11 research outputs found

    Design and Experiment of Frequency Offset Estimation and Compensation in High-speed Underwater Acoustic Communication

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    In underwater acoustic (UWA) communication, Doppler effect is particularly severe due to the slow velocity of sound and the complex variant UWA channel environment. Carrier frequency offset (CFO) can result in extension and compression of the received signal in time domain and has a direct effect on the performance of decoding. In this paper, we propose a new scheme of CFO estimation and compensation for a high speed UWA communication system. There are three steps including coarse CFO estimation, fine CFO estimation and linear interpolation, which are taken to estimate and compensate the CFO. The scheme can eliminate the phenomenon of ambiguous phase and tolerate quick random variation of the CFO in UWA channel. A UWA communication experiment was carried out in December 2012 in the Indian Ocean, off Rottnest Island, Western Australia. With the proposed algorithm in this paper, the UWA system can achieve an average of 1.95% uncoded BER with QPSK modulation at the 1km range and 5.57% with BPSK at the 10km range

    Advanced Techniques for Future Multicarrier Systems

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    Future multicarrier systems face the tough challenge of supporting high data-rate and high-quality services. The main limitation is the frequency-selective nature of the propagation channel that affects the received signal, thus degrading the system performance. OFDM can be envisaged as one of the most promising modulation techniques for future communication systems. It exhibits robustness to ISI even in very dispersive environments and its main characteristic is to take advantage of channel diversity by performing dynamic resource allocation. In a multi-user OFDMA scenario, the challenge is to allocate, on the basis of the channel knowledge, different portions of the available frequency spectrum among the users in the systems. Literature on resource allocation for OFDMA systems mainly focused on single-cell systems, where the objective is to assign subcarriers, power and data-rate for each user according to a predetermined criterion. The problem can be formulated with the goal of either maximizing the system sum-rate subject to a constraint on transmitted power or minimizing the overall power consumption under some predetermined constraints on rate per user. Only recently, literature focuses on resource allocation in multi-cell networks, where the goal is not only to take advantage of frequency and multi-user diversity, but also to mitigate MAI, which represents one of the most limiting factor for such problems. We consider a multi-cell OFDMA system with frequency reuse distance equal to one. Allowing all cells to transmit on the whole bandwidth unveils large potential gains in terms of spectral efficiency in comparison with conventional cellular systems. Such a scenario, however, is often deemed unfeasible because of the strong MAI that negatively affects the system performance. In this dissertation we present a layered architecture that integrates a packet scheduler with an adaptive resource allocator, explicitly designed to take care of the multiple access interference. Each cell performs its resource management in a distributed way without any central controller. Iterative resource allocation assigns radio channels to the users so as to minimize the interference. Packet scheduling guarantees that all users get a fair share of resources regardless of their position in the cell. This scheduler-allocator architecture integrates both goals and is able to self adapt to any traffic and user configuration. An adaptive, distributed load control strategy can reduce the cell load so that the iterative procedure always converges to a stable allocation, regardless of the interference. Numerical results show that the proposed architecture guarantees both high spectral efficiency and throughput fairness among flows. In the second part of this dissertation we deal with FBMC communication systems. FBMC modulation is a valid alternative to conventional OFDM signaling as it presents a set of appealing characteristics, such as robustness to narrowband interferers, more flexibility to allocate groups of subchannels to different users/services, and frequency-domain equalization without any cyclic extension. However, like any other multicarrier modulations, FBMC is strongly affected by residual CFOs that have to be accurately estimated. Unlike previously proposed algorithms, whereby frequency is recovered either relying on known pilot symbols multiplexed with the data stream or exploiting specific properties of the multicarrier signal structure following a blind approach, we present and discuss an algorithm based on the ML principle, which takes advantage both of pilot symbols and also indirectly of data symbols through knowledge and exploitation of their specific modulation format. The algorithm requires the availability of the statistical properties of channel fading up to second-order moments. It is shown that the above approach allows to improve on both frequency acquisition range and estimation accuracy of previously published schemes

    Frequency offset estimation for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing

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    NB-IoT via non terrestrial networks

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    Massive Internet of Things is expected to play a crucial role in Beyond 5G (B5G) wireless communication systems, offering seamless connectivity among heterogeneous devices without human intervention. However, the exponential proliferation of smart devices and IoT networks, relying solely on terrestrial networks, may not fully meet the demanding IoT requirements in terms of bandwidth and connectivity, especially in areas where terrestrial infrastructures are not economically viable. To unleash the full potential of 5G and B5G networks and enable seamless connectivity everywhere, the 3GPP envisions the integration of Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) into the terrestrial ones starting from Release 17. However, this integration process requires modifications to the 5G standard to ensure reliable communications despite typical satellite channel impairments. In this framework, this thesis aims at proposing techniques at the Physical and Medium Access Control layers that require minimal adaptations in the current NB-IoT standard via NTN. Thus, firstly the satellite impairments are evaluated and, then, a detailed link budget analysis is provided. Following, analyses at the link and the system levels are conducted. In the former case, a novel algorithm leveraging time-frequency analysis is proposed to detect orthogonal preambles and estimate the signals’ arrival time. Besides, the effects of collisions on the detection probability and Bit Error Rate are investigated and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access approaches are proposed in the random access and data phases. The system analysis evaluates the performance of random access in case of congestion. Various access parameters are tested in different satellite scenarios, and the performance is measured in terms of access probability and time required to complete the procedure. Finally, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to jointly design the access and data phases, determining the number of satellite passages, the Random Access Periodicity, and the number of uplink repetitions that maximize the system's spectral efficiency

    On the feasibility and applications of in-band full-duplex radios for future wireless networks

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    Due to the continuous increase of the demands for the wireless network’s capacity, in-band full-duplex (IBFD) has recently become a key research topic due to its potential to double spectral efficiency, reduce latency, enhance emerging applications, etc., by transmitting and receiving simultaneously over the same channel. Meanwhile, many studies in the literature experimentally demonstrated the feasibility of IBFD radios, which leads to the belief that it is possible to introduce IBFD in the standard of the next-generation networks. Therefore, in this thesis, we timely study the feasibility of IBFD and investigate its advantages for emerging applications in future networks. In the first part, we investigate the interference suppression methods to maximize the IBFD gain by minimizing the effects of self-interference (SI) and co-channel interference (CCI). To this end, we first study a 3-step self-interference cancellation (SIC) scheme. We focus on the time domain-based analog canceller and nonlinear digital canceller, explaining their rationale, demonstrating their effectiveness, and finding the optimal design by minimizing the residual effects. To break the limitation of conventional electrical radio frequency (RF) cancellers, we study the photonic-assisted canceller (PAC) and propose a new design, namely a fiber array-based canceller. We propose a new low-complexity tuning algorithm for the PAC. The effectiveness of the proposed fiber array canceller is demonstrated via simulations. Furthermore, we construct a prototype of the fiber array canceller with two taps and carry out experiments in real-world environments. Results show that the 3-step cancellation scheme can bring the SI close to the receiver's noise floor. Then, we consider the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) scenarios, proposing to employ hybrid RF-digital beamforming to reduce the implementation cost and studying its effects on the SIC design. Additionally, we propose a user allocation algorithm to reduce the CCI from the physical layer. A heterogeneous industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) scenario is considered, while the proposed algorithm can be generalized by modifying the parameters to fit any other network. In the second part, we study the beamforming schemes for IBFD multi-cell multi-user (IBFD-MCMU) networks. The transceiver hardware impairments (HWIs) and channel uncertainty are considered for robustness. We first enhance zero-forcing (ZF) and maximum ratio transmission and combining (MRTC) beamforming to be compatible with IBFD-MCMU networks in the presence of multi-antenna users. Then, we study beamforming for SIC, which is challenging for MCMU networks due to the limited antennas but complex interference. We propose a minimum mean-squared error (MMSE)-based scheme to enhance the SIC performance while minimizing its effects on the sum rate. Furthermore, we investigate a robust joint power allocation and beamforming (JPABF) scheme, which approaches the performance of existing optimal designs with reduced complexity. Their performance is evaluated and compared through 3GPP-based simulations. In the third part, we investigate the advantages of applying IBFD radios for physical layer security (PLS). We focus on a channel frequency response (CFR)-based secret key generation (SKG) scheme in MIMO systems. We formulate the intrinsic imperfections of IBFD radios (e.g., SIC overheads and noise due to imperfect SIC) and derive their effects on the probing errors. Then we derive closed-form expressions for the secret key capacity (SKC) of the SKG scheme in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. We analyze the asymptotic behavior of the SKC in the high-SNR regime and reveal the fundamental limits for IBFD and half-duplex (HD) radios. Based on the asymptotic SKC, numerical results illustrate that effective analog self-interference cancellation (ASIC) is the basis for IBFD to gain benefits over HD. Additionally, we investigate essential processing for the CFR-based SKG scheme and verify its effectiveness via simulations and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) test. In the fourth part, we consider a typical application of IBFD radios: integrated sensing and communication (ISAC). To provide reliable services in high-mobility scenarios, we introduce orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation and develop a novel framework for OTFS-ISAC. We give the channel representation in different domains and reveal the limitations and disadvantages of existing ISAC frameworks for OTFS waveforms and propose a novel radar sensing method, including a conventional MUSIC algorithm for angle estimation and a delay-time domain-based range and velocity estimator. Additionally, we study the communication design based on the estimated radar sensing parameters. To enable reliable IBFD radios in high-mobility scenarios, a SIC scheme compatible with OTFS and rapidly-changing channels is proposed, which is lacking in the literature. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed ISAC waveform and associated estimation algorithm can provide both reliable communications and accurate radar sensing with reduced latency, improved spectral efficiency, etc

    Energy E fficiency Oriented Full Duplex Wireless Communication Systems

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    Full-duplex (FD) transmission is a promising technique for fifth generation (5G) wireless communications, enabling significant spectral efficiency (SE) improvement over existing half-duplex (HD) systems. However, FD transmission consumes higher power than HD transmission, especially for millimetre wave band. Therefore, energy efficiency (EE) for FD systems is a critical yet inadequately addressed issue. This thesis addresses the critical EE challenges and demonstrates promising solutions for implementing FD systems, as detailed in the following contributions. In the first contribution, a comprehensive EE analysis of the FD and HD amplify-and-forward (AF) relay-assisted 60 GHz dual-hop indoor wireless systems is presented. An opportunistic relay mode selection scheme is developed, where FD relay with different self-interference (SIC) techniques or HD relay is opportunistically selected. Together with transmission power adaptation, EE is maximised with given channel gains. A counter-intuitive finding is shown that, with a relatively loose maximum transmission power constraint, FD relay with two-stage SIC is preferable to both FD relay with one-stage SIC and HD relay, resulting in a higher optimised EE. A full range of power consumption sources are considered to rationalise the analysis. The effects of imperfect SIC at relay, drain efficiency and static circuit power on EE are investigated. Simulation results verify the theoretical analysis. In the second contribution, EE oriented resource allocation for FD decode-of-forward (DF) relay-assisted 60 GHz multiuser systems is investigated. In contrast to the existing SE oriented designs, the proposed scheme maximises EE for FD relay systems under cross-layer constraints, addressing the typical problems at 60 GHz. A low-complexity EE-orientated resource allocation algorithm is proposed, by which the transmission power allocation, subcarrier allocation and throughput assignment are performed jointly across multiple users. Simulation results verify the analytical results and confirm that the FD relay systems with the proposed algorithm achieve a higher EE than the FD relay systems with SE oriented approaches, while offering a comparable SE. In addition, a much lower throughput outage probability is guaranteed by the proposed resource allocation algorithm, showing its robustness against channel estimation errors. In the third contribution, it is noticed that in wireless power transfer (WPT)-aided relay systems, the SE of the source-relay link plays a dominant role in the system SE due to limited transmission power at the WPT-aided relay. A novel asymmetric protocol for WPT-aided FD DF relay systems is proposed in multiuser scenario, where the time slot durations of the two hops are designed to be uneven, to enhance the degree of freedom and hence the system SE. A corresponding dynamic resource allocation algorithm is developed by jointly optimising the time slot durations, subcarriers and transmission power at the source and the relay. Simulation results con rm that, compared to the symmetric WPT-aided FD relay (Sym-WPT-FR) and the time-switching based WPT-aided FD relay (TS-WPT-FR) systems in the literature, the proposed asymmetric WPT-aided FD relay system achieves up to twice the SE and higher robustness against the relay's location and the number of users. In the final contribution, to strike the balance between high SE and low power consumption, a hybrid duplexing strategy is developed for distributed antennas (DAs) systems, where antennas are capable of working in hybrid FD, HD, and sleeping modes. To maximise the system EE with low complexity, activation/deactivation of transmit/receive chain is first performed, by a proposed channel-gain-based DA clustering algorithm, which highlights the characteristics of distributed deployment of antennas. Based on the DAs' con figuration, a novel distributed hybrid duplexing (D-HD)-based and EE oriented algorithm is proposed to further optimise the downlink beamformer and the uplink transmission power. To rationalise the system model, self-interference at DAs, co-channel interference from uplink users to downlink users, and multiuser interference in both uplink and downlink are taken into account. Simulation results confirm that the proposed system provides significant EE and SE enhancements over the colocated FD MIMO system, showing the advantages in alleviating high path loss as well as in cutting the carbon footprint. Compared to the sole-FD DA system, the proposed system shows much higher EE with marginal loss in SE. Also, the SIC operation in the proposed system is much more simplified compared to the two benchmarks

    MIMO designs for filter bank multicarrier and multiantenna systems based on OQAM

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    From the perspective of increasingly data rate requirements in mobile communications, it is deemed necessary to do further research so that the future goals can be reached. To that end, the radio-based communications are resorting to multicarrier modulations and spatial diversity. Until today, the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation is regarded as the dominant technology. On one hand, the OFDM modulation is able to accommodate multiantenna configurations in a very straightforward manner. On the other hand, the poor stopband attenuation exhibited by the OFDM modulation, highlights that a definitely tight synchronization is required. In addition, the cyclic prefix (CP) has to be sufficiently long to avoid inter-block interference, which may substantially reduce the spectral efficiency. In order to overcome the OFDM drawbacks, the filter bank multicarrier modulation based on OQAM (FBMC/OQAM) is introduced. This modulation does not need any CP and benefits from pulse shaping techniques. This aspect becomes crucial in cognitive radio networks and communication systems where nodes are unlikely to be synchronized. In principle, the poor frequency confinement exhibited by OFDM should tip the balance towards FBMC/OQAM. However, the perfect reconstruction property of FBMC/OQAM systems does not hold in presence of multipath fading. This means that the FBMC/OQAM modulation is affected by inter-symbol and inter-carrier interference, unless the channel is equalized to some extent. This observation highlights that the FBMC/OQAM extension to MIMO architectures becomes a big challenge due to the need to cope with both modulation- and multiantenna-induced interference. The goal of this thesis is to study how the FBMC/OQAM modulation scheme can benefit from the degrees of freedom provided by the spatial dimension. In this regard, the first attempt to put the research on track is based on designing signal processing techniques at reception. In this case the emphasis is on single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) architectures. Next, the possibility of pre-equalizing the channel at transmission is investigated. It is considered that multiple antennas are placed at the transmit side giving rise to a multiple-input-single-output (MISO) configuration. In this scenario, the research is not only focused on counteracting the channel but also on distributing the power among subcarriers. Finally, the joint transmitter and receiver design in multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems is covered. From the theory developed in this thesis, it is possible to conclude that the techniques originally devised in the OFDM context can be easily adapted to FBMC/OQAM systems if the channel frequency response is flat within the subchannels. However, metrics such as the peak to average power ratio or the sensitivity to the carrier frequency offset constraint the number of subcarriers, so that the frequency selectivity may be appreciable at the subcarrier level. Then, the flat fading assumption is not satisfied and the specificities of FBMC/OQAM systems have to be considered. In this situation, the proposed techniques allow FBMC/OQAM to remain competitive with OFDM. In addition, for some multiantenna configurations and propagation conditions FBMC/OQAM turns out to be the best choice. The simulation-based results together with the theoretical analysis conducted in this thesis contribute to make progress towards the application of FBMC/OQAM to MIMO channels. The signal processing techniques that are described in this dissertation allow designers to exploit the potentials of FBMC/OQAM and MIMO to improve the link reliability as well as the spectral efficiency

    Filter bank multicarrier waveforms for future wireless networks: interference analysis and cancellation

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    Billions of devices are expected to connect to future wireless networks. Although conventional orthogonal division multiplexing (OFDM) has proven to be an effective physical layer waveform for enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), it experiences various challenges. For example, OFDM experiences high out-of-band (OOB) emission caused by the use of rectangular filters. This causes interference to adjacent frequency bands and make OFDM highly sensitive to asynchronous transmissions. Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) systems have emerged as a promising waveform candidate to satisfy the requirements of future wireless networks. They employ prototype filters with faster spectral decay, which results in better OOB emission and spectral efficiency compared to OFDM. Also, FBMC systems support asynchronous transmissions, which can reduce the signaling overhead in future applications. However, in FBMC systems there is no subcarriers orthogonality, resulting in intrinsic interference. The purpose of this thesis is to address the intrinsic interference problem to make FBMC a viable option for practical application in future wireless networks. In this thesis, iterative interference cancellation (IIC) receivers are developed for FBMC systems to improve their performance and applicability in future applications. First, an IIC receiver is studied for uncoded FBMC with quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC-QAM) systems. To improve the decoding performance, bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) is incorporated into the IIC receiver design and the technique of extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart analysis is used to track the convergence of the IIC-based BICM-ID receiver. Furthermore, the energy harvesting capabilities of FBMC is considered. Particularly, FBMC is integrated with a simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) technique. Finally, an interference cancellation receiver is investigated for asynchronous FBMC systems in both single and mixed numerology systems. Analytical expressions are derived for the various schemes and simulations results are shown to verify the performance of the different FBMC systems

    Advanced Algebraic Concepts for Efficient Multi-Channel Signal Processing

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    Unsere moderne Gesellschaft ist Zeuge eines fundamentalen Wandels in der Art und Weise wie wir mit Technologie interagieren. Geräte werden zunehmend intelligenter - sie verfügen über mehr und mehr Rechenleistung und häufiger über eigene Kommunikationsschnittstellen. Das beginnt bei einfachen Haushaltsgeräten und reicht über Transportmittel bis zu großen überregionalen Systemen wie etwa dem Stromnetz. Die Erfassung, die Verarbeitung und der Austausch digitaler Informationen gewinnt daher immer mehr an Bedeutung. Die Tatsache, dass ein wachsender Anteil der Geräte heutzutage mobil und deshalb batteriebetrieben ist, begründet den Anspruch, digitale Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmen besonders effizient zu gestalten. Dies kommt auch dem Wunsch nach einer Echtzeitverarbeitung der großen anfallenden Datenmengen zugute. Die vorliegende Arbeit demonstriert Methoden zum Finden effizienter algebraischer Lösungen für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen mehrkanaliger digitaler Signalverarbeitung. Solche Ansätze liefern nicht immer unbedingt die bestmögliche Lösung, kommen dieser jedoch häufig recht nahe und sind gleichzeitig bedeutend einfacher zu beschreiben und umzusetzen. Die einfache Beschreibungsform ermöglicht eine tiefgehende Analyse ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit, was für den Entwurf eines robusten und zuverlässigen Systems unabdingbar ist. Die Tatsache, dass sie nur gebräuchliche algebraische Hilfsmittel benötigen, erlaubt ihre direkte und zügige Umsetzung und den Test unter realen Bedingungen. Diese Grundidee wird anhand von drei verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten demonstriert. Zunächst wird ein semi-algebraisches Framework zur Berechnung der kanonisch polyadischen (CP) Zerlegung mehrdimensionaler Signale vorgestellt. Dabei handelt es sich um ein sehr grundlegendes Werkzeug der multilinearen Algebra mit einem breiten Anwendungsspektrum von Mobilkommunikation über Chemie bis zur Bildverarbeitung. Verglichen mit existierenden iterativen Lösungsverfahren bietet das neue Framework die Möglichkeit, den Rechenaufwand und damit die Güte der erzielten Lösung zu steuern. Es ist außerdem weniger anfällig gegen eine schlechte Konditionierung der Ausgangsdaten. Das zweite Gebiet, das in der Arbeit besprochen wird, ist die unterraumbasierte hochauflösende Parameterschätzung für mehrdimensionale Signale, mit Anwendungsgebieten im RADAR, der Modellierung von Wellenausbreitung, oder bildgebenden Verfahren in der Medizin. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich derartige mehrdimensionale Signale mit Tensoren darstellen lassen. Dies erlaubt eine natürlichere Beschreibung und eine bessere Ausnutzung ihrer Struktur als das mit Matrizen möglich ist. Basierend auf dieser Idee entwickeln wir eine tensor-basierte Schätzung des Signalraums, welche genutzt werden kann um beliebige existierende Matrix-basierte Verfahren zu verbessern. Dies wird im Anschluss exemplarisch am Beispiel der ESPRIT-artigen Verfahren gezeigt, für die verbesserte Versionen vorgeschlagen werden, die die mehrdimensionale Struktur der Daten (Tensor-ESPRIT), nichzirkuläre Quellsymbole (NC ESPRIT), sowie beides gleichzeitig (NC Tensor-ESPRIT) ausnutzen. Um die endgültige Schätzgenauigkeit objektiv einschätzen zu können wird dann ein Framework für die analytische Beschreibung der Leistungsfähigkeit beliebiger ESPRIT-artiger Algorithmen diskutiert. Verglichen mit existierenden analytischen Ausdrücken ist unser Ansatz allgemeiner, da keine Annahmen über die statistische Verteilung von Nutzsignal und Rauschen benötigt werden und die Anzahl der zur Verfügung stehenden Schnappschüsse beliebig klein sein kann. Dies führt auf vereinfachte Ausdrücke für den mittleren quadratischen Schätzfehler, die Schlussfolgerungen über die Effizienz der Verfahren unter verschiedenen Bedingungen zulassen. Das dritte Anwendungsgebiet ist der bidirektionale Datenaustausch mit Hilfe von Relay-Stationen. Insbesondere liegt hier der Fokus auf Zwei-Wege-Relaying mit Hilfe von Amplify-and-Forward-Relays mit mehreren Antennen, da dieser Ansatz ein besonders gutes Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis verspricht. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich die nötige Kanalkenntnis mit einem einfachen algebraischen Tensor-basierten Schätzverfahren gewinnen lässt. Außerdem werden Verfahren zum Finden einer günstigen Relay-Verstärkungs-Strategie diskutiert. Bestehende Ansätze basieren entweder auf komplexen numerischen Optimierungsverfahren oder auf Ad-Hoc-Ansätzen die keine zufriedenstellende Bitfehlerrate oder Summenrate liefern. Deshalb schlagen wir algebraische Ansätze zum Finden der Relayverstärkungsmatrix vor, die von relevanten Systemmetriken inspiriert sind und doch einfach zu berechnen sind. Wir zeigen das algebraische ANOMAX-Verfahren zum Erreichen einer niedrigen Bitfehlerrate und seine Modifikation RR-ANOMAX zum Erreichen einer hohen Summenrate. Für den Spezialfall, in dem die Endgeräte nur eine Antenne verwenden, leiten wir eine semi-algebraische Lösung zum Finden der Summenraten-optimalen Strategie (RAGES) her. Anhand von numerischen Simulationen wird die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Verfahren bezüglich Bitfehlerrate und erreichbarer Datenrate bewertet und ihre Effektivität gezeigt.Modern society is undergoing a fundamental change in the way we interact with technology. More and more devices are becoming "smart" by gaining advanced computation capabilities and communication interfaces, from household appliances over transportation systems to large-scale networks like the power grid. Recording, processing, and exchanging digital information is thus becoming increasingly important. As a growing share of devices is nowadays mobile and hence battery-powered, a particular interest in efficient digital signal processing techniques emerges. This thesis contributes to this goal by demonstrating methods for finding efficient algebraic solutions to various applications of multi-channel digital signal processing. These may not always result in the best possible system performance. However, they often come close while being significantly simpler to describe and to implement. The simpler description facilitates a thorough analysis of their performance which is crucial to design robust and reliable systems. The fact that they rely on standard algebraic methods only allows their rapid implementation and test under real-world conditions. We demonstrate this concept in three different application areas. First, we present a semi-algebraic framework to compute the Canonical Polyadic (CP) decompositions of multidimensional signals, a very fundamental tool in multilinear algebra with applications ranging from chemistry over communications to image compression. Compared to state-of-the art iterative solutions, our framework offers a flexible control of the complexity-accuracy trade-off and is less sensitive to badly conditioned data. The second application area is multidimensional subspace-based high-resolution parameter estimation with applications in RADAR, wave propagation modeling, or biomedical imaging. We demonstrate that multidimensional signals can be represented by tensors, providing a convenient description and allowing to exploit the multidimensional structure in a better way than using matrices only. Based on this idea, we introduce the tensor-based subspace estimate which can be applied to enhance existing matrix-based parameter estimation schemes significantly. We demonstrate the enhancements by choosing the family of ESPRIT-type algorithms as an example and introducing enhanced versions that exploit the multidimensional structure (Tensor-ESPRIT), non-circular source amplitudes (NC ESPRIT), and both jointly (NC Tensor-ESPRIT). To objectively judge the resulting estimation accuracy, we derive a framework for the analytical performance assessment of arbitrary ESPRIT-type algorithms by virtue of an asymptotical first order perturbation expansion. Our results are more general than existing analytical results since we do not need any assumptions about the distribution of the desired signal and the noise and we do not require the number of samples to be large. At the end, we obtain simplified expressions for the mean square estimation error that provide insights into efficiency of the methods under various conditions. The third application area is bidirectional relay-assisted communications. Due to its particularly low complexity and its efficient use of the radio resources we choose two-way relaying with a MIMO amplify and forward relay. We demonstrate that the required channel knowledge can be obtained by a simple algebraic tensor-based channel estimation scheme. We also discuss the design of the relay amplification matrix in such a setting. Existing approaches are either based on complicated numerical optimization procedures or on ad-hoc solutions that to not perform well in terms of the bit error rate or the sum-rate. Therefore, we propose algebraic solutions that are inspired by these performance metrics and therefore perform well while being easy to compute. For the MIMO case, we introduce the algebraic norm maximizing (ANOMAX) scheme, which achieves a very low bit error rate, and its extension Rank-Restored ANOMAX (RR-ANOMAX) that achieves a sum-rate close to an upper bound. Moreover, for the special case of single antenna terminals we derive the semi-algebraic RAGES scheme which finds the sum-rate optimal relay amplification matrix based on generalized eigenvectors. Numerical simulations evaluate the resulting system performance in terms of bit error rate and system sum rate which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algebraic solutions