9 research outputs found

    Mojiboard:Generating parametric emojis with gesture keyboards

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    Inserting emojis 1 can be cumbersome when users must swap through panels. From our survey, we learned that users often use a series of consecutive emojis to convey rich, nuanced non-verbal expressions such as emphasis, change of expressions, or micro stories. We introduce MojiBoard, an emoji entry technique that enables users to generate dynamic parametric emojis from a gesture keyboard. With MojiBoard, users can switch seamlessly between typing and parameterizing emojis

    Identifying Ways of Effective Communication Focused on Public Campaign Design

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the most effective way of communication in cause-related campaign design. The fundraising campaign selected for this study focused on children’s leukemia, “Draw a Message of Hope.” The five types of public campaign design were developed utilizing different elements and techniques of visual communication: (1) image plus text, (2) infographics, (3) motion graphics, (4) typography, and (5) description only. Each type of public campaign design was assessed in terms of (1) the extent to which audiences understand about the campaign and (2) the extent to which the materials encouraged the audience to participate in the campaign. A range of the audiences’ underlying thoughts about each type of public campaign design was also investigated. Data was collected from undergraduates (n = 60). Descriptive statistics, a paired T-test, and content analysis were used to analyze the data. The result showed that the ‘motion graphics’ type design was most understandable for the participants, followed by the ‘image plus text,’ ‘infographics,’ ‘typography,’ and ‘description only’ type design. Similarly, the ‘motion graphics’ means of design stimulated participants’ willingness to participate in the campaign to the greatest degree, followed by the ‘image plus text,’ ‘infographics,’ ‘typography,’ and ‘description only’ type design. The result of a paired T-test revealed that participants’ responses to each type of design were statistically and significantly different except the relationship between the ‘image plus text’ and ‘infographics’ type design. Thus, it was found that each type of component used in a public campaign design is significantly different in terms of its effectiveness. However, there was no significant difference on the effectiveness of the ‘image plus text’ and ‘infographics’ type design. For managerial implications, the result of this study provides graphic designers and organizations an important idea that they should consider utilizing motion graphics that offer sufficient information about the campaign and attract audiences’ interest. This result also gives an idea that description only-type design should be avoided because audiences would not pay attention to this “boring” type of campaign design

    The frame work for kinetic text messages on mobile phones

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    Text messaging on the mobile phone has become a hugely popular feature of youth oriented technology. Young people often use emoticons or small animated icons to convey expressive details such the speaker\u27s tone of voice or intensity of emotion. These icons, however, are quite limited in their expressive potential. Kinetic typography has the potential to go far beyond the emoticon. Using kinetic text messages, therefore, should produce more enjoyable communication experiences for young users. This study explores both the appeal of kinetic text messaging, and the small screen as a design format. The results of two surveys were used to develop a prototype and evaluate users\u27 impressions of kinetic messages. The results indicate that---the appeal of kinetic text messaging and level of acceptance among users appears to be high and suggests that kinetic text messaging should be developed as a future feature for mobile phones

    Kinetička tipografija

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    Kinetička tipografija tehnika je animiranja pomoću koje se od audio datoteka kao ĆĄto su glazba ili govor kreira video datoteka u kojoj autor pomoću tipografije prati i objaĆĄnjava audio. Na taj način audio datoteci daje vizualnu vrijednost koju sama po sebi nema. Kinetička tipografija moĆŸe se izrađivati na različite načine, a moĆŸe biti sasvim jednostavna ili vrlo sloĆŸena. Animacije variraju od najjednostavnijih poput izbljeđivanja ili uljetanja teksta do kompleksnih poput 3D rotacija, simulirane fizike teksta i slično. U kombinaciji sa jednostavnim ili sloĆŸenim animacijama, statične riječi mogu se ĆĄiriti, suĆŸavati, letjeti, kretati usporeno ili ubrzano, rasti i mijenjati na različite načine. Svrha kinetičke tipografije jest uglavnom zadrĆŸavanje koncentracije gledatelja, unaprijeđenje marketinĆĄkih kampanja, poboljĆĄavanje prezentacija i slično

    Designing and Testing an Experimental Framework of Affective Intelligent Agents in Healthcare Training Simulations

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe purpose of this study is to investigate how emotionally enabled virtual agents (VAs) in healthcare provision training simulations allow for a more effective level of understanding on how an emotionally enhanced scenario can affect different aspects of learning. This is achieved by developing virtual agents that respond to the user’s emotions and personality. The developed system also provides visual and auditory representations of the virtual agents’ state of mind. To enable the fulfilment of this purpose an experimental framework for incorporating emotional enhancements (concentrating on negative emotions such as stress, fear, and anxiety) into virtual agents in virtual training applications for healthcare provision is designed and implemented. The framework for incorporating emotional enhancements is designed based on previous research, on psychological theories (with input by experienced psychologists) and from input of experts in the area of healthcare provision. For testing the framework and answering the research question of this thesis the researcher conducted nine case studies. The participants were nursing students in the area of healthcare provision, and more specifically in the area of mental health, specialising in caring for patients with dementia. The results of the study showed that the framework and its implementation succeeded in providing a realistic learning experience, stimulated a better set of responses from the user, improved their level of understanding on how an emotionally enhanced scenario can affect the learning experience and helped them become more empathetic towards the person they cared for

    (Im)politeness in email communication: how English speakers and Chinese speakers negotiate meanings and develop intercultural (mis)understandings

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    This thesis looks at the way in which Chinese and English speakers employ (im)politeness strategies in their emails to develop intercultural understanding. From a theoretical perspective, this thesis contributes to the discussions of intercultural communication in relation to the negotiation of (im)politeness meaning. From a pedagogic perspective, the thesis reveals the potential for using email to experience culture as a process of meaning negotiation and construction and has relevance to teachers of EFL. Ethnographically-informed discourse analysis is employed to investigate discursively the negotiation of meaning in email interaction. The interplay between the computer-mediated communication, speech acts and (im)politeness are explored by using the analytical frameworks of Hymes’ ethnography of communication, Searle’s speech act theory (1969) and Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987). This research shows that ‘(im)politeness’ is not a stable construct. Rather, it is constantly (re)negotiated by the interactants, who take into account the relevant contextualisation cues. It finds that the functions and (im)politeness meanings of speech acts can vary from situations to situations. In addition, this research finds that the computer-mediated paralanguages, such as emoticons and written out laughter, are also important in realising (im)politeness intent and developing intercultural understanding in emails