174,468 research outputs found

    Penggunaan E-Wallet dalam Transaksi E-Commerce: Analisis Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)

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    E-Wallet is an electronic service used as a payment tool in electronic form where the amount of money will be stored in a certain electronic medium. However, there are still problems related to privacy and data security also network access while using E-Wallet. The use of E-Wallet is expected to increase efficiency and effectiveness in conducting transactions, helping the smoothness of small but frequent mass transactions. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) analysis is used to predict a person's attitudes and acceptance of the technology used and provide information on what factors can encourage the user's attitudes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of E-Wallets in transactions on E-Commerce using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework and to determine the impact of using E-Wallets as a non-cash payment tool for E-Commerce using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework on 109 student respondents of Faculty Economics and Business Satya Wacana Christian University using explanatory research through a quantitative approach. The results of this study prove that there are two accepted hypotheses. Only the social influence and facilitating conditions variables have a positive and significant effect on the user's interest in using the ShopeePay service with an interest in transactions on E-Commerce.E-Wallet merupakan layanan elektronik yang digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran dalam bentuk elektronik dimana nominal uang akan disimpan dalam media elektronik tertentu. Akan tetapi, masih ada permasalahan terkait jaminan keamanan privasi dan data serta akses jaringan yang mempersulit proses transaksi menggunakan E-Wallet. Penggunaan analisis Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) untuk memprediksi sikap dan penerimaan seseorang terhadap teknologi yang digunakan serta memberikan informasi terkait faktor apa saja yang dapat mendorong sikap dari pengguna tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis penggunaan E-Wallet dalam transaksi pada E-Commerce menggunakan kerangka Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dampak penggunaan E-Wallet sebagai alat pembayaran non tunai bagi E-Commerce menggunakan kerangka Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) terhadap 109 responden mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana dengan jenis penelitian explanatory research melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat dua hipotesis yang diterima. Hanya variabel social influence dan facilitating conditions berpengaruh positif dan signifikan di dalam minat penggunaan pada layanan ShopeePay dengan minat transaksi pada E-Commerc

    QoE Modelling, Measurement and Prediction: A Review

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    In mobile computing systems, users can access network services anywhere and anytime using mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. These devices connect to the Internet via network or telecommunications operators. Users usually have some expectations about the services provided to them by different operators. Users' expectations along with additional factors such as cognitive and behavioural states, cost, and network quality of service (QoS) may determine their quality of experience (QoE). If users are not satisfied with their QoE, they may switch to different providers or may stop using a particular application or service. Thus, QoE measurement and prediction techniques may benefit users in availing personalized services from service providers. On the other hand, it can help service providers to achieve lower user-operator switchover. This paper presents a review of the state-the-art research in the area of QoE modelling, measurement and prediction. In particular, we investigate and discuss the strengths and shortcomings of existing techniques. Finally, we present future research directions for developing novel QoE measurement and prediction technique

    Differences in intention to use educational RSS feeds between Lebanese and British students: A multi‑group analysis based on the technology acceptance model

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    Really Simple Syndication (RSS) offers a means for university students to receive timely updates from virtual learning environments. However, despite its utility, only 21% of home students surveyed at a university in Lebanon claim to have ever used the technology. To investigate whether national culture could be an influence on intention to use RSS, the survey was extended to British students in the UK. Using the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) as a research framework, 437 students responded to a questionnaire containing four constructs: behavioral intention to use; attitude towards benefit; perceived usefulness; and perceived ease of use. Principle components analysis and structural equation modelling were used to explore the psychometric qualities and utility of TAM in both contexts. The results show that adoption was significantly higher, but also modest, in the British context at 36%. Configural and metric invariance were fully supported, while scalar and factorial invariance were partially supported. Further analysis shows significant differences between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use across the two contexts studied. Therefore, it is recommended that faculty demonstrate to students how educational RSS feeds can be used effectively to increase awareness and emphasize usefulness in both contexts

    Applicability of the technology acceptance model for widget-based personal learning environments

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    This contribution presents results from two exploratory studies on technology acceptance and use of widget-based personal learning environments. Methodologically, the investigation carried out applies the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). With the help of this instrument, the study assesses expert judgments about intentions to use and actual use of the emerging technology of flexibly arranged combinations of use-case-sized mini learning tools. This study aims to explore the applicability of the UTAUT model and questionnaire for widget-based personal learning environments and reports back on the experiences gained with the two studies

    Online help-seeking in communities of practice

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    Interactive online help systems are considered to be a fruitful supplement to traditional IT helpdesks, which are often overloaded. They often comprise user-generated FAQ collections playing the role of technology-based conceptual artifacts. Two main questions arise: how the conceptual artifacts should be used, and which factors influence their acceptance in a community of practice (CoP). Firstly, this paper offers a theoretical frame and a usage scenario for technology-based conceptual artifacts against the theoretical background of the academic help-seeking and CoP approach. Each of the two approaches is extensively covered by psychological and educational research literature, however their combination is not yet sufficiently investigated. Secondly, the paper proposes a research model explaining the acceptance of conceptual artifacts. The model includes users’ expectations towards the artifact, perceived social influence and users’ roles in the CoP as predictors of artifact use intention and actual usage. A correlational study conducted in an academic software users’ CoP and involving structural equations modeling validates the model, suggesting thus a research line that is worth further pursuing. For educational practice, the study suggests three ways of supporting knowledge sharing in CoPs, i.e. use of technology-based conceptual artifacts, roles and division of labor, and purposeful communication in CoPs

    Business-to-consumer e-commerce in Nigeria: Prospects and challenges

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    The growth of Internet usage in Nigeria continues to increase, recording over 90% growth rate between 2000 and 2008. While businesses in Nigeria are reported to have online access with opportunity for ecommercial activities, customers in the country however access business websites only to source for information but make purchases the traditional way. This paper aims at assessing the prospects and challenges of Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce implementation in Nigeria from the consumers’ perspective. Survey research was adopted for this study. Research hypotheses were formulated and questionnaire designed and administered randomly to 900 respondents. Collected data was used to evaluate the acceptance of B2C e-commerce using the extended technology acceptance model (TAM). The extended TAM combines task-technology fit, relationship related construct: trust and risk, and the two TAM constructs to determine factors influencing consumer acceptance of B2C e-commerce in Nigeria. Findings revealed that there are significant relationships between the model variables. Tasktechnology fit and perceived usefulness have significant relationships with intentions to use, having a correlation coefficient of 0.2623 and 0.2002 respectively. Similarly, the interrelationship among trust, perceived risk, and behavioral intention are significant. The effect of risk on trust was statistically showing that risk is a predictor of trust. Risk has a high significant on trust and trust in turn has low significant effect on behavioral intention. Adding TTF and its relationships to the TAM also fit the data. The relationship between task-technology fit, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention are significant

    User behaviors toward mobile video adoption in Taiwan: A qualitative study

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    This study was designed to examine users' usage behaviors toward mobile video adoption in Taiwan. A modified UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) model was designed to be the theory basis to develop questionnaires and open-ended questions. Data were gathered from six participants from iOS and Android users, two experts, and one focus group with five members. The study was conducted from February to April, 2011. The findings in this study supported those in the literature review: Effort Expectancy and Perceived Playfulness factors had positive influence to users' usage behaviors. Facilitating Conditions and Performance expectancy also had positive effect to users' usage behaviors toward mobile video app adoption. Network quality issue was the concern and should be added in the model. Moreover, several implications and suggestions for mobile video app adoption were discussed in the study. --mobile video,Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT),mobile video adoption,Taiwan

    Is Virtual Marriage Acceptable? A Psychological Study Investigating The Role of Ambiguity Tolerance and Intimacy Illusion in Online Dating among Adolescents and Early Adults

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    Marriage is one of the most important topics in the education field since life in this world is structured by interaction among families and between families and other social institutions. Dissatisfaction and unsustainability of marriage have led the urgency of premarital education in various countries. The problem is that the spread of virtual reality has made marriage itself to become more complex and experience reinterpretation and reconfiguration, moreover with the emergence of new kind of marriage in the digital era, i.e. virtual marriage. Everybody who has observed, known, or even tried, certainly asks the question, “Could (or: should) I accept virtual marriage?” . This study was aimed to investigate the role of tolerance of ambiguity and illusion of intimacy in online dating in predicting the acceptance of virtual marriage. There were 420 adolescents and young adults (212 males, 208 females; Mage=21.10 years old, SDage=1.459 years; 338 students, 82 employees or entrepreneurs) in the Greater Jakarta, Indonesia, participated in this study. It was found that the acceptance was not predicted by the ambiguity tolerance, but by the illusion of intimacy in online dating. The psychometric issues, substantive discussion, and recommendation are presented at the end of this article. The trend of virtual marriage should not be allowed to roll away, by autopilot, without loaded by strategies in designing an online game as one of the pivotal educational technologies that needs to shape appropriate character and attitude for it

    Entrepreneurs'' attitude towards the computer and its effect on e-business adoption

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    This paper presents research exploring further the concept that many SMEs do not adopt computer based technologies due to decision maker's negative attitudes towards computers generally. Importantly, by assessing the entrepreneur's belief structure, we provide quantitative evidence how SMEs, particularly micros, are affected. Earlier research that addresses technology acceptance model (TAM) suggests that TAM parameters are particularly influential factors of e-commerce adoption, as perceived by top managers of SMEs. The model we develop is tested using a sample of 655 enterprises. The information was gathered, via a telephone survey of UK SMEs, from decisions makers in the enterprise. Technically, the paper uses k-means cluster analysis to segment respondents using the TAM perceptions, ease of use, usefulness and enjoyment. Based on two determined segments we look at the differential rate of adoption of internet, and the potential adoption of new e-collaborative technologies like video conferencing and electronic whiteboards. The diffusion of internet for low IT utility (LIT) segments was considerably slower than in the high utility segment (HIT). Similarly, the anticipated adoption of e-collaboration technologies was much lower for LIT than HIT. Interestingly, we find that LIT is populated by more micro SMEs than HIT. The results we present are limited however as our sample is considerably underweight in micro SMEs, suggesting that the problem may be much larger in the economy than our model predicts. For policy makers, this research confirms the value of knowledge transfer programs to SMEs in the form of technology support. Our research shows that organisations which have dedicated IT support will tend to be more advanced technologically than those that do not. The implication for entrepreneurs is if they can be persuaded that a technological route is beneficial to them, and that suitable support can be provided via KT, then operational efficiency gains could be made. This paper contributes to knowle

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given