.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the European Regional Development Fund (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE RTI2018-094449-A-I00-AR); by the Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2019/220).Prats-Boluda, G.; Pastor-Tronch, J.; Garcia-Casado, J.; Monfort-Ortiz, R.; Perales Marín, A.; Diago, V.; Roca Prats, A.... (2021). Optimization of Imminent Labor Prediction Systems in Women with Threatened Preterm Labor Based on Electrohysterography. Sensors. 21(7):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21072496S11821

    Dynamic neural network architecture inspired by the immune algorithm to predict preterm deliveries in pregnant women

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    There has been some improvement in the treatment of preterm infants, which has helped to increase their chance of survival. However, the rate of premature births is still globally increasing. As a result, this group of infants is most at risk of developing severe medical conditions that can affect the respiratory, gastrointestinal, immune, central nervous, auditory and visual systems. There is a strong body of evidence emerging that suggests the analysis of uterine electrical signals, from the abdominal surface (Electrohysterography – EHG), could provide a viable way of diagnosing true labour and even predict preterm deliveries. This paper explores this idea further and presents a new dynamic self-organized network immune algorithm that classifies term and preterm records, using an open dataset containing 300 records (38 preterm and 262 term). Using the dataset, oversampling and cross validation techniques are evaluated against other similar studies. The proposed approach shows an improvement on existing studies with 89% sensitivity, 91% specificity, 90% positive predicted value, 90% negative predicted value, and an overall accuracy of 90%

    EHG Signal Classification for True and False Pregnancy Analysis

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    Normally pregnancy last for 40 week, in which babies are born normal and healthy. The babies which are born after 20th week and before 37th week of pregnancy are known as premature babies. This can cause deficiency in babies and high risk of death of child, to reduce neonatal death it is necessary to predict whether the labor is term or preterm one of the promising tool to measure the electrical activity of uterine muscle is EHG. Previous paper had done research in acquiring EHG signals, in this paper various EHG signal is acquired and linear and non-linear feature is extracted and is given to support vector machine (SVM) classifier to determine whether the signal is term or preterm
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