608 research outputs found

    Deep Cellular Recurrent Neural Architecture for Efficient Multidimensional Time-Series Data Processing

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    Efficient processing of time series data is a fundamental yet challenging problem in pattern recognition. Though recent developments in machine learning and deep learning have enabled remarkable improvements in processing large scale datasets in many application domains, most are designed and regulated to handle inputs that are static in time. Many real-world data, such as in biomedical, surveillance and security, financial, manufacturing and engineering applications, are rarely static in time, and demand models able to recognize patterns in both space and time. Current machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models adapted for time series processing tend to grow in complexity and size to accommodate the additional dimensionality of time. Specifically, the biologically inspired learning based models known as artificial neural networks that have shown extraordinary success in pattern recognition, tend to grow prohibitively large and cumbersome in the presence of large scale multi-dimensional time series biomedical data such as EEG. Consequently, this work aims to develop representative ML and DL models for robust and efficient large scale time series processing. First, we design a novel ML pipeline with efficient feature engineering to process a large scale multi-channel scalp EEG dataset for automated detection of epileptic seizures. With the use of a sophisticated yet computationally efficient time-frequency analysis technique known as harmonic wavelet packet transform and an efficient self-similarity computation based on fractal dimension, we achieve state-of-the-art performance for automated seizure detection in EEG data. Subsequently, we investigate the development of a novel efficient deep recurrent learning model for large scale time series processing. For this, we first study the functionality and training of a biologically inspired neural network architecture known as cellular simultaneous recurrent neural network (CSRN). We obtain a generalization of this network for multiple topological image processing tasks and investigate the learning efficacy of the complex cellular architecture using several state-of-the-art training methods. Finally, we develop a novel deep cellular recurrent neural network (CDRNN) architecture based on the biologically inspired distributed processing used in CSRN for processing time series data. The proposed DCRNN leverages the cellular recurrent architecture to promote extensive weight sharing and efficient, individualized, synchronous processing of multi-source time series data. Experiments on a large scale multi-channel scalp EEG, and a machine fault detection dataset show that the proposed DCRNN offers state-of-the-art recognition performance while using substantially fewer trainable recurrent units

    Automatic Seizure Detection Based on Star Graph Topological Indices

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    [Abstract] The recognition of seizures is very important for the diagnosis of patients with epilepsy. The seizure is a process of rhythmic discharge in brain and occurs rarely and unpredictably. This behavior generates a need of an automatic detection of seizures by using the signals of long-term electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. Due to the non-stationary character of EEG signals, the conventional methods of frequency analysis are not the best alternative to obtain good results in diagnostic purpose. The present work proposes a method of EEG signal analysis based on star graph topological indices (SGTIs) for the first time. The signal information, such as amplitude and time occurrence, is codified into invariant SGTIs which are the basis for the classification models that can discriminate the epileptic EEG records from the non-epileptic ones. The method with SGTIs and the simplest linear discriminant methods provide similar results to those previously published, which are based on the time-frequency analysis and artificial neural networks. Thus, this work proposes a simpler and faster alternative for automatic detection of seizures from the EEG recordings.Xunta de Galicia; 2007/127Xunta de Galicia; 2007/144Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PIO52048Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD07/0067/0005Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; TIN2009—07707


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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) signal plays an important role in the diagnosis of epilepsy. The EEG recordings of the ambulatory recording systems generate very lengthy data and the detection of the epileptic activity requires a timeconsuming analysis of the entire length of the EEG data by an expert. The traditional methods of analysis being tedious, many automated diagnostic systems for epilepsy has emerged in recent years.This paper proposes a neural-network-based automated epileptic EEG detection system that uses approximate entropy (ApEn) as the input feature. ApEn is a statistical parameter that measures the predictability of the current amplitude values of a physiological signal based on its previous amplitude values. It is known that the value of the ApEn drops sharply during an epileptic seizure and this fact is used in the proposed system.Two different types of neural networks, namely, Elman and probabilistic neural networks are considered. ApEn is used for the first time in the proposed system for the detection of epilepsy using neural networks. It is shown that the overall accuracy values as high as 100% can be achieved by using the proposed syste

    Using Genetic Algorithms for Automatic Recurrent ANN Development: an Application to EEG Signal Classification

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    [Abstract] ANNs are one of the most successful learning systems. For this reason, many techniques have been published that allow the obtaining of feed-forward networks. However, fe w works describe techniques for developing recurrent networks. This work uses a genetic algorithm for automatic recurrent ANN devel opment. This system has been applied to solve a well-known problem: classi fication of EEG signals from epileptic patients. Results show the high performance of this system, and its ability to develop simple networks, with a low number of neurons and connections.Red Gallega de Investigación sobre Cáncer Colorrectal; ref. 2009/58Programa Ibeoramericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo; 209RT0366Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio; TSI-020110-2009-53Xunta de Galicia; 10SIN105004PRInstituto de Salud Carlos III; PIO52048Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD07/0067/000

    Predicting Epileptic Seizures: A Comprehensive Study of ML and DL Algorithms

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    Epilepsy, a complex neurological disorder marked by recurrent seizures, presents a formidable diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in healthcare. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are indispensable tools for detecting epileptic activity within the brain. Leveraging recent advancements in machine learning (ML) and deep learning(DL), Data Analytics our study investigates the effectiveness of various ML and DL algorithms for epilepsy detection using processed EEG data. Through a comprehensive literature review, we selected prominent ML and DL techniques such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Random Forest (RF) classifiers, Gaussian Naïve Bayes, CNNs, etc.  Our systematic experimentation and evaluation, conducted on a dataset sourced from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, demonstrates notable results achieved by the models exhibiting robust predictive capabilities. This research significantly contributes to advancing the field of epilepsy prediction, offering insights into the efficacy of diverse ML and DL models for seizure detection. The implications of these findings hold promise for refining epilepsy management strategies, ultimately enhancing patient care and quality of life. This underscores the imperative for interdisciplinary collaboration between neuroscience, AI, and healthcare to address the complex challenges posed by epilepsy.&nbsp

    Deep learning approach for epileptic seizure detection

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    Abstract. Epilepsy is the most common brain disorder that affects approximately fifty million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. The diagnosis of epilepsy relies on manual inspection of EEG, which is error-prone and time-consuming. Automated epileptic seizure detection of EEG signal can reduce the diagnosis time and facilitate targeting of treatment for patients. Current detection approaches mainly rely on the features that are designed manually by domain experts. The features are inflexible for the detection of a variety of complex patterns in a large amount of EEG data. Moreover, the EEG is non-stationary signal and seizure patterns vary across patients and recording sessions. EEG data always contain numerous noise types that negatively affect the detection accuracy of epileptic seizures. To address these challenges deep learning approaches are examined in this paper. Deep learning methods were applied to a large publicly available dataset, the Children’s Hospital of Boston-Massachusetts Institute of Technology dataset (CHB-MIT). The present study includes three experimental groups that are grouped based on the pre-processing steps. The experimental groups contain 3–4 experiments that differ between their objectives. The time-series EEG data is first pre-processed by certain filters and normalization techniques, and then the pre-processed signal was segmented into a sequence of non-overlapping epochs. Second, time series data were transformed into different representations of input signals. In this study time-series EEG signal, magnitude spectrograms, 1D-FFT, 2D-FFT, 2D-FFT magnitude spectrum and 2D-FFT phase spectrum were investigated and compared with each other. Third, time-domain or frequency-domain signals were used separately as a representation of input data of VGG or DenseNet 1D. The best result was achieved with magnitude spectrograms used as representation of input data in VGG model: accuracy of 0.98, sensitivity of 0.71 and specificity of 0.998 with subject dependent data. VGG along with magnitude spectrograms produced promising results for building personalized epileptic seizure detector. There was not enough data for VGG and DenseNet 1D to build subject-dependent classifier.Epileptisten kohtausten havaitseminen syväoppimisella lähestymistavalla. Tiivistelmä. Epilepsia on yleisin aivosairaus, joka Maailman terveysjärjestön mukaan vaikuttaa noin viiteenkymmeneen miljoonaan ihmiseen maailmanlaajuisesti. Epilepsian diagnosointi perustuu EEG:n manuaaliseen tarkastamiseen, mikä on virhealtista ja aikaa vievää. Automaattinen epileptisten kohtausten havaitseminen EEG-signaalista voi potentiaalisesti vähentää diagnoosiaikaa ja helpottaa potilaan hoidon kohdentamista. Nykyiset tunnistusmenetelmät tukeutuvat pääasiassa piirteisiin, jotka asiantuntijat ovat määritelleet manuaalisesti, mutta ne ovat joustamattomia monimutkaisten ilmiöiden havaitsemiseksi suuresta määrästä EEG-dataa. Lisäksi, EEG on epästationäärinen signaali ja kohtauspiirteet vaihtelevat potilaiden ja tallennusten välillä ja EEG-data sisältää aina useita kohinatyyppejä, jotka huonontavat epilepsiakohtauksen havaitsemisen tarkkuutta. Näihin haasteisiin vastaamiseksi tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan soveltuvatko syväoppivat menetelmät epilepsian havaitsemiseen EEG-tallenteista. Aineistona käytettiin suurta julkisesti saatavilla olevaa Bostonin Massachusetts Institute of Technology lastenklinikan tietoaineistoa (CHB-MIT). Tämän työn tutkimus sisältää kolme koeryhmää, jotka eroavat toisistaan esikäsittelyvaiheiden osalta: aikasarja-EEG-data esikäsiteltiin perinteisten suodattimien ja normalisointitekniikoiden avulla, ja näin esikäsitelty signaali segmentoitiin epookkeihin. Kukin koeryhmä sisältää 3–4 koetta, jotka eroavat menetelmiltään ja tavoitteiltaan. Kussakin niistä epookkeihin jaettu aikasarjadata muutettiin syötesignaalien erilaisiksi esitysmuodoiksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin ja verrattiin keskenään EEG-signaalia sellaisenaan, EEG-signaalin amplitudi-spektrogrammeja, 1D-FFT-, 2D-FFT-, 2D-FFT-amplitudi- ja 2D-FFT -vaihespektriä. Näin saatuja aika- ja taajuusalueen signaaleja käytettiin erikseen VGG- tai DenseNet 1D -mallien syötetietoina. Paras tulos saatiin VGG-mallilla kun syötetietona oli amplitudi-spektrogrammi ja tällöin tarkkuus oli 0,98, herkkyys 0,71 ja spesifisyys 0,99 henkilöstä riippuvaisella EEG-datalla. VGG yhdessä amplitudi-spektrogrammien kanssa tuottivat lupaavia tuloksia henkilökohtaisen epilepsiakohtausdetektorin rakentamiselle. VGG- ja DenseNet 1D -malleille ei ollut tarpeeksi EEG-dataa henkilöstä riippumattoman luokittelijan opettamiseksi

    Scalable Digital Architecture of a Liquid State Machine

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    Liquid State Machine (LSM) is an adaptive neural computational model with rich dynamics to process spatio-temporal inputs. These machines are extremely fast in learning because the goal-oriented training is moved to the output layer, unlike conventional recurrent neural networks. The capability to multiplex at the output layer for multiple tasks makes LSM a powerful intelligent engine. These properties are desirable in several machine learning applications such as speech recognition, anomaly detection, user identification etc. Scalable hardware architectures for spatio-temporal signal processing algorithms like LSMs are energy efficient compared to the software implementations. These designs can also naturally adapt to dierent temporal streams of inputs. Early literature shows few behavioral models of LSM. However, they cannot process real time data either due to their hardware complexity or xed design approach. In this thesis, a scalable digital architecture of an LSM is proposed. A key feature of the architecture is a digital liquid that exploits spatial locality and is capable of processing real time data. The quality of the proposed LSM is analyzed using kernel quality, separation property of the liquid and Lyapunov exponent. When realized using TSMC 65nm technology node, the total power dissipation of the liquid layer, with 60 neurons, is 55.7 mW with an area requirement of 2 mm^2. The proposed model is validated for two benchmark. In the case of an epileptic seizure detection an average accuracy of 84% is observed. For user identification/authentication using gait an average accuracy of 98.65% is achieved