12 research outputs found

    Vehicle Tracking And Accident Detection Using IoT

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    With the advent of modern technology has made our life simple, comfortable luxurious compared to the previous years. Now a day’s people are more habituated to vehicles for travelling purpose because of its ease and time consumption. Thus there is 31increase in usage of vehicles leading to increase in traffic causing many people to die due to road accidents. This paper is about a system that prevents the accident of vehicles which gives more likely to lower the accidents takes place daily on roads and at the same time if any accident occurs the system will locate the vehicles location and informs to local emergency authorities automatically helps to take immediate and appropriate actions. This system is based on Arduino developed with Global Positioning System (GPS) to identify the vehicle's location and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) technologies. A motion sensor gyroscope with 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer is used that measures the vehicles velocity and tilting position when the vehicle hits by something. When the vehicle velocity is more than the defined maximum for the particular location a warning will be given automatically and if any accident occurs the geographical coordinates of place are located by GPS and sends an SMS to the authorities nearby

    A Review on Current eCall Systems for Autonomous Car Accident Detection

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    The aim of the paper is to give an overview on the existing eCall solutions for autonomous car accident detection. The requirements and expectations for such systems, considering both technological possibilities, legal regulatory criteria and market demands are discussed. Sensors utilized in e-call systems (crash sensing, systems for positional and velocity data, and communication solutions) are overviewed in the paper. Furthermore, the existing solutions for eCall devices are compared based on their level of autonomy, technical implementation and provided services

    mobile systems applied to traffic management and safety a state of the art

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    Abstract Mobile systems applied to traffic management and control and traffic safety have the potential to shape the future of road transportation. The following innovations, that will be deployed on a large scale, could reshape road traffic management practices: – the implementation of connected vehicles with global navigation satellite (GNSS) system receivers; – the autonomous car revolution; – the spreading of smartphone-based systems and the development of Mobile Cooperative Web 2.0 which is laying the base for future development of systems that will also incorporate connected and autonomous vehicles; – an increasing need for sustainability of transportation in terms of energy efficiency, traffic safety and environmental issues. This paper intends to provide a state of the art on current systems and an anticipation of how mobile systems applied to traffic management and safety could lead to a completely new transportation system in which safety and congestion issues are finally properly addressed

    A Survey of Road Accident Reporting and Driver’s Behavior Awareness Systems: The Case of Tanzania

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    This research article published by Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2020,Road traffic accidents are a leading cause of death in developed and developing countries. It has been shown that road accident reporting systems could reduce their effects by minimizing response time and mapping road accident-prone areas. This paper provides an overview of the systems and applications for road accident reporting and drivers’ behavior awareness. A field survey, conducted in Dar es Salaam region in Tanzania, investigated the current state of road traffic accident reporting. Findings showed that the main means of reporting road accidents were physical reporting and police emergency phone calls. The absence of alternative means for reporting road accidents causes information delay and lack of precise accident location for the emergency first responders. This paper concludes by proposing a mobile application system for road accident reporting and drivers’ over-speed a

    Using Smartphones to Detect Car Accidents and Provide Situational Awareness to Emergency Responders

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    Accident detection systems help reduce fatalities stemming from car accidents by decreasing the response time of emergency responders. Smartphones and their onboard sensors (such as GPS receivers and accelerometers) are promising platforms for constructing such systems. This paper provides three contributions to the study of using smartphone-based accident detection systems. First, we describe solutions to key issues associated with detecting traffic accidents, such as preventing false positives by utilizing mobile context information and polling onboard sensors to detect large accelerations. Second, we present the architecture of our prototype smartphone-based accident detection system and empirically analyze its ability to resist false positives as well as its capabilities for accident reconstruction. Third, we discuss how smartphone-based accident detection can reduce overall traffic congestion and increase the preparedness of emergency responders. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    Emergency Accident Alert

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    The escalation of the fatalities of road user has triggered a serious concern in the country. Factors identified were communication problem between the caller and the call-taker cause delay in the process of saving the victim which then become a source for insufficient preparation at the hospital. By utilising the knowledge of the current evolving technology which is now a trend, the author suggests to develop a mobile application that encourages bystander and eyewitness of road accident to immediately send details of victim’s condition to the emergency operator. The method used for the development of this Emergency Accident Alert is the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model. A prototype that describes the functionalities of the system will be developed using Phonegap that blends in HTML, CSS, Javascript and Jquery (scripting languages) to produce the desired mobile applicatio

    Development of a mobile application system for road accidents reporting and driver’s over-speeding behavior awareness in Tanzania

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    A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master’s in Information and Communication Science and Engineering of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyRoad traffic accidents account as one of the major causes of injuries and loss of human lives. Various studies have shown that the implementation of road accident reporting systems can reduce road accidents injuries and deaths through time minimization in assisting the victims and also in the mapping of road accident-prone areas. This study reviewed several in-vehicle and smartphone sensor-based systems for road accident reporting and driver’s behavior awareness. Questionnaires, interviews, observations, document reviews were used to collect data from road users and traffic police officers. The study developed a mobile application system using the evolutionary prototyping method, where users tested the system and their feedbacks were incorporated iteratively. Findings from the survey revealed that road traffic accidents are mostly reported through police emergency numbers which are sometimes unreliable and unavailable giving traffic police officers challenges in knowing the precise accident location. Since traffic police officers are the recognized first responders in Tanzania, road accident information delays may increase the time taken to help road accident victims. The developed mobile application system has the potential to provide an alternative tool for the reporting of road accidents and over-speeding drivers in addition to the existing methods. The system would serve as a source of road accidents data from road users. The mobile applicat ion also collects users’ smartphone sensors logs for the future development of automatic road accident reporting systems. The developed mobile application system was validated and accepted by the users who agreed on its usefulness in improving road safety

    Internet of Things (IoT) Applications With Diverse Direct Communication Methods

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed August 28, 2017Dissertation advisor: Baek-Young ChoiVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 124-138)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2016Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects or things that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity - which enable the object to collect and exchange data. Rapid proliferation of IoT is driving the intelligence in things used daily in homes, workplaces and industry. The IoT devices typically communicate via radio frequency (RF), such as WiFi and Bluetooth. In this dissertation we deeply analyze the various characteristics of different wireless communication methods in terms of range, energy-efficiency, and radiation pattern. We find that a well-established communication method might not be the most efficient, and other alternate communication methods with the desired properties for a particular application could exist. We exploit radically alternative, innovative, and complimentary wireless communication methods, including radio frequency, infrared (IR), and visible lights, through the IoT applications we have designed and built with those. We have developed various IoT applications which provide security and authentication, enable vehicular communications with smartphones or other smart devices, provide energy-efficient and accurate positioning to smart devices, and enable energy-efficient communications in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).Introduction -- Optical wireless authentication for SMART devices using an onboard ambient light sensor -- Smartphome based CAR2X-communication with wifi beacon stuffing for vulnerable road user safety -- Energy-efficient cooperative opportunistic positioning heterogeneous Smart devices -- Reducing and balancing energy consumption in Indistrial Internet of Things (IIoT) -- Optical wireless unlocking for Smart door locks using Smartphones -- Summary and future direction

    Ein Beitrag zur Identifikation von Bewegungszuständen mittels Inertialsensorik für die Stützung von Navigationsfunktionen im Öffentlichen Personenverkehr

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    Die zuverlässige Ortung von Fahrgästen und Fahrzeugen bildet die Grundlage für Anwendungen im Öffentlichen Personenverkehr (ÖPV) im Rahmen intelligenter Verkehrssysteme. Unter den gegebenen Systembedingungen stoßen funkbasierte Ortungssysteme auf Grund von Abschattungen oder Mehrwegeausbreitungen an ihre Grenzen. Zusätzliche Ortungsinformationen liefern Beschleunigungssensoren. Diese Arbeit entwirft Methoden zur Nutzung dieser Sensorinformationen zur Stützung von Navigationsfunktionen im ÖPV. Ein wesentlicher Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist der vertiefte Vergleich von theoretisch vorhandenen und praktisch messbaren Fahrzeugsignalen mit den durch die nutzende Person beeinflussten Signalen einer mobilen Sensorplattform (zum Beispiel Smartphone, entsprechend ausgestattetes Nutzermedium). Darauf aufbauend wird ein neues Verfahren zur Schätzung von Bewegungsmodus (d.h. Verkehrsmittelwahl) und -zustand (detaillierte Bewegungsform, z. B. Kurvenfahrt) entwickelt. Dazu wird ein geschichtetes Bewegungszustandsmodell entworfen, welches die verschiedenen in einer ÖPV-Umgebung zu betrachtenden Bewegungszustände und -modi definiert und miteinander verbindet. Dieses Modell ist Grundlage für den in der Arbeit entwickelten und genutzten Algorithmus zur Bewegungszustandserkennung. Anhand von Beispielmessungen von Fahrzeug- (Dresdner Messstraßenbahn, Bus der DVB AG) und Personenbewegungen wird dieses Vorgehen auf seine Anwendbarkeit hin untersucht. Die erstellten Klassifikatoren werden mit dem in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Ansatz wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierter Güteschranken bewertet. Als Teil der Laborumgebung der Professur „Informationstechnik für Verkehrssysteme“ an der TU Dresden zur originalgetreuen Wiederholung von verkehrstelematischen Messfahrten für Sensor- und Softwaretests wird die Reproduktion von Beschleunigungssignalen umgesetzt und diskutiert. Konkrete Beispiele zur Stützung von Navigationsfunktionen im ÖPV auf Basis von Beschleunigungssignalen werden ebenfalls dargestellt