32 research outputs found


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    Abstrack:The main purpose of educational progress was mastery learning. Although, sometimes mastery learning could not be reached maximally. It caused by the teacher used less precise method when they teach, student's lack of interest, uninteresting atmosphere, excessive student. However, it could be counter by teaching methods named “peer tutoring” this method placed students to teach other student in educational progress mastery teaching, in this method the teacher utilized the student’s potential as a kid and as a fellow student. In several studies, the effectiveness of peer tutoring to be used in learning methods so as improved mastery learning. Peer tutoring method in mastery learning worked as complement and assist, they did not replace the teacher’s duties, it made more flexible time for teacher so they could more focus on student’s learning needs. The application of peer tutoring in teaching method made learning situation more comfortable, interesting, active, and more prosocial interaction between students. The advantages and disadvantages are always present in every method, although with proper preparation the weakness could be minimized

    Persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan perisian XTech dalam kaedah pengajaran Kursus Pengurusan Operasi dan Sains Pengurusan

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    Kursus Sains Pengurusan dan Pengurusan Operasi adalah kursus yang mengajar pelajar menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan perniagaan dengan menggunakan teknik kuantitatif. Sangat penting dikuasai oleh pelajar sebagai persediaan untuk ke alam pekerjaan. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah pelajar masih lemah dalam menguasai penyelesaian masalah secara kuantitatif. Kelemahan ini secara umumnya berpunca daripada kaedah pengajaran yang lebih tertumpu kepada kaedah manual. Kaedah ini sering menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam kalangan pelajar kerana pendekatan yang digunakan melibatkan proses jalan kerja yang terlalu panjang. Oleh itu, adalah wajar untuk melakukan penambahbaikan terhadap kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran kursus Sains Pengurusan dan Pengurusan Operasi dengan membangunkan perisian XTech. Maka, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai sejauh mana penggunaan perisian XTech dapat membantu pelajar memahami cara mudah dan sistematik dalam teknik penyelesaian masalah yang berasaskan model kuantitatif. Kajian ini juga ingin menilai persepsi mudah guna dan kebergunaan perisian XTech serta hasrat tingkah laku mereka untuk menggunakannya. Hasil kajian menunjukkan peningkatan pencapaian pelajar selepas menggunakan perisian Xtech dan pelajar juga mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap kebolehgunaan, mudah digunakan dan hasrat untuk menggunakan perisian Xtech

    Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in STEM Domains: Towards a Meta-synthesis

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    Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) research has become pervasive in STEM education over the last several decades. The research presented here is part of an ongoing project to construct a meta-synthesis of CSCL findings in STEM domains. After a systematic search of the literature and article coding, cluster analysis results provided a frame for sampling from this literature in order to examine effects of CSCL. This preliminary meta-synthesis addresses the three key pillars of CSCL: the nature of collaboration, the technologies that are employed, and the pedagogical designs. CSCL tools and pedagogies typically improve collaborative learning processes along with achieving other learning and motivational goals

    The impact of peer support on homework completion

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    It is has been found that students of the elementary level can benefit from peer support in academics. The purpose of this case study was to further explore the effects that peers teaching peers may have on the quality of homework. The participant was at the 3rd grade level of education in a public elementary school. Using a goal setting tool, the participant and investigator were able to benchmark the correctness of work completed by the participant in relation to how many items the participant could have gotten correct. The quality of completed homework during the intervention was compared to the quality of homework completed before the intervention. In this case study, the participant showed a growth in the quality of homework. Implications for success in future studies are discussed

    Peer assessment in physical education: A systematic review of the last five years

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    Purpose: A systematic review of the use of peer assessment in Physical Education in the last five years (2016–2020). Method: Four databases were used to select those articles that included information on peer assessment in Physical Education in the different educational stages. According to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, including the PICO (participants, intervention, comparators, and outcomes) strategy, after the exclusion criteria, 13 articles were fully assessed based on seven criteria: (1) year and author; (2) country; (3) educational stage; (4) type of paper; (5) purpose; (6) content; and (7) outcomes. Results: the results show that the research was geographically dispersed, although Spain and the USA had half of the articles reviewed. The research was carried out at all educational stages, although a greater focus was observed in higher education than in primary and secondary education. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research was almost equally represented, and dealt mainly with sports and games. Regarding the goals of the studies, a diversity of research so great that it produced a lack of continuity and coherence in the literature on the subject was found. The research results on the use of peer assessment showed an increase in the level of motivation, perceived teaching confidence and competence, and teaching self-efficacy. More research is needed on the benefits of the use of peer assessment on the self-regulation of learning and the critical thinking of students

    Enhancing the ability to write poetry and creative thinking skills with rural nature-inspired contextual approach

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    There are still many students who face difficulty in expressing ideas for writing poetry, and not a few students are less motivated in writing literary works in the kind of poetry. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of learning with a rural nature-inspired contextual approach on the ability to write poetry and creative thinking skills of elementary school students. Quasi-experimental study is used in this study with a non-equivalent pre-test post-test control group design. The research population was all fifth-grade students, totaling 231 students. The sample was taken by random sampling technique, totaling 44 students. Data were collected using a test technique. The test instruments were in the form of a description test and a five-scale non-test instrument. Both instruments have been analyzed for their feasibility quality by testing their validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used MANOVA with the help of SPSS. The results showed that the significance value of the MANOVA test results was 0.000 (<0.0). It means that there is a difference in both partial and simultaneous studies in writing poetry and students’ creative thinking skills who learn by applying a contextual approach inspired by rural nature. So, there is a positive effect of learning with a rural nature-inspired contextual approach on the ability to write poetry and creative thinking skills

    “+ X” y las matemáticas. Su relación en el currículo de educación primaria

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    Las matemáticas constituyen un pilar fundamental del currículo de los sistemas educativos. El desarrollo de las competencias básicas para la educación obligatoria recoge entre otras, la necesidad de trabajar en el aula la comunicación lingüística, matemática, tratamiento de la información y competencia digital. En el presente trabajo se analiza el currículo de matemáticas en educación primaria en las diecisiete comunidades autónomas y la presencia de la competencia mediática en el mismo. El objetivo es identificar en los objetivos, contenidos y criterios de evaluación del área la presencia de la competencia digital. En el análisis se han empleado seis dimensiones de la competencia mediática: lenguajes, tecnología, procesos de interacción, procesos de producción y difusión, ideología y valores y estética en educación primaria. Los resultados indican la presencia de la competencia mediática en dicho currículo y un tratamiento desigual entre comunidades autónomas

    “+ X” and Mathematics. Relationship in Primary Education curriculum

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    RESUMEN: Las Matemáticas constituye un pilar fundamental del currículo de los sistemas educativos. El desarrollo de las competencias básicas para la educación obligatoria recoge entre otras, la necesidad de trabajar en el aula la comunicación lingüística, matemática, tratamiento de la información y competencia digital. En el presente trabajo se analiza el currículo de Matemáticas en Educación Primaria en las dicecisiete comunidades autónomas y la presencia de la competencia mediática en el mismo. El objetivo es identificar en los objetivos, contenidos y criterios de evaluación del área la presencia de la competencia digital. En el análisis se han empleado seis dimensiones de la competencia mediática: lenguajes, tecnología, procesos de interacción, procesos de producción y difusión, ideología y valores y estética en Educación Primaria. Los resultados indican la presencia de la competencia mediática en dicho currículo y un tratamiento desigual entre comunidades autónomas.ABSTRACT: Mathematics is a important column of the curriculum of educational systems. The development of basic skills for compulsory education includes among others, the need to work in the classroom linguistic communication, mathematics, information processing and digital competence. This paper analyzes the Mathematics curriculum in primary ed¬ucation and the presence of media competence in it. The aim is to identify the objectives, content and assessment criteria area the presence of digital competition. In the analysis it was used six dimensions of media competence: language, technology, processes of inter¬action, production and distribution processes, ideology and aesthetic values and Primary Education. The results indicate the presence of media competence through the descriptors indicated in the curriculum of Mathematics in Primary Education.Esta revisión se ubica en el marco del Proyecto I+D EDU2010-21395-C03-03 como fase previa al diseño de un cuestionario destinado a medir la competencia mediática del alumnado de cuarto de educación primaria. En este Proyecto han participado las comunidades autónomas de Andalucía, Cantabria, Galicia, La Rioja, Murcia y Valencia

    Emotional and cognitive effects of peer tutoring among secondary school mathematics students

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    This paper describes an experience of same-age peer tutoring conducted with 19 eighth-grade mathematics students in a secondary school in Castellon de la Plana (Spain). Three constructs were analysed before and after launching the program: academic performance, mathematics self-concept and attitude of solidarity. Students’ perceptions of the method were also analysed. The quantitative data was gathered by means of a mathematics self-concept questionnaire, an attitude of solidarity questionnaire and the students' numerical ratings. A statistical analysis was performed using Student's t-test. The qualitative information was gathered by means of discussion groups and a field diary. This information was analysed using descriptive analysis and by categorizing the information. Results show statistically significant improvements in all the variables and the positive assessment of the experience and the interactions that took place between the students